
625 Hirohito Wants Restoration

Plagiarism - 620 Wu Yuren Wants to Restoration

Ask yourself, Tan Jiabao knows that he is not a qualified politician, nor is he a shit diplomat, but he has the confidence that others do not have!This refinement of confidence means that he has strong strength, the strong backing of Oceania, and the incomparable power of the reborn.Therefore, Tan Jiabao's negotiation is not like many excellent diplomats who have so many stereotypes. They need to think ahead and think a lot.Peace is the most important thing, keeping a low profile, good-neighborliness, and opposition to power politics cannot restrain him. He just considers and solves problems with the simplest straight-line thinking, as long as it suits his own interests, he will do it.He doesn't care what other people think.

It is no wonder that Oceania is a country created by conspiracy, aggression and good luck.New Guinea, the Solomon Islands, Socotra and some Indonesian islands were "bought". He doesn't care whether this is in line with international law, whether it will cause harm to some countries, and whether it will make some Western countries His complexion is not good.As for some islands in the Indian Ocean, whether they belong to India, Australia, or British colonies, he dares to occupy them unceremoniously.He doesn't think too much about diplomacy, public opinion, peace, friendship, condemnation and other issues.

His usual style is to do it first, and then solve the follow-up problems.

In the conversation with Akihito and Nakasone Yasuhiro, he already felt that they wanted something from him, so he dared to target it.Although Yasuhiro Nakasone is an outstanding figure in politics and diplomacy, he also finds it difficult to adapt when he encounters a "diplomat" like Tan Jiabao who does not follow common sense. He has never had the initiative to negotiate. .

In the first round of the confrontation about history, Tan Jiabao was the clear winner.He brought this winner's edge to the next round, which is the main topic of this meeting.

Seeing that Tan Jiabao was going straight to the point, Yasuhiro Nakasone didn't bother to beat around the bush, and went straight to the point.He looked at Tan Jiabao and said: "We believe that Mr. Chuxiong and Mr. Tang Xi are the Genghis Khan of this era, the Napoleon of this era, and the Washington of this era. Therefore, the Great Japanese Empire wants to cooperate with Oceania in politics, economy, and culture. We will fully cooperate with the military. We look forward to fighting side by side with Oceania in the future World War III and rebuilding the glory of the Great Japanese Empire!"

"Ah—" Tan Jiabao couldn't help but exclaimed.

Although Nakasone Yasuhiro is only 51 years old, he once participated in the Second World War.He enlisted in 1942 as a lieutenant in charge of the Japanese Navy.When the war started, he was on the cruiser Aoba of the Southern Fleet, and he was the commander-in-chief of the battleship Nagato when he was defeated in Japan.He handled military coupons worth a huge sum of 70 yen, participated in the Java Sea Battle and the Wright Gulf Battle, and 110 of the 22 classmates in his military academy were killed in battle.The experience of the navy had a decisive impact on his worldview, and it also gave him a wide network of contacts. Even if he was defeated, he was proud of the navy.Later, he served as military affairs officer of the Ministry of the Interior, chief of the Kagawa Prefecture Police Section, and police officer of the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department.

As a result of this experience, he became a staunch right-wing militarist.

When someone asked him whether his political views were left or right, he had a famous saying: "Where the cold and warm currents meet, there must be rich fishing grounds." Politicians are not the Salvation Army, so you don't have to stick to ideology and established concepts, as long as it doesn't harm the overall situation, you can compromise as much as possible."

Therefore, at this time, he was the only one in Japan who dared to put forward the proposition of "comprehensive cooperation with Oceania in politics, economy, culture and military affairs."He predicted that in about 10 years, there will be a World War III that exceeds the scale of World War II and will be staged around the world, and he persuaded Emperor Hirohito to stand up in advance and not repeat the mistakes of World War II .

He made a careful study of Tan Jiabao and Oceania, and he decided that Tam Jiabao was a man who made history.He decided that Oceania would be the greatest victor in World War III.

Akihito added: "Only a few years after the end of World War II, the Empire of Japan still left behind a group of heroic generals and soldiers who were loyal to the emperor. At the same time, the Empire of Japan also possessed many skilled craftsmen of military weapons. The Empire of Japan can definitely become Oceania's most powerful helper."

It has to be said that this is a great temptation for Tan Jiabao.Not to mention anything else, let's just say that the "Japanese Imperial Army" back then made Europeans and Americans fearful and tenacious fighting style, which also made Tan Jiabao not to be underestimated.It is much better to have such a "friend" by your side than to have such an "enemy" by your side.

After thinking for a while, Tan Jiabao asked: "I have three questions. First, everyone in the world knows that Japan is no longer the era of the Emperor. Can your plan be approved by the Japanese Diet? Second, the Americans still have huge A large number of troops are stationed in Japan. They oppose the restoration of Japanese militarism. How will you deal with the Americans? How will you deal with the pressure from the international community? Third, not long after the end of World War II, Japan not only has many militarists, but also many How will you deal with the anti-war people in your country?"

"Mr. Tang Xiao's quick thinking, I sincerely admire. Yes, what you mentioned is indeed three problems before us. However, as long as Oceania supports us and we work together, these three problems will be solved one by one. I'll talk about the specifics one by one." Yasuhiro Nakasone said very seriously.

Emotionally speaking, Tan Jiabao is absolutely unwilling to cooperate with devils.But at the beginning of the founding of the country, a large number of talents were needed, and the devils were world-class in many aspects.In addition, since the devil can ignore the previous accusations of being repeatedly plotted against by Tan Jiabao, he is willing to attach himself to Oceania.As the leader of a big country, why should I be cautious?Since he wants to be attached, why can't I use him?In this world, each other is used to exploit each other. It is still unknown who will play whom.

Now Tan Jiabao would like to hear what the famous Japanese politician is thinking and whether his suggestions are worthwhile.Therefore, Tan Jiabao stared at him intently, pretending to be listening attentively.

Seeing Tan Jiabao’s sincerity, Nakasone Yasuhiro’s confidence increased greatly. He said slowly: “Since the United States turned its back on Japan and substantially revised the “San Francisco Peace Treaty with Japan”, causing the Great Japanese Empire to lose Okinawa and the Ogasawara Islands, Japan has been loyal to Japan. The Japanese Empire and the people loyal to the emperor hated this behavior of the United States. The same is true for the emperor. Did the Americans consider trying to get rid of the control of the Americans by persecuting the emperor? Therefore, it is necessary to drive the American army out of Japan One thing that the emperor and the Japanese people desperately want to do now."

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