Need for Immortal Mansion

Chapter 376 Gathering at Fumo Mountain

Xiang Tianyao has been saying that Chen Yun is from there, as for where he is from, Chen Yun doesn't know, and now Xiang Tianyao said that there are some things that Chen Yun doesn't know.

Chen Yun immediately connected the unknown things with him.

It was precisely because of this that Chen Yun stayed, otherwise he wouldn't have the time to listen to Xiang Tianyao's nonsense.

"Chen Yun." Xiang Tianyao in the void took a deep breath and said, "It is undeniable that I want to unify the Huaxia Cultivation Kingdom, but at the same time, I have to do so."

"I don't believe that there are still people forcing you to do this." Chen Yun raised his brows, his face full of disdain, "You have the ability to overcome the catastrophe, but you don't overcome the catastrophe, because you want to unify the Chinese cultivation country before you cross the catastrophe, and satisfy you ambition."

As for the Dragon Snake Grass matter, of course Chen Yun would not take the initiative to bring it up.

"You're right." Xiang Tianyao didn't deny it, and said softly, "You are from the Heavenly Dao League, and like you, I am a peripheral member of the Heavenly Dao League."

"Xiang Tianyao is actually a peripheral member of the Heavenly Dao League?" Chen Yun never thought that what Xiang Tianyao said was actually the Heavenly Dao League.

"I'm from the Heavenly Dao League?" Chen Yun frowned, and he couldn't help but think inwardly: "The eagle-eyed beast, the problem must be with the eagle-eyed beast."

"Cough cough." Although Chen Yun was shocked in his heart, he still said flatly: "Xiang Tianyao, how do you know that I am from the Heavenly Dao League?"

Since Xiang Tianyao misunderstood, of course Chen Yun would not explain it.

"Not only do I know that you are from the Heavenly Dao League, but I also know that you are from the General League of the Heavenly Dao League." Xiang Tianyao said respectfully: "Because, the eagle-eyed beast..."

"Oh, that's how it is." Chen Yun didn't continue to dwell on this issue any longer. He was afraid of revealing his flaws, so he just asked indifferently: "You said you had to unify the Huaxia Cultivation Kingdom, why?"

"Because of the Tiandao League." Xiang Tianyao sighed and said respectfully: "More than 1000 years ago, I received an order from the Huaxia Branch Alliance to unify the Huaxia Cultivation Kingdom."

"Why is that?" Chen Yun frowned, somewhat believing it.

However, what does this have to do with him? It has nothing to do with half a dime. Chen Yun is not from the Tiandao League, let alone from the Tiandao League.

There is a huge difference in status between people from the Tiandao League and those from the Tiandao League.

From the fact that Xiang Tianyao took the initiative to show his favor and spoke to Chen Yun with such a respectful tone, one can tell a thing or two.

"Chen Yun, you should be very clear about the situation in our Huaxia Cultivation Country." Xiang Tianyao said helplessly: "The current Huaxia Cultivation Country is like a piece of loose sand, so it must be unified."

"Because of our Chinese cultivation country, the forces of all parties are not on the same page." Xiang Tianyao continued: "Therefore, some of the surrounding cultivation countries have invaded a lot."

"The Huaxia Cultivation Nation has great power, but in the face of provocations from other Cultivation Nation, it has always swallowed its anger." Xiang Tianyao explained: "It is precisely because of this that the Huaxia Cultivation Alliance allows our Danzong to unify the Huaxia Cultivation Nation and fight against foreign enemies."

The overall power of the Huaxia Cultivation Kingdom is still very strong, and in the entire cultivation world, there are not many cultivation countries that can match it.

However... the cultivation countries around the Huaxia cultivation country often provoke the Huaxia cultivation country and rob the Huaxia cultivation country of the spiritual stone mines and resources on the border, which is a common thing.

There is such a sentence, which can very aptly explain the situation of China's cultivation country.

As a neighbor of the Huaxia Cultivation Country, it would be embarrassing to say that it is a neighbor of the Huaxia Cultivation Country if it does not snatch some of the Lingshi mines from the Huaxia Cultivation Country.

For this point, Chen Yun also knew clearly.

"Well, I know the situation of the Chinese cultivation country very well, but..." Chen Yun changed his voice and said, "If you unify the Chinese cultivation country in this way, even if it is really unified, what will you use to fight against foreign enemies?"

If Danzong wants to unify the Huaxia Cultivation Kingdom, he will fight with the remaining seven sects.

In the end, even if they are unified, all the masters of the various forces will be killed, and there will not be many masters of the Dan sect left.

With such strength, the other cultivation countries would be thankful if the Huaxia cultivation country could not be destroyed.

"This..." Xiang Tianyao said helplessly, "I can't do anything about it. I really have to do this."

"Since that's the case, then stop here and don't continue." Chen Yun frowned, and said in a cold voice: "If you do this, the Huaxia Cultivation Kingdom will be destroyed sooner or later."

"You're a dog, you want to lie to me, idiot." Chen Yun said inwardly with a face full of disdain: "I'm a dog-releasing person, and this old man calls my dog."

Of course, Chen Yun would not believe Xiang Tianyao's words. He could be sure that Xiang Tianyao definitely wanted to unify the Huaxia Cultivation Kingdom before ascension.

For his own ambition, because of his own ambition, he did not hesitate to push the Huaxia Cultivation Kingdom to its extinction.

No matter what, Chen Yun would never let Xiang Tianyao succeed.

And... even if the Tiandao League ordered Xiang Tianyao to do this, it would definitely not be an order from the Huaxia branch. You must know that every cultivation country has a branch of the Tiandao League.

"Chen Yun, do you want to continue to stop me?" Xiang Tianyao lost his respect at the beginning, and his voice became cold, "No matter who it is, it is my enemy to stop me."

"Also, I will definitely report this matter to the Huaxia Branch." Xiang Tianyao said coldly: "At that time, someone will naturally deal with you."

"Okay, very good, I want to see who dares to clean me up." Chen Yun was really looking forward to it, "Then let's wait and see, let's go first, I'm really busy."

Immediately, with a thought, Chen Yun flashed into the Immortal Mansion.

Now, after finally meeting a member of the Heavenly Dao League, Chen Yun wanted to inquire about some things, but he didn't want to reveal that he was not a member of the Heavenly Dao League.

What's more, Chen Yun is not Xiang Tianyao's opponent.

"Even if Chen Yun meddles in this matter, I'm not afraid, I'm afraid..." After Chen Yun left, Xiang Tianyao's face in the void became extremely gloomy, "I'm afraid, the Huaxia Branch knows my true identity."

"No, it has to be fast, and we must take down the other five sects as quickly as possible." Xiang Tianyao's heart moved, and he said secretly: "For the sake of safety, we must also notify the Spirit Law Sect."

It's not bad that Xiang Tianyao is a member of the Tiandao League, but he is not a member of the Huaxia Branch League, but a member of the Spirit Law Cultivation Kingdom branch.

"More than half of the masters in the Nascent Soul stage of the Spiritual Cultivation Kingdom are sent here." Xiang Tianyao's heart turned cold, and his face was firm, "I must not fail."

No matter how strong the original Dan sect was, it was impossible for it to have so many masters in the Nascent Soul Stage Dzogchen Realm.

Most of these people are from the spiritual cultivation country.

It's just that no one knows except Xiang Tianyao and those masters in the Nascent Soul Stage Dzogchen Realm themselves.

Even Xiang Daotu, Han Yi, and the four elders of Danzong didn't know about it, and they all thought it was the strength cultivated by Xiang Tianyao.

Xiang Tianyao didn't want to unify the Huaxia Cultivation Country, but wanted to destroy the Huaxia Cultivation Country.

And the reason why he told Chen Yun about this was entirely because he believed that Chen Yun was from the General League of the Heavenly Dao League.

Only the General League of the Heavenly Dao League has Hawk-eyed Beasts.

Chen Yun, who had already entered the Immortal Mansion, of course didn't know about it.

"I don't know my father-in-law, how are they preparing?" Chen Yun was somewhat worried.

Chen Yun didn't care about whether the other sects were destroyed or not. The key point was that the Huaxia Cultivation Kingdom was destroyed, so he had to ask.

In any case, the current Chen Yun is a member of the Huaxia Cultivation Kingdom. Even the country has been destroyed, so how can there be a family.

More importantly, the current situation in China's Cultivation Kingdom made Chen Yun think of the world he lived in in his previous life, which is so similar in some places.

The world of Chen Yun's previous life was similar to the current Huaxia Cultivation Kingdom, and they both had the same sentence.

If you don't kill a few fishermen, you will be ashamed to call them neighbors.

"Senior Brother Chen Yun." A disciple of the Nether Sect at the early stage of alchemy saw Chen Yun coming, and hurriedly stepped forward and said, "Senior Brother, I have been waiting for a long time again."

"Oh?" Chen Yun frowned, and asked curiously: "You know, I will come to Nether Gate?"

"Where do I have that ability?" The disciple at the early stage of alchemy said, "It's the brother's father-in-law, the Supreme Elder, who asked me to wait for Senior Brother Chen Yun."

"It seems that my father-in-law is no longer at the Nether Gate." Chen Yun smiled and said, "I don't know, what can my father-in-law leave behind?"

"Yes." The disciple at the early stage of alchemy said respectfully: "The Supreme Elder said, if you come, let me tell you that all sects have gone to Fumo Mountain."

"Danzong wants to unify China's cultivation world, no matter which sect it is attacking, it must go through Fumo Mountain." The disciple who was in the early stage of alchemy said: "So, in addition to Sword Sect and Refining Sect, our Nether Sect and other sects The four major sects are all gathered in Fumo Mountain."

"Oh, so that's how it is." Chen Yun cupped his hands and said, "I'm sorry, I'll go there now."

As he said that, Chen Yun didn't stay any longer, he directly sacrificed his flying sword, and flew out of the Nether Gate.

"It seems that the other sects are aware of the crisis." Leaving the Nether Gate, Chen Yun raised his brows, and said secretly: "It will take ten days to fly from here to Fumo Mountain with full strength."

"Well, try to get to Fumo Mountain before Xiang Tianyao and the others." Chen Yun's whole body erupted with aura in an instant, he saw the right direction, and quickly flew towards Fumo Mountain.

Nether Gate is far from Fumo Mountain, and Jianzong is much closer to Fumo Mountain, but Chen Yun dare not relax.

After all, Chen Yun's cultivation was still too low, and his flying speed was certainly not as fast as Xiang Tianyao's, so he had to hurry up.

"It's almost there, and we can arrive in a day."

During these nine days and nine nights, apart from recovering his spirit energy, Chen Yun didn't take a break. Fortunately, his cultivation was good and he wasn't too tired.

"Fumo Mountain is just ahead." Chen Yun turned into an afterimage and flew over quickly.

(To be continued)

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