
469 Strategic objectives

Plagiarism World - 460 Nine Strategic Objectives

Dashi Zheng waved his hand. He walked towards the world map, pointed to a place in Africa and said, "Since our mercenaries are all here, our goal is here - South Africa! We will gradually gain power in this country!"

Matthew Deans hurriedly said: "I have a different opinion. I think we should start with the simple and then the difficult, and move forward step by step. This South Africa is the richest place in Africa and the country with the strongest combat effectiveness. We might as well seize the nearby Angola, Mozambique, or Madagascar. We should build up our territory first, and then move on to South Africa!"

Tan Jiabao shook his head and said: "At the beginning, I also had similar thoughts as you. But considering that Madagascar is now a country in the French Community, I don't want to provoke France for the time being. After all, they are our friends, and they are our friends. I don’t want to cross rivers and demolish bridges at this time. It’s not authentic and disappoints our friends who have helped us. Countries such as Angola, Mozambique, and Somalia may be easier to obtain, but it doesn’t make much sense to acquire them. The resources are not rich enough, and the population is large, so it is not easy for them to quickly become rich and powerful. South Africa is different. This country has good infrastructure and an excellent geographical location. More importantly, it is a well-known resource-rich country in the world.

Now they have occupied Southwest Africa, the country of Namibia.Therefore, once we capture South Africa, it is equivalent to gaining two countries with a total land of more than 0 square kilometers.Seizing South Africa, although not easy.However, their strength is only more than 6 people. Although the equipment is advanced, but this territory is so big, we can completely break it one by one.Of course, we still have second-hand preparations, and that is Libya in North Africa. There is no need to invest too much energy here, as long as Siming can control one person well..."

Dashi Zheng went on to say: "We must not have the idea of ​​a quick battle, we must be prepared for a tough battle. For this, we must be fully prepared. Now, our first step is to send our mercenaries The number of teams has increased to more than 1.5. The second step is to immediately establish our intelligence department. Our department must quickly spread to major cities in South Africa, and strive to win several heavyweight South Africans by extraordinary means. Political figures. The third step is to cause chaos in South Africa. Only when there is chaos will we have a chance. The fourth step is to unite the main black ethnic groups in the area and start a war with the South African government. Before this, we must prepare the world’s most advanced equipment……"

Matthew Deans They listened very carefully.Matthew Deans nodded and said: "The current South African government's 'apartheid system' is very unpopular, and we can take advantage of it."

"Now I order: Matthew Deans is the deputy commander-in-chief of the army, and Xing Dahai is his deputy, responsible for the overall situation of the army, responsible for training troops, responsible for weapons and equipment, and responsible for preparing for the establishment of the navy and air force; the number of troops is temporarily 15000; Martinez Taylor is the commander of special forces, responsible for training special forces and commanding special forces operations. The weaving of special forces is tentatively scheduled to be 1000 people; Qi Siming is the commander of the newly established intelligence department, responsible for collecting intelligence worldwide, Win over local officials, discover local talents, and weaving 1000 people for you; in addition, train about 0 of the most powerful security guards." Zheng Dahai read out his letter of appointment aloud.

Tan Jiabao added: "Our unit is tentatively named the 'Dragon Tiger Division' troop, and Qi Siming's intelligence department is tentatively named 'Thousand Niuwei'. I am an amateur in the army. Now I will focus on Let me talk about the mission of Qianniuwei. The main battle sites of Qianniuwei are three places, namely South Africa, Libya in North Africa and Southeast Asia. I will give you enough US dollars to attack the local government with sugar-coated shells. Now, no matter South Africa, Libya, Indonesia, or the Philippines are all very corrupt places. You have to do whatever you can to win the trust of local government officials and successfully sneak in. In Indonesia and the Philippines, you have to do a lot of work to prevent the local government from assimilating Chinese. When the time is right, you must secretly set up a Chinese organization and Chinese armed forces, train them secretly, and let them become a force for us. Another point is that in Indonesia, you must spare no effort to cultivate and support local Indonesia is one of the countries with the largest number of Muslims, so you still need to go to the Middle East to find someone. Similarly, in Libya, you have to find another person as soon as possible..."

Dashi Zheng continued: "We need a lot of money to do such a big thing. Although the Tang Dynasty Group Company has money, it is not enough to build a country. Besides, the Tang Dynasty Group Company is not owned by the boss alone. In this way, We need a huge sum of money as the country’s founding fund. Where does the money come from? The money comes from here, that is, the country that is adjacent to where we are now. Under the ground of this country, there is a huge treasure buried, which is At the end of World War II, the Japanese government buried it.

There are a total of 175 treasures in this huge treasure. In addition to the Americans who have already excavated more than 10, local residents have also excavated part of it sporadically. Now there are about 150 treasures left.For this batch of treasures, we have reached an agreement with the Philippine government, and we are responsible for excavation and transportation.Therefore, this requires a labor force of about 1000 people.Matthew, this task is entrusted to you. You are responsible for recruiting 1000 young and strong indigenous blacks in Africa to dig, and dispatching some of your trustworthy Dragon Tiger Division officers and soldiers to escort them.On Qi Siming's side, he was responsible for recruiting the guard officers and soldiers sent by Marcos.Because it is impossible for us to share every treasure we dig with them equally. "

"Yes! The task must be completed!" Matthew Deans and Qi Siming said in unison.

Tan Jiabao added: "This is a secret mission. We have to hide the truth from the officers, soldiers and ordinary people in the Philippines, as well as the people in Hong Kong. Sometimes, we also have to hide Marcos. Therefore, in terms of selection We can’t be sloppy. Those blacks who can speak English and Western languages, we are determined not to, and our escort team must be pure. In short, this is the first and most critical step we need to take to build a country. I will not allow you Any mistakes! I want you to get familiar with the Philippines and this transportation route as soon as possible, and formulate an effective action plan as soon as possible.”

"Yes! We promise to complete the task!" The voices of Matthew Deans and Qi Siming became louder.

"Boss, when will 1000 people arrive?" Matthew Deans asked.

Tan Jiabao thought for a while and said: "You don't have to worry too much, we need about a month to prepare. During this time, you are training and recruiting workers at the same time. Oh, on the surface, we are doing mining work. So, Your salaries can be higher, so that the applicants can be enthusiastic. You also have time to conduct detailed training and announce some strict disciplines and systems. During this time, Lao Zheng will also go to Africa with you.”

Dashi Zheng asked: "By the way, where is our Dragon and Tiger Division in South Africa now?"

Matthew Deans pointed to the map and said: "We are now at the junction of South Africa, Swaziland and Mozambique. This is actually a three-way area. This place is very messy. There are a large number of mercenaries in this generation. In addition, several major ethnic groups in South Africa, such as Zulu and Xhosa, often have disputes in this area..."

"Zulu people?" Tan Jiabao suddenly showed a happy smile.

He remembered that during the World Cup in South Africa, the lovely Zulu people sang and danced, blowing their crashing vuvuzela, which made people all over the world know them and left a deep impression on them.It was from then on that Tan Jiabao came into contact with the history and customs of South Africa sporadically.

"Yes, there are a lot of Zulu people there, so I can recruit 1000 young and strong Zulu people without much effort." Matthew Deans replied.

"You try to make friends with the Zulu and Xhosa tribes, recruit as many as possible, and even train them..." Because he was not fully prepared mentally, he hadn't thought about it carefully.What he thought about now was that the Zulu and Xhosa were the largest and most important ethnic groups in South Africa. Could he use them?Especially the largest ethnic group - Zulu?He thought that after finishing this period of work, he should go to South Africa as soon as possible to learn about South Africa on the spot and the Zulu people up close.

Uniting Zulu and Xhosa is what Tan Jiabao must do.

Tan Jiabao remembered that in addition to knowing the largest treasure in the Philippines, he also knew the exact location of some large treasures in other parts of the world, one of which was the treasure buried by the Zulu national hero Shaka a hundred years ago.Tan Jiabao believes that this treasure is a good gift to unite the Zulu people.

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