Reverse Taoist Records

Chapter 100 Zhang Zong

(One hundred chapters, a memorable chapter, counting two months, from the beginning to the present... How many people are chasing this book? The following is my plea to accompany me all the way, and constantly discuss the plot with me The book friend of "All Laws Are Dao" sent me a book review. I sincerely thank him for the past two months, from getting to know him to the opening of "The Record of the Gods of Rebellion", and having his company along the way! I am very grateful for the help he provided me, I really appreciate it!

All Laws: There will be 37 chapters soon, and the number of words is [-]w. It has been more than two months since I saw the rebellion, but I still haven’t seen much improvement. Various rankings, dragon rankings, website click list, mobile click list, etc. , without you, you can only find your status in Xianxia, ​​but this is not the rebellion we want to see, a book is written for people to read, not many people read it, and you have no problem writing a book. Passionate, and the people who read the book will not be very happy when they see that the grades of the book are not good.I will write some thoughts today: First of all, your update speed is not fast. As a reader, we always hope that the author can update more.What's more, the fame of this book has not gone out, and you have never promoted the book much. It was a great opportunity when you pushed and blocked the book, but you didn't do much publicity, and you didn't get people to swipe and click on the recommendation, so I suggest You invite some of your colleagues, friends, classmates, etc. to bookmark the link of this book in the page favorites, and even if you don’t read it every day, you can give a recommendation, follow it, and click it.If it is ranked in this way, more people will naturally read it, and then the fame will come, and the book will not be far from the fire.Finally, let’s talk about your writing. You write very well, but there is no upper limit for writing. In writing, strengthen your ability, and strive to make people linger and forget to return. I look forward to updating every day!I wish Nidao can be on the dragon list as soon as possible! )

Two hours after leaving Xuyun Liubo Mountain, Ye Yong suddenly felt a little crisis in his heart, and immediately stopped at an altitude of [-] meters. His huge consciousness suddenly covered a radius of nearly a hundred kilometers, but he didn't find the slightest danger, but the little crisis in his heart But the feeling haunts me all the time...

"Hmph, the man who hides his head and shrinks his tail, although the old man doesn't know where this person is, he will definitely follow me... Who is this person and what is his intention?" Ye Yong pondered in his heart, his figure flashed, and he turned towards him in an instant. Fly to Ningyun Kingdom, which is adjacent to the White Empire!

Xuan Zhan, who was trailing behind Ye Yong nearly [-] kilometers away, was moved. This Ye Yong did not fly to Xiexing country, but to Ningyun country... What is his intention?Xuan Zhan's mind has turned sharply. In Ningyun Kingdom, there is only one place - Qingshu Three Star Pavilion!

What is he doing there?Could it be that he continued to discuss matters with the old monster in Qingshu Sanxing Pavilion?Xuan Zhan kept thinking in his heart, if this is the case, it seems that I need to know what they are discussing... The figure flashed, the killing intent in my heart slowly disappeared, and the concealment talisman hit the body, and quickly moved towards Ye Yong's direction fly to...

However, within half a day, Ye Yong quickly flew to the Tianqiu Mountain of the Qingshu Three-Star Pavilion, and then his body suddenly plunged into the back mountain of the Qingshu Three-Star Pavilion!

Half an hour later, the declaration of war also followed!

"Boom!" There was a violent aura suddenly erupting in the three-star pavilion of Qingshu, Xuan Zhan's heart trembled, and he suddenly thought of the blood lion. Just as he was about to turn around and leave, a blood-red light suddenly shot towards Xuan Zhan's position out of thin air. Come!

"No, I've been discovered!" Xuan Zhan's heart turned sharply. That Ye Yong didn't want to discuss matters with the patriarch of Qingshu Sanxing Pavilion, but he had found himself following behind, and came here to seek shelter!

Xuan Zhan's body suddenly had no wind and automatically, seeing the crazy aura that was about to rush towards him, he pulled his hands fiercely, and a burst of purple and gold thunderbolts struck his body instantly with a sound of "click!" - Thunder Dun!

The next moment, the declaration of war appeared nearly [-] kilometers away in an instant, and he thought about the aura just now with lingering fear. If he was slower, he would definitely have to risk his body to escape from this place with serious injuries!

Slowly recovering the Lei Yuan consumed in his body, the Thunder Escape technique just now consumed nearly one-third of the purple gold Lei Yuan in his body!Looking in the direction of Ningyun Kingdom, Xuan Zhan snorted coldly, turned and left... Ye Yong, this time it's your fate!

His Thunder Dun this time, appeared at the eastern border of Huayue Kingdom, replenishing the Lei Yuan in his body while flying, and it took nearly a day of effort to return to the Pride Sect!

As soon as he returned to the sect, he went directly to the Jinyang Peak Hall, and told Tianshangge privately what he had seen and heard, except for the matter of Xueshachi, and told him everything else!

Looking at Tianshangge whose face changed slightly, Xuan Zhan said indifferently: "The most urgent thing is to find out who is the hidden thread, otherwise, we will definitely be controlled by others everywhere! With this thorn, it is like a thorn in the stomach and back, and we must be at a disadvantage!"

Tianshangge sighed, looked at Xuan Zhan and said slowly: "This thorn is not small!"

Xuan Zhan frowned, instantly understood the meaning of the words, and said lightly, "Don't tell me you already have the answer in your heart?"

Tianshangge smiled wryly and said, "No, but... I know who are the most likely ones!"

Xuan Zhan glanced at him indifferently, and remained silent...

"This person is one of the six pillars of my Pride Sect!" Tian Shangge said bitterly, "Only these six people know about the leaks you told me just now, and there is no one else except them!"

Xuan Zhan took a breath and said, "What are you going to do?"

"No plan!" Tianshangge sighed, "Stay the same for all changes! I believe that he will always show his feet..."

Xuan Zhan turned and walked to the door and said lightly: "I can't agree with your thoughts. Since I want to succeed the suzerain of the Pride Sect, I can't allow any accidental factors to happen. Among the six people, I know that one of them must not be a dark thread. Don't you go find it?" This is a dark thread, I'll look for it!" After finishing speaking, Tian Shangge, who no longer looked at the wry smile, turned and left!

Flying above the proud sect, looking at the entire sect below in a closely guarded formation, Xuan Zhan unconsciously showed a wry smile, his figure stopped quietly, and he looked into the distance with his hands behind his back...

Twenty-five years ago, he was still a down-and-out blind man who ate his last meal and didn't know where he was going. He was struggling with food and clothing all day long!The world goes on and on, time has passed, and 25 years later, I have actually taken over the cultivation sect that overlooks ordinary creatures, and become a monk with the power to kill...

He just wants to find the way to escape from the cage of heaven and earth, and he doesn't want to become a power holder who means the creatures of heaven and earth!But... some things, after all, you can't do whatever you want!Cause and effect are endless, and there are all kinds of fetters. What he walks is always not the way he wants to walk!

In the past, he studied hard for [-] years, prayed to serve the country to repay the kindness of his fellow countrymen, and devoted himself to the entire Ningyun Empire!But he became blind strangely, was cast aside by thousands of people, and lived on the streets begging for a living! ! !

"Ling Bo...Ling Bo...Should I hate you and resent you, or should I thank you? Your face, which made the world look pale, even disappeared from my mind, but...I can't forget you, it's you... ...Created my rebirth of declaring war! It is you who gave me the strength to rely on, all I can do is to hide you deeply in the deepest part of my heart, don't think about it! Master, your The kindness of teaching has allowed me to gain a foothold in the world of self-cultivation amidst all kinds of crises, this kind of great kindness, apprentice... can never repay me!"

"I leave this world behind, but the direction, where should I go..." Xuan Zhan murmured bitterly in his heart.

"Brother Xuan!" Tianxiong's voice suddenly sounded from below, Xuan Zhan's heart trembled, and he regained his composure instantly.

Beside Tianxiong, apart from Bi Ling whom he had seen half a month ago, there were six other young people. After a little thought, who were these six young monks? They were the mysterious young monks who appeared this year. , Xuan Zhan learned from the two patriarchs of the Pride Sect, Liao Lang and Xuan Hen, that these six people, together with Bi Ling and another young monk named Xiao Junfeng, their masters are the Eight Great Masters hidden by the Pride Sect. Elder!

It can be regarded as a family!Declaring war thought funny.

Tianxiong flew to Xuanzhan's side with seven people, and seeing this group of people, Tianxiong looked at Xuanzhan with a happy face, but Biling's eyes were a little strange, as if in awe, curiosity and admiration. The color of admiration!Especially Diao Yu, a young monk, has a strong admiration for Xuan Zhan!

"Senior!" Diaoyu said respectfully.

Xuan Zhan smiled and said, "Could it be that I am very old, why do you call me senior?"

"The master is the first! Senior Xuan's cultivation level is so high that none of us can match!" Bai Duanliu clasped his fists and said respectfully.

"Hehe, you should call me along with Tianxiong, senior, that sounds weird!" Xuan Zhan said with a smile.

Several young people looked at each other, shook their heads sonorously and said: "The cultivation world determines status by strength, this senior, we are determined!"

Xuan Zhan waved his hands helplessly and said: "Then...whatever!" Then he looked at Tianxiong and said, "Brother Tianxiong, what do you want me to do?"

"I haven't seen you for so long, I can't even chat with you?" Tianxiong laughed strangely, then frowned slightly, "Brother, is Linglong?"

"It's not life-threatening, but I don't know when I'll wake up!" Xuan Zhan shook his head silently, looked at Tianxiong and said, "Where is Su Lin, is he still concerned about this matter?" Although he didn't see anyone all day long, But he must know about Linglong, so he knows Su Lin's love for Linglong clearly...

"That kid..." Tianxiong said with a bitter smile, "That kid cultivates like crazy every day, and has already imposed all the mistakes Linglong has encountered on himself!"

Xuan Zhan shook his head silently and said: "Everyone has his own destiny, Linglong...maybe it is the shackles of his life, if he can't bear this point, over time, demons will arise! You are a big brother, you should mention it more. Mention him!"

Tianxiong said helplessly: "I don't know how many times I've told him, but he just can't listen to it, and even quarreled with me countless times because of this matter. We are nine brothers, and we played together since we were young. His temper But it's getting more and more slanted..."

Xuan Zhan sighed and said, "Turn around, let him come to see me once!"

Tianxiong's face brightened and he said: "Hey, what I'm waiting for is your words. You are Linglong's uncle, and your weight in our Pride Sect is getting bigger and bigger. It's only suitable for you to say it!"

"By the way!" Xuan Zhan said suddenly, "Where's that young man named...Xiao Junfeng?" When he said this, he was slightly taken aback, young man?I'm afraid at his age, it's not too much to be my grandpa!

"He..." Tianxiong was taken aback for a moment, then glanced awkwardly at Bi Ling beside him, and remained silent!

"Hmph!" Bi Ling snorted lightly, "That guy has already left the Pride School and is looking for his own way out!"

"Oh!" Xuan Zhan replied faintly. To him, this Xiao Junfeng was not even considered a passerby!

Glancing at the people around him, Xuan Zhan suddenly had an idea in his heart, then looked at the people around him, and immediately made up his mind!

Seeing Xuan Zhan's inexplicable eyes, several people around couldn't help shuddering. That kind of eyes, as if they were studying some kind of mysterious thing, made them extremely uncomfortable!

"Brother Tianxiong, go and call Qingya, Su Lin and Gufei to Tanxin Pavilion!" Xuan Zhan said with a smile, "Bi Ling, Diaoyu, you guys follow me to Tanxin Pavilion!"

Several people around were slightly taken aback, Tianxiong asked curiously: "Brother Xuan, what are you going to do?"

"Don't say it!" Xuan Zhan said with a mysterious smile, "You just call them here!"

Tianxiong nodded, turned and left to call his other brothers, Xuan Zhan turned around and said indifferently: "You guys follow me!"

Diao Yu, Bai Duanliu, Xu Shifei, Qiu Jiyun, Cheng Zhizhong, Zhan Tianpeng, and Bi Ling followed behind Xuan Zhan inexplicably, wondering why Xuan Zhan had brought sixteen of them here!

A few people came outside the Tanxin Pavilion, looked at the enchantment with a diameter of hundreds of feet, and trembled in their hearts. This man-made power of heaven and earth made them feel that they had a heart of Taoism that had been cultivated for hundreds of years, and they couldn't resist it. The madness trembled!

A quarter of an hour later, Tianxiong rushed over with his eight brothers!

Looking at the sixteen young monks around him, Xuan Zhan said softly, "The Pride Sect will need to be protected by you in the future, and the role you... will play in the future of the Pride Sect is immeasurable!"

More than a dozen young people stood solemnly, and some of them even knew the idea of ​​declaring war in their hearts!

Tianxiong muttered for a while: magic weapon?Gongfa?Or some panacea, a genius treasure?

Xuan Zhan's eyes turned, and the three thousand silver threads moved automatically without wind. He lightly brushed a strand of hair, looked at the silent Su Lin and said softly: "Su Lin, I will give Linglong to you, do you dare to accept it?"

Su Lin has been crazy for the past two years, his madness even surpassed that of earth madness, that kind of heart-loving pain torments him all the time, every time he thinks of Linglong, he can't help but hate himself!Hate my own powerlessness, hate my uselessness, hate my timidity, hate my lack of concern...

So he had to make himself stronger, not asking for anything else, just to be able to protect Linglong, not asking for anything else, just to be able to look at the person who made him think about it all the time...

It's been a year... He has been practicing hard alone, using that kind of mental torture, torturing himself, reminding himself!He knew that Linglong couldn't die, and with Elder Xuan's protection, he knew that even in hell, Elder Xuan would go in and bring Linglong back!So...he looks forward to seeing Linglong again, it will be a brand new self that can protect her!

It's been a year...he's still lingering in the late stage of Confinement Heart!Countless times of shock, but still can't get what he wanted to enter the consummation of his heart... He knows!He knows that practice is an opportunity besides hard work day and night!But...he couldn't wait!Can't wait for the next opportunity...

The words of declaring war suddenly brought the silent Su Lin back to reality. When Xuan Zhan said those words, Su Lin suddenly froze...

"Su Lin!" Xuan Zhan said softly with a smile, "Could it're timid?"

"No!" Su Lin yelled suddenly, looking at Xuan Zhan with a happy face, looking at the god-like man, and said in a trembling voice, "I...I...I agree!"

Xuan Zhan chuckled, nodded and said: "I'll take you to see her!" As soon as the words fell, Xuan Zhan's right hand suddenly spread out, and fifteen purple and gold lightning bolts split from the palm of his hand instantly!

Except for Tianxiong, the fifteen young people had not realized what was going on, and were immediately struck by the purple-gold lightning!

Then...slowly fainted to the ground!

Under Tianxiong's stunned expression, Xuan Zhan smiled lightly, raised his hands suddenly, and saw a three-foot-long white gate suddenly opened from the enchantment of Tanxin Pavilion!

Looking at the dazed Tianxiong, Xuan Zhan chuckled, and with a casual movement, the bodies of the fifteen young people rose slowly, and Xuan Zhan led the unconscious bodies of the fifteen young people into the open door first, and a faint voice came. : "Brother, what are you still doing, come in!"

Tianxiong suddenly regained his sanity, and his face was overjoyed: ", your kindness is not small!", he laughed heartily, and shot into the Tanxin Pavilion in an instant!

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