
61 The 67 Bao movement in Hong Kong

61 June 4000th Movement in Hong Kong ([-]-word chapter)

The next day, Tan Jiabao still woke up very early.After exercising, he took a good shower, and when he came out, he saw that there was already a stack of newspapers on his desk.

Tan Jiabao felt a warmth in his heart.He knew it was from Deborah.Every day she is not only responsible for his diet and clothing, but also does some trivial things such as buying newspapers.In fact, he didn't ask her to do this. She was doing all these inconspicuous things on her own initiative and silently.

He first went to the "New York Times", and he was surprised to see the headline headline: Due to the leftist riot in Hong Kong, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Chinese g government protested to the British Chargé d'Affaires.According to the report: On May 1967, 5, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Chinese government lodged a protest with the British Chargé d’Affaires and mobilized the masses in Beijing to demonstrate outside the door of the British Chargé d’affaires in China.Some people even rushed into the residence and office of the charge d'affaires that night.Leftist newspapers in Hong Kong reported news of Beijing's support, and leftist school students distributed it to passers-by on the street; the Bank of China in Hong Kong also installed loudspeakers on the roof of its Central Headquarters to carry out revolutionary propaganda.This newspaper predicts that this riot in Hong Kong will become more complicated...

During this period of time, there have been more and more news in Hong Kong, which is almost completely consistent with the history of Tan Jiabao's previous life:

In May 1967, a labor dispute broke out at the San Po Kong Plastic Flower Factory located in Tai Yau Street, San Po Kong, Kowloon.

On May 1967, 5, the labor unrest began to worsen.Some workers prevented the factory from shipping, and the scene became tense.

On May 1967, 5, the anti-riot police arrived on guard, but the workers outside the factory not only did not disperse, but also clashed with the police present. Twenty-one workers were arrested by the police, and many workers were injured. people were jailed.Trade union representatives were also detained when they went to the police station.

On May 1967, 5, workers and other supporters took to the streets to demonstrate.The demonstrators imitated the practice of the Cultural Revolution in mainland China, holding "Quotes" and chanting slogans.The police fired tear gas and wooden bombs to disperse the demonstrators and arrested one person.

On May 1967, 5, the labor unrest at the San Po Kong Plastic Flower Factory turned into a riot. Workers gathered outside the streets of San Po Kong, confronted the police, and attacked the police with stones and glass bottles.In view of the seriousness of the situation, the authorities announced a curfew in East Kowloon that night, and all reserve police officers canceled their vacations to stand by. More than 11 people were arrested and two people were injured in the incident.

On May 1967, 5, the riots in San Po Kong, Kowloon spread to Tung Tau Village and To Kwa Wan, Wong Tai Sin. A large number of people gathered on the street. The rioters set fire to vehicles and the staff quarters of the Wong Tai Sin Resettlement Area, and broke into the new area Offices and schools make trouble.The authorities dispatched a large number of British troops and anti-riot teams to suppress, and moved forward the curfew time to 13:6 p.m.Afterwards, Beijing newspapers said that "the actions of the British Hong Kong government are national persecution, and the suppression of the masses is a barbaric fascist act of violence", and supported "Hong Kong citizens taking to the streets to resist the riots".

Tan Jiabao knew that in the next few days, the riots in Hong Kong would see its first climax. The leftists in Hong Kong announced the establishment of the Hong Kong and Kowloon Compatriots from all walks of life against the persecution of Hong Kong and Britain. Long Yang Guang served as director.Immediately, the Fighting Committee used the slogan "anti-British and anti-bao" to unite hundreds of people from various pro-communist groups, holding the "Quotations" to the Hong Kong Governor's Mansion for demonstrations, and posted big-character posters outside the Hong Kong Governor's Mansion.The Governor's Mansion was once the main target of collective protests and demonstrations.Afterwards, the Hong Kong government reiterated the need to maintain law and order and limit the number of petitioners at the Governor's Mansion. The protest moved to the Garden Road and Statue Square in Central.After that, there were rallies and demonstrations in various parts of Hong Kong and Kowloon. In addition to workers, the participants also included students and other people.Scheduled strikes on buses, trams, gas companies, and the Star Ferry also began. On May 5, the riot spread to Central and further deteriorated. The police fired tear gas to suppress Ya. On the 21nd, the riots in the Central District became more serious. Bloody clashes occurred between the demonstrators and the police, and 22 people were arrested. The rioting workers and students used leftist newspapers, banks, domestic product companies, schools, etc. as their bases to stage demonstrations and attack the police and public transportation that was still running.After the riot police arrived at the scene and dispersed them with tear gas and batons, the demonstrators quickly withdrew to their strongholds, exhausting the police. The authorities finally imposed a curfew on the north shore of Hong Kong Island. This was the first curfew on Hong Kong Island after the war.In July, there will be a second climax.The riot ended in mid-December 167.

During this period of time, Tan Jiabao and the others have become more and more closely connected with Hong Kong.Because Tan Jiabao had made full preparations and arrangements beforehand, and Fan Nu, Chen Lijun, and Cui Youfu performed their duties with due diligence, Hong Kong's "Tang Dynasty Entertainment" company was not only not affected by any impact, but no one participated in this event. The riot, and it is still operating in an orderly manner as planned.

Fan Nu arranged for the two crews of "The Legend of Condor Heroes" and "Peerless Twins" to leave Hong Kong for filming in Taiwan.And those who stay in Hong Kong carry out all-round study and training.

Then, he opened the entertainment page, and saw the full page of last night's "Opera House Incident".

The New York Times published several photographs, the first of Brooke Celatis smiling calmly during an interview at a concert; Obscene and insulting gestures; photos of Deng Guangrong's righteous words; photos of Huang and Xu;

The "New York Times" report is still fair and comprehensive. It reported last night's "opera house incident" and subsequent interviews at the police station in detail and objectively, without any partiality or concealment.

Tan Jiabao read several other newspapers, most of which were factual reports.There were only two tabloids, and they twisted the facts to completely favor Brooke Celatis.Tan Jiabao smiled wryly, he knew that the two tabloids would not be able to make waves after all, and Brook Celatis could only wait for an apology.He dug out the "Washington Post" again, because he found that the reporter's writing was sharp and humorous.

The headline of that article read: Brooke Celatis Officially Switches to Boxing!For the whole incident, he used boxing terminology to "explain" it, talking about it while talking, making jokes and wit.

He looked at the reporter's name, and it turned out that he was David Broad!Great man!Tan Jiabao sighed in his heart. He knew that in a few years, this reporter would bring down an American president!

Since the btta stock has been raised above 2 yuan by Jerry Cai, Tan Jiabao has given up joining the battle to buy this stock. He also concluded that Jerry Cai would never dare to lower the stock price below 1.05 yuan, so he It was only arranged for Tan Xiaozhong to go to the stock exchange to watch the market.I organized several young people to write scripts.

"Battle of Algiers," filmed by Italian director Ghiro Pentecorvo, has been released in major theaters in the United States.This film is an anti-war film about mid-century Algeria's struggle to escape the French colonial government.As the war accelerated, the struggle between the two sides intensified, and blood and tears intertwined to promote the final victory.At this time, the United States has fallen into the quagmire of the Vietnam War and cannot extricate itself, and the wave of domestic anti-war has been rising.The film chose to be released in the United States at this time, catering to the thoughts and trends pervasive in the United States, so the response was extremely strong, and it received unanimous praise from all walks of life, and achieved very impressive results at the box office.Various Hollywood film producers have a keen sense of smell, and immediately grasped the commercial nature of this anti-war theme, so they started shooting anti-war theme films one after another.

There are too many films of this kind in Tan Jiabao's mind, and he feels that he should seize this opportunity to produce a batch of high-quality anti-war films.When these films are finished, they will not only bring good profits, but also bring good social benefits to companies that have just set foot in the United States.

His first thought was the movie "Catch-22," a favorite of his, based on Joseph Heller's 1961 novel of the same name.The film describes a US Air Force base stationed in the Mediterranean during World War II. Many officers and soldiers tried to evade flying missions and obtain illegal wealth.The film is a content-rich black anti-war comedy. The initial scenes are shot with style, but the subsequent development is a bit chaotic and loose, and it fails to penetrate the theme.However, there are many sequences that are quite well shot and not less than entertaining.

He first recruited Huang Baiming, the future No. [-] screenwriter in Hong Kong.He handed him the novel and told him the story in detail.Of course, he explained it through the lens.Huang Baiming carefully took notes, and raised questions and his own opinions from time to time, and it took about an hour to finish the story.Huang Baiming went to write the screenplay with full confidence.

Then he found Xu Guanwen.He is a sneer maker, so what Tan Jiabao gave him was "Army Field Hospital".This film is a masterpiece of director Robert Altman. It tells the story of two cynical American doctors during the Korean War.The director used black humor to satirize the Vietnam War at that time, which became a masterpiece at that time.

Since there is no original work for this film, Tan Jiabao had to spend a little more time.In order to express the shining points of this film more accurately, he did not hesitate to draw and compare himself, and did many humorous and funny actions to interpret the funny parts in the film.Xu Guanwen, who was concentrating on recording, and Deborah, who was listening, laughed continuously...

What was left to Deng Guangrong was an anti-war romance.Tan Jiabao knows that Deng Guangrong performed well in Taiwan's literary romance films in the early days, and he is also known as the top three students in Taiwan along with Qin Han and Qin Xianglin.And he is still working in Hong Kong to introduce European and American films, and he is engaged in translation, so he is the most familiar with European and American films among the three people now.

This movie is called "Return". The background of the original movie is the wounded soldier hospital in California, USA. Sally is the wife of officer Bob. Because her husband served in Vietnam, she volunteered to the hospital to take care of the wounded soldiers who came back from Vietnam. She meets Luke who is paralyzed and falls in love with him unconsciously.In order to encourage Luke to regain his fighting spirit as a man, Sally got on the wheelchair and teased Luke.Tan Jiabao remembers that among a large number of films depicting the aftermath of the Vietnam War, this film shot in the late 70s is quite representative.The male and female protagonists both won the Best Oscar Award for their delicate performances in this film. Dern's role as the cuckold husband is not many but quite exciting.The director discusses the harm caused by the war to the people in the rear with a line-drawing technique almost like a melodrama, which is very shocking.

Of course, Tan Jiabao changed the Vietnam War background to the Korean War background.Although the script can be released, Jane Fonda, Jon Walter, and Bruce Dunn in the play are not big names yet, and some are not even famous, especially Jane Fonda, who has still made several films.So he was worried that these people's current "skills" were not enough to meet his requirements.So, Tan Jiabao talked about another movie, its name is "Reading for Love".

"Reading for Love" is based on the novel "The Reader" written by Bernhard Schlink in 1995.The story tells the story of a year-end relationship between a German teenager Michael and a middle-aged woman Hannah in the 1950s, but Hannah left without saying goodbye.When Michael, later a young lawyer, meets Hannah again, she is a defendant on trial for war crimes for her actions while working as a concentration camp guard in the latter stages of the war.Michael knows that Hannah has always had a secret she believes is worse than her previous Nazi days, a secret that is enough to overturn the charges against her.But Mi Gao's momentary hesitation created a lifelong regret for the two.

Both stories are very shocking, and the perspective of the story is so novel and unique.Deng Guangrong, who was listening to the story, was already teary-eyed, while Deborah was sobbing softly.

"I'm trying to write these two stories into novels first, and then write the script. Do you think it's okay?" Deng Guangrong volunteered after listening to the stories.

Tan Jiabao shook his head and said, "It's not impossible. I think after you return to Hong Kong, find someone. If you write with her, you will get twice the result with half the effort. And it will also improve your writing level."

"Who is she?" Deng Guangrong asked curiously.

"She is the famous Eileen Chang! Feelings in her hands are like galloping horses in Xu Beihong's paintings, like shrimps in Baishi's paintings, so vivid, so charming, and so shocking! Also, Her English is very good, and she began to publish English essays and novels decades ago. If she agrees to write a book, you can ask her to add her inspiration and insights. I believe that in this way, there will be excellent novels.” Tan Although Jiabao said so, he was really not sure that he would be able to invite this great god-level figure.

Of course, Tan Jiabao also had a mission.He has finished the scripts of "General Patton" and "Jaws".He is rushing to write "Tiger Tiger Tiger" now.Next up is Lord of War.He tried to attract the climax of the anti-war drama in advance, which was somehow related to his other plan and played a very important role.

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