
93 Acquisition of Warner Bros.

93 Acquisition of Warner Bros.

Tan Xiaozhong quickly talked with Jack Warner about the acquisition of a large film company.

Last night, Tan Jiabao told him about Jack Warner. It is said that this man is a very shrewd and cunning guy who plotted against his brothers many years ago.

In May 1956, Warner Bros. announced that the company was going public.Harry, Albert, and Jack Warner each sell their shares.Jack Warner secretly set up a consortium managed by Boston banker Sergesemenenko to buy 5 shares of Warner Corporation, about 80% of the shares.Jack Warner finally bought back 90 shares from the consortium managed by Sergesemenenko through black market transactions.Jack Warner completed this dark market transaction in June, became the largest shareholder of Warner Corporation, and appointed himself as the new president.When Harry Warner and Albert Warner discovered Jack Warner's black market transactions, it was too late, and an incomprehensible hatred has formed between the brothers since then.

Jack Warner is such a person, so Tan Xiaozhong felt that he had to be careful.

Knowing the reason why Tan Xiaozhong and the two came, Jack Warner sneered in his heart. He thought that a group of foreigners wanted to come to Hollywood to seek gold, did they think it would be so easy?You are nothing more than a small-budget film, and if you get away with it, they don't know the heights of the sky and the earth.He thought that after so many years in Hollywood, he couldn't make it anymore, just relying on them?OK, since they're going to buy a big company, I'll sell it to you, if you can afford it!The best price is better than Seven Arts Canada.So he smiled and said, "I admire Mr. Tan's ambition, but big Hollywood companies are generally not cheap."

Tan Xiaozhong sneered arrogantly: "We are not short of money! We are short of a large film company!"

Jack Warner laughed and said, "Well, your courage is worthy of my admiration. If I sell Warner Bros. to you, how much can you offer?"

Tan Xiaozhong nodded and said: "What if? Hehe, Mr. Jack Warner, our price will definitely be much higher than other companies' bids. For example, compared to Seven Arts in Canada!"

Jack Warner rolled his eyes quickly, thinking to himself, so they came prepared.So he smiled and said to Tan Xiaozhong: "Since you all know about this, please ask for a price."

Tan Xiaozhong smiled and said, "I want to see your asset catalogue, is that okay?"

Jack Warner smiled slyly, "Of course."

So, Jack Warner got up and handed over a detailed asset list to Tan Xiaozhong.Tan Xiaozhong took it and browsed carefully page by page.After a long time, Tan Xiaozhong said: "With only so much net assets, it's no wonder that Seven Arts Canada is only willing to bid 8000 million U.S. dollars at most. Let me make an offer that you can't refuse. We bought this Warner Bros. company for 1.5 million U.S. dollars." All assets!"

"Ah, 1.5 million US dollars?" Jack Warner stood up abruptly, looked at Tan Xiaozhong with wide eyes, and said hesitantly, "1.5 million US dollars? No way! At least 2 million US dollars, we Warner Brothers..."

Tan Xiaozhong's asking price was earth-shattering. This figure made the old and faint Jack Warner unable to turn around for a while. How could he have thought that the other party would offer such a high price?This price is much higher than the market price, almost double the price offered by the Canadian Seven Arts Company!In his habit of thinking, he immediately thought that the other party was a fool, an upstart, and a layman in the film industry. He could take the opportunity to sell his company at a better price.

In fact, for the acquisition of optimistic companies, Tan Jiabao admires the acquisition methods of the former Australian media giant and newspaper king Murdoch. Murdoch often acquires companies quickly at a high price that the other party cannot refuse, quickly integrates companies, and grows rapidly enterprise.Now, Tan Xiaozhong is using this method to acquire Warner, and they are determined to win Warner Bros.

However, in the current period, most of the acquisitions of large enterprises are still in the stage of continuous inspection, negotiation and bargaining, so Jack Warner is very uncomfortable with Tan Xiaozhong's "abnormal" behavior.

Facing Jack Warner's greedy eyes, Tan stood up with a smile, and said with a sneer, "Lala, let's go! Let Mr. Jack Warner buy a good price, haha, preferably 10 billion US dollars."

Deborah stood up, gave Jack Warner a contemptuous look, and followed Tan Xiaozhong out.

"Wait, Mr. Tan, please stop..." Jack Warner secretly slapped himself, he hurriedly stopped Tan and said with a smile: "Mr. Tan, you misunderstood! In fact, I still have some assets that have not been put in this asset catalogue." Go inside. Please sit down and let me explain it to you.”

Tan Xiaozhong listened to it, thought for a while, then turned around and sat down and said, "Dear Mr. Jack Warner, please don't insult my wisdom like this in the future, okay?"

Jack Warner shrugged and said apologetically, "I'm sorry, it's all because I didn't make it clear just now."

Tan Xiao didn't answer, but just looked at him coldly.

Jack Warner continued: "Actually, I also want to sell some of my private assets to you, so it is 5000 million higher. That's it, I still own 16.5% of Gannett's stock. You It should be known that Gannett currently owns 36 daily newspapers in the United States, and they are all newspapers with the largest circulation in the local area, such as "USA Today", "Boston Post" and so on. In addition, it also owns 12 radio stations and 3 TV stations. , 89 weekly newspapers, semi-weekly newspapers and outdoor advertisements. My 16.5% Gannett stock is worth more than 3000 million now, but it will definitely be listed at the end of this year, and its market value will definitely increase a lot by then. Of course, You don't have to. Warner Bros. for $1.5 million. What?"

In fact, at this time, Jack Warner's intestines were full of regrets. Because of his subconscious greed, he had to take out this treasure and use his last card as an excuse. Of course, he knew the development prospects of Gannett Company. He also knows better that Gannett should be sought after by investors after it goes public, and the shares will definitely be more than 5000 million US dollars by then.But now that his words have been exported, he can't take them back even if he wants to. The only hope is that Tan Xiaozhong doesn't know Gannett, and he can't spend the 5000 million to buy his own shares.

Deborah sneered in her heart at this time, and she joked and said: "When we came out, Mr. Tang Xiao told us that Jack Warner was a very bold person, and now it seems that his reputation is well-deserved. Such a good company can be so easily Didn't we take advantage of it by handing it over to us? Could it be that Jack Warner also knows how to benefit each other?"

Jack Warner laughed, but it was embarrassing: "I am a businessman, of course I know that we should benefit each other, so that both parties are happy, maybe we will have the opportunity to cooperate in the future."

Jack Warner suddenly came up with a Gannett company, which made Tan Xiaozhong a headache for a while.Although he knew Gannett's status in the American media, had read Gannett's newspapers and publications such as "USA Today", and had often listened to Gannett's radio programs, he did not know that Gannett's What are the assets and liabilities of the company, and I don't know whether this company can go public this year, and more importantly, should I believe this person's words?His first feeling was that Jack Warner threw out this treasure in a hurry. He thought that if he hadn't stood up so resolutely to walk away at that time, he would not have thrown out this treasure.Tan Xiaozhong thought that Gannett is a good company no matter what, and 16.5% of the shares can definitely enter the board of directors. Even if the company is not good, Tan Jiabao can come up with some ideas to get the company up.After thinking this through, Tan Xiaozhong finally smiled.

"We just want to buy Warner Bros. in your hands." Tan Xiaozhong stared at the other person's face, and he had to make one last effort to see the changes in the other person's expression.Sure enough, the other party showed a fleeting look of joy, but was caught by Tan Xiaozhong, and he continued: "But Jack Warner is so kind, he sold us all such good things, how dare we refuse? Don Mr. Xiao is right, Mr. Jack Warner is indeed a friend worth making friends with! So we invested 2 million to acquire Warner Bros. and Jack Warner’s 16.5% equity of Gannett. Dear Jack* Mr. Warner, should we sign the acquisition contract now? Or wait for a while, let Mr. Jack Warner think it through, or sign the contract after discussing with other shareholders?"

At this time, Jack Warner was full of thoughts, and he obviously stumbled over the Gannett equity issue. However, considering that Tang Chao Company invested 1.5 million to acquire Warner Bros., which was a full 6500 million US dollars higher than the Canadian Seven Arts Company's bid, and Qiyi Company also offered so many unreasonable and harsh conditions, but now the price offered by this Tang Dynasty company in China is too tempting. He felt that he could not lose this opportunity again, so he said heartily: " Warner Bros. shares are all in my hands, and I have the final say on everything, and there is no need to discuss with others. Oh, dear Tan, you see that the weather is so good today, why don't we sign the contract today."

Tan Xiaozhong nodded and said: "Mr. Jack Warner is impatient, good! I have no objection, we can sign the contract immediately!"

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