
569 The Eve of the Great War

Plagiarism - 560 The Eve of the Ninth World War

In the last few days of 1968, the world was in chaos. The Pacific Ocean, the Indian Ocean and the Atlantic Ocean were boiling one after another. The whole world seemed to be on the eve of a world war.

Of course, the instigator of this tense atmosphere was Tan Jiabao, but it was the South African government that provoked the Western world first. They not only captured Botswana within three days, but also wiped out 16000 British officers and soldiers stationed in Botswana. .Whether it is tolerable or unbearable, the British government and some NATO countries sent troops.

The United States still refused to participate in the war on the grounds that the president was changing and the people were anti-war, but they still couldn't save face in the end, and once again "borrowed" an aircraft carrier formation to the United Kingdom.

In this way, the United Kingdom itself assembled an aircraft carrier formation, two cruiser formations and three destroyer formations, plus two destroyer formations from the Spanish Navy, two destroyer formations from the Portuguese government, a cruiser formation from Italy, and a formation from the Federal Republic of Germany. Only the destroyer formation was refitted with 10 giant cargo ships, and a total of 50000 people were organized by sea, land and air. They crossed the Atlantic mightily, stationed in the Tristan da Cullia Islands, and prepared to go to war with South Africa.

The South African government had been prepared for a long time. All 12 troops gathered near Cape Town, and six air force wings kept patrolling and warning in their own airspace.Also, their two aircraft carrier formations and a submarine formation are lined up, ready to meet the British attack at any time.

The two armies confronted each other like this, and no one dared to open fire first.

In the Indian Ocean, the Soviet Union's two cruiser fleets, three nuclear submarine fleets, and Poland's two destroyer fleets, and the German Democratic Republic's two destroyer fleets and one cruiser fleet have all sailed out of the Red Sea, with Hungary, Bulgaria and Three Romanian infantry divisions were massed in North Yemen facing the Indian Ocean.

An Indian aircraft carrier formation, two destroyer formations and a submarine formation are moored at the intersection of the Arabian Sea and the Indian Ocean, because in the Arabian Sea, the Chinese and Pakistani navies are conducting military exercises.

Near Christmas Island in the Indian Ocean, two destroyer formations from Australia patrolled this area, while two destroyer formations from Indonesia also stayed in this area.According to the agreement, once Australia sends troops, Indonesia must stop them immediately and defend against the enemy side by side with Oceania.

Oceania's three aircraft carrier formations and one destroyer formation are distributed in the area between Socotra Island and the Maldives, and they are conducting their final drills.

The coastlines of the four islands of Socotra are all Oceania's army troops, and their two air force wings are flying in the sky...

This is the largest confrontation since the Cold War. There are as many as 18 countries in the confrontation, and the military strength has exceeded 30. Including the coastal reserve army, the total military strength should exceed 50.The total population of these 18 countries has exceeded 15 billion!If you count the local wars in the Middle East and the war in Vietnam, the number of countries and populations participating in the war this time has surpassed that of World War I.And this time, apart from nuclear weapons, all the most advanced weapons in the world are on the stage.

Once the war starts, a world war will be inevitable!

In the command room of the Genghis Khan aircraft carrier, Tan Jiabao, Bradley and General Su were all thinking nervously around the sand table.As January [-]th approached, their nervousness and excitement were hard to hide.

Tan Jiabao stared at the sand table and asked, "Two generals, will this really trigger World War III?"

Bradley laughed and said, "Mr. Chu, are you afraid?"

General Su said leisurely: "The possibility of triggering the third world war is very high! You see, there are now two battlefields, namely the Indian Ocean battlefield and the Atlantic battlefield. The scale of the two battlefields is not small. Although It is said that these two battlefields are not related to each other, but the relationship between them is very subtle. South Africa's disruption is not good for us, because it draws out the British and NATO troops that were originally prepared to stand on the sidelines. On the Atlantic battlefield, Once the British win first, their next target is us! On the Indian Ocean battlefield, if the Soviets defeat us first, then it is not ruled out that the Soviets will go to the Atlantic battlefield, unite with South Africa, and deal a heavy blow to NATO. There is a possibility that the two battlefields are inextricably fought, and finally other countries' armies, such as the French and American troops, will participate in the war. All three outcomes will lead to World War III."

Tan Jiabao and Bradley nodded frequently, agreeing with General Su's point of view.

General Su continued: "If South Africa defeated the British-led coalition forces first on the Atlantic battlefield, it would be hard to predict the outcome. After victory, South Africa would be more likely to help the Soviets, because they would need to get help from the Soviet Union. Procurement of arms and ammunition. South Africa helping the Soviets, this is the worst possible outcome."

Tan Jiabao and Bradley's expressions turned serious, after all, General Su's analysis made sense.

"There is another result, that is, we pay less price and defeat the Soviets and Indians first. This is the best result. Neither South Africa nor the United Kingdom will dare to come to be our enemy. And if we The Soviets were defeated at a terrible cost, which is also a very bad result. Because the British and South Africans will come and take our land!"

General Su expounded all the possible results at once.In fact, everyone understands that the possibility of defeating the Soviet Union, the Warsaw Pact, and India at a slight cost is very small, and they are now almost in a state of near death.

Bradley circled the sand table slowly twice, and he said in a deep voice: "I don't want to change the original plan. If I want to change, it is to strengthen the firepower tonight! We will try to kill India tonight. The navy is disabled! Let us lose a strong enemy, and we can go all out to deal with the Soviet Union and Eastern Europeans tomorrow."

"If the fight is too fierce, will this war start early? I am worried that the Soviets will join the battle quickly tonight, so the big war will start early." Tan Jiabao is a little worried about this.

Bradley shook his head and said: "Actually, war is a lot of gambling! Tonight I want to bet that the Soviets will not come to help India, or just send a quick response force to support. Because our tonight The action is actually very bold. We will make a long-distance raid, quickly occupy these three places in the form of a blitzkrieg, and use their unimaginably huge firepower to destroy a naval force known as the third in the world, and then we have to deal with tomorrow's big battle , I bet the Soviets would not have thought that we were so bold, and I bet the Soviets would not want us to disrupt their combat deployment. So, at least tonight, we have a great chance of winning."

General Su nodded and said: "Yes, the battlefield is changing rapidly. We have to fight game by game and win game after game, so as to form the habit of winning. No matter what kind of enemy we encounter in the future, our officers and soldiers will develop this This is a good habit, and then we will be invincible. Tonight we will go all out to fight against an army that is neither strong nor weak like India, which just gives us the best chance to train. I think, when we meet the Soviet Union tomorrow After a strong enemy, our officers and soldiers will not appear flustered. Since the Indian Navy is going to be disabled, I suggest that we first attack the Andaman-Nikbar Islands in the Bay of Bengal in the Indian Ocean tonight. After we capture this islands, we will quickly occupy Sri Lanka, and then we will Surrounded the area near Sri Lanka to fight for aid, and after defeating the Indian Navy, we took advantage of the trend to capture the Maldives."

Bradley's baton kept moving on the sand table, and finally he said firmly: "Yes, this is the best method. Our officers and soldiers can even take turns sleeping for several hours. Since we want to attack like this, we Kublai Khan's formation should be moving to the Andaman-Nikbar Islands from now on, as should our other two formations...."

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