
617 Desperate

Plagiarism - 610 Seven Desperate Risks

In Tan Jiabao's bedroom, Teresa Teng and Hu Yinmeng were watching Tan Jiabao calmly changing clothes.

He had already put on his bulletproof underwear and a white cotton shorts suit.The two of them saw with their own eyes that there were so many throwing knives hidden in his suit, and they also saw that there were actually two throwing knives on the soles of Tan Jiabao's cloth shoes.

Tan Jiabao's preparations were not insufficient, but he knew that after the gangsters searched these throwing knives, if there were more than five left, then he would be satisfied.He did this entirely for the two girls to see. He knew that they were worried about him, and he wanted to reassure them in this way.

Teresa Teng was already tearful, she finally couldn't help but threw herself into Tan Jiabao's arms and burst into tears.She clearly knew what Tan Jiabao was going to do, but she couldn't say what she wanted to say.Back then, she almost entered the gate of hell, and it was this strange man who risked his life to save her.Now, another sister of hers is in trouble, and this strange man is going to come forward again, how can she let him not come to the rescue?But this time the degree of danger is many times stronger than that time, can he really come back smoothly?

Hu Yinmeng was also crying, but she was smarter than Teresa Teng in this respect, she said softly: "Xiaobao, I want you to promise me one thing, that is, if one day something happens to me, I ask you to never You can't risk yourself, and you must not affect the happiness of thousands of people because of me alone. You are not only my boyfriend, but also the boyfriend of several other women. And you are also the director of the Tang Dynasty Group Sir, the Tang Dynasty Group now has more than 33 employees. Also, you are still one of the main members of Oceania, and you have to consider the tens of millions of citizens. So, I don’t need you to be a hero for me. If something happens to you, then the employees of the Tang Dynasty Group and the people of Oceania will point at my spine and scold me, instead of that, I'd rather die!"

Tan Jiabao didn't understand what the two girls meant, but he had to do it.A man can do something and not do something.He knew that in this situation, Lin Qingxia could only hope to be rescued if she acted by herself.Otherwise, what happened to Brigitte Lin would make his life worse than death in the future.

"Look at the two of you, it seems like you are parting from life to death. Haven't you seen your boyfriend before? How can these mere thieves do anything to me? Haha..."

"No, it's definitely not an ordinary little thief! Xiaobao, don't lie to us! Although we can't hear what the other end of the phone is saying, I can feel that the other party is fully prepared. They A lot of traps have been laid, just waiting for you fool to jump! Woo——" Hu Yinmeng could no longer hold back, she also threw herself into Tan Jiabao's arms, crying and saying: "Xiaobao, don't go Alright, okay? You don't have much confidence in saving Qingxia this time, and you... have to risk your life. Not only do you have Qingxia, you also have us, you also have Sister Audrey, and Deborah and sister Yi Huisi, don't you think about us?"

Teresa Teng said quietly in his arms: "Xiaobao, if you have any troubles, I... I really don't know if I have the courage to live on, really. Listen to our two sisters, okay?"

Tan Jiabao held the two girls tightly in his arms, and said softly: "You believe in me, I will be fine. What I just want to tell you is that this time I must go to rescue Qingxia. Come out. Otherwise, Qingxia will suffer torture 10 times, or even 100 times worse than death. If that's the case, I don't think I can forgive myself in my whole life!"

On the phone, Tan Jiabao once asked, "What if I don't go?"

The person on the other end of the phone laughed and said: "It doesn't matter if you don't come. Miss Lin is a rare oriental beauty. We are worried that there will be no such beautiful oriental beauty. After training, she will definitely become an amazing woman." Spy, do you believe it?"

From such a sentence.Tan Jiabao had already guessed which part of the team the other party was. Tan Jiabao felt shuddering about their methods of training spies. How could he have the heart to let Qingxia train people like them?

The two girls stopped crying. Teresa Teng broke free from his arms, took a pendant from her neck, and gently put it on for Tan Jiabao. She said, "Xiaobao, this jade Guanyin is a family heirloom of our family. It was left by my ancestors several generations ago, and my grandma once said that wearing it on my body can turn bad luck into good luck."

Tan Jiabao kissed them lightly, then took Lorraine and left the villa in an off-road vehicle.

According to the request of the other party, Tan Jiabao can only take one driver there at most.They will be led to their destination by an off-road vehicle at the designated intersection.

Sitting in the car, Tan Jiabao pretended to be relaxed and asked: "Lorraine, are you afraid?"

Lorraine, who was driving, chuckled and said, "It's a lie to say I'm not afraid. I haven't participated in a battle since the Bay of Pigs War. However, since I chose to be a professional soldier, it doesn't matter whether I'm afraid or not. But boss, you want to go there in person, which surprised us all."

Tan Jiabao also smiled slightly and said: "Hehe, you told the truth. In this kind of occasion, everyone will be afraid, including me. I am actually the same as you. What you are loyal to is your profession, and what I am loyal to is myself Conscience. Many things are not optional, that is what you have to do."

Lorraine sighed and said: "Yes, Mislin is a kind girl. We have been her bodyguard for several months. She respects us very much. She has no airs. In many cases, she will She took good care of us. It’s just that last night, she had a big temper, and I’ve never seen her lose such a big temper.”

Thinking of Brigitte Lin who was in the hands of those people, Tan Jiabao felt a dull pain in his heart.

Tan Jiabao changed the subject and said, "Lorraine, are you ready? Have you put on your body armor?"

Lorraine said with a stern expression: "Report to the boss, everything is ready here, and the body armor has already been put on. I am ready to act according to the boss's plan. Please rest assured, the boss!"

While talking, they reached a fork in the road.Sure enough, a black off-road vehicle was parked there.Seeing Tan Jiabao and the others coming, the driver of that car made a gesture to them, and then started the car slowly.

Lorraine had no choice but to follow the car closely.

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