"Decided?" Tianxiong asked in a daze while standing beside Su Lin and looking at the sleeping and comatose Linglong.

Su Lin sat cross-legged next to Linglong, closed his eyes and said calmly: "This matter is settled, senior brother, I beg you to apologize to my master, just say... just say that your apprentice is unworthy, and have no face to face him!"

Tianxiong turned his face to look down at Su Lin, and said with a wry smile, "Why can't you see through?"

"Eldest brother, matters of affection...do you understand?" Su Lin said slightly bitterly, "I am in love with Linglong, and this test has already made me fall into a demon. pregnancy!"

Tianxiong raised his head, closed his eyes and smiled bitterly: Love... Love, how do you know I'm not in love, but...I'm not like you after all!

Tianxiong suddenly opened his eyes, and walked away, his voice came faintly: "I hope... you will come out of this place soon!"

What is right and what is wrong?Tianxiong doesn't know, he only knows one thing, everyone has his own destiny, and destiny depends on heaven!To get rid of the sky...is to get rid of the shackles...


A few days later, outside the Tanxin Pavilion!

Except for Tianxiong, Diaoyu and other fourteen people slowly woke up...

After a long while, fifteen whirl wheel auras suddenly vibrated wildly within the Pride Sect!

Looking at the Tanxin Pavilion, Tianxiong and other fifteen monks slowly bent down and bowed slightly...


The Pride Sect is in chaos!When Liao Lang and Xuan Hen, the two unfalling patriarchs, sensed the fifteen swirling auras, they mistakenly thought that they were monks from other sects who suddenly attacked the Pride Sect; When the older monks of the Famous Spiral Cycle felt the fifteen auras, their hearts suddenly trembled crazily!

Countless auras surged wildly from within the Pride Qi Sect in an instant, and thousands of streamers approached the Tanxin Pavilion on Qingsong Peak at top speed!

"Not good!" Tianxiong yelled in a daze, and as soon as the words fell, Liao Lang and Xuan Hen, two unfallen patriarchs, suddenly appeared beside the crowd. When they saw that it was them, they were stunned for an instant!

Afterwards, Shangge and a group of monks in the whirlwind stage appeared in front of them, and they were also confused by this battle...

"Tianxiong!" Xuan Hen shouted in confusion, "You...you..." Even though he had been disdainful of the cultivation world for nearly a thousand years, what happened at this moment was far too strange. Three months later, they all entered the whirling wheel stage, and what surprised them even more was Tianxiong. At this moment, Tianxiong seemed to be a solid cultivation base in the middle whirling wheel stage. It must be known that if Tianxiong had no other opportunities, he might have to In the early stage of the vortex wheel, the cultivation base has stagnated for decades. If you are lucky, it will take about ten years to advance to the middle stage of the vortex wheel!Moreover, even if he enters the mid-stage of the vortex, if he stabilizes his cultivation and then hits the late stage of the vortex, it will definitely not be possible for him to grow so fast without hundreds of years...

Seeing more and more fellow disciples appearing outside the Tanxin Pavilion, Tianxiong and other young people looked at the battle with wry smiles, not knowing what to say about it, Tianxiong agreed to declare war, but the secrets of the small world could not Say it to a third party!As for the others, they don't even have the slightest impression of themselves growing up so fast, especially Chen Dian and Ding Dalong, who are proud of their nine swords. Entering the initial stage of the whirling wheel, I can't even tell the beginning and the end!Although, at this moment, the cultivation bases of the two are still ranked at the bottom...

"I can only say that this is all thanks to Elder Xuan!" Tianxiong said with a wry smile, "Patriarch, suzerain, let's break up first. I don't know what happened to us, so I'd better go back first and wait for Xuan Master to break up." After the elder comes out of Tanxin Pavilion, ask him slowly!" After finishing speaking, he and everyone looked in awe at Tanxin Pavilion, which was wrapped in a piece of purple-gold lightning!

Xuan Hen and Liao Lang looked at each other, and suddenly felt a little frightened by Xuan Zhan's miraculous ability, but fortunately... everything he did was beneficial to the Pride Sect!Although they don't know how the declaration of war mass-produces the whirl wheel monks, but such a good thing, they suddenly want to do it a few more times...

"Let's go!" Xuan Hen said slowly with a wave of his big hand, and then he and Liao Lang turned and left. Although they were very curious about the ability to declare war in their hearts, but...the strength of declaring war has already been recognized by them!For some strong people, secrets cannot be pursued...

Tianshangge smiled wryly, looked at the elders around, shook his head helplessly and said: "Elder Xuan is really generous, everyone, let's leave, Tianxiong, you guys come with me!"

Everyone dispersed slowly, but there was a lot of discussion in their mouths, and then everyone knew that such a thing, it turned out to be the elder Xuan who succeeded the suzerain three months later!Feeling in my heart, why this kind of thing can't happen to them...

Tianshangge looked at these young people, and smiled slowly: "You people, you actually made us so worried. When I left, I knew that you disappeared in Tanxin Pavilion, but I didn't expect to reappear a few months later. It gave us such a big surprise!"

Mo Shaofeng smiled indifferently: "Elder Xuan's handwriting really makes me bow down, Tianxiong, is Elder Xuan still in Tanxin Pavilion?"

Tianxiong nodded slowly and said in a deep voice: "Yes, Elder Xuan will come out again soon!"

"Hey, where's Su Lin?" Liuchen, the sixth-ranked Elder of the Proud Qi Sect, suddenly asked.

"Su Lin..." Tianxiong said silently to himself, then bowed deeply to Elder Liuchen, and said respectfully: "Uncle Liuchen, when Elder Xuan comes out, let him talk about this matter." Be with you, Su Lin's fate was chosen by himself, hey..."

Even the group of young people who entered the Tanxin Pavilion with him didn't know what Tianxiong meant, and they listened to Tianshangge like a cloud!

Liuchen quickly stood up, and said solemnly, "What happened to Su Lin?"

Tianxiong smiled bitterly and said: "Uncle Liu, don't worry, Su Lin's life is not in any danger!"

Liuchen was stunned for a moment, his face slowly calmed down, thinking about Tianxiong's words, but he asked worriedly: "Then what happened to him?"

Tianxiong sighed: "Su Lin has a chance, you can ask Elder Xuan about this matter after he leaves the customs, he knows the details best!"

"Okay!" Liu Chen said slowly, but there was a hint of ominousness in his heart...

Tianshangge looked at the young man once, smiled gratifiedly, thought slightly and said slowly: "In the days to come, you must keep in mind that you must adapt to this power by leaps and bounds as soon as possible. , you need to practice more, if you have any difficulties, please feel free to ask us for advice, you must know, my Pride Sect will face a big storm!"

Mo Shaofeng smiled lightly and said, "I am a sect of arrogance, and I should always keep my arrogance in my heart. I am not afraid of any disasters and go forward bravely! Elder Xuan came back from the outside a few months ago and brought a piece of news. During his succession ceremony, Those three sects will attack aggressively!"

The faces of the people suddenly became solemn, Tianxiong said proudly: "Masters, don't worry, all disciples will protect the flame of my proud Qi sect with death!"

Several elders smiled at each other and nodded slowly. The great gift Xuanzhan gave them gave them a glimmer of hope for the future journey!

one month...

Six dazzling streamers suddenly appeared in the sky. On Pofan Peak, the back mountain of the Proud Qi Sect, Xuan Hen and Liao Lang looked at each other, and immediately showed a gleam of joy. Go and meet them, I haven't seen these old guys for hundreds of years, hehe..."

"Boom!" Suddenly, two bursts of majestic aura burst out from the top of Pofan Peak, flying towards the sky with the momentum of thunder!

"Haha, Liao Lang, Xuan Hen, the old man Luoye is here!" A loud and mighty voice slowly sounded in the sky!

Diao Yu, who was practicing on the arena, and the others looked at each other blankly... Diao Yu suddenly smiled and said, "My master is here, brothers, let me go to meet my master first!" Falling, Diaoyu's body suddenly shot into the air!

"Two old immortals, old man Xuyu is here!" Another healthy voice resounded through the sky, Xu Shifei trembled all over, and shouted in horror: "I...my master is here too...no, I too Let's go!" After finishing speaking, he immediately flew into the sky...

"Liao Lang, Xuan Hen, why don't you hurry up and greet the old masters!" As soon as this voice sounded, Qiu Jiyun thought slightly and said slowly: "My master Tanyue is here too, everyone, please leave for the time being!" After speaking, he disappeared in the Above the arena!

"Old man Aotong!"

"Luo Ming!"

"Kong Chen!"

Cheng Zhizhong, Zhan Tianpeng, and Bai Duanliu looked at each other individually, then bid farewell to the disciples of the Proud Qi Sect, and then disappeared in the same place...

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