
543 Large area land transaction

Plagiarism - 540 land transactions in three major areas

The talks were conducted in a friendly and harmonious atmosphere.

Suharto said with a smile: "If Oceania has enough economic strength, we will sell you the entire New Guinea and Timor Islands, and some islands near New Guinea, such as the Solomon Islands. I will also sell it to you. Hehe, now our Minister of National Defense, Mr. Bancilu, will explain it to you in detail.”

A 40-year-old middle-aged man in military uniform stood up straight. He made an inviting gesture and said, "Please come to the map and talk about it. It will be more intuitive and clear."

Tan Jiabao, Suharto and personnel from both sides stood up, followed Banzilu to the huge map on the wall, and Banzilu pointed at the map with a pointer and said: "Now the Tang Dynasty Group is here. A piece of land called the Bird of Paradise Peninsula has leased about 80 square kilometers of land, but the entire island of New Guinea has more than 100 square kilometers of land. Adding these islands, the total area of ​​this place has reached nearly [-] million square kilometers, and this is a piece of land with an excellent strategic location, guarding the Pacific Ocean, backed by Australia, and echoing Japan and the United States.”

Because Banxilu is a soldier, he speaks cleanly, and he pointed to Timor Island and said: "Although this island is not big, the location of this island is also very good, and there are many Chinese here..."

The Minister of Defense is very eloquent and speaks English fluently. He talked eloquently, as if Wang Po was selling some of her own watermelons.

Jin Yong adjusted his glasses. He waited until Banxi Road finished speaking, and then said: "Mr. Minister said very well, the strategic positions of these two places are very good. However, we know that good strategic positions also have many shortcomings. Then Even these places are battlegrounds, such a long coastline, if we don't have a strong navy, our two places will be taken quickly. And I also know that you are in this half of New Guinea There are still disputes over the land, so I won’t talk about it. At least half of the territory you mentioned does not belong to Indonesia. For example, half of the island of New Guinea belongs to Pabia New Guinea. There is an East Timor, and the Solomon Islands you mentioned don’t even belong to you. Hehe, you sell other people’s things to us?”

After Jin Yong met with Tan Jiabao, he went home and did his homework.

Just as Banxilu was about to answer, Suharto laughed and said, "Mr. Cha may not know something. Mr. Tang Xiao and I have made an agreement. He said that if I take these places, he will dare to buy them in three years. Now let me reveal to you a major secret in Indonesia, that is, our armed forces of the sea, land and air are ready to go, and starting early this morning, we are about to march to these two places. Our preliminary estimate is that we will completely occupy these two places in two months. This island, as well as surrounding islands such as the Solomon Islands, is the same reason that Mr. Cha said that these places are easy to attack and difficult to defend. The problem is that Mr. Tang Xiao is not afraid of this. I also believe that he has enough strength to quickly establish in these places. A powerful navy. Of course, I don’t know if Oceania headed by Mr. Chu has the confidence to establish a country here. Hehe, this place is many times bigger than your Socotra Island. By the way, if this time We have made a deal, we can promise to give you 80.00% of the Chinese in Indonesia, we recently did a census, there are about one million Chinese in Indonesia, I can give you about 00 million Chinese!"

Tan Jiabao knew that Suharto was not only motivating him, but also tempting him, so he took advantage of the situation and said: "I definitely need Chinese, and the more the better, the best is 1800 million. As for other things , We have nothing to be afraid of! What we are afraid of is that you will not be able to take these places, or if you take them, you will have to withdraw from these places due to pressure from the West. We know that these places here belong to the United Kingdom, It is now hosted by Australia. Do you really dare to attack these two places? Are you really not afraid of Britain and Australia?"

"We have nothing to be afraid of! Australia is sparsely populated, and their population and troops in this area are very small. Moreover, these two places are not only poor, but also have constant natural disasters. More importantly, the population here The quality is low, and they like to make troubles. Both Britain and Australia regard these two places as a big burden. How could they send troops to fight my powerful Indonesia for these two places? Besides, the Americans still support us. We To win these two places, the most remarkable thing is to be condemned by the international community and warned by the United Nations. Well, I am honest enough, in a word, do you dare, are you willing to buy these places?" Suharto He is confident, he has already prepared.

Tan Jiabao looked at Suharto secretly, and he found that this unattractive person actually had a kind of daring and boldness, and also had the culture and martial arts to govern a country, which still caught Tan Jiabao's attention.For now, Heath has come to power to become the new generation of Prime Minister of the United Kingdom. In Heath's policy outline, he is determined to gradually get rid of the heavy burden of overseas colonies.The Australians provide hundreds of millions of dollars in aid to these places every year, which has also caused opposition from the domestic people.If Suharto goes to occupy these places at this time, the British and Australians may really do nothing. If these two countries are gaining some benefits, they may also recognize it.

Thinking of this, Tan Jiabao said again: "Mr. President, I don't think I'm enough for these land parcels. You see, I also want these small islands and sea areas between New Guinea and Timor. Because, once something happens, the two islands have room to take care of each other, so I must also take care of these islands, including the Aru Islands, Tallinn Barr Islands, and Baba Islands. Also, in order to cooperate with our Socotra Island In closer connection, I also hope to get Sumba Island, Savu Island, Roti Island near Timor Island and this piece of East Nusa Tenggara Islands, that is, the islands around the entire Savu Sea. I also frankly Say, I'm going to set up a naval base here."

Suharto's face sank and he said: "This is not possible! You have swept away almost one-third of Indonesia's land with one stroke of your hand. Moreover, the economic conditions of the islands around the Savu Sea are good. Are we Will sell."

Tan Jiabao said with a sassy smile: "Dear Mr. President, you can't just sell me those poor places where the land doesn't grow grass, and don't sell the slightly better ones? I want to build a country here, and I will also We need some sites with a relatively better economic foundation.”

Suharto discussed softly with several ministers, and he immediately said: "Your heart is bigger than that of Mr. Tang Xiao. Tell me, if you buy all these lands, how much money can you offer?"

Tan Jiabao thought for a while, and then slowly said: "I offer a price that you can't refuse, that is, our bid is 500 billion U.S. dollars!"


All members of the Indonesian side, including Suharto, couldn't help but exclaim.

Tan Jiabao continued: "I still have a few additional conditions. First, you have to remove all obstacles from the outside world, such as the West and Australia. Second, I need 1800 million Chinese, and I will start preparing from tomorrow. Third, get all the low-quality natives from New Guinea to your Indonesia. Fourth, I need a stable environment, so you also take away those Muslims who like to make trouble. Fifth, when Oceania is established in a few days, you, Indonesia, will recognize our country and establish diplomatic relations with us. Sixth, we will sign an agreement with a high standard, announcing this land transfer to the world, and the President and Key members of Congress have to sign on..."

In front of the huge US dollars, Suharto and his staff no longer hesitated. They signed the memorandum of land transfer on the spot and the framework of the agreement of intent for this land transfer.Tan Jiabao exchanged a deposit of [-] million US dollars.As a result, the largest land transfer in history was negotiated.Of course, the Indonesian side has to submit this matter to Congress for discussion.Tan Jiabao knew that it was just a formality.


After Tan Jiabao and his party left contentedly, Banxilu felt a little uneasy. He said softly to Suharto: "President, do we really want to sell such a large piece of land? Can we...can we take it back in the future? "

Banzilu's question is also the question of several other confidants, and they all turned their attention to Suharto.

Suharto said with a sneer: "A piece of such a large country, and it's all islands. Without a strong army, army, air force, can they hold it? It took us decades to build this army, and they , Now even the population needs to be provided by us. When they settle these citizens and build an army, our two aircraft carrier fleets have already formed excellent combat effectiveness, plus the 0 aircraft we ordered from the United States and the Soviet Union Fighter planes, and so many tanks, armored vehicles, and cannons, I absolutely don’t believe they can outrun us! No matter how amazing this Mr. Chu and Mr. Tang Xiao are, they can’t outrun us!”

Banxilu and the others also nodded frequently, and they couldn't imagine how Tan Jiabao and the others would outrun Indonesia.

But they seem to have neglected that Tan Jiabao has a lot of money, and has a huge amount of US dollars that Suharto can't even imagine.In this era where money speaks, anything is possible.In particular, Tan Jiabao's side has long been prepared and has a set of practical methods.

A few months later, Suharto regretted it, and the Indonesian government complained.

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