
574 The Atlantic Ocean in a Stalemate

Plagiarism World - 570 Four Stuck Atlantic Ocean

As predicted by Bradley and General Su, the Soviets once again united with the Warsaw Pact countries and led three cruiser formations and three attack submarine formations, one of which transported more than 30000 troops. Joining the fray five days later, they helped the South African army fend off the coalition forces and achieved two stage victories.

Seven days later, the French assembled the armies of Norway, Finland, Denmark, Sweden, and Greece. Under the leadership of the aircraft carrier Foch, more than 100 warships and freighters, and loaded with six army divisions, came over in a mighty manner. .With their arrival, the coalition forces were greatly shaken and fought several beautiful turnaround battles.

In the past few days, the war situation has once again returned to the track of the coalition attacking and South Africa defending.As time passed, the battle situation once again fell into a stalemate, and both sides suffered heavy losses.

More and more countries are involved in the war, which affects the hearts of more and more people on the earth.

On January [-], Nixon officially became the President of the United States.The NATO side fully believed that Nixon, who had just taken office, would burn three fires and come to rescue them, so that Nixon could establish a lofty prestige in the country and even in the world.However, Nixon had too many things in front of him, and he was unwilling to take this flood.

Nixon made a decision that disheartened NATO. He conducted a national survey to investigate whether the American people would send troops to the Atlantic Ocean and start a war against South Africa and the Soviet Union.

Everyone on the earth knows how high the anti-war sentiment in the United States has been since the Vietnam War.Doing such a nationwide survey at this time, the results are self-evident.

All Europeans began to curse Nixon, and all began to curse Americans.

In fact, Nixon also had something to hide.Although he knew that if the Americans sent troops, the balance of victory would immediately tilt in favor of the coalition forces, and victory was still very promising.However, when he paid attention to the war in the Indian Ocean, he did not dare to take it lightly.He was worried that Oceania would come to a fisherman to benefit when everyone was fighting in a panic?He had met Tan Jiabao, and he knew that this young man was capable of anything.He is worried that when the time comes, he will consume manpower and material resources, and in the end he will still not get what he wants.

Therefore, at this juncture, Nixon, who had just taken office, did not dare to take risks.He felt that there were many ways to win the respect of the American people. Why did he go to the Atlantic Ocean?In fact, withdrawing troops from Vietnam is a good way. This can not only stop the continued consumption of the national power of the United States, allow the US Army to rest for a period of time, ensure its own combat effectiveness, but also allow the American people to completely get rid of the cloud of war.He thought that even if he led the U.S. Army to win the Atlantic War, it would not have won the respect of the American people more than withdrawing troops from Vietnam.

In Nixon's mind, he still had a nasty idea. He wished that the two sides of the Atlantic would fight to the death, slowly dragging down the Soviet Union's military power and domestic economy, and at the same time dragging down Western Europe, so that the United States could become the only superpower in the world.Another advantage of procrastination is that the Americans can sell their own weapons to the warring parties as they did during World War II, and make a lot of war money.

According to the results of American polls, more than 89% of the people oppose the US sending troops to the Atlantic Ocean.Nixon also took advantage of the trend to erase the Atlantic War from his focus.Moreover, he began to prepare for the withdrawal of troops from Vietnam.

Compared with Nixon, Tan Jiabao hoped that both sides would continue to fight.

Although in the Indian Ocean, facing so many and powerful armies of the Soviet Union, the Warsaw Pact, and India, the Oceanic Army was able to defeat the opponent within a day, and captured a large number of warships, weapons and ammunition of the opponent, as well as captured a large number of enemies. Soldiers, the victories achieved can be considered huge.

However, Tan Jiabao knew that the Soviets and Indians lost in underestimating the enemy, in being unprepared, and in Tan Jiabao's future weapons.In fact, the Oceanic Army is all a makeshift army, and their combat effectiveness depends entirely on the strategies and tactics of outstanding generals such as Bradley and General Su. If they fight again, the Oceanic Army will have little chance of winning.

Therefore, the Oceanic Army should have enough time to train its troops.

Because of the seizure of the Indian aircraft carrier and its warships, three conventional submarines, a nuclear submarine, and a wounded cruiser of the Soviet Union, as well as 36 other warships of various types were captured.The Oceanic Army once again added 50 new soldiers, which allowed the Oceanic Army to grow rapidly.However, the Oceanic Army is still not considered a strong army.Therefore, at present, Bradley, General Su and others are busy with their feet on the ground, working overtime, in batches and in batches, and trying every means to strengthen military training. They, like Tan Jiabao, hope that this army will become stronger as soon as possible. stand up.

In the past month, three military satellites belonging to Oceania have been quietly launched into the sky, and three more will be launched next month, and another communication satellite is about to be launched.Less than half of Oceania's radars have been installed, and in two months, all radar systems will be installed.Next, Tan Jiabao will cooperate with Beijing to install and deploy a missile defense system, which will have a very positive effect on national security.

In infrastructure construction, Oceania also needs a lot of time.

In terms of politics, Oceania has not been recognized by most countries, especially Europe, the United States, the Soviet Union and other big and powerful countries. The United Nations has repeatedly urged Tan Jiabao to withdraw its troops.In this regard, Tan Jiabao still needs time and needs to find opportunities.

On January [-]th, South African Defense Minister Botha made a high-profile visit to Oceania, and Tan Jiabao warmly received this powerful national leader.

Botha's intention was very obvious. He wanted to persuade Oceania to send troops. He tempted Tan Jiabao with the two huge lands of Mozambique and Madagascar.However, Tan Jiabao already had a plan in mind, and he politely rejected Botha's request.

Tan Jiabao still had a good impression of Botha, he did not let Botha go away empty-handed, he secretly sold his "Blizzard" torpedo that defeated the Soviets to South Africa.

On February [-], British Prime Minister Harold Wilson condescended to visit Oceania. After several defeats in a row, he also hoped that Oceania would send troops to help them defeat South Africa and the Soviet Union. Their condition was to recognize the independence of Oceania. State status, and help Oceania enter the United Nations as soon as possible.

This condition was not unattractive, but Tan Jiabao still refused.As the leader of a country, he knew the meaning of the promise, because he had promised Botha before that Oceania would not help the coalition forces attack South Africa.

Similarly, Tan Jiabao secretly sold another unused "future weapon" to Wilson.This is a second-generation portable anti-aircraft missile that uses a second-generation cooling cone-scanning infrared automatic homing warhead, provides omnidirectional detection and self-guiding capabilities, and has the ability to "fire and ignore". An effective weapon for high-end fighter jets.In the Afghan battlefield in the last life, the Soviets also suffered from this weapon. The name of this second-generation portable air defense missile is very interesting. It is called "Stinger".

After such a back and forth, the warring parties tended to balance again.

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