
567 Oceania in full swing

Plagiarism - 560 Seven Oceania in full swing

The world is still making noise, but Australia and Portugal have never dared to attack their lost territory. It was not until two days later, when the repainted and brand new USS Kitty Hawk docked in Port Moresby, that the Australians and Portugal knew The tide is gone.

Kitty Hawk's home port is in Yokosuka, Japan, so it is the first aircraft carrier formation to arrive in New Guinea.Arriving at the same time as the Kitty Hawk aircraft carrier formation was the former U.S. Navy Vice Admiral John Cowens and his subordinates.

“小鹰”号航母打击大队,由“小鹰”号航母、一个载机联队、“钱瑟勒斯维尔”号和“考彭斯”号两艘导弹巡洋舰、一个驱逐舰中队组成,该中队拥有3艘驱逐舰、1艘巡洋舰、2艘护卫舰。另外还有两艘“洛杉矶”级核动力攻击型潜艇,1艘萨克拉门托级快速战斗支援舰,另外还有数量若干的补给舰和登陆舰。“小鹰”号上载有一个舰载机联队队。该联队下辖9个飞机中队,装备各型舰载机82架,其中f-14a“雄猫”战斗机 架、攻击机40架、预警机4架、反潜机10架、“海鹰”反潜直升机6架、救援直升机2架。

But at this moment, of course, Tan Jiabao can no longer use the name Kitty Hawk. He changed the Kitty Hawk to "Kublai Khan", and changed another Kitty Hawk-class aircraft carrier that is about to arrive, that is, the Kennedy to "Kubilai Khan". "Genghis Khan", and a new aircraft carrier that is inferior to the Kitty Hawk class. It is the Forrester, which was launched in 1955. Tan Jiabao changed its name to "Wakuotai".Cruisers, destroyers, frigates, etc. have all been changed to the names of some generals of Genghis Khan, such as "Muhuali", "Chilaowen", "Borhu", "Borshu" and "Zhebe". number" and so on.

The reason why he chose the names of foreign races to name these warships is because Tan Jiabao wanted to borrow the prestige of Genghis Khan, trying to sweep the world and plagiarize the world.Another meaning is that these warships are made by Americans after all, and he does not want to use his own name to add to foreign products.Tan Jiabao had made up his mind a long time ago. After this thorny issue was settled, he would make large-scale steel smelting, large-scale construction and vigorously develop Oceania's military industry, and then create his own "Yellow Emperor", "Qinhuang", " Han Gaozu" and "Tang Taizong" and so on.

Port Moresby docked so many warships at once. The flags of Oceania were flying on these warships. The densely packed fighter jets on the aircraft carrier and the towering gun towers on the major ships made the whole harbor look majestic and majestic in an instant.

Lieutenant General John Cowens led Tan Jiabao, General Su and others aboard the "Khubilai Khan" aircraft carrier. Through an interpreter, he was introducing in detail the composition of the aircraft carrier formation and the various components of the "Kublai Khan" aircraft carrier. Various index parameters: "The standard displacement of this aircraft carrier is 61179 tons, the full-load displacement is 81700 tons, the draft is 10.8 meters, and the maximum speed is 30 knots. It is powered by 8 boilers and 4 steam turbines; its weapons and equipment There are 3 8-unit "Sea Sparrow" ship-to-air missile launchers, 3 "Phalanx" melee weapon systems, 4 srboc electronic countermeasure decoy launchers, and 1 SLQ-36 "Nyx" towed decoy... ..."

In the conference room of the "Kublai Khan" aircraft carrier, after Tan Jiabao listened to the introduction, he issued an order: "General Bradley and the other three naval formations will arrive in 6 days. You "Khubilai Khan" "Not only must we speed up training, but we must also mobilize at least 300 officers and soldiers to help General Su and the others recruit recruits across Oceania..."

After the press conference that day, Indonesia began to organize immigration. They concentrated almost 80% of the country's ships and planes, organizing groups of Chinese to immigrate to Oceania day and night. At the same time, Beijing and Taipei also A small amount of organized immigration to Oceania began.

Oceania is a brand-new Chinese country, and the two sides of the Taiwan Strait, which are still in a state of hostility, have also begun to compete secretly. They know that the amount and quality of the population they transport will affect their weight in the mind of Oceania in the future.Therefore, Beijing plans to immigrate 1500 million people to Oceania in the first batch. Most of these are urgently needed talents such as construction, road repair and hydropower installation; Only 0 high-quality people with high school education or above immigrated to Oceania. They are mainly managers, engineers, teachers and doctors.

A large number of people are pouring into Oceania, and Oceania, which has a weak infrastructure, is very struggling.Fortunately, the Tang Dynasty Group had already prepared a batch of necessities such as tents, quilts, food and medicine, so that these new immigrants would not go hungry and have nowhere to rest.

After a few days of chaos in the adaptation period, Oceania has gradually moved on the right track under the management and command of talents at all levels. They arranged for the new immigrants in an orderly manner.

A group of urban planning and construction experts headed by Tan Jiabao's master has traveled to various places, and they are working overtime to make plans.Some infrastructure factories, such as brick factories, cement factories, power transmission and transformation equipment factories, water plants and large steelmaking plants, have already started construction.As early as a year ago, some manufacturers on the Bird of Paradise Peninsula have begun to have their own finished products. They can not only provide their products, but also provide Oceania with a large number of skilled workers.

All walks of life in Oceania have already started preparations, and more and more Chinese are investing in jobs that suit them.

While constructing infrastructure and settling immigrants, Tan Jiabao did not forget that there are still so many eyes staring at them.In particular, the Soviets are already ready to go. They are the most likely country to open fire on Oceania when Tan Jiabao officially announces the founding of the country on January [-]th.

However, Tan Jiabao and General Bradley still have great ambitions. They plan to win three places before the founding of the country, so wars and major wars are obviously inevitable.

Although enlisting recruits at this stage is a bit of cramming, but recruiting recruits now has positive and far-reaching significance.On this point, Tan Jiabao, General Su and Bradley all have the same views.

Therefore, when General Su came, he was most concerned about building troops. The generals and some low-level officers he brought had already gone to all over Oceania to recruit troops. Now Tan Jiabao asked Lieutenant General John Cowens to do the same immediately. Get involved in this work.

John Cowens gladly took the order.

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