
51 New York Stock Exchange

51 New York Stock Exchange

In the geographical sense, Wall Street is a street in Manhattan, New York. In the economic sense, Wall Street is the global financial center, controlling the lifeblood of world finance and even the global economy.Wall Street in the geographical sense does not matter right and wrong.Wall Street in the economic sense is different: when it leads the world to create wealth, it is regarded as an angel by the world, and when it destroys wealth, it is regarded as a devil by the world.

In a humanistic sense, Wall Street is a product of the political, economic, and social systems of American capitalism, with various advantages and disadvantages of American capitalism.In the humanistic sense, Wall Street is the concentrated expression of "human nature". It is not only greedy and self-interested, so it has become a hotbed of various financial crimes, but also extremely creative and aggressive, and can continuously promote economic development.Wall Street in the humanistic sense is also the accumulation and development of human financial civilization, reflecting the existing achievements of human beings in the financial field, and constantly pushing finance into new areas that we have never been to.

Tan Jiabao, Tan Xiaozhong, Deborah, Xu Guanwen, and Huang Baiming walked slowly on this famous narrow street. Not far ahead was the famous New York Stock Exchange.

Tan Jiabao handed over the matter of filming to Chu Yuan.Chu Yuan had already made friends with Robert Evans, and during this period of time, "The Graduate" played a triumphant song, and the venues were sold out. No matter in terms of economy or external reviews, "The Graduate" achieved great success. achieved excellent results.Therefore, Robert Evans was in a very good mood. He drank water and thought about the source, and he was also full of gratitude to Tan Jiabao and his group.Therefore, whatever Chu Yuan asked for, he would help.

"Xiaobao, as of yesterday, we have only purchased more than 87 shares of btta company. It's not that we are not active, but it is really difficult to buy if we don't raise the price. This company has a total of 00 million shares, of which 1400 million The stock is now pledged in the bank, and there are only 600 million tradable shares in the market. We used dozens of stock accounts to keep an eye on this stock for five hours a day. The first few days were fine..." Tan Xiaozhong vomited to Tan Jiabao Bitter water.

"How many shares did you buy yesterday? What price?"

"A total of 73368 shares were bought yesterday, with an average price of 89 cents. Our average price of more than 87 shares is almost at this price, not exceeding 90 cents."

"You can control the price so well without attracting the attention of all parties, which is already very good. But the time is tight, the 87 shares are really a little less, I think we have to buy at least 150 million shares, let's go in Let's see and talk."

"Is this stock really going to soar?" Tan Xiaozhong asked suspiciously while walking.

Tan Jiabao smiled slightly, but did not answer.

Because he knew that he was actually gambling, betting on the correctness of the stock book that he had read in his previous life and whose name he could not remember clearly.That book counted the top ten mythical stocks with one-day stock rises in global history.He clearly remembers that on May 1967, 5, a stock in the United States called btta rose 30 times in a single day because it was about to be restructured, ranking ninth.Also on the list is a Chinese warrant called "Haier Put Warrant", which rose 335 times in a single day, ranking sixth.

According to the description in the book, this stock called btta has fluctuated between 75 cents and 1 US dollars for more than a year, until one day the news of the reorganization was suddenly announced, and the stock price skyrocketed, soaring 01 times.From 335 cents, it has risen to 96 yuan.As for which company reorganized it, the book did not explain it.

Now Tan Jiabao has learned that this listed company is a department store with a century-old history.According to Tan Xiaozhong's understanding, this company was once brilliant, but after the second and third generations of rich people, many problems occurred within the company, which led to the company's maintenance in recent years by selling off its ancestral business.Now the company is down to three department stores in New York City and two each in New Jersey and New Hampshire.Four of the seven department stores have been leased out, and the operating conditions of the remaining three New York department stores are really worrying. The listed company has suffered losses last year, and it is expected that the losses will increase significantly this year.

Now this stock has indeed fluctuated between 75 cents and 1 US dollars for more than a year, and there is no sign of starting.This is consistent with the description in the book, so Tan Jiabao dared to gamble on this stock.It's just that what he didn't expect was that the stock market at this time was very small, and btta only had 01 million shares.The 600 million US dollars he prepared in the early stage seemed a bit redundant.However, this strengthened his determination to gamble on this stock, because even if he lost even one cent, he would not be hurt.

"President, trust Xiaobao, he never misses it." Deborah supported Tan Jiabao.

Tan Jiabao smiled wryly in his heart. No matter what, he used millions of funds just based on the records of a book whose title and author could not be clearly remembered. It is estimated that no one would come to play with him like this when he said it.Besides, so far, he has really never missed it, but the more he does this, the more nervous he feels.

Tan Xiaozhong saw Tan Jiabao's strange expression, so he said, "Let's go, let's go in. You should also see the prosperity of this world economic center."

Tan Jiabao flew over from Los Angeles in the morning, and now it is just in time for the New York Stock Exchange's afternoon trading.

As soon as he entered the exchange, Tan Jiabao was overwhelmed by the busy scene inside.In his previous life, he entered the stock market from the 519 market.At that time, stock trading had gradually become electronic. In the early days, he mainly used telephone orders, and later he traded on computers.So he rarely goes to the exchange.But at this time, what he saw was the ancient trading hall and ancient trading methods.

Entering here, Tan Jiabao's first impression is that there are many adults here.Thousands of stockholders and hundreds of staff are crowded in the trading hall of thousands of square meters, bustling with people...

There are no electronic screens or computers here.There are only some staff members wearing vests of various colors making various gestures, or busy shuttling through the sea of ​​people.

The entire wall opposite is the original stock price change screen. Dozens of staff members are using various tools to change the latest price of the stock...

Tan Jiabao finally saw the stock trading scene before the electronic age.

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