
602 The Poisoned Rice Incident in South Africa

Plagiarism - [-] South African Poisoned Rice Incident

The first thing Tan Jiabao did when he returned to Oceania was to deal with the South African government's poisoned rice incident.

After such a long period of investigation and evidence collection, Oceania has obtained sufficient evidence to confirm the South African government's cruel methods against humanity.They reported this major discovery to the world through newspapers, television and radio, and reported it to the United Nations, submitting a detailed investigation statement.

Tan Jiabao specially held a press conference for this purpose. At the meeting, he strongly condemned the despicable actions of the Republic of South Africa in the name of Oceania, and declared that Oceania would prepare an antidote for all blacks at all costs.

One stone stirred up a thousand waves, and the whole world was shocked.All countries, groups and major political parties in the world have criticized this brutal behavior of the South African government and severely condemned this fascist behavior in South Africa.

Black Americans, European blacks, and other blacks all held massive demonstrations in front of the South African embassy, ​​shouting slogans and demanding severe punishment for the planners and implementers of the plan.

The black Africans were the most shocked. When they found out that they were infertile, they were unable to vent their grief and anger. They threw bricks and poisoned rice donated by South Africa into the South African embassy, ​​and many people surrounded them. South African embassies, and some even stormed into the embassy and violently beat South Africans.

The United Nations attached great importance to this matter, and they sent special investigation teams to various countries in Africa that were poisoned by poisonous rice, investigated and collected evidence according to their unique methods, and reached the same conclusion as Oceania.The United Nations General Assembly, the United Nations Security Council, and the World Health Organization jointly called on countries all over the world to urgently stop using the poisonous rice in South Africa, and condemned South Africa in the strongest terms, demanding that the South African government give an appropriate explanation.

In this incident, Oceania was the first country to discover and make a report. Although South Africa's harmful rice has penetrated into every corner of South Africa, Tan Jiabao's promise to research antidote for black people has been recognized by the whole world. The affirmation of the world, especially the affirmation of those African countries.Because everyone knows that there is a mysterious figure named Mr. Tang Xiao in Oceania.As long as Mr. Tang Xiao takes action, the nightmare of the black people may end early.

Prior to this, Oceania had also successfully mediated the Atlantic War.U Thant, Secretary-General of the United Nations, had pledged Oceania's admission to the United Nations.

Therefore, in the United Nations General Assembly, Oceania, which was established less than half a year ago, won the recognition of most countries without any effort, and successfully entered the United Nations, becoming the 166th member state of the United Nations.

The international prestige of Oceania was growing day by day.

Condemned by the international community, the South African government staged a coup.

Army officers led by Defense Minister Botha stormed into the presidential palace and arrested South African President Johannes Jacobs Fouche and his accomplices.After three days of surprise interrogation, President Fouche finally admitted that he was the mastermind of the poisoned rice incident, and confessed some of the main planners and executors.

On May [-]th, the interim government formed by Botha held an unprecedented sentencing meeting of [-] people in Pretoria, the capital of South Africa. This sentencing meeting was broadcast live to the world via satellite.

On the trial platform, Fouché and his gang were escorted and stood at both ends of the trial platform with their heads hooked.In the center, Botha, in military uniform, gave an impassioned speech.

At the meeting, Acting President Botha said eloquently: "Some time ago, Oceania announced that the poisonous rice produced in our country endangered the whole of Africa and spread to the Middle East. As far as I am concerned, I don't believe it. Yes, I think this is Oceania spreading rumors and maliciously slandering the South African government. Because I don't believe that there are such heartless and most stubborn racists in our government. So we Some righteous soldiers and politicians began to investigate secretly, but the result is so frustrating. Because we know that Oceania is not spreading rumors, and they are not maliciously slandering our South African government. It is indeed produced by us in South Africa, and it was donated by us in South Africa, because a small group of people are engaged in a so-called "Bleaching Africa" ​​plan, and they are going to spend decades to kill all black compatriots on the African continent die!"

Botha paused for a while, and the black people below and some righteous white people raised their fists and shouted in unison: "Down with Fouche! Cut Fouche into pieces!"

"Yes, this small group of people is the most stubborn, ruthless, and fascist apartheid and racial haters headed by Fouche! They have started their plan since 1967, and they first set out to black South Africans. Poisonous hands! Then in more than two years, they spread this rice to every corner of the African continent and entered the Middle East. It directly harmed hundreds of millions of blacks and millions of white and yellow people."

"We are very sad that our president is such a cruel guy, and there are so many officials with no conscience in our government. Sad, heartbroken, they not only hurt so many black Africans, but also It is a merciless injury to South Africa! More than a month ago, the people of all ethnic groups in our country united together and struggled against imperialism, and finally drove away the invaders and won the respect of the international community. But now? The international community Condemn South Africa unanimously, portray South Africa as dark as hell, and destroy the international reputation that our soldiers and people of all nationalities have worked so hard to build!"

The people below booed again and condemned Fouché unanimously.

Botha went on to say: "Although the 'Bleaching Africa' plan is only carried out by a small group of people behind the scenes, we, as members of the government, also have an unshirkable responsibility! For this reason, I solemnly express my sincere respect to all the countries that have suffered People, I offer my sincerest apologies to the world."

After saying this, Botha took off his military cap and solemnly bowed deeply in front of tens of thousands of people.There was warm applause from the audience.

"We promise that we will actively cooperate with Oceania's actions in the future. We will contribute money and efforts, and work together with Oceania's scientific research to shoulder this historical mission. We hope that Oceania will produce medicines as soon as possible. Come out and rescue these hundreds of millions of people who have been poisoned. For this reason, I want to bow to Oceania again, and bow to Mr. Tang Xiao of Oceania. This time, I bow on behalf of the 1 people who have been poisoned. .”

As he spoke, he bowed solemnly again.

"In view of the heinous crimes of Fouche and his gang, according to the relevant laws, the Supreme Court of South Africa made a verdict on Fouche and his gang - sentenced Fouche and his gang to be hanged, and executed immediately in public!"

Poor Fouché and others were pushed to the gallows, and a vigorous rice poisoning incident came to a successful conclusion in this way.

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