
473 Why don't you kill Tang Xiao

Plagiarism - 470 Three Why don't you kill Tang Xiao

Hoover's eyes dimmed. For such a result, he felt sorry for his friend.He thought for a while and then said: "At the scene of the assassination of Martin Luther King, one of our main operatives fell into his hands. We don't know what method Tang Xiao used to lure our excellent The agent told him everything he knew, not only the whole plan and arrangement for assassinating Martin Luther King Jr., but also the details of the assassination of Kennedy in previous years.

He is even more the main planner of another operation we are preparing this time.What I don't know is that this person is not only a spy of our FBI, but also a spy of CIA. Over the years, he has learned too much inside information.And this, he confessed exactly.For this information, Tang Xi not only made audio recordings, but also made videotapes.Now these audio-visual materials may be shown on his TV station or cinema at any time. "

"Bastard! Edgar, how can you arrange for the same person to plan and execute three such major assassinations? And this guy actually recruited everything he knows. Oh, I have to say, Edgar, You let me down so much. If it was Helms, he might have killed this man long ago! He never had a chance to tell as much as he knows. Oh, it's a good thing the Russians didn't catch him Well, it’s not that those guys from the north were caught, otherwise...the United States may break out of a full-scale civil war, and the federal government may split again, oh, it’s terrible, it’s possible to bury it!”

Johnson was really angry.He knew Hoover too well. He was well-known in the political arena and world intelligence agencies for his cautiousness and thoughtfulness, and his cruelty and unscrupulous methods were even more frightening.Over the past decades, he has never had any handles in the hands of others. On the contrary, he has held a large number of handles in the political, business, and other celebrities in his hands, and has established a frightening secret archive.But such a person, how could he still make such a low-level and unforgivable mistake in his later years?

Knowing that Hoover was negligent, he stood up tremblingly, bowed deeply to Johnson, and said: "I'm sorry, Mr. President, maybe I'm too old, and many things have made me unable to do what I want. Things have become so bad, and I have an inescapable responsibility for this. Oh, I think about it. After this incident, I will take the blame and resign. Hey, the fbi should be replaced by a new leader, and the fbi should be reformed gone."

In 1924, Hoover, who was still a young) lawyer of the Department of Justice, was appointed as the director of the FBI. No one would have thought that he would sit in this position until now.In these 44 years, the United States has changed 7 presidents and 15 attorneys general, but the director of the FBI is always named J. Edgar Hoover.He created a myth that the entire fbi was loyal to him alone, and he became the most powerful figure in American history.He confidently believes that he has never made any obvious mistakes in his work and life. This may be an important reason why he can win the respect of all FBI personnel. capital of struggle.However, just today, he felt that he had made a mistake that even he could not forgive himself!Moreover, the consequences of this mistake are extremely dire.

He knew that the most critical person in this matter was William Sullivan, and it was William Sullivan who made this matter so bad.However, in front of the president, he will never pass the responsibility to his subordinates, this is his principle of life.In front of the president, he took all the responsibility.

"Edgar, sit down. Now that this is the case, we have to find a way to deal with it. Have you thought of a good way? Oh, have you found out whether this mockery belongs to Taipei, or From Beijing?" Seeing the old man lower his noble head for the first time, Johnson couldn't bear it.After all, he was the mastermind behind all these things.

Hoover took a sip of water, and then said: "This mockery belongs to neither Taipei nor Beijing. He claims to be a patriot. Even so, this matter is still very difficult. This mockery is too cunning. We I dare not attack him easily. Because he has a lot of high-level American secrets in his hands. Whether it is arrest or assassination, I can't guarantee that things that are not good for us will not be exposed in the world. I think that to attack him, The best way is to pretend to be someone else. Only in this way can we rest easy. Therefore, I think the most critical issue at present is whether we can temporarily compromise with him and hand over the Ryukyu area to the UN Security Council. Then, we Convince the Japanese, let the Japanese kill this most threatening enemy to us."

"Patriots are good! It's better than political spies." Johnson put his hands on his chest and walked around the room, looking much more relaxed. He said slowly: "Beginning with President Roosevelt, the United States There is no plan to occupy Ryukyu for a long time. I know that President Roosevelt is more willing to hand over Ryukyu to China. It’s just that the Chinese are very strange. It’s hard to handle. Since the U.S. took the lead in drafting the San Francisco Treaty with Japan, now we want to take the lead in abolishing this contract? Besides, I have already made a promise to Japan. During my tenure, I will no longer pay attention to this matter .Now, I'm going to backtrack?"

Hoover is also a patriot, he loves the United States, he does not want to see the United States suffer unnecessary harm because of his own fault.After careful consideration, he chose to compromise.So he said: "In fact, we can find a lot of excuses, such as after World War II, related documents about Ryukyu before; for example, Mrs. Jiang has been active in the United States and Europe; for example, the French are very active this time, we might as well give that old man de Gaulle a face; For example, follow their thinking and combine the Chinese actions of accepting the Ryukyu with the anti-war demonstrations. Or, ask them to create a little more big event and give us a more powerful excuse.”

Johnson walked up and down the room with his hands for dozens of steps, and finally made up his mind: "In mid-June, the United Nations General Assembly will be held. We don't have that much time to think about it. Fortunately, this matter There is no harm to the United States, and I think that’s the only way. We don’t need to create any more confusion. Tomorrow, I will call a meeting of members of the State Department, and after discussion between the Senate and the House of Representatives, finally throw the Ryukyu issue to the UN General Assembly. At the final UN General Assembly, you have to work hard to implement this matter as soon as possible, so that Tang Xiao can feel at ease, lest he cause any troubles, and make my last few months of tenure difficult. "

"As far as the UN Security Council is concerned, I will take care of it. But this ridicule is elusive. While threatening us, it also gave us an important piece of information." Hoover breathed a sigh of relief.He knew that what Tang mocked would depreciate more and more as Johnson and Hoover stepped down and retired.At that time, he will not be able to have such a great threat.On the contrary, the information he provided seems to be beneficial to the United States, and even more beneficial to Johnson.

"Oh—" Johnson stopped in his tracks, staring at Hoover with inquiring eyes, "What information did he provide us at this time?"

Hoover took out a pamphlet and handed it to Johnson, and said with a smile: "He said that the Soviets would lead the Warsaw Pact troops to surprise Czechoslovakia as early as mid-August, or as late as mid-September. He also gave We have a detailed plan and attack road map for the Soviet Union and the Warsaw Pact countries to invade Czechoslovakia. Oh, I just don’t know how reliable it is.”

"Haha, the credibility of this information is quite high..." Johnson quickly read the pamphlet formulated by Tan Jiabao, ecstatic in his heart, he said: "Our strategic analyst predicted last month that Czechoslovakia The reform plan of the "Prague Spring" will definitely cause displeasure to the Soviets, but I didn't expect that Brezhnev is really a fanatic, and he really wants to attack this small country."

In 1968, it was just in the second stage of the Cold War. At this stage, the Soviet Union had already expanded strongly, and the United States was on the strategic defensive.During this period, the Soviet Union narrowed the power gap with the United States, especially surpassing the United States in military strength.However, due to the long-term involvement in the Vietnam War, the oil crisis that was already in its infancy, and the division within the capitalist camp, the hegemony of the United States was seriously shaken. It had to adopt a relatively conservative strategy, responding to the easing policy proposed by the Soviet Union, and trying to contain it through diplomatic means. The Soviet Union expanded and asserted its position.

And now, Johnson got such a detailed information, why not make him happy?He can use this to attack the Soviet Union and narrow the military gap between the United States and the Soviet Union.At the same time, they can also use this to consolidate their position in the NATO military bloc and expand NATO's territory.

"Mr. President, it's better to be more cautious. There may be another ulterior conspiracy in what this mockery provides." Hoover reminded Johnson: "In addition, the June plan we made before is still in the works. Do you want to implement it? Or do you want to make major revisions?"

Johnson thought for a while, and then said: "I think the authenticity of this information is very high. At the current stage, Tang Xi needs us to make efforts on Ryukyu affairs, and he will not come to make such a joke with us at this time Of course, I will ask Helms to go to Eastern Europe to have a look, and then make a battle plan. Well, take a step back, even if this information is false, we will not lose anything, at best it will be a military training As for the plan we made before, I don’t think there is any need to revise it! That person’s immortality is another threat to us. The difference between him and Tang Xiao is that Tang Xiao wants Ryukyu, but he wants Kill us! Hehe, if there is one less threat, it will always make people more comfortable, don’t you think so? Edgar.”

Johnson closed the booklet, his face hardened, and he said: "This mockery is another menace. He is so powerful that he is almost terrible. We can't wait any longer, and we can't be soft-hearted any longer. Yes. Now, isn’t a team of Japanese agents training in the United States? Edgar, after we complete the plan in June, you have to cleverly get Tang Xiao’s whereabouts, and then cleverly tell the Japanese to let the Japanese in the United States Outside the place, kill this person!"

"I know what to do, Mr. President..." Hoover stood up, his brown eyes showing murderous intent.

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