
507 1 result, 2 feelings

Plagiarism - [-] One result, two feelings

Regarding the successful completion of the Ryukyu operation and the return of Ryukyu, a land of more than 3000 square kilometers, to the embrace of the motherland, Tan Jiabao was calm.But for Chinese people all over the world, it is of great significance.No one seemed to be calm, even Chiang Kai-shek in Taipei and the great leader in Beijing were extremely excited.

This is the greatest victory the Chinese have achieved in the history of diplomacy in the past few hundred years.

"People's Daily" published an editorial on the front page: "Practice once again proves that the great Chinese people are invincible!" ".The article briefly introduced the process of this "operation to collect Ryukyu", and mentioned more than once that the Chinese people must unite, and a united China will be greater than the world.The article implicitly implies that Ryukyu has fallen into the arms of the Chinese nation, and Taiwan will eventually join the big family of the motherland.

The headline on the front page of Taiwan's "Central Daily" published a signed article by Chiang Ching-kuo: "Ryukyu needs the motherland, and the motherland also needs Ryukyu."The article introduced in detail the difficult process of this "operation to collect Ryukyu", described the noble patriotic sentiments of the comrades in the "operation to collect Ryukyu" team, and also used a whole paragraph, more than 500 words, to thank the "mainland compatriots" for their support support.In addition, I would like to thank "overseas Chinese" and "righteous countries and people abroad" for their strong support.

Invisibly, the two sides are approaching quietly.

Since Jin Yong himself is a member of the "Operation Receiving Ryukyu" team, he has more "information" than any other media.The "Ming Pao" and "South China Daily" hosted by him gave a large introduction to the process of the operation, as well as anecdotes about the work, life and family of the members of the operation group...

The circulation of the "Chinatown Daily" in the United States is not what it used to be. People from all walks of life in the United States have written articles, praising the great victory of the Chinese nation in the form of poems, essays and memoirs...

In order to respect Tan Jiabao's wishes, all the official media did not mention the name of "Tang Xie", but some well-informed tabloids unscrupulously exaggerated that "Mr. Tang Xie" was strategizing and winning thousands of miles. Hair, the glorious image and heroic spirit of swallowing mountains and rivers.

When the news came, all the places on earth with Chinese people were boiling, and the vast land of China became a sea of ​​joy.Almost all of them stepped out of their homes and spontaneously flocked to the central locations of various cities.

** Square in Beijing, the Bund in Shanghai, Yuhuatai in Nanjing, Jiefang Avenue in Wuhan, Tianfu Square in Chengdu, the Potala Palace in Lhasa, Dihua Street in Taipei, Victoria Harbor in Hong Kong...all these places are red flags waving, or It's surrounded by flowers, or shouted revolutionary slogans, or sang patriotic songs...

"Hey, in the East China Sea where the clouds are flying and the waves are rolling, there is a string of pearls shining, green trees and silver beaches, the scenery is picturesque, the vast sea area, endless treasures, Ryukyu, Ryukyu, the treasure island of the motherland, my lovely Hometown..." Chen Xiaofang sang this new "created" song "Ryukyu, My Lovely Hometown" with great affection in ** Square;

Xu Xiaofeng had fun with fans in Victoria Square in Hong Kong. She sang "Clouds of My Hometown": "Clouds of my hometown drifting across the sky... come back, come back, wandering wanderer..."

A large-scale "Celebrating the Return of Ryukyu" song meeting was held at the Sun Yat-sen Memorial Hall in Taipei. The Chiang couple and Chiang Ching-kuo and his wife had fun with the people and participated in the song meeting.On the stage, Teresa Teng sang "Please Come to the Ryukyu Islands" bouncing up and down: "Please come to the Ryukyu Islands, where spring is always here..."


In an apartment in Rakucho, Tokyo, Shinji Tanimura finished his breakfast hastily and left home in a hurry.

As soon as he left the house, his sensitive sense of touch seemed to touch a very uncomfortable atmosphere.He saw that he felt that almost all the Japanese people felt very heavy today, and the heavy breath that everyone exuded gathered together, which turned out to be such a suffocating feeling.

Tanimura Shinji himself is also very uncomfortable, he feels that he is more uncomfortable than anyone else!Oh, an idol that I have been crazily worshiping for more than a year, a male god who I have been chasing every day, a figure who is already a "god" in my heart, and together with his country, he has brought Japan's The Okinawa and Ogasawara Islands were taken away.

Like other Japanese, he lost a piece of land and a piece of ocean in an instant.Unlike them, the idol in my heart also collapsed in an instant.

Therefore, he felt that he was the saddest Japanese.He felt himself going out for a walk, venting that indescribable resentment in his chest.

Usually when he is in a bad mood, he likes to go to the central square in the center of Tokyo.Therefore, he still came to the central square this time.

Arriving at the central square, Shinji Tanimura immediately found that the huge square was already crowded with people, and college students from several universities in the greater Tokyo area seemed to "occupy" this square.In front of the Statue of the Peaceful Girl, a stage has been set up.The students are giving passionate speeches.

The crowd in the audience was also passionate, everyone chanted tragic slogans, sang sad songs, and shed heart-wrenching tears...

Although Tanimura Shinji was no longer a student, he was still under his age at this time, so he unknowingly joined the group of college students and listened to the speeches of his classmates in the audience.

A skinny student gave a speech full of affection and passion on the stage: "Oh, the atmosphere in Tokyo today is very depressing, and everyone is very angry. I think it is like this all over Japan. That piece of land has been pressed on the Japanese for 10 years. The dark clouds floated over our heads again today, weighing us down..."

Shinji Tanimura knows that the "10-year dark cloud" refers to the fact that after Japan's defeat in World War II in 1945, the whole of Japan fell into an atmosphere of inferiority, loneliness, confusion and impetuousness.This generation of Japanese can only relieve the depression in their chests by working hard.It was that generation of Japanese who finally broke through the "dark cloud" after 10 years of hard work.

Yes, those dark clouds have returned today.

"Right now, Japan is bullied like an orphan, betrayed and abandoned by the adults he trusts the most..." the young man gave a sad and indignant speech on the stage.

In the audience, many people began to cry.

But Tanimura Shinji was shocked by this touching words, he began to feel restless all over, he needs to vent, to be precise, he needs to use his music to vent.

His eyes searched around, and finally he saw a girl in the front row holding a guitar.

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