
467 Solving Doubts

Plagiarism - 460 seven rows of doubts

The entire venue fell silent, and everyone understood that Tan Jiabao was determined to do this seemingly unrealistic, even ethereal career.

Tan Jiabao looked around the crowd, he sneered, then changed the topic, and continued: "Yes, we are all rich and have status now, and our lives will become more and more stable, no one wants to take such a risk But I think, as a responsible Chinese, as a fairly capable businessman, I should start thinking about the long-term of the entire overseas Chinese, and pay attention to their future and destiny for generations.

Do something for them whenever you can.Hey, I'm not going to fight with a group of Indonesian hooligans like Xing Dahai and the others, just let out a bad breath.However, I still admire that they are men and bloody!Me too, I think I should do something for more descendants of Chinese people!In my opinion, only 'building the country', building a strong and prosperous country with Chinese as the main body is the most direct and effective way!I know that this matter is not easy, but if I do it with my heart, I will have a clear conscience! "

After saying this, Tan Jiabao saw the people present, and saw that they all showed different degrees of shame on their faces, and even Tan Xiaozhong's expression was a little unnatural.

Tan Jiabao spoke very excitedly, but he didn't blame them.

He knew that everyone's place of origin, family of origin, acquired cultivation and their own experiences were all different, and it was understandable for them not to be able to understand the thoughts of Tan Jiabao, an online cynic from another dimension.However, he hopes they can understand him and support him.

Tan Xiaozhong sighed and said, "Hey, Xiaobao, I only know how to do business, I don't understand politics, and I don't like politics. must do it, then do it! I will worry more about the company. Of course, if you need the company to do something, the company will not hesitate. Xiaobao, those who engage in politics are ruthless, scheming and unscrupulous, so be careful!"

"Thank you, Second Grandpa, and thank you brothers for your understanding and support. Oh, it will take three months for the new bodyguards to be trained, and you have to be careful yourself. By the way, Jin Duqin sent a batch of new body armor. Everyone has one, and I ask you to wear it every day..."

This issue, which concerns the biggest event in Tan Jiabao's life and whether the entire Chinese nation can seize this last opportunity in this century, was decided in Jakarta.

After the meeting adjourned, Tan Jiabao specially reserved Mr. Zheng.Pointing to the map, Tan Jiabao talked to Zheng Dashi for more than two hours, and handed Zheng Dashi a stack of materials.

"Boss, is there really such a large treasure? This is unbelievable. Tens of trillions of dollars or even tens of billions of dollars in assets? How many tons of gold alone? The total amount of gold in the world now How much is it? Is this thing accurate? Now the total global gdp is only one trillion U.S. dollars... Is this believable?" Zheng Dashi looked at the information and asked blankly.

As for how many treasures there are, Qu Yuning's computer described it like this: "Assets worth tens of trillions of dollars, including tens of thousands of tons of gold alone", Tan Jiabao couldn't believe it.He thought for a long time, and finally "figured out" the reason, so he said to Master Zheng: "In fact, Japan has started a national revitalization plan since the Meiji Restoration, and plundering the wealth of other countries may be their most important one. Items. They robbed not only official wealth, but also a large number of private and foreign bank wealth in their occupied areas.

In order to get wealth, they will spare nothing, including cemeteries, temples and underworld.Take gold as an example. Maybe the government does not have so much gold, but what about the private sector?Have you ever thought that for thousands of years in Asia, especially the Chinese, they like to store gold and silver. After several generations or even dozens of generations, how much gold, silver and jewelry are there?Can this be counted?What's more, they unscrupulously issued military tickets, sold opium, and blatantly plundered the wealth of 0 countries. You should have heard of the "three-all policy" of "burning, killing, and looting". After decades or even nearly a hundred years, wouldn't they be able to store so much? "

Zheng Dashi listened with half understanding, and felt that what Tan Jiabao said was also reasonable.He immediately thought of another question: "Even if they have so much wealth, why don't they hide it in Japan, or in a few more countries, but insist on hiding it all in the Philippines?"

"I have thought about this question too. It starts with the historical background at that time. At that time, the United States dropped two atomic bombs on Japan. How dare they hide their treasures in Japan? What if they were blown away by the atomic bombs? Also, there was a saying at that time that the Third World War was about to start soon, and it was not surprising that they hid their treasures in the Philippines, which was relatively short and relatively weak in national strength. However, Japan so quickly after the war It rises miraculously, which makes me suspect that there are treasures in Japan, but we all don’t know about it. Hehe, whether the Japanese buried treasures in the Philippines back then, Marcos will give us the answer soon.” Tan Jiabao patiently explain it.

After clearing up Mr. Zheng's doubts, Tan Jiabao called Matthew Deans and Qi Siming in again.

All of them have solemn faces. They know that starting from today, the great cause of founding the nation has officially begun to plan, and they are honored to be the first batch of members!So, they are all excited right now.

Tan Jiabao glanced at everyone, and then said: "Looking at everyone's expressions, it seems that you know the main content of today's meeting? Yes, I seriously thought about the proposal that Matthew Deans made to me in Taiwan that day. He suggested that I establish a A country of our own! I think this proposal is of far-reaching significance, and it is indeed worthy of our efforts and efforts in this direction. Hehe, I know that you are too talented to be bodyguards. Everyone wants to be a general and lead soldiers to fight against the enemy on the battlefield , show your abilities on the battlefield, and win the respect of everyone in battle. Yes, I will satisfy everyone's wishes now!"

Everyone laughed.

"As you may know, I have obtained the right to use a piece of land with an area of ​​more than 7 square kilometers in Indonesia. I want to use this place called 'Bird of Paradise Peninsula' as a starting point to complete the historical mission that history has entrusted to me step by step. Realize our grand plan and great cause!" Tan Jiabao also said loudly.

Everyone applauded, and Ouyang Lin cheered even more.

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