Need for Immortal Mansion

Chapter 598 Robbery


Chen Yun moved his body and quickly came to the place where Jiang Feng disappeared. Looking around, there was nothing left except the scorched black on the ground.

"Damn it, Zilei whirlpool." Chen Yun clenched his fists tightly, and he was so angry that his body hurt, "Damn it, I didn't expect this Zilei whirlpool to be a means of escape."

The purple thunder vortex was indeed Jiang Feng's escape technique, and it was very powerful. Jiang Feng, who had passed by the god of death many times, was able to live until now.

There were two times because of the purple thunder vortex.


Although he could escape directly by using the purple thunder vortex, the damage to his body was also extremely severe. Jiang Feng would never use it unless he had to.

That's why, like the grandson who was beaten by the Treasure-Tuning Flame Lion before, he still didn't use it, but chose to escape at the fastest speed.

However, in the end, Jiang Feng was really forced to do nothing, and the aura in his body had already been consumed.

If you don't use the purple thunder vortex, once your aura is exhausted, you won't be able to use it even if you want to.

In the ancient tomb of the Immortals, in the depths of the beast capital, one of the four great jedi, on a giant tree, Jiang Feng, who was covered in blood and had no aura of lightning, was impressively inside.

"Chen Yun..."

Jiang Feng, whose face was as white as paper, bloodless, and whose spiritual energy was almost exhausted, gritted his teeth, and a deep hatred shone in his eyes.

"Chen Yun, as long as I don't die, I will definitely make your life worse than death." Jiang Feng couldn't help spitting out a mouthful of blood. At this time, his injuries were too serious.

"We must heal as soon as possible." Jiang Feng took a deep breath, hid his anger deep in his heart, sat cross-legged on the tree trunk, and closed his eyes.

In the city of wild beasts, with Jiang Feng's current state, he did not dare to show his face easily. Once found by the wild beasts, he would definitely die.

"With my current injury, it will take at least a month to fully recover." Jiang Feng's heart sank, "If I can't recover as soon as possible, my whole body's cultivation will be abolished, and my meridians will also be cut off."

Originally, although Jiang Feng's injury was serious, it did not reach this point. As long as he is given time to recover, he will be able to fully recover one day.

With Jiang Feng's healing methods, there will never be any hidden diseases left behind, nor will it affect his foundation in any way.


Before this time, in order to escape for his life, Jiang Feng used the purple thunder vortex technique to escape, which caused him huge damage.

The purple thunder vortex, used to escape for his life, is definitely very powerful, but the consequences that Jiang Feng will face afterwards are also the last thing Jiang Feng wants to see.

This was only the third time he used the purple thunder vortex to escape. After each time he used it, he really didn't have any courage to use it again.

It is entirely because the sequelae left by the Zilei vortex are too scary.

"Until my injury recovers, I can't be disturbed in any way." Jiang Feng, who was sitting cross-legged on the tree trunk, had a dignified expression, "Once I am disturbed, all my efforts will be in vain."

Once the purple thunder vortex is cast, not to mention serious injuries, he must recover from his injuries within half a year.

Moreover, in the process of recovering from the injury, once it is interrupted, it will be directly beaten back to its original shape, and the injury will be even more serious.

With Jiang Feng's current injury, it will take at least a month to fully recover.

If something else happened during this month and Jiang Feng had to interrupt his healing, then everything he had done before would be in vain.

The injury will also be more severe than before.

If it's in a safe place, it's fine. Put everything on healing, and with Jiang Feng's healing methods, there won't be any problems.


Don't forget, this is the capital of savage beasts, one of the four great Jedi in the ancient tomb of the immortals, and there is no place that is absolutely safe.

Instead, crises are everywhere.

For Jiang Feng, not to have anything happen and not to be discovered by any savage beasts within a month is simply more difficult than ascending to the sky.

Then again, if it was really in an absolutely safe place, there would be no need for Jiang Feng to use the purple thunder vortex to escape for his life.

Every escape was not always at the most dangerous time.

Including this time, Jiang Feng used the purple thunder vortex three times, without exception, all of which were performed in extremely dangerous places to escape.

Sitting cross-legged on the tree trunk, Jiang Feng took a deep breath, opened his eyes, and slowly stood up. Then, he took out a long sword, and quickly dug up on the giant tree.

Soon, a cave appeared in front of Jiang Feng. Jiang Feng didn't dare to neglect this, and quickly sank into it. Even so, he didn't heal his wounds immediately.

Jiang Feng, who was in the tree hole, continued to dig with a long sword in his hand, and finally buried himself in the wood chips he dug out.

"Hopefully, I can get through this."

In the tree hole, Jiang Feng, who was buried by sawdust, took a deep breath, took out a jade bottle, and poured out the white powder carefully.


Jiang Feng quickly sprinkled the white powder all over his body. After doing all this, Jiang Feng was slightly relieved.

Carefully putting the jade bottle into the storage bag, Jiang Feng took out a handful of healing pills and swallowed them regardless of the quantity.

It is undeniable that the healing place that Jiang Feng found is very good in the capital of beasts.

The entrance of the tree hole is covered by dense leaves. If you don't enter the leaves, you will never find the existence of the tree hole.

Coupled with the burial of sawdust, Jiang Feng can be said to be difficult to be found.

With Jiang Feng's experience, he is not worried that his hiding place will be discovered by other wild beasts. You must know that in the past, even spirit beasts had difficulty finding him.

Not to mention a savage beast whose intelligence is negligible.

However, Jiang Feng was afraid that some savage beasts would unintentionally attack the giant tree where he was hiding.

After all, in the city of wild beasts, there are a lot of wild beasts, and all of them are huge. Even if that wild beast accidentally bumped into a giant tree, it is really normal.

This was what Jiang Feng was most worried about.

Jiang Feng, who had escaped, was healing his wounds, while Chen Yun kept cursing his mother. He always wanted to kill Jiang Feng as soon as possible, and he was never careless.

He didn't underestimate Jiang Feng either.

However, in the end, Jiang Feng was able to be killed when he saw it, but Jiang Feng was still allowed to escape. It was hard for Chen Yun not to be angry about this.

"This pervert is tyrannical, and even his ability to escape is so good." Chen Yun took a deep breath, feeling helpless.


Chen Yun nodded secretly, feeling extremely amazed in his heart, "And his, the way his arms grow out, is too damn monstrous."

Jiang Feng's arm was torn off by the Treasure-Tuning Flame Lion. However, when Jiang Feng cast the Purple Thunder Vortex, his arm just grew back.

This shocked Chen Yun beyond measure.

Well, compared to the fact that Jiang Feng was able to escape under the circumstances, Chen Yun was shocked.

It's just too fucking perverted.

You must know that although the repairing energy of Xianfu Repairing Palace can repair the injured body at an abnormal speed, the cost is only to consume some spirit stones.

Even so, it is impossible to regenerate a broken arm.

Jiang Feng did it.

Chen Yun also saw all this clearly.


When Chen Yun was in shock, there were bursts of roars from all around, and soon, there were four savage beasts, surrounding Chen Yun and the Treasure-Tuning Flame Lion.

Moreover, the size of each savage beast is very large.

"Damn, brother, I've already caught up to the depths."

It was only at this moment that Chen Yun realized that when he was chasing Jiang Feng, he unknowingly went straight to the very depths of the capital of wild beasts.

The deeper you go into the city of wild beasts, the stronger the strength of the wild beasts will become.


Chen Yun's spiritual consciousness quickly spread out, covering the Treasure Swallowing Flame Lion. He didn't intend to have a big fight with the four wild beasts, but just flashed away.

Seeing Chen Yun and Tunbao Yanshi disappear out of thin air, the four wild beasts were as stubborn as ever, they just looked around and had no intention of leaving.

Chen Yun didn't know about this, and he didn't care about it.

Now Chen Yun has a very important thing to do, Du Jiang Feng.

In the ancient tomb of the immortals, inside the entrance less than 100 meters away, Chen Yun appeared out of thin air, moved his body, and hid behind a boulder.

"Before, I left the ball of essence and blood here to rob and kill the people who were about to leave the ancient tomb of the immortals." Chen Yun frowned, and said in his heart, "Now let me block Jiang Feng even better."

"Jiang Feng, let me see where you are going to escape." Chen Yun's eyes flickered with a cold light, "As long as you dare to come out, this is the only way to go. With me, if you want to leave, there is no door."

The exit of the immortal tomb is less than [-] meters away. With Chen Yun's cultivation level, only one person can guard it.

As long as Jiang Feng appeared, Chen Yun would definitely keep Jiang Feng behind without hesitation.


Chen Yun, who was lurking behind the boulder, snorted coldly and thought to himself, "Even if you don't come out, you won't survive until the ancient tomb of the immortals is closed."

You know, during the three years when the ancient tomb of the immortals was closed, it was extremely dangerous.

As for the danger, Chen Yun didn't know, he just knew that those who left the ancient tombs of the immortals and did not leave, without exception, all died.

The dense white bones at the exit of the immortal tomb are the most favorable proof.


A day later, Chen Yun, who was lurking behind the boulder, was shocked, and a smile appeared on his face when he saw Qian.

"Tsk tsk, there are a group of people who are leaving the ancient tomb of the immortals." Chen Yun frowned, and couldn't help thinking in his heart: "Looking at their appearance, they should have bought a lot of good things."

"It's all mine."

With a movement of his body, Chen Yun shot out directly from behind the boulder, and quickly rushed towards the group of people.

"call out!"

"call out!"

"call out!"

Without further ado, Chen Yun struck directly, and hundreds of top-quality treasured longswords flew out together, instantly strangling the group of people.

(To be continued)

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