
65 Meyer Rothschild is also Reborn

65 Meyer Rothschild is also Reborn

The old man said casually: "Haha, my name is Mayer Rothschild, you should have heard of my name, I am 223 years old this year..."

Tan Jiabao was dumbfounded when he heard it.He knew that the books introducing Meyer Rothschild and the Rothschild family mainly included "The Sixth Empire" and "Currency War". Many people said that these two books were inconsistent with the facts, so Tan Jiabao I have never read these two books.But Tan Jiabao still knew something about Meyer Rothschild and his Rothschild family through other channels.He knew that this Meyer Rothschild is even more of a genius. He is not only the founder of the Rothschild family, but also known as the "Father of International Finance" and "European Banking Giant".He created the world's first multinational company and pioneered international financial business.

The Rothschild family successively opened banks in famous European cities such as Frankfurt, London, Paris, Vienna, and Naples, and established the largest financial kingdom in the world at that time.In Europe in the 19th century, Rothschild was almost synonymous with money and wealth.It is estimated that around 1850, the Rothschilds amassed a fortune equivalent to $60 billion.During the heyday, almost all the governments of most European countries borrowed money from their family. By the beginning of the century, the world's major gold market was also controlled by their family, whose family assets exceeded at least 50 trillion US dollars.It can be said that the financial empire established by this family has influenced the development of the entire European and even the entire world history.

The Rothschild family not only occupies an absolute dominant position in the European financial circle, but also restrains and influences the United States by supporting the development and growth of the Morgan consortium, and strives to fully control the United States.At that time, the Rockefeller family, DuPont family and Mellon family did not have the strength to fight against the overly powerful Rothschild family, so they adopted a compromise method.At that time, Citigroup, Morgan, the First National Bank of the United States, and the Second National Bank were all under the indirect control of the Rothschild family.

In the age of mass media, people's eyes may only pay attention to such prestigious names as "Kennedy family", "Rockefeller family" or "Morgan family".In the United States before World War II in the [-]th century, there was a classic sentence describing the situation in the United States at that time: "The Democratic Party belongs to the Morgan family, while the Republican Party belongs to the Rockefeller family...", in fact, it should be followed by this sentence. "The Rockefeller family and the Morgan family used to belong to the Rothschild family!"

It is said that the Rothschild family suffered heavy losses in World War II and has since declined.The industrial scale of the Rothschild family slowly began to become very small. The annual turnover of the Rothschild Banking Group is less than 100 billion US dollars, and the profit is less than 30 billion US dollars. It is estimated that its total capital will not exceed 300 billion US dollars. , less than a fraction of that of major European and American banks.However, most people believe that as a veteran financial giant, even though the Rothschild Bank has declined, the Rothschild family has spread across many industries, and its influence cannot be underestimated.

He remembered that Qu Yuning once talked about his friend, the friend who traveled together in 3111.But he didn't expect that this friend was this person.

"What, you are Mayer Rothschild? The founder of the Rothschild family? Didn't Mayer Rothschild die before the age of 70? Why is he 223 years old now? And, man, Can you live that long?" Tan Jiabao was surprised, and asked all kinds of questions.

"I am the true Meyer Rothschild. I announced my death in 1812 to better conceal myself. And you are the only person with a foreign surname that I have seen in more than 150 years. ! And why I can live so long, that is because I am a reborn person like you!" Meyer Rothschild looked at the bewildered Tan Jiabao and said, "Say, is this answer okay? My friend ?”

"Ah..." Tan Jiabao's brain short-circuited for a moment, and he screamed again, he said, "You really think I'm a reborn person? Why are you so familiar with me? Also, even a reborn person can't live that long ah."

"Wrong! Even reborn people are different. Just take me as an example. I was reborn from 3111 AD. I don't know the year of your time travel, but I'm sure your time travel is much shallower than mine, Yeah?"

Tan Jiabao's head was getting bigger, he knew that he was really Meyer Rothschild, the one who traveled with Qu Yuning.He didn't think it was necessary for him to hide anything from this person.So he said: "My travel time is 15 years."

"That's it." Meyer Rothschild nodded and said: "In my eyes, even if you are 15 years old, you are just an 'ancient man'. In our era, even ordinary people can live to 3. 400 years old. And for someone like me, who was already the top chemist and pharmacologist on the planet at that time, it is not surprising that I live 1000 years old."

"Didn't you have many people who looked like you in your era?" Tan Jiabao thought to himself, why is there such a big difference in the "ages" between Qu Yuning and Meyer Rothschild?

Meyer Rothschild shook his head and said: "The food, water and air in our time were specially processed. Even a 4-year-old person looks similar to a 500- or 5-year-old person now. The reason why I became the ghost I am now is entirely due to the current environment. So I came to you because I want your help to go to China to find a drug that will make me look younger. After all, in this Anyone who stays underground for so long will go crazy. If I don't have endless work every day, I can't guarantee how long I can stay here."

He paused, then continued: "You still have two questions I haven't answered you, and that is 'Do you really think I'm a reborn? Why are you so familiar with me?'. In order to find that drug, I In the past one or two hundred years, some people have been sent to China every year, and some people have been stationed in China for a long time. In the past one or two years, your reputation suddenly rose, and I began to send people to investigate you, through your various deeds. , especially after the publication of "The Godfather" and the release of "The Graduate", I have identified you as a time traveler. Because I am also a time traveler myself, I have great confidence in you, and I believe you will be able to find that kind of drug."

"Why do you think that China has the medicine you need? You came from 3111. Could it be that the medicine of your era is not as good as the medicine of China's 19th or century?"

Meyer Rothschild smiled and said: "Why do you ask two or even three questions at a time? Well, I will answer you one by one. Hehe, this is like a story: In that year, our family should Mr. Li Hongzhang was invited to invest in China, and I also went. At that time, the ruler of China was a woman named 'Empress Dowager Cixi'. This woman loved beauty very much, and she secretly asked someone to find the medicine of immortality among the people. Later, a minister finally found It is said that the prescription needs 108 Chinese herbal medicines. Taking this medicine can delay aging. Ordinary people will age one year after taking this medicine. After taking this medicine, they can only age one year in two or even three years. Unexpectedly, after this woman asked a palace lady to take this medicine, the palace lady had diarrhea for a whole day, and almost pulled out all the contents in the stomach. Empress Dowager Cixi was frightened, she thought this medicine was untrustworthy Then I didn’t use it anymore. At that time, I was at Master Li Hongzhang’s home, and I tried my best to get some of the dregs of this kind of medicine. After my own inspection, I think this medicine is what I need. There are not all 108 kinds of Chinese medicinal materials, and the proportion of them is not clear. So I signed some engineering agreements with China with extremely favorable conditions, trying to get the prescription of the Empress Dowager Cixi. But that day, robbers entered the palace, and someone came along I stole that prescription. Decades later, our people got accurate information that the prescription was in Shaolin Temple. So I sent people to search, but a monk took the book and the prescription away in advance. It is said that the monk went to the south of Chu, and there was no news of this prescription."

After Tan Jiabao heard what he said, he thought, isn't this the prescription for the "Zhuyan Pill" that he got?He thought that after Chen Xiaofang took the medicine, she also had diarrhea for a whole day.He is a doctor, of course he knows that it is detoxification.And after Chen Xiaofang took it, his skin felt chilly and tight, so he knew that the medicine was effective.And those few books are indeed from Shaolin Temple.Unexpectedly, this drug was the drug that Meyer Rothschild had been chasing for nearly 0 years.But it takes no effort to get it by yourself.

Meyer Rothschild took a sip of tea and continued: "Now to answer your other question. In our era, technology and civilization have been highly developed. Our attention to medicine has also reached a very high level. For example, people generally The lifespan of the tablet can be greatly improved. And our pharmacologists have created a series of drugs through the combination of the mechanism of the human body, the maintenance of organs and the regeneration of blood, as well as cells, genes, etc., to assist some physical therapy to make our body The life span has been extended. However, we have not found a better drug and method to retain people's youth. During this period, someone proposed the concept of "reverse growth", the principle of which is to use drugs or other means at a certain stage of a person , so that the number of cells produced by the human body increases year by year to achieve the purpose of 'reverse growth'. During our research, we found that this idea is feasible, but we lack some necessary trace elements. And that time in those dregs, I I found this trace element. I was very surprised at that time. The Chinese people discovered this element at this time, which is really admirable and surprising. So, as long as I get the prescription, I can combine our medicine ingredients, in Invent a 'reverse growth' drug in a fairly short period of time. I'll be getting younger and younger, and I'll be out of this damn place."

After saying this, he stared at Tan Jiabao and said, "You are not only a reborn person, but also know medical skills, and you are also from Chu Nan, so I think you are the best candidate to find this medicine."

Tan Jiabao couldn't help sighing.

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