
527 The up-and-coming Takeshita board

Plagiarism World - 520 Seven up-and-coming Takeshita Deng

The emergency meeting continued, but it seemed that the cabinet ministers were stumped by the question raised by Takeo Miki.On both sides of the oval conference table, the cabinet ministers seemed to be in deep thought.

Miki Takeo stood up, he smiled, and then slowly walked around the oval conference table.Unlike Eisaku Sato, Takeo Miki seems to be more friendly and casual. He is not as serious as Eisaku Sato, so working with him seems a lot more relaxed.

Walking to the vacant seat of Takeo Fukuda just now, he stopped and said slowly: "Now let me slowly sort out what problems this disaster will bring to Japan."

Takeo Miki looked around at the cabinet ministers, then continued walking and said: "We know that the enemy dropped a total of 36 hot air balloons into our country this time, but we don't know how many yen the enemy put in these 36 hot air balloons." According to estimates by experts from the Ministry of Finance, these 36 hot air balloons have dropped at least one trillion yen to our country! What a huge number! The first batch of yen we launched last month was only 30 trillion yen, which also includes Overseas. Therefore, the huge amount of yen released by the enemy today may have exceeded the amount released by ourselves. Therefore, our "new yen" has lost its due role as currency, and it is necessary to abolish these yen , and it is urgent!"

He stretched his fingers, and continued walking while saying: "Since the batch of real and fake yen is to be abolished immediately, the problem has arisen. First, once these batches of yen are abolished, Japan will temporarily have no suitable currency in circulation. I I have thought about restoring the old yen, but it is not realistic. The old yen also has the same problem as this batch of new yen, and the market is already flooded with a huge amount of counterfeit money. Another way is to use foreign currency, but how can such a big country Can the currency of other countries be used? What is the dignity of the Great Japanese Empire? I also thought of the most stupid way, which is to put a large amount of 500 yuan, 0 yuan and 100 yuan currency on the market, but this is also a problem after all. Not a good idea, especially for businesses."

Takeo Miki stopped, and he looked around at everyone again.

At this time, Minister of Health, Labor and Welfare Aoba Xiaohei stood up and said: "Excuse me, why don't we issue another new currency quickly? Now that this so-called 'world's first banknote' has been abolished, we will still issue a new currency sooner or later." Yes, why not release it immediately?"

Takeo Miki shook his head and said: "Mr. Aoba is not thinking about it. A new type of currency is not issued just by issuing it. It takes a lot of time to design, select materials, and technological anti-counterfeiting methods. Besides, it is the currency that we are about to abolish. The banknotes were also researched by hundreds of experts from the Ministry of Finance and the Bank of Japan after several months. It is said that this kind of banknotes had a prototype several years ago. Besides, as the yen was counterfeited by the enemy time and time again, I think that in a short period of time, the Ministry of Finance and the Bank of Japan will not dare to design banknotes easily."

Xiaohei Aoba blushed.

Chief Cabinet Secretary Toshi Takeshita who just took over Aso's second son stood up, and he said slowly: "I think in the current situation, no matter which method has limitations, any method will bring us unsatisfactory results. .In my opinion, we should take a multi-pronged approach. Specifically, the acting Prime Minister's several methods can be used at the same time. For example, we can print small banknotes and coins in large quantities; due to the limitations of small banknotes and coins Even if the government does not encourage people to choose other national currencies, the market itself will temporarily choose foreign currencies, especially companies will do so. What our banks have to do is to prepare a large amount of foreign currencies. If allowed, our mint You can also mint some gold and silver coins, but not too many, because the current price of gold in the international market fluctuates greatly."

"Papapa..." Miki Takeo took the lead in applauding, and he said with a smile: "Mr. Takeshita is a formidable descendant. No wonder the Prime Minister often praises you for your ability to respond to emergencies. It is really extraordinary. Let's vote with a show of hands now, if If everyone thinks Takeshita-kun's method is feasible, we will follow Takeshita-kun's method."

For the first time ever, a catastrophe destroyed a country's monetary system in an instant.There is no similar case to be found in financial history, so in a short period of time, Takeshita Nobo's method is commendable, and it is no wonder that Takeo Miki praised him more.

As soon as Takeo Miki finished speaking, everyone applauded and raised their hands.

Maybe Takeshita was encouraged, maybe he was blessed to the soul, maybe he was possessed by brother Yixiu's soul today, he stood up again, and said something that surprised everyone: "Thank you for your encouragement. But I think what I just said It is just to deal with our temporary situation. As a big country, it is impossible to justify without its own currency, so it is imperative to design and print its own new currency.”

Everyone, including Takeo Miki, cast their eyes on the relatively young Noboru Takeshita, who was full of spirits, and he began to talk freely: "Since last year, Japan is like a plague, and everything is not going well. Every day is stumbling, the counterfeit banknote case, the loss of Okinawa, the loss of Ogasawara, the infighting of the community, and today's "money dropped from the sky", have caused the Great Japanese Empire to suffer. In fact, everyone knows in their hearts that these things are all from one person. Hand, that is ridiculous! We are just struggling to find evidence. In addition, this person is so cunning that even the Americans can't do anything about him. Therefore, if the Great Japanese Empire wants to be peaceful, it must continue to develop with peace of mind If we continue, we must pay enough attention to this person!"

Every cabinet member listened carefully, some even nodded.Miki Takeo's eyes also revealed a look of increasing appreciation.But he knew that Noboru Takeshita once proposed to kill Tang Xiao, and Eisaku Sato also adopted his suggestion, but it was unsuccessful. On the contrary, the Great Japanese Empire caught fire, and the nightmare-like hundreds of days began since then.

As time went by, everyone felt more and more clearly that their threat came from the mysterious Chinese, as Takeshita said, whether it was Japanese spies, the US Central Intelligence Agency, or It was Interpol, they couldn't find strong evidence on Tang Xiao.

Takeshita continued: "We have two ways to deal with Tang Xi. The first is that we must take extraordinary measures at all costs to kill him! Only by killing him will no one be able to imitate our banknotes anymore. Nobody has troubled us so often again."

When this passage was spoken, some people applauded and some shook their heads.

Minister of International Trade and Industry Kanno Kazutaro stood up and said: "Although Takeshita-san's words are very reasonable, this Tang Xi is really a difficult character to deal with. As Takeshita-san himself said, this person is difficult even for Americans. We have failed again, and I am worried that if we fail again this time, what kind of weird means will this person use to deal with our Great Japanese Empire again? After these several blows, how many times can Japan go through? , this person is getting stronger and stronger. I heard not long ago that this person bought an island in the Indian Ocean, that is, near the Middle East. It is said that he wants to establish his own country. I always think that behind this person, there may be more Great character."

After Kanno and Taro finished speaking, everyone started talking.After experiencing several blows and witnessing such a fabulous scene today, many people are afraid of Tang Xiao from the bottom of their hearts.

Takeshita smiled slightly and said: "Since everyone thinks that assassinating Tang Xiao will not work, then let's choose to be friends with him! There is a Chinese saying that 'to untie the bell, you need to tie the bell', we ask Tang Xiao to help at this time , I think he will not refuse for his own reputation and influence in the world. In this way, our problems will be easily solved, even some problems that the Acting Prime Minister has not yet mentioned can be solved Yes. Also, the problems of those Japanese companies banned by Tang Xiong have all been solved. For now, I think this is the most direct and effective method. If the Great Japanese Empire wants to continue to take off, we must Do it!"

This turn was too sharp and too fast, so many people hadn't reacted yet.After all, the enemies who were still gnashing their teeth with hatred in their hearts just now are about to become friends, and everyone can't be relieved for a while.

Seeing his colleagues in deep thought, Nobuo Takeshita added: "Politically, we have neither permanent enemies nor permanent friends! I still remember a Chinese saying, 'It's not too late for a gentleman to take revenge in ten years.' Think about it, everyone." Well, we must resolve this crisis. The longer this crisis drags on, the greater the damage it will do to the Great Japanese Empire, and the greater the harm it will do to hundreds of millions of people. In my opinion, this is the best way to go , and the only way!"

Kanno and Taro muttered: "I think I can accept this suggestion, but the Prime Minister who is in a coma will not agree."

Takeshita Nobo looked at Takeo Miki with a smile.

Miki Takeo may not have as much political wisdom as Sato Eisaku, but Miki Takeo has never been a stubborn person. After pondering for a while, he finally nodded and said: "I agree with Takeshita-kun's proposal in principle, for the sake of the peace of the Japanese Empire , for the prosperity and development of the Great Japanese Empire, let us... vote on this proposal with a show of hands!"

According to Japanese law, when it comes to major issues, the Acting Prime Minister has no right to approve a major issue alone. For such a major proposal, two-thirds of the cabinet's approval is required to pass it.

In the end, all cabinet members raised their hands. Is this a surrender to Tan Jiabao?

Through this meeting, in exchange for more than ten years of peace in Japan.Through this meeting, Noboru Takeshita emerged, his prestige quickly increased, and he won a lot of political capital, which laid a solid foundation for his future career as prime minister.

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