
513 Heroes Create the Times

Plagiarism - 510 Three Heroes Create Times

Qi Siming also said with emotion: "Socotra Island is a piece of land we did not expect, and it is an unexpected harvest for us. However, the strategic location of this land is really important. Whether we are in South Africa or New Zealand in the future Guinea Island, or the establishment of a country in Libya and other places, this Socotra Island is an important enclave, and this enclave is not far from the above three places. At that time, this Socotra Island will be our A bridgehead in the Indian Ocean. Hehe, I think there is a lot to do in the Indian Ocean.”

Tan Jiabao had already read the agreement, which was basically drafted according to Tan Jiabao's request, so Tan Jiabao only changed one or two small places, and then handed over the agreement to Master Zheng.

A week later, Zheng Dashi will sign this shocking agreement with South Yemen on behalf of the newly established "Ocean Empire" and it will obviously change the course of history.

In the last life, Socotra Island was leased to the Soviet Union at a low price. The Soviet Union established an Indian Ocean military base here, and they faced off with the American Indian Ocean military base on the Chagos Islands not far from the Indian Ocean. , the two big countries, plus India basically control the Indian Ocean.Of course, at that time, the Soviet Union was responsible for protecting South Yemen, and South Yemen became the only socialist country in the Middle East.

Dashi Zheng said cautiously: "Boss, once the agreement is signed, this matter will surely shock the world. After all, there has been no incident of buying and selling land for many years. I think the Soviets will come out to make trouble first, because they have already coveted Sokot Ra island for a long time."

"Soldiers come to block, water comes to cover! The Soviet Union is also a paper tiger, it's no big deal." Tan Jiabao seemed to have a plan in mind, and he said to Qi Siming: "Siming, what do you think of the follow-up work of our land acquisition?"

Qi Siming said slowly: "I think at the current stage, the result of our buying Kotra Island should be acceptable to Westerners. They should be more willing to see Kotra Island fall into our hands, Not the Soviet Union. Once the Soviet Union enters the Indian Ocean, it will pose a great threat to the West. First, South Yemen will be directly controlled by the Soviet Union, and the Soviet Union will directly intervene in Middle East affairs, which will make the already complicated situation in the Middle East even more tense. Second, India in the South Asian continent has been pursuing its own great power strategy after the war. After the woman Indira Gandhi came to power last year, she used thunderous means to squeeze out several important pro-Western figures and reused many pro-Soviet figures.

Westerners are already worried that if the Soviet Union is allowed to settle in the Kotra Island adjacent to India at this time, India may completely fall to the Soviet Union, which is what the West does not want to see.Third, Westerners should still worry that the Soviet Union’s presence on Kotra Island will pose a threat to countries around the Indian Ocean. The Maldives has only been independent for a few years, Somalia has been in civil war for years, and Sri Lanka’s national strength is stretched. The Indian Ocean will no longer be peaceful.The above three points show that Westerners can accept Kotra Island if it is handed over to us, but Westerners cannot accept it if it is handed over to the Soviet Union.If we quickly start trading with the West after the founding of our country, especially if we buy large-scale weapons and equipment from the West, I think the West will welcome our founding. "

Among the 18 Arhats, Tan Jiabao's favorites are Matthew Deans and Qi Siming.Matthew Deans has the most leadership ability, while Qi Siming has a broad vision and unique insights. This may be the reason why he once worked beside Jiang Jingguo.

Tan Jiabao nodded with a smile and said, "I hope it is as you said. Siming, you are now in command of Qianniuwei, and you are flying all over the world. Thank you for your hard work! Today you gave me the situation of several important places we are concerned about." Tell me."

"For something as big as the founding of a nation, it should be a little bit harder. Hehe, let me start with Libya." Qi Siming was ready early, and he began to speak eloquently: "In Libya, we quickly found That man. That young man was very fond of us. He said that he had been trained in Taiwan's distant friends class. Yes, he had great ambitions, and he readily accepted the help we offered. We placed him by his side. There are 21 members of the Qianniu Guards, and dozens of Qianniu Guards have been placed in other troops. Now Tripoli has our people in various industries, but this time all the people sent to Libya are black. I still don’t understand What's more, this guy is only 26 years old, although he is very organized and eloquent, but he is still a captain and platoon leader, and he is still the platoon leader of the communication platoon, can he...can the incident be successful?"

"Sure! Because he is Gaddafi! Haha, it is said that since 1969, Allah will favor him more and more." Thinking of another parallel world, Gaddafi's blunder, but let Tan Jiabao laughed unknowingly at the ridiculous coup.

Since Libya is located in the Middle East and is adjacent to Europe, direct entry will encounter a lot of trouble. Therefore, Tan Jiabao does not want to seize the Libyan regime immediately. He wants to use the character of Gaddafi to make a transition, and when the time is right, take down Libya. A rich piece of land.

Qi Siming didn't ask any further questions because he knew the magic of this boss.He continued: "Compared to Libya, we put more troops in the three capitals of South Africa and Johannesburg. In Johannesburg, we bought a large hotel and renovated a very modern nightclub. Gan Yi was in charge of the entire hotel. and Jin Lingji is in charge of the nightclub. Haha, they have collected a lot of information for us.

Next, I will report an important piece of information, that is, South African Defense Minister Peter William Botha, who was shot several times on Christmas Eve last year, launched a secret coup more than two months ago. He has actually controlled South Africa and now concurrently serves as the The Commander-in-Chief of the South African Defense Forces, the Prime Minister and many senior ministers have all changed, and the President has become a de facto puppet.Botha will formally assume the presidency through an election campaign in March next year.After taking power, the first thing for Botha to do is to expand the army. It is said that South Africa will expand the existing 3 troops to more than [-] within [-] years, and will vigorously develop military modernization, research and develop high-end weapons and equipment .At the same time, he seems to be very disgusted with the apartheid system in South Africa. He has begun to show his favor to black South Africans. He often says in private that he wants to improve the welfare system of black South Africans and improve the social status of blacks in South Africa. It is said that he has gone to prison After visiting the black South African leader Nelson Mandela, the two reached consensus on many issues.

Most people estimated that the first thing Botha did after becoming president was to unconditionally release Mandela.In addition, this Botha also strives to improve the relationship between South Africa and neighboring countries. Last month, it also donated 1000 tons and 00 tons of rice to Madagascar and Mozambique, which were hit by hurricanes.Boss, Bota's coming to power is very detrimental to our plan, do we want to - get rid of him? "

There was murderous intent in Qi Siming's eyes, but Tan Jiabao subconsciously shook his head.

This is indeed not good news, such a result has completely deviated from the historical track.Tan Jiabao dared to covet South Africa, the most fertile land, because of the two key factors of racial discrimination in South Africa, the unpopular apartheid policy and South Africa's military strength of only 5.However, in just a few months, these two favorable factors no longer exist.

In another parallel world, is there such a person as Botha?This Botha really abolished the apartheid system in South Africa many years in advance?Tan Jiabao finally had a situation where he didn't have enough gold fingers.

Tan Jiabao was very annoyed and disappointed. He sighed and said, "Siming, let's not act rashly for now. Let's see what this Botha is going to do. If he is really an anti-racist Or, we should modify the plan. Ah, let’s go step by step. By the way, Khomeini has been in Indonesia for a while, and his appeal and influence in the Muslim world are still huge. I read from the newspapers that Now even Muslims from Hong Kong are rushing to Lae, New Guinea, it is said that the entire Lae is already overcrowded?"

Speaking of Khomeini, Qi Siming's expression became more severe, and he said slowly: "That's right! This Khomeini is definitely a powerful person! Originally, in addition to the Shiite Timor Island in Southeast Asia, the main Belongs to the Sunni sect of Islam, but Khomeini is the leader of the Shia sect. Even I think that what Khomeini instigates is the Shia sect in Timor Island. Less than 10% of the Shia believers in Indonesia But I was wrong. With his arrival, Indonesia was boiling, and Malaysia was boiling too. Because Khomeini only said a word, Muslims in Southeast Asia flocked to him, and Suharto was a little flustered... "

"What did he say?" Tan Jiabao couldn't help asking.

Qi Siming said word for word: "He said, 'There is no God but Allah, and Khomeini is the second messenger sent by Allah after Muhammad!"

"Ah—" both Tan Jiabao and Zheng Dashi couldn't help exclaiming.

"Next, two 'miraculous' things happened to Khomeini, which made the majority of Muslims believe it was true, so Khomeini became a 'god' in the Islamic world!"

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