
Oceania and the Oceanic Army after 631

Plagiarism - Oceania and the Oceanic Army ten years after 630

The establishment of Oceania, and after ten years of rapid development, has broken the world's original bipolar structure of the US-Soviet hegemony between NATO headed by the United States and the Warsaw Pact Yalta system headed by the Soviet Union.Although Oceania cannot be called the third pole in the world, everyone knows that today's Oceania has become the biggest force destroying the second pole structure in terms of economy, politics, culture, technology and military.Coupled with the rise of countries such as South Africa, China, India, Indonesia, Japan, and Australia, the world has become a multipolar pattern, or what we call a bipolar pluralistic pattern.

During this decade, Oceania occupied New Caledonia, Vanuatu Islands, Nauru, Tonga, and Fiji Islands, and bought Easter Island in Chile, Falkland Island in Argentina, and Bari Island around the Gulf of Ding in Somalia. State, Zaragoh State, Northwest State, Audal State, Djibouti and the six states of Eritrea, the United Arab Emirates and Qatar occupied by Yemen.

The current Oceania has a huge area, and its territory has spread to three oceans and four continents. The total land area of ​​its territory has reached 130 million square kilometers, and the sea area is even larger.This does not include the original Madagascar actually controlled by Oceania, which is now called the Zulu Kingdom of nearly 60 square kilometers and the Philippines' nearly 30 square kilometers of land.

The current population of Oceania exceeds 7000 million, and the number of sea, land and air forces has reached more than 330 million.

In terms of economy, the most powerful industries in Oceania are high-tech industry, biopharmaceutical industry, environmental protection industry, mineral energy industry and heavy industry, which are the five major industries of Oceania.Oceania also has considerable competitive advantages in military industry, tertiary industry, light industry, information industry, and automobile, ship, and aircraft manufacturing.Over the past ten years, Oceania's gdp has risen sharply year by year. In 1978, the total gdp has exceeded 13000 trillion US dollars, and the per capita gdp has reached nearly 8000 US dollars. Oceania has replaced Japan and Europe and has become the global leader. Second largest economy.

Oceania is the most economically active region in the world, attracting more and more companies from all over the world to invest and set up factories, and attracting more and more talents of all kinds to start businesses and work hard.

In terms of religion and culture, Oceania unified the language and characters of the whole country.No matter what skin color they are or what country they are from, they must speak and use Chinese uniformly in Oceania.In terms of school construction, more than 23 government-run and private primary and secondary schools have been built nationwide, and a total of 1693 institutions of higher learning have been built.In addition, there are more than 1000 government-run, private-run and enterprise-run technical schools, correspondence universities, and so on.

Because Tan Jiabao unearthed a large number of Asian cultural relics in the Golden Lily Treasure, the collection of the Chang'an Museum built in Chang'an shocked the world for a while.In addition, various Buddhist statues and Buddhist collections unearthed also provided a basis for the construction of more than 100 temples in Oceania.The most attractive is undoubtedly the "Golden Buddha Temple" on the top of Xu Xiake Mountain. The huge Golden Buddha attracts more and more faithful men and women in Asia.

In terms of science and technology, the achievements of Oceania have attracted the attention of the world.In terms of aerospace, the satellite launch system independently researched and manufactured by Oceania has become the most advanced system in the world. In ten years, Oceania has launched 65 satellites of various types for its own country and more than 30 satellites for foreign countries; In 1977, Oceania's first manned space shuttle landed in space for the first time, realizing the dream of soaring in space;

Computer hardware and software are changing with each passing day. Computers have entered more and more office buildings, schools and families, and the concept of interconnection has been proposed for the first time, and it is at the forefront of the world in terms of network applications.Computer applications have been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people and have shown their talents in all walks of life;

In terms of biopharmaceuticals, the Tang Dynasty Pharmaceutical Company in Oceania experienced a second venture. Various new drugs emerged one after another. Cloned sheep and dogs came out one after another, and the "gene map" was also made public.What shocked the world even more was that Tang Dynasty Pharmaceutical finally found the "poisonous rice" toxin manufactured by the South African government and successfully developed the first phase of medicine.However, because the toxin has been lurking in the black body for too long, the medicine of Tang Dynasty Pharmaceutical can only temporarily restore the sperm production function of some strong black men.But in any case, the childbirth of black Africans and some Arabs who had stopped for nearly ten years finally showed a turning point. In May 1977, an Arab woman in Libya finally gave birth to a baby again after a lapse of nearly ten years.All these have made an indelible contribution to the good political status of Oceania in the world.

In terms of environmental protection, Oceania is also at the forefront of the world.What is particularly prominent is that Oceania's clean energy technologies such as wind power generation, atomic power generation and solar power generation are already number one in the world.At the same time, it has also made remarkable achievements in desert control.Oceania not only managed the deserts in two regions successfully in the United Arab Emirates and Qatar, but also managed millions of hectares of deserts in Libya, Yemen, Somalia and Australia; in terms of seawater desalination, the magic of Oceania once again raised eyebrows.Oceania not only solved the country's water problem, but also helped many countries in the Middle East and Africa to provide this technical assistance, solving the dilemma of water difficulties in these areas for thousands of years.

The contribution of Oceania to the world is so great that it has won the recognition of the United Nations again and again, and three special meetings have been held to discuss the matter of allowing Oceania to become a permanent member of the Security Council.Therefore, politically, Oceania has become a remarkable political power.

In terms of military affairs, the development of Oceania has shocked the world.

In 1978, the Oceania Navy formed four fleets: the Pacific Fleet, the Indian Ocean Fleet, the Atlantic Fleet and the Persian Gulf Fleet, and its establishment was basically based on that of the US Navy.

Among them, the Pacific Fleet has three fleets, the First, Third and Fifth Fleets, which mainly deal with the Seventh Fleet, the Third Fleet of the US Pacific Fleet and the Soviet Pacific Fleet; ", "Zhongzong", "Suzong", "Yuizong" and "Shunzong" five nuclear-powered aircraft carriers and "Genghis Khan" conventionally powered aircraft carrier, the total force reached [-] people.

The Indian Ocean Fleet has the Second Fleet and the Fourth Fleet, equipped with three nuclear-powered aircraft carriers "Gaozu", "Daizong" and "Dezong" and "Kublai Khan" conventionally powered aircraft carrier.The total force is 13;

The Sixth Fleet under the Persian Gulf Fleet is equipped with two nuclear-powered aircraft carriers "Zetian" and "Li Jing", with a total force of 7 passengers;

The seventh and eighth fleets under the Atlantic Fleet are equipped with "Xuanzong", "Qinqiong", "Yichigong" nuclear-powered aircraft carriers and "Cheng Yaojin" conventional-powered aircraft carriers, with a total force of 15 passengers.

In this way, the Oceanic Navy has a total of 13 nuclear-powered aircraft carriers and three conventional-powered aircraft carriers, as well as 80 high-tech nuclear submarines, destroyers, frigates, and so on.What is even more proud is that the Oceanic Navy has a combat system that has completely defeated the American "Aegis". This combat system is actually the "Aegis" system that has been upgraded n times. system.

In terms of the air force, the Oceanic Army is equipped with more than 5100 aircraft of various types.Like the U.S. Air Force, the Air Force of the Oceanic Army is mainly composed of four parts: strategic forces, tactical forces, aerospace forces and special operations forces. 4 aviation wing and 4 squadron, mainly equipped with 13 aircraft, also equipped with 39 unmanned aircraft, 1 air-based cruise missiles, 5166 intercontinental ballistic missiles and 1169 military satellites, etc.

Oceania has built a total of 36 air force bases across the country and around the world, and the number of Oceania Air Force has reached more than [-].

The Air Force is the military branch with the highest technological content, and the technological level of various aircraft in Oceania is the world's leading, so the requirements for the quality of aviation personnel are particularly high.To this end, the Oceanic Army also specially established three schools for the Air Force, focusing on cultivating talents in the Air Force.

由于大洋军的统帅是前美国五星上将布莱德雷,所以大洋军的陆军编制也全部沿袭了美国编制。大洋军陆军一共编制了五个集团军司令部,三个军部和一个空降军部,共9个司令部;这其中又包括了3个装甲师、5个机械化师、3个轻步兵师、3个空中突击师、3个空降师、12个航空旅、9个炮兵旅、5个装甲骑兵团、16个防空导弹营;另有3个一体化师等,再加上预备军等,这样陆军的人数达到了 0多万人。

The Oceanic Army is already ahead of the Soviet Union in terms of numbers and equipment, and even ahead of the United States in some fields.The main reason why the Oceanic Army has not been regarded as the "one pole" of the world by military observers is that the Oceanic Army has not yet experienced the baptism of a major war. To be inferior.

To this end, Bradley and General Su organized several large-scale army-wide military exercises.The two old generals were very eager to have a large-scale war to prove the strength of the army they trained.

However, relying on the years of war sense of the two veteran generals, they are feeling that a big war is approaching them, and the pattern of this world will be reshuffled because of the existence of Oceania.

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