
Seeing Chen Yun's actions, Wu Zhengrong and Li Nuoyan couldn't help but blushed and smiled awkwardly, suddenly becoming embarrassed.

Chen Yun is a standard rich man, not to mention how much resources Chen Yun had before that, it was only [-]% of the resources of the top ten sects in the Spiritual Law Cultivation Kingdom, which is a huge amount.

However, Chen Yun, who is so rich, is unwilling to waste a high-grade magic weapon that has been torn apart, scrapped, and useless.

This made Wu Zhengrong and Li Nuoyan, the two old fellows, so in love.

The remaining resources were allocated to the five sects. Except for Wu Zhengrong and Li Nuoyan, each sect was very satisfied.

The top ten sects of the Spiritual Law Cultivation Kingdom were also assigned to the five major sects, and each sect was assigned two.

The two sects closest to the Huaxia Cultivation Kingdom are naturally occupied by the Nether Sect, followed by the two sects of the Magic Palace.

Followed by Wanmomen and Demon Refining Gate.

Penglai Xianmen occupies the last and farthest two sects, but they don't have any objections.

After all, the spiritual energy concentration of the last sect is quite impressive.

As for the site at the six-pointed star array, don't even think about the five sects, just let Chen Yun take it down, and of course the five sects who have all benefited from it will have no objections.

The site at the hexagram formation is of no use to Chen Yun, mainly because the hexagram formation can be transmitted to Danzong.

It is precisely because of this that there is no room for negotiation.

After everything was settled, Chen Yun and others stayed in the Spiritual Law Cultivation Kingdom for a few more days, wanting to see how the Spiritual Law Alliance reacted.

In this way, another month passed, the Spiritual Law Alliance did not respond, the other cultivation countries were also extremely quiet, and Nie Meijiao and Pei Liuli did not encounter any danger.

Ever since, Chen Yun decided to go back and continue building his Raging Fire Sect.

Just in case, the masters of the five sects did not stay in the Spiritual Law Cultivation Country. Who knows if there will be a surprise attack from the Spiritual Law Alliance.

However, before they left, they set up defensive arrays for the sects they had occupied, and sealed all the ten major sects in the Spiritual Law Cultivation Kingdom.

Without their permission, even the masters of the Nascent Soul Stage Dzogchen Realm would find it difficult to enter.

The crystal veins have been mined, which is enough for Chen Yun. The masters of the five sects controlled the airship and began to return to the Huaxia Cultivation Kingdom.

The Raging Fire Sect hadn't been built yet, so they all helped Chen Yun refine crystal glass.

The masters above the Yuanying stage and above from the five major sects all dispatched to refine crystal glass. The speed was not only fast, but also very standard.

Well, neither big nor small, they are all refined according to the appropriate size.

Of course, whether it is a villa or the size of a mansion, there are.

In this way, the crystal glass required on the walls of villas and mansions is simple, after all, it is much larger than bay windows.

Refining it will be even faster.

If it wasn't for Chen Yun's reminder, these old guys would have liked to refine a crystal glass the size of a wall, which would be more trouble-free and easier.

Anyway, they are all refining crystal glass, and they are all the same size, the bigger the easier the trouble.

Chen Yun believed that with the help of these people, all the crystal glass needed could be refined within ten days and half a month at most.

As for the one hundred disciples of Penglai Xianmen who mined crystals, they were all sitting cross-legged in the flying boat to practice.

Refining crystal glass?

With their cultivation base, it is not up to standard at all, that is the busy work of masters above the early stage of Yuanying.

As for Chen Yun, he had already pulled out the big bed, and started a new round of sleep. Of course, he was always paying attention to Nie Meijiao's reaction.

Now Nie Meijiao is still staying in the Dzizhu Cultivation Country, and while investigating the movements of the Dzizhu Cultivation Country, she also takes Pei Liuli to play around.

After all, Dzizhu Cultivation Country is someone else's territory, and Chen Yun dare not neglect it.

"Everyone, hurry up and refine, don't be lazy, try to refine all the crystal glass before returning to the Blazing Fire Sect." In the airship, Wu Zhengrong kept refining the crystal glass.

In addition to the two masters of the Great Perfection in the Nascent Soul stage, they need to take turns to control the flying boats and fly rapidly to the Raging Fire Sect in Fumo Mountain.

The rest of the five sects were unwilling to waste time, and they all started refining crystal glass.

Yin Leng, in particular, worked even harder. He really wanted to know whether those large bay windows, after being inlaid with crystal glass, were as awesome as Chen Yun said.

Chen Yun was very confident about this, and Yin Leng was also very curious and looking forward to it.

If it doesn't look good, Yin Leng will definitely not be stingy, and will definitely try his best to sarcasm.

"There is still one day to go to Fumo Mountain." Yin Leng walked to Chen Yun's side, and said with a smile: "Now, all the crystal glass has been refined, and after it is installed, if there is no one you said It's so pretty, hehe."

"You'll know when the time comes." Chen Yun shrugged, with a confident expression on his face, not worried, but at the same time, he was very much looking forward to it.

Villas and mansions are about to be completed, and Chen Yun, a poor homeboy in his previous life, of course feels extremely yearning for them.

Before time travel, Chen Yun believed that if there were no miracles, such as time and space disorder, he and the villa he yearned for would always be two parallel lines.

Not to mention the villas, even the commercial houses he lived in were all bought with loans.

It's not like now, not only a large number of villas have been built, but also a 99-story building that reaches straight into the sky. With just a word from him, someone will take care of it.


In the sky above Fumo Mountain, Chen Yun stood on the flying boat, looking at the villas and the 99-story building below, with a faint smile on his face.


Chen Yun sacrificed the flying sword, jumped up, stepped on it, and rushed down quickly.

"Damn it, if you reach the state of great perfection in the alchemy period, you can fly in the air." Chen Yun's eyes were full of determination, "I have to take some time in the future to improve my cultivation."

With the spirit-gathering array arranged by top-quality spirit stones, if Chen Yun made up his mind to practice, he would be able to break through again in a short time and cultivate to the state of great perfection in the alchemy period.

Well, for Chen Yun, if he cultivated to the state of Dzogchen in the alchemy period, he would be able to do it if he took some time.

This kind of perverted cultivation speed, looking at the entire cultivation world, makes people feel jealous.

However, Chen Yun is not only lazy, but also has a lot of things to deal with, so he really doesn't have that much time to calm down and practice.

After finishing the final process of the villas and the 99-story building, Chen Yun still needs to go to the Dzizhu Cultivation Kingdom to pick up Nie Meijiao.

Before that, he had to find ways to send Pei Liuli back, or to settle down.

All kinds of affairs are entangled.

In short, Chen Yun really didn't have much time for cultivation. Who made him so powerful, killing a master of Nascent Soul Stage Dzogchen Realm was as easy as killing a dog.

"Brother Chen Yun!"

Just as Chen Yun landed on the ground, Bai Yudong's familiar and excited voice suddenly sounded, and then he rushed over quickly.

"Brother Bai."

The appearance of Bai Yudong made Chen Yun startled, and his heart was full of puzzlement. He didn't know why Bai Yudong suddenly appeared at this time.

"Brother Chen Yun, it's hard for you to hide from me, brother." Bai Yudong looked into Chen Yun's eyes, full of shock and disbelief.

As the son of the head of the Tiandao League and the Huaxia Division, he was of course aware of what happened between the Huaxia Cultivation Nation and the Spiritual Law Cultivation Nation immediately.

He also knew that the reason why the Huaxia Cultivation Nation was able to turn things around and win the Spiritual Cultivation Nation with zero casualties was because it killed the [-] Nascent Soul Dzogchen masters from the Spiritual Alliance.

All of this was because of Chen Yun.

When he got the news, Bai Yudong couldn't believe his ears. He couldn't believe that Chen Yun could be so awesome.

But he believed that his father would never lie to him.

Another point is that after Bai Yudong's father learned that he had a good relationship with Chen Yun, his attitude suddenly changed 180 degrees.

Even Bai Yudong's father didn't ask much about his younger brother, Bai Yufeng's murder.

At first, Bai Yudong's father didn't like him very much, and his attitude towards him was very indifferent. The one who loved him the most was his younger brother, Bai Yufeng.

It was precisely because of this that after Bai Yufeng was beheaded by Chen Yun, Bai Yudong not only did not have the slightest thought of revenge, but also felt extremely happy.

Big family, big sect, big power.

The struggle between them is very tragic, in order to achieve their goals, they will use any means.

Among the big families, in order to be able to sit on the position of Patriarch, those who have hope will use all means to erase their own threats.

The sects, in order to be able to become the master, also committed suicide to each other.

In the Tiandao League General League and the sub-alliances of various countries, in order to sit on the throne of the leader, it is common for brothers to fight each other.

"En?" Chen Yun frowned, and couldn't help thinking in his heart: "Bai Yudong is the son of the leader of the Huaxia branch, and he must know a lot."

"Brother Bai." Chen Yun said with a faint smile, "I don't know, what is there to hide from Brother Bai?"

"Not real, you are too not real." Bai Yudong rolled his eyes involuntarily, arranged a sound-proof enchantment, and said, "I know everything that happened in the Huaxia Cultivation Country and the Spiritual Cultivation Country."

"Know everything?" Chen Yun frowned, and said with a half-smile: "It seems that Brother Bai's identity is definitely not that simple."

"Haha." Bai Yudong laughed, and said seriously: "At first, I was afraid that my identity would implicate you, so I didn't dare to tell you."

"However, with your strength, brother, you are qualified to know." Bai Yudong said with excitement on his face, "I want to tell you, but I dare not tell you."

"Brother Chen Yun, I'm telling you the truth." Bai Yudong looked at Chen Yun, and said seriously: "Actually, I am the son of the leader of the Tiandao League, the Huaxia Branch League."

(To be continued)

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