Need for Immortal Mansion

Chapter 325 Nowhere is Safe

The masters in Danzong's forbidden area came out in full force, and those inner disciples who were struggling between life and death rekindled hope and saw the dawn.

All the masters in the forbidden area were dispatched, and they didn't suspect at all that they were not the enemy's opponents, nor did they have such thoughts.

Danzong, one of the four major sects of Zhengdao, with all the masters dispatched, it is definitely a powerful force.

This also made those inner disciples full of confidence.

"There is not a single one below the Nascent Soul stage." Chen Yun, who was lurking in the dark, took out a hidden talisman and struck it on his body, with a cold glow in his eyes. All of the masters have been overthrown by me."

One hundred and four people, the lowest level of cultivation is the master of the early stage of the Nascent Soul, there are 38 people, and the middle stage of the Nascent Soul accounted for less than half, a total of 44 people.

There are 18 people in the late Yuanying period, and the fewest masters in the Dzogchen realm in the Yuanying period are the four elders.

Seeing so many strong men of Danzong approaching quickly, Chen Yun narrowed his eyes slightly, and did not act in a hurry.

With Chen Yun's current cultivation level, if he wanted to kill these people, he had to use a thousand swords in one, and he could only kill one person at a time.

In front of so many strong men, Chen Yun could only play a sneak attack and could not expose himself, so he had to be cautious.

If you don't do it, you must kill the target once you do it. Not only that, but also silently, so that no one can find him.

The people headed by Xiang Daotuo saw their inner disciples being killed one after another, and their expressions became extremely ugly.

Of course, even if all these people died, it would not be as good as the 20 people who were killed before, which brought them heartache and regret.

At first, they didn't realize the danger, and some spirit beasts were nothing at all.

It's already a great deal of face for them to send one Nascent Soul Early Stage and nineteen Alchemy Stage Dzogchen Realm masters at a time.

However...the result shocked and regretted them, 20 people, without exception, were all killed.

"Save people, don't be too far apart." With a heavy face, Xiang Daotu took the lead, leading the crowd, and quickly flew to the ground.

During the whole process, they were extremely cautious, for fear of being attacked by someone.

However, this time they were overwhelmed. Chen Yun had no intention of attacking them for the time being, which caused them to land safely on the ground.

"Could it be that the enemy dare not continue to attack because of our large number of people?" Xiang Daotu and the others, without exception, had such thoughts.

However, having said that, with such a powerful force gathered together, who would dare to make a move easily.

"Quickly, save all the inner disciples." Xiang Daotu waved his hand, jumped up, and flew to an inner disciple.

The masters of the Nascent Soul Stage Dzogchen Realm are different. With one easy blow, they will kill all the fourth-level spirit beasts that besieged the inner disciple.


Xiang Daotu grabbed the inner disciple, shook his hand lightly, and threw him on a building not far away.

The inner disciples of Danzong were attacked by a large number of spirit beasts, and they couldn't fly with the sword at all. Similarly, they didn't have the cultivation base to fly in the air.

Flying in the air is the patent of masters above the Dzogchen realm in the alchemy stage.




At the same time, more than 100 inner disciples who were trapped were thrown onto the building.

Although the strength of the fourth-level spirit beast is not too weak, it can't fly. Those inner disciples were thrown on top of the building, and they couldn't do anything about it.

Because of this, those inner disciples were temporarily rescued.

"I didn't die, I was rescued."

"I've waited, I've waited, I don't have to die, it's great, it's great."

The inner disciples who were rescued were all excited, and at the same time they all breathed a sigh of relief. They slapped their buttocks and sat on the building, not wanting to move.

The non-stop fighting exhausted their whole body's aura, not to mention, because of fear, it also made them extremely nervous.

Tired, very tired.

But in order to survive, they have been desperately trying, because that glimmer of hope supports them and prevents them from falling.

Now that he was rescued, the tense nerves were relaxed, and he sat on the ground softly, and what's more, he lost his strength directly, like a lump of mud.

The masters of the Nascent Soul Stage were definitely not Gai. More than 100 people mobilized together, and in just a moment, they rescued nearly a thousand inner disciples.

Not only that, nearly ten thousand level four spirit beasts died in their hands.

"No, if things go on like this, these spirit beasts won't be able to last much longer." Chen Yun knew the lethality of Nascent Soul stage masters.

He also thought about this result, since he had already expected it, of course he has a solution.

"Do you really think it's safe like this?" Chen Yun's face was full of disdain, and with a thought, he released five thousand fourth-level spirit beasts in an instant.

And these [-] fourth-level spirit beasts did not appear on the ground, but on top of the buildings. The targets were those inner disciples who were rescued.

Xiang Daotu and the others saved people so quickly, and Chen Yun's plan would come to naught. Of course, Chen Yun would not let them go so smoothly.

If you save people, I will make it impossible for you to save them. If you save one, I will release a spirit beast to kill one.

This is Chen Yun's countermeasure.




As soon as the [-] spirit beasts appeared, nearly a thousand disciples who were rescued had no chance to react and were directly overwhelmed by the army of spirit beasts.

They didn't even want to move. How could they be opponents of the fourth-level spirit beasts who were alive and active and had never moved.

It was also because when the five thousand spirit beasts appeared, there was no sound, and they were unable to rescue Daotu and the others.

This sudden turn of events made the faces of Xiang Daotu and the others extremely gloomy in an instant, and they all stopped their movements one after another.

Now they are holding an inner disciple in their hands, but they dare not throw these inner disciples over the building.

Throw it over there, but there are five thousand fourth-level spirit beasts waiting there.

At this moment, they knew that the hidden enemy hadn't left, but what shocked them was that they couldn't find the enemy.

The other inner disciples were all dumbfounded, which made them despair again.

Although the powerful enemies in the dark cannot kill the masters who came in the forbidden area, they can easily kill them.

For inner disciples like them, no place is safe.

"Tsk tsk, you must be dumbfounded." Chen Yun was very satisfied and proud of the effect produced after his shot.

Afterwards, with a thought, Chen Yun put all the [-] spirit beasts on the building into the spirit beast garden for further use next time.

As long as Xiang Daotu and the others dared to throw the inner disciples on top of the building, Chen Yun would release a large number of spirit beasts to kill them again.

In this way, they could limit the speed at which Xiang Daodu and the others could save people, allowing Chen Yun to buy more time.

"Both of you, go to the top." Xiang Daotu's face was extremely gloomy, and he said to two of the masters in the mid-stage Nascent Soul: "If there are any monsters appearing, kill them."

"Yes, Supreme Elder."

Those two Nascent Soul mid-stage masters waved their hands and killed the spirit beasts that besieged them, jumped up, and flew onto the building with the inner disciples they rescued.

With two masters in the mid-Yuanying period, Xiang Daotu and the others also threw the people they saved into the building.

Seeing this scene, those inner disciples breathed a sigh of relief again, and saw hope again.

They believed that no matter how powerful the fourth-level spirit beasts were, they would be absolutely safe as long as they were protected by two mid-stage Nascent Soul experts.

"Is this enough?" Chen Yun, who was lurking in the dark, moved his sword fingers, and the corner of his mouth curled up, revealing a cruel smile, "It's exactly what I want."

"Thousands of swords in one!"

Chen Yun did not continue to release the spirit beast, but unleashed his strongest attack, targeting one of the two Nascent Soul mid-stage masters.

Killing the inner disciples of the alchemy sect is just a means, and the real target is those masters above the Nascent Soul stage.

"call out!"

A sword synthesized by thousands of swords turned into a cold light, pierced the sky, and disappeared directly in front of Chen Yun. The speed was astonishing.

At least, Chen Yun, the master who used Thousand Swords in One, was only at the beginning, barely seeing an afterimage, and then disappeared.

The middle-stage Nascent Soul master who became the target was of course not a cover, and he realized the crisis in an instant, and his face became extremely ugly.

However, he also clearly knew that the attack speed was so fast that he couldn't even see it, it was simply not something he could dodge.


With a muffled sound, the aura in the middle stage of the Nascent Soul erupted in an instant, forming a powerful defensive shield to resist the attack.


A master in the mid-stage Nascent Soul, the defensive shield that he used with all his strength, although powerful, was only a sword made by Qian Jian, and it was only a slight pause.


The master of the Nascent Soul who was attacked let out a scream, his face was ashen, and his face was full of disbelief.

"Thousands of swords fly together, to cut Lao Tzu's body!"

The one blow worked, and Chen Yun, whose aura was almost drained from his whole body, had an unusually cold face, without a trace of pity, only a cruel smile.

To be kind to your enemies is to be cruel to yourself and irresponsible to your loved ones.

"call out!"

"call out!"

"call out!"

A sword formed by a thousand swords exploded in the body of the mid-stage Nascent Soul master in an instant, annihilating his Nascent Soul, dividing his body, and blasting away in all directions.




The more than 100 inner sect disciples who had just been rescued were also affected one after another, and all died under the top-grade treasure long sword that was shot out.

The might of Thousand Swords Flying Together is not covered up, it is precisely because of this that Chen Yun did not release the spirit beast.

It's fine for the spirit beast to die in the line of duty, but it would be too embarrassing if it died in Chen Yun's own hands.


Chen Yun moved his sword fingers together, and put all the thousands of high-quality treasured long swords into the Immortal Mansion, and then entered the Immortal Mansion in a flash.


(To be continued)

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