
511 Socotra Island

Plagiarism - 510 a Socotra Island

Following Tan Jiabao's pointer, Matthew Deans opened his mouth and was speechless for a long time.Master Zheng laughed heartily and said, "The boss is the boss! Socotra Island is what Katan Shabi is going to give us! Boss, what do you think of this place?"

Tan Jiabao still stared at this small area on the map, and said slowly: "Socotra Island is composed of 4 small islands and 2 rocky islets, and it is one of the four island groups in the Indian Ocean. One, it is located at latitude 12.18 degrees to 12.42 degrees north, longitude 53.19 degrees to 54.33 degrees east, at the junction of the Arabian Sea and the Gulf of Aden. The sea traffic arteries between the East and the West constitute the sea lifeline connecting the three continents of Asia, Africa and Europe, and their strategic location is extremely important. It can be said that if you get Socotra Island, you can almost say that you have got half of the Indian Ocean. Hehe, you know , I have a big appetite, we can gain a foothold on Socotra Island, and then gradually move towards here, here, here...the Indian Ocean basically belongs to us.”

His pointer quickly clicked a few times in the Maldives, Chagos Islands, Seychelles, Mauritius and Cape Assel in Somalia, and then returned to Socotra Island and said: "Socotra Island is located southeast of Somalia. Cape Guadafuy is 241 kilometers away, 380 kilometers away from Cape Faltak on the coast of Maharah Province in southern Yemen, and 800 kilometers away from Aden. It is 300 times that of Hong Kong and more than 3650 times that of Bahrain. It is the largest island in Yemen and the largest island in the Arab world. You may not know that "Socotra Island" is also called "Socotra Island" in Arabic. Paradise Island', before, we have rented the 3.5-square-kilometer Bird of Paradise Peninsula in Indonesia, haha, don’t you think it’s very interesting?”

In fact, Tan Jiabao’s understanding of Socotra Island came from the world-famous Somali pirates in the previous life. He remembered that Socotra Island was an important fuel storage base for Somali pirates...

"Boss, your imagination... is too rich. Maldives, Chagos Islands, Seychelles and Mauritius are all part of the UK now. It seems that it is not easy to get these places? Let's take it step by step. Actually, The acquisition of Socotra Island still needs to solve a few key problems." Mr. Zheng seemed much more mature, he didn't dare to think in those directions, and Matthew Deans also secretly felt the ambition of this little boss The expansion is too fast, and the expansion is a bit unreasonable.

Tan Jiabao smiled, he understood what they were thinking.

In fact, for these few places, Tan Jiabao felt that picking one or two, or two or three was not a fantasy.What Zheng Dashi said belonged to the United Kingdom, but it was a bit biased.The three places of Maldives, Seychelles and Mauritius have all become independent in recent years. They only belong to the Commonwealth of Nations. However, the Chagos Islands are leased by the United Kingdom to the United States as military bases. The lease expires in early 1970. .Therefore, Tan Jiabao didn't think he had no chance.

In addition, Tan Jiabao believes that sooner or later, he or China will have a war with that bastard country to the east of Socotra Island. If they acquire Chagos Islands, Maldives, or even Sri Lanka, then they or China will He will win many initiatives, and he even started to think about whether to help the motherland get through the Indian Ocean.

Regarding this question, Tan Jiabao did not argue with Zheng Dashi and the others, he just said with a smile: "Tell me, what's the problem?"

Zheng Dashi said with a solemn expression: "Recently, I have roughly studied some articles on the establishment of a country and the acquisition of land in the "International Law". Added referendum, national self-determination and other land change methods. Among these change methods, there is only one change method for us to obtain Socotra Island, that is 'cedement'. The cession party is South Yemen, and the transferee must also be sovereign The country. It is inconvenient for us to find any country as a temporary transferee for us, so we can only rush to build the country on the spot. Since the country is built in a hurry, we have too much work to do next."

Matthew Deans opened his mouth to say something, thought about it, and gave up.

"Matthew, what do you want to say? Just say it, it doesn't matter if you say something wrong." Tan Jiabao noticed Matthew Deans' facial expression, and encouraged him to speak out his thoughts.

Matthew Deans shrugged and said: "I don't think this is a big problem. When Washington established the country on the American continent, not everything was ready. Hehe, they seem to have only drafted a "Declaration of Independence" The United States of America was declared, and even the Constitution was promulgated a few years later. We might as well do the same, and after the founding, we will deal with the problems and troubles that arise one by one.”

"That's right! In fact, there are several big problems before us. First, the population problem. Now, the entire Socotra Island has less than 30000 people, and we can quickly transfer 10 people from the Bird of Paradise Peninsula. Come here, the population problem will be solved; secondly, the talent problem. Although the sparrow is small, it has all the internal organs. Although our country is still small, as a country, all departments must be established. This requires all walks of life First of all, the most urgent needs are administrative personnel, construction planning personnel, teachers, doctors and other talents. In fact, this is not difficult, we can solve this problem in the form of open recruitment; third, will the international community give us Bringing trouble. The first to cause us trouble should be the Soviet Union. Since the Soviet Union supports Rubayi, we support Katan Shabi. In fact, once we intervene in South Yemen affairs, our hostility with the Soviet Union is already doomed. However, this also has an advantage, that is, the West led by the United States is unwilling to see the Soviet Union meddling in the affairs of the Middle East and the Indian Ocean. Once the Soviet Union establishes a military base on Socotra Island, the West will have a headache. Therefore, The West is unlikely to cause too much trouble for our nation-building. They weigh the pros and cons, and they may even support us in the establishment of a nation on Socotra Island. In addition, our motherland should also support us. Our motherland is the first The leader of the Three Worlds. Therefore, as long as we make up our minds, defeat Rubai supported by the Soviet Union cleanly, and completely destroy Rubai’s team, then our country will be established.” Tan Jiabao His thinking was very clear, and he immediately found the key point of establishing a country on Socotra Island.

After Tan Jiabao finished speaking, Matthew Deans shook his head like a rattle, and he said eagerly: "Boss, you may have misunderstood. Under the introduction of John Peters, I reached an agreement with Katan Shabi The agreement is not like this. Oh, the boss thinks that Qatan Shabi will give us Socotra island first, and then we will help him eliminate Rubayi and other hostile forces in South Yemen? Quite the contrary, he asked We helped him eliminate Rubayi and other hostile forces in South Yemen before selling Socotra to us for $[-] million."

Dashi Zheng also said: "Boss, I don't think Katan Shabi's request is too much."

"Both of you don't know how to do business!" Tan Jiabao said with a laugh: "How long will it take for us to help him destroy Rubayi and other hostile forces in South Yemen? Rubayi may be eliminated in a short time, but the South Yemeni The chiefdom forces are scattered all over the country. If they also learn the guerrilla tactics of our great-grandfather, this time may be greatly extended, and may not be settled in three to five years. Therefore, I ask Mr. Katan Shabi Give us Socotra Island for statehood, and we will offer us $30 billion! I think Katan Shabi will agree, because he has no other choice!"

Zheng Dashi and Matthew Deans were stunned, they really didn't think of this.

Tan Jiabao continued: "In fact, this change of mine is beneficial to both of us. For Katan Shabi, he can use 30 billion of the 10 billion US dollars to quickly purchase weapons and Equip, expand and strengthen his own military power; he can also use 10 billion US dollars to solve many livelihood problems and win the support of the people at home; moreover, he should be able to think that Socotra Island is already in our hands, so we will Will work harder to win this war, because if we lose, Rubayi and the Soviets will definitely drive us away from Socotra Island. I think the Soviet Union supports Rubayi, and the Soviets may be watching He won Socotra Island! Also, Katan Shabi should have thought that the sooner we found our country, the sooner our new country will become stronger, and he has our powerful foreign aid. For what he wants The realization of Yemen's north-south reunification is also positive. So, I think he will agree!"

Zheng Dashi and Matthew Deans slowly showed smiles, Zheng Dashi laughed and said: "I also thought of a reason, we can only buy advanced weapons and equipment from the West with great fanfare after the founding of our country. Some of our foundations The construction can also be tendered to the West, and we have to purchase a large number of civilian aircraft, ships and other bulk commodities... Haha, I think the West will support us even more.”

"That's exactly the reason. I will select a group of elite soldiers from the Tang Dynasty Group and the original Ryukyu Action Group, and let them work together with you two to quickly set up a 'National Construction Working Group'. You two are the chief and deputy team leaders. , and then divide this group into several groups, such as 'population group', 'military group', 'administrative group', etc. You must devote yourself to this work from today, and we will strive to implement this as soon as possible. A task!" Tan Jiabao has always been vigorous and resolute in his work, and he immediately conveyed the task to them.

"Boss, where is our capital?" Zheng Dashi asked with concern.

"Socotra Island is just our enclave, and my goal is still South Africa!" Tan Jiabao said firmly.

What Tan Jiabao didn't know was that another group of people also chose South Africa. They had already put it into action and achieved phased results.

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