
48 Premiere of "The Graduate"

48 Premiere of "The Graduate" (4000-word chapter)

These days, almost everyone across America is fascinated by an upcoming film.Because no matter newspapers, magazines, or radio and television, they are publishing reports related to this film.

Most of you know the synopsis of the movie called The Graduate: Ben's parents are busy planning a family party to celebrate his graduation, but Ben is at a loss for what lies ahead.Mrs. Robinson among the guests is very interested in this young man. She keeps teasing Ben, but Ben refuses all of them.But the days were so boring that he soon started a tryst with Mrs. Robinson.At the same time he fell in love with her daughter Elaine.Mrs. Robinson resolutely opposed after knowing the truth, and tried every means to break up the relationship between Ben and her daughter.Ben finally found the opportunity to express his love to Elaine and confessed his depravity, but he didn't say the name of the lady.Elaine forgave him, but Mrs. Robinson's anger made Elaine guess everything.She sadly decides to marry someone else.When Ben heard the news, he rushed to the church desperately. He wanted to try his best to save his lover's heart...

It is such a story that depicts "mother and daughter take all", but Paramount has made a high-profile and spared no effort to promote it vigorously.Paramount believes that this film is an epoch-making film, a film that is closest to real life and the thoughts and feelings of young people.It is a representative work of "New Hollywood Movie".

Thanks to Paramount's vigorous publicity, Americans know a lot of things about this movie.Oh, this is a script written by a mysterious Chinese who is said to be very magical.In Hong Kong, he not only made films, composed songs, but also wrote novels.

It is said that this mysterious Chinese also created more than 10 episodes for the "Graduate". Streisand's "Scarborough Fair" was adapted by this Chinese from a Scottish folk song.Once Streisand's "Scarborough Fair" was released, it immediately became the weekly champion of the pop songs chart and the most requested song on the radio.It is said that the Beatles liked the songs in the movie very much. Originally, they were going to sing the songs, but unfortunately, Paul Simon sang them because of the schedule.

At the same time, all major movie theaters have put up the beautiful and exciting posters of "The Graduate". Anyone who has been to the movie theater these days will be attracted by those posters.

All the major TV stations played the tightly edited highlights of "The Graduate" amidst the singing of "Scarborough Fair" in prime time...

Some industry celebrities who had watched the film beforehand were clearly divided into two factions.They argued endlessly in the papers, giving the film mixed reviews.For this reason, Paramount also specially launched the "Picking Activity", and the first prize of the activity actually reached 10 US dollars!

Some tabloids were unwilling to be lonely, and they disclosed many unknown "insiders" behind the scenes of this film, such as Dustin Hoffman and Anne Bancroft's fake play, and the two of them really became a couple. A couple; Mrs. Robinson originally wanted Audrey Hepburn to play the role of Mrs. Robinson, but Audrey was shocked and unbelievable by the bold and subversive character of Mrs. Robinson, so she politely declined to join the crew; When the Beatles regretted listening to Streisand's "Scarborough Fair", the four members began to quarrel over it...

In any case, Hollywood movies, which have been depressed for many years, seem to have revived overnight.This highly hyped "Graduate" brought back many people's fond memories of the movie and aroused the strong interest of the audience.People seem to suddenly remember that there is such entertainment as movies.So, they put down other things one after another and walked into the long-lost movie theater.

In the postwar years, a strange phenomenon happened to American audiences: the audience's love affair with movies began to wane in 19.The number of people who went to the movies every week reached as many as 9500 million in 8500, an average of 1945 million during the war years, and rose to 1948 million in the period from 9000 to 1950 immediately after the war.But by 6000, attendance dropped sharply to 1953 million per week, and by 4600 to 1960 million per week. In the late 1970s and early 00s, the number of weekly moviegoers dropped to one million, and in 1971 to a low of 1580 million.By the end of the 1970s, the number of moviegoers slowly rose back to 00 million, and this number remained until 1988.By 02, it was more than 3000 million, but between 1948 and 1968, Hollywood lost three-quarters of its audience.In the United States, watching movies has evolved from an ingrained habit to a non-habitual way to relieve boredom.

造成电影的这种急剧衰落的主要原因之一是电视在美国的普及。从1949年的94万增加到387.5万,但是与后来电视的数量剧增相比,这种增长还是很温和的。1951年电视的数量从1030万跳跃到1953年的 40万,再到1956年的3490万。在1950年代末,90%的美国家庭已有电视机。1950年代电视数量急剧增加的部分原因是对新电视台的解封,以及1951年同轴电缆和微波联结的建成使电视台能够进行越洋转播,同时电视信号的广播范围扩展到城郊和乡村地区,致使电视覆盖了40%的美国家庭。

In this case, moderate publicity and hype will often achieve twice the result with half the effort.In the past 10 days, Paramount has made a high-profile publicity campaign for the new film "The Graduate", which has been particularly eye-catching.On the day of the premiere, there was an endless stream of guests who came to join in, making Robert Evans and "The Graduate" director Mike Nichols in a hurry and overwhelmed.

A group of Tan Jiabao and Tan Xiaozhong came to the Los Angeles Grand Theater very early.Since they were foreigners, Robert Evans sent a young man to greet them specially.

The young man enthusiastically brought them to the guest seat. At the guest seat, Tan Jiabao found that they were not the first ones. There were a few people in front of them hugging an old man and chatting happily.

"Oh, that's Charles Chaplin, the master of comedy movies, and with them are Marlon Brando and Sophia Loren. Their movie "The Countess of Hong Kong" has just been released..." The young man introduced them today like a narrator. evening guests.

Hearing these names, Tan Jiabao and the others couldn't help but feel terrified.Tan Jiabao saw that this person who "has made immeasurable contributions to film art in this century" is now gray-haired.Fortunately, he is still in good spirits and has a good sense of humor. From time to time, his conversations arouse the laughter of those around him.But Marlon Brando is still imposing and personable; Sophia Loren is dressed up tonight, beautiful and moving.

Tan Jiabao couldn't help looking at Marlon Brando a few more times. He thought that his "The Godfather" could not be separated from this man, and it would be unthinkable without Marlon Brando's "The Godfather".

The young man looked at all directions and listened to all directions. He introduced softly: "The boss of Disney Company, Roy Disney, and his son Edward Disney are coming."

"Here comes the presidents of Universal and Fox..."

"Elizabeth Taylor……"

"Audrey Hepburn and her husband, oh, they look so in love..."

"Henry Fonda and his son and daughter, Gull, and..."

Tan Jiabao was startled, he couldn't hear the young man's voice for a while.He wasn't attracted to the handsome Henry Fonda and the beautiful and sexy Jane Fonda.What attracted him was the long-haired, thin-faced, careless boy, Peter Fonda!Seeing him, he immediately thought of a miracle movie, and this movie was exactly what he needed right now.His thoughts flew far, far away, and the young man's exclamation only woke him up.

"Oh, baker! The Governor and the Governor's wife are here! Robert is very artful!"

"Reagan and Nancy!" Tan Jiabao also exclaimed in his heart.He did not expect to see the future President of the United States so soon.

A group of people shouted and hugged, and the shrewd and powerful man in his 50s who was accompanied by Robert Evans was indeed Ronald Wilson Reagan!In 1966, he was elected the 33rd governor of California, defeating Pat Brown, who was re-elected for two terms, and was sworn in as governor of California on January 1967, 1.

Reagan's life was quite legendary. He was the No.40 president of the United States. When he took office at the age of 70, he was the oldest American president when he entered the White House. His death at the age of 93 made him the longest-lived former president of the United States so far.During his two terms in the White House from [-] to [-], the policies of the Reagan administration aroused great controversy.He reshaped the Republican Party of the United States with a strong tendency of conservatism. Internally, he promoted tax cuts, reduced state intervention in the economy, greatly increased defense spending, and developed a missile defense system, which tripled the national debt; The Soviet Union was tough, started an arms race with it, and proposed a "Star Wars" plan.On the other hand, it signed an arms control agreement with the former Soviet Union.Seventy days into his tenure, Reagan was shot in Washington, suffered a heart injury, and narrowly missed Kennedy's second place. Later in his presidency, he was investigated for revealing arms sales to Iran in exchange for American hostages held in Lebanon.

Reagan, who used to be a Hollywood movie star, made a total of 51 films from 78 to [-], mostly comedies and emotional films. He was elected governor of California and started his career in politics. Being repeated by action superstar Arnold Schwarzenegger.The personable and star-born president made Reagan admired by many people during his tenure. His political performance and speech talent won him the respect of many people.However, many people questioned his ability to govern.He was ridiculed by the Democrats as a "kind fool", but when Reagan left the White House in January [-] at the age of [-], he became the most popular modern and contemporary American president when he left office.

What Reagan left on the American people was not only the impression of tenacity in life, but his rich life experience created many "most" among the previous American presidents; his optimistic spirit led the American people to gradually get rid of the differences and conflicts caused by the Vietnam War. Distressed, he embarked on the road of economic revival; his frank and straightforward character not only earned him good praise from Republicans, but even political opponents also respected him.

Reagan's presidency influenced American culture in the 80s, and the entire 80s was often called the "Reagan Era" by Americans.


Reagan created 8 "most" in the history of American presidents: Reagan lived to be 93 years old and became the longest-lived president in American history; Reagan won the support of 1980 states in the 50 states in the 49 presidential election , became the most successful president in the election; Reagan was 1981 years old when he entered the White House in 70, becoming the oldest president in American history when he was sworn in; , was still elected by the American people as one of the most popular presidents of the United States, and became the president with the highest prestige when he left office in American history; Reagan was also the first president to have divorced experience in American history; Reagan was also the president with the happiest family After he married his second wife, Nancy, he has been loving for 1989 years; Reagan can also be regarded as the luckiest American president. He was assassinated only 52 days after he took office in 1981. The bullet even injured his heart, but Reagan still survived; Reagan was the first "movie star" president in American history.

Many observers, especially conservatives in the United States, praised Reagan as the main contributor to the United States' ability to drag down the Soviet Union.Historians disagree, with some citing Reagan as the main force behind the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991.Margaret Thatcher described it: "Reagan won the Cold War without firing a shot."

For such a talented person, Tan Jiabao felt that he should think carefully about how to deal with it.

"Oh, I've never seen so many celebrities at once," said the young man excitedly.

Tan Jiabao stopped thinking, he stood on his seat, trying to find those people he used to know.Oh, he saw Rex Harrison, Sean Connery, Paul Newman, Ingrid Bergman, Katharine Hepburn, Joan Fontaine, Oliver Stone, Bob Dylan and other big names.

Tan Xiaozhong also smiled at this time and said, "Young man, thank you! Oh, what's your name?"

The young man chuckled and said, "Hey, what am I? I'm still an extra. However, I believe I can become a big star in the future." Then he said his name.

Tan Jiabao was taken aback. He didn't expect that one day in 1967, a walk-on he met would really become an Oscar winner in the future.He subconsciously took a closer look at this person, and Tan Jiabao was deeply impressed by his naivety, honesty, enthusiasm and optimism.

"Hehe, my name is Richard Dreyfuss. In "The Graduate", I also played a small character. You will see my wonderful performance soon, although my performance is only a few seconds...

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