Need for Immortal Mansion

Chapter 362 See Where You Go

Chen Yun, who was cultivating in the Immortal Hall, didn't know that the Patriarch of Danzong had appeared, let alone that tomorrow Danzong would attack the other seven sects.

However, even if he knew, not only would he not stop it, but he would also be very happy.

In this case, he has the time and opportunity to get away the Dragon Snake and Dragon Snake Grass.

In the spirit-gathering formation arranged by top-quality spirit stones, Chen Yun, who is the eye of the formation, even saved the medicine pills during his cultivation. All he did was to run the celestial extreme kung fu crazily.

Of course, running the Tianji Kung Fu is not to actively absorb the aura on the spirit stone, but to absorb the aura accumulated in the body.

With Chen Yun's single fire attribute and spiritual root talent, coupled with Tianji skills, he couldn't keep up with the speed at which the spiritual energy poured into his body.

"Under the condition that I use the cultivation method of Tianji with all my strength, I can support it for a day and a half at most." Chen Yun couldn't help but secretly said in his heart: "This is already my limit."

Compared with the spirit-gathering formation arranged by top-grade spirit stones, the speed of spiritual energy influx in this spirit-gathering formation arranged by top-grade spirit stones is fully ten times faster.

With such a swift and violent speed, Chen Yun was able to persist for a day and a half in it, which is already very heaven-defying.

At least, if you were a cultivator with two spiritual roots, you wouldn't be able to do it.

However, this is not absolute. The reason why Duan Fan couldn't bear it, and even his meridians were damaged, was entirely because of insufficient cultivation.

As long as the cultivation base is high enough, the spiritual energy needed for cultivation will become larger and larger, and it will be able to withstand ten times the influx speed, and one can practice in the large spirit gathering array arranged by the best spiritual stones.

However, according to Chen Yun's estimate, other than him, if anyone else wants to cultivate in the spirit-gathering formation arranged by the best spirit stones, they must have at least a late-stage Nascent Soul or even higher cultivation level.

Of course, this is just Chen Yun's guess, and he can't guarantee the specific cultivation level.

"Hey, it's really cool." A day later, Chen Yun stopped practicing.

Although Chen Yun could still support it for half a day, he did not continue to insist. After all, Danzong could act at any time, and Dragon Snake Grass was still waiting for him.

"I have accumulated a lot of spiritual energy in my body, so I must absorb it quickly." Flying out of the spirit gathering formation, Chen Yun sat on the ground and began to absorb spiritual energy.

"Under my full absorption, it can be faster. It takes about ten hours to completely absorb the accumulated spiritual energy in the body." Chen Yun showed joy on his face, "At this speed, if we continue, at most, we will be able to absorb the spiritual energy accumulated in the body." In the spiritual formation, you can break through after practicing for six or seven days."

Six or seven days of cultivation in the spirit-gathering formation arranged by top-grade spirit stones is equivalent to sixty to seventy days of cultivation in the spirit-gathering formation arranged by top-grade spirit stones.

"Although the training time is short, the time to absorb spiritual energy is too much." Chen Yun raised his brows and couldn't help but secretly said: "To break through, plus the time to absorb spiritual energy, it will take half a month."

Chen Yun said so, but his face was filled with a smile, full of pride.

While Chen Yun was absorbing the spiritual energy accumulated in his body, Xiang Tianyao, the patriarch of Danzong, took Han Yi, Yang Yin and other 37 masters of Danzong who were at the early stage of Yuanying and set off for the refining sect.

As for Shan Wutian, as early as last night, he had already brought nearly 98 masters from the early, middle, and late stages of the Nascent Soul, and [-] masters from the Dzogchen Realm of the Nascent Soul, to the Artifact Sect in advance.

Undoubtedly, the first target of the Pill Sect is the Artifact Refining Sect, which ranks second among the four sects of the Righteous Way.

The reason why Xiang Tianyao took the Artifact Refining Sect as the first target to be destroyed was entirely because the distance between the Artifact Refining Sect and the Sword Sect was not too far away.

In this way, after Dan Zong destroyed the Artifact Refining School, he could rush to Jian Zong immediately and take down Jian Zong.

What they are fighting now is a speed war.

Fighting hard, although they are not afraid, but in this case, the loss will be too heavy, which is not what Xiang Tianyao wants to see.

As long as the two sects of Refining Equipment Sect and Sword Sect can be taken down quickly, the remaining five sects will be easy to deal with, and the loss will be small.

Even if the remaining five major sects are all united, how many masters of the Nascent Soul Stage Dzogchen will there be.

"Han Yi, fully control the flying of the flying boat." On the flying boat, Xiang Tianyao said lightly: "Try to rush to the Artifact Sect to meet Shan Wutian and others within two days."

"Yes, old man."

Han Yi's whole body erupted in an instant, desperately urging the flying boat to fly fast, and the speed of the flying boat increased a lot.

"When this battle is over, whoever has contributed the most, other than the grand elders of the Dan Zong, will belong to him." Xiang Tianyao said lightly, "Daotu's physical body has been destroyed, so he is no longer qualified."

After Han Yi and Yang Yin who stood beside him stopped, their whole bodies trembled suddenly. They had been envious of the position of Grand Elder for a long time.

Three hours later, Yang Yin walked to Han Yi's side and said, "Senior Brother Han Yi, rest first, I'll control the flying ship."

"it is good."

In order to be able to rush to the Artifact Sect quickly, Han Yi agreed without even thinking about it.

Two Nascent Soul Stage Dzogchen masters took turns to battle, each of them controlled the flying boat, flying for three hours, the speed was very fast.

Both Han Yi and Yang Yin are very urgent. They want to make contributions, and they are very eager to sit on the high position of the Grand Elder.

Whoever sits in this position will control all the resources of Danzong. It is not impossible to break through to the stage of crossing the catastrophe.

At least, the Supreme Elder has the greatest hope.

Although, except for the resources owned by the ancestor of Danzong, Xiang Tianyao, other spirit stones of Danzong, resources of Danzong, etc., were all taken away by Chen Yun.

However, don't forget that once Danzong unified the entire Huaxia Cultivation Country, the entire Huaxia Cultivation Country would be owned by Danzong, and all of them belonged to the Supreme Elder.

In this case, what is the lack of resources?

Seeing the performance of Han Yi and Yang Yin, Xiang Tianyao nodded in satisfaction.

Only everyone is fighting to the death. If Danzong wants to unify the Huaxia Cultivation Kingdom, it may be easier and the victory will not be too miserable.

Although the strength of Danzong is against the sky, the strength of the seven sects should not be underestimated. Which sect does not have some hidden power.

Xiang Tianyao doesn't know how many there are, but he can be sure that even if the other seven sects are tied together, they are not the opponents of Danzong.

As for Chen Yun, Xiang Tianyao didn't care about it at all. He believed that as long as Chen Yun dared to appear, he would be able to kill Chen Yun easily.

No matter how powerful Chen Yun was, in his eyes he was just a kid in the Dzogchen Realm of the Foundation Establishment Stage, without any threat at all.

But, will it be so?

no one knows!


After spending ten hours, Chen Yun finally completely absorbed all the spiritual energy accumulated in his body, which made him feel extremely relaxed.

Although spiritual energy is a good thing, it cannot be absorbed quickly, and if it accumulates too much in the body, it will still hurt the body.

"Nearly two days have passed, I don't know what's going on with Danzong." Chen Yun moved his body and bounced off the ground, "Well, go and have a look."

Chen Yun didn't stop, and with a thought, he came to the Danzong forbidden area, not far from the last building.

"Huh?" Chen Yun frowned, moved his body, and approached the building, but found that there was no aura fluctuations inside, "There is no movement."

Chen Yun's spiritual sense contacted the Immortal Mansion, and with a movement of his body, he cautiously entered the building.

"There is no one." Soon, Chen Yun checked the building and couldn't help but think to himself: "It seems... Danzong has already started to move."

"I don't know, who is the first target of Danzong." Chen Yun frowned, wondering in his heart, "Danzong has already started to move, where is the Nascent Soul of Xiangdao?"

"Could it be that in the past two days, Xiang Daotu has successfully seized the house?" Chen Yun shook his head, denying the thoughts in his heart, "It's absolutely impossible so fast."

Seizing the house is not something that can be done in a day or two.

"Let's ignore Xiang Daotu for now, let's go and inform my father-in-law." Chen Yun didn't stop any longer, and with a thought, he dodged into the Immortal Mansion.

Nether Gate, Yin Leng's training place, Chen Yun looked at Yin Leng and said, "My lord father-in-law, Danzong has already acted."

"Already started to act?" Yin Leng's whole body was shocked, and he asked quickly: "Son-in-law, do you know which sect is the first target of Danzong?"

Yin Leng knew that Danzong's action was just a matter of these few days, but he didn't expect it to be so fast.

"I don't know." Chen Yun shrugged and said, "However, if my guess is correct, it is either the Artifact Refining School or the Sword School."

"Well, the possibility of Jianzong and Qizong is very high." Yin Leng nodded, agreeing, "The distance between Jianzong and Qizong is relatively short. Once Danzong makes a move, it will definitely fight with speed. Before we can react, destroy two sects first."

"Son-in-law, I want to inform the Supreme Elder, should you stay or..." Yin Leng stood up and said, "In my opinion, son-in-law, you should stay at the Nether Gate, it's too chaotic outside."

"No, I have other things to do." Chen Yun shook his head, unwilling to stay any longer, turned around and left the Nether Gate.

What a joke, Chen Yun has no time to spend wasting time at the Nether Gate, and he still wants to take this opportunity to go to Danzong to get his Dragon Snake and Dragon Snake Grass.

"Earth Dragon Snake, Dragon Snake Grass, here I come." After leaving the Nether Gate, Chen Yun entered the Immortal Mansion with a thought.

"Dan Zong started to move, the secret room of the wine cellar should be sealed, but it won't trouble me." Chen Yun contacted the blood essence ball in the secret cave of Dan Zong's wine cellar.

"Eh?" Chen Yun was dumbfounded when he saw the situation in the secret cave through the ball of blood essence, and then he showed a cruel smile, "Xiang Daotu, you are here, let's see where you go."

(To be continued)

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