Need for Immortal Mansion

Chapter 229 One big black pot

Shock, immense shock, fear, extreme fear.

At the foot of the Raging Fire Sect Mountain, all forces learned that the more than 8000 fourth-level spirit beasts of the Raging Fire Sect had been domesticated within [-] days. Apart from shock, they were more terrified.

But fortunately, the Raging Fire Sect has already stated its position, people will not offend me, and I will not offend others, which immediately reassures many forces.

"It's against the sky, it's really against the sky. What kind of force is there behind Chen Yun to support it? He was able to tame more than 20 level four spirit beasts in just over 8000 days."

No one thought that the spirit beast was domesticated by Chen Yun.

"Perhaps the Raging Fire Sect wanted to distance themselves from the Young and Dangerous Boys and said so on purpose. It is simply impossible to tame more than 20 fourth-level spirit beasts in more than 8000 days."

"If Raging Fire Sect wants to disassociate themselves from Young and Dangerous, why did they take the initiative to expose their strength? Don't you think Chen Yun is a fool?"

"Besides, even if you want to distance yourself from Young and Dangerous, there's no need to find such an unbelievable lame reason."

"Yes, since the suzerain of the Raging Fire Sect dared to do this, it means that it must be true, otherwise it would be easier to accept an excuse than this reason."

"Unless Chen Yun is a fool, otherwise, this must be true. In the past 20 days, more than 8000 fourth-level spirit beasts have been domesticated, which is too heaven-defying."

"There are more than 8000 fourth-level spirit beasts. This is just the power shown by the Raging Fire Sect. I am afraid that there will be many higher-level spirit beasts."

"With such a force, even the Eight Great Schools of Righteousness and Demons are no match. It is too powerful and shocking."

"Right now, the Raging Fire Sect is only showing its power, and we can't deal with it, let alone the power behind it, it's too scary."

"When did such a huge force emerge in the realm of comprehension, and they didn't even get a word of it?"

"If such a force really wants to keep it secret, even if it's the eight sects of righteousness and evil, don't try to find out, let alone us."

"Oh my God, how could it be so powerful and hidden so deeply? If it wasn't for Chen Yun to separate himself from Penglai Xianmen, maybe we would never know."

"The Raging Fire Sect's power is already so powerful, so it's unbelievable how powerful the power behind him will be. I'm afraid the cultivation world will be in chaos."

"But fortunately, our power is weak. Even if the Raging Fire Sect takes action, it will only attack the eight sects of righteousness and demons, and will definitely not deal with us."

"The Raging Fire Sect has already stated that as long as we don't think about them, they won't do anything to us."

"We don't care. After all, the power is weak. No matter who rules the cultivation world, it doesn't matter to us. The ones who are threatened are the eight sects of righteousness and demons."

"Tsk tsk, I'm afraid that everyone in the eight righteous and evil sects is in danger now, but they have been sitting on the eight righteous and demon sects for so long, and they will never allow the Raging Fire Sect to ride on their heads."

"Riding on their heads? Maybe the Raging Fire Sect doesn't have the strength, but the forces behind them are so powerful that even if the eight sects of righteousness and demons join forces, it will be difficult for them to be opponents."

"In order to keep their status, the eight sects of righteousness and evil will definitely unite."

"Even if they join forces, there are only six sects. Chen Yun is the son-in-law of the Nether Sect, and he has a close relationship with Nie Meijiao, the head of the Magic Palace."

After inquiries from various forces, the relationship between Chen Yun and Yin Leng is of course not a secret.

Chen Yun was besieged by Zhou Jianchen and Tan Dao in Qifang, and the news that Nie Meijiao stepped forward quickly spread, and the relationship between the two of them became even more unpredictable.

If everyone thought that there was an affair between Nie Meijiao and Chen Yun at the beginning, no one would think so now. They all agreed that Nie Meijiao already knew that there was a powerful force behind Chen Yun who wanted to curry favor with Chen Yun.

As for Nie Meijiao's seduction of Chen Yun, etc., it was also regarded by various forces as acting, in order to cover up her identity.

Just imagine, how could the head of the Illusory Demon Palace be interested in a kid who was really in the Qi training stage at that time?

"That's right, none of the eight sects of righteousness and evil are necessarily opponents, let alone just the six sects."

"Penglai Xianmen and other six sects, as long as they dare to make a move, Nether Gate and Magic Palace will definitely not stand idly by. Hehe, there will be a good show at that time."

"In my opinion, the Penglai Xianmen and other six sects would never dare to make a move. Once they do, tsk tsk..."

"Aren't you talking nonsense? The Raging Fire Sect said that as long as people don't offend him, he won't do anything to other forces. As long as Penglai Xianmen and other sects do something, the Raging Fire Sect will find an excuse to do it."

No one thought that the Penglai Xianmen and other six sects dared to attack the Raging Fire Sect, otherwise, it would be no different from courting death.

People don't take the initiative to attack you because there is no good excuse or reason. Once you do, hehe, I'm sorry, I don't mind killing you all.

"It seems that there is no relationship between the Raging Fire Sect and the Penglai Immortal Sect. If there is a relationship, the Penglai Immortal Sect is not just the number one sect in the righteous way, it has already unified the entire cultivation world.

"The Raging Fire Sect has nothing to do with the Penglai Immortal Sect, so that's a good indication that Young and Dangerous Boys are not part of the Raging Fire Sect. Where did the Young and Dangerous Boys come from?"

"You don't have to ask, it must be a force secretly cultivated by the Penglai Immortal Sect. The Penglai Immortal Sect really has ulterior motives and is not satisfied with being the number one sect of the Righteous Way."

"What's the point of being dissatisfied? Now that we've met opponents, as long as they dare to move, someone will immediately clean them up, making them cry and have no place to cry."

"If you don't move, it's enough. If you move, the good show will come, and even if the Raging Fire Sect unifies the entire cultivation world, it will not have any impact on us, which are weaker than the eight righteous and demon sects."

"Of course, no matter how defiant the forces behind Raging Fire Sect are, they definitely don't have the strength to wipe out all the forces in the cultivation world."

"Even if they have the strength, they will definitely not do this, otherwise the entire cultivation world will be left with them, and they may split in the end."

(Writing this, it suddenly occurred to me that when I was playing private servers, someone became number one in the region, and then no one else became a legendary stand-alone game. Whether there is...) "There are still five days before we can enter the Raging Fire Sect. Now that the Raging Fire Sect has suddenly revealed its strength, we must also express it."

"Yes, fortunately there is still time. Fellow Daoists are leaving. I want to go back to the sect to prepare. If Chen Yun is upset, even if we don't attack us, we won't give us a good face."

"That's right, everyone, talk slowly, I also want to go back and prepare gifts."

Boom... Immediately, all the forces at the foot of Lie Huo Zong Mountain left one after another, especially those who were far away, and they all rushed back to prepare gifts.

They did this, not asking for the protection of the Raging Fire Sect, but asking the Raging Fire Sect not to hate them, this is something they cannot afford.

It is not a good thing to be remembered by an existence that is so powerful that it is against the sky.

In just a moment, all the forces at the foot of the Raging Fire Sect were only the Penglai Immortal Sect, the Artifact Refining Sect, the Sword Sect, the Dan Sect, and the Wanmo Sect and the Demon Refining Sect of the Demonic Dao.

Judging from the reactions of all parties, Chen Yun's exposure of the bullshit forces that did not exist at all immediately achieved his desired effect and goal.

No one continued to suspect that Young and Dangerous had any relationship with Chen Yun's Raging Fire Sect, and they went back one after another to prepare congratulatory gifts and make friends with Chen Yun.

Similarly, the scapegoat of the Penglai Xianmen can be regarded as being held firmly. Everyone believes that Young and Dangerous is a force secretly cultivated by the Penglai Xianmen.

"Senior Hu, as for the looting of our alchemy workshop, our alchemy sect will never let it go, and we will definitely pursue it to the end." Although Li Tiancheng didn't directly say that it was done by the Penglai immortal sect, he has already confirmed it thoroughly.

The newly appointed head of Jianzong, Kong Qixiong in the middle stage of alchemy, looked at Hu Changqing and said, "My Jianzong disciple was killed, so I must ask for an explanation."

"Senior Hu, our Artifact Refining School must seek an explanation for the looting of our Artifact Workshop." Although Wang Fengxue didn't say it directly, he meant the same thing.

If it wasn't for Hu Changqing's cultivation base being too advanced, they would have mentioned them by name a long time ago, and they wouldn't be so euphemistic.

Although they are not afraid of the Penglai Immortal Gate, if Hu Changqing gets angry, once they make a move, it will be difficult for them not to die. It is a secret for others that Hu Changqing broke through to the Nascent Soul Stage Dzogchen, but it cannot be concealed The eight sects of righteousness and evil.

"What do you all mean?" Hu Changqing frowned, but his heart began to feel weak. He was not sure whether there was such a force as Young and Dangerous in Penglai Xianmen.

In the past, although Hu Changqing was the head of the Penglai Immortal Sect, he only had the cultivation base of Yuan Ying's early stage, and he was not qualified to know some things.

Now that his cultivation base has been promoted to the realm of the Nascent Soul Stage Dzogchen, from now on, the entire Penglai Immortal Sect will no longer have any secrets for him.

It's just that during this period of time, in order to prepare for the Lingshi, he didn't ask about Young and Dangerous Boys, nor did he suspect that it was the secret forces of Penglai Xianmen.

"After you go back, you must ask clearly." Hu Changqing's eyes turned cold, and he couldn't help but said in his heart: "If those old guys continue to hide from me at this time, don't blame me for being rude."

"As for the young and Dangerous, we will not mention it for the time being." Li Tiancheng cupped his hands to Hu Changqing and said, "We are the Eight Great Sects of the Orthodox Demon Sect and entered the Ghost Demon Realm. Only you Penglai Xianmen, Nether Gate and Illusory Demon Palace will come out alive."

"The people from the Nether Gate and the Illusory Demon Palace have not yet arrived, and only Senior Hu knows about the situation in the Ghost Demon Realm." Li Tiancheng paused and asked: "Senior Hu, can you tell us whether Chen Yun was arrested in the Ghost Demon Realm?" More than 8000 fourth-level monsters?"

The heads of the other five sects also looked at Hu Changqing, wondering if it was true.

"That's right, Chen Yun did ask Yin Leng to catch a large number of fourth-level monsters for him." Hu Changqing said in a low voice, "As for whether there are more than 8000, I don't know."

(To be continued)

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