Reverse Taoist Records

Chapter 11 The Seal of Niwan

Xuan Zhan looked at Pofengzi in the deep pit, the already dilapidated corpse, still a bit unbelievable, this Pofengzi was smashed to pieces by Little Panda, you know, he is not a soft persimmon, but It is a real whirl wheel realm, a super-class cultivation master on Moli Star!

But he was crushed to death by the little guy within minutes!He suddenly thought of the jade slip that his master left him introducing the heaven and earth spirit beasts. The heaven and earth spirit beasts are the darlings favored by the heavens, and they are uniquely blessed!Not only is the vitality strong, but the lifespan is several times higher than that of human beings. In terms of cultivation, there is no need to deliberately practice and study. When the time comes, the power will naturally awaken, and even those spirit beasts with the blood of gods and beasts. The brand of inheritance was marked before birth, and these brand marks will be gradually released as they grow up, and they have the power and endless longevity that cultivators dream of!

However, it seems that because of this, the number of spirit beasts is extremely rare!One drink and one peck are all within the cycle of heaven, and they are all imprisoned in this cage of the Great Dao...

Xuan Zhan touched Panda's head, and suddenly saw Pofengzi's storage ring, smiled coldly in his heart, then jumped to his corpse, took off the storage ring on his finger, and thought about it, except for some Low-level magic tools, also found a few jade slips of exercises, a Qingshu oblique moon sword formula, a Qingshu moon embrace heart formula, it seems to be a set of skills, there is also a hidden breath technique, some return to the original pill , low-level gems, and some spirit stones.

Although these things are all rubbish for Xuan Zhan, who has a huge fortune at the moment, but they are better than nothing, so he put them all away.

At this time, Panda suddenly said: "Little master, someone is here."

Xuan Zhan was taken aback for a moment, and immediately rushed to other places with Panda in his arms. He asked while running, "How many people, how far is the distance, and how long will it take to get there?" On Panda's body, his body flashed, and he immediately hid under a big rock.

"Don't worry, little master, they can't find us. Four people are here, all of them are in the state of restraint." As soon as Panda finished speaking, Xuan Zhan's mind was swept away, and he immediately found four auras in the air, flying towards here, Xuan Zhan immediately indulged in the aura , the heartbeat became slower and slower until it seemed to stop.

Four auras fell in the air, and the declaration of war felt that the four auras were all indifference with a cruel and bloody smell, and I knew they were not righteous people.

"Huh? Look, isn't this the Pofengzi from the Qingshu Sanxing Pavilion!" one of the people with a gloomy air suddenly exclaimed in surprise.

"It's really Pofengzi!" Another person said in shock, "He... is dead!"

"Why did he die in this place? This Pofengzi is a master of the Xuanlun realm, and he was killed here! The body is in dilapidated condition, and the method is really ruthless!" The third person said in a daze, revealing a wave of Incredible.

"It seems... the person who killed him must be a master from several major sects. However, there are only a hundred or so masters in the whirling wheel realm, including our Holy Cult. Who could it be?"

"Bai Li, look, Pofengzi's storage ring has also been taken away!" one of them said.

Hearing this name, Xuan Zhan's body shook suddenly: Bai Li?Which Baili is this Baili?Could it be Bai Li, the suzerain of the Chaotic Sect hundreds of years ago?

After he was blind at the beginning, he fell into poverty, and later met his wife, Yan Zhi, who is the only successor of the six demon sects in the mortal world, and the only descendant of the mind-disturbing sect. Moreover, it is rumored that hundreds of years ago, there was a master of the demon sect named Baili. , who used to be the suzerain of the Huanxin sect, and later obtained Jade Guanyin, dominated the world, and then disappeared mysteriously... Could this Baili and the old suzerain of the Luanxin sect be the same person?

Xuan Zhan frowned and thought about it, and then heard a person say: "Huh, it is indeed that old thief who broke the wind, could it be that he was killed because someone coveted some kind of treasure on him?"

"Let's go there quickly, and then report this matter to the leader, let's see how he decides!" One of them said calmly, "A super expert in the whirl wheel realm, this matter is extraordinary!"

After finishing speaking, there were several piercing sounds in the air, and it seemed that he had already left...

"Baili... Baili...isn't it really the same person?

The thought of declaring war was a little confused, he shook his head, feeling a little sad and angry in his heart, if it wasn't for that Yuguanyin, perhaps, he would still enjoy the family relationship with his wife and son, instead of stepping into this cruel cultivation!

What will happen now?Declaring war seems to be a bit confused about the future, and my heart is shocked. People who are cultivators are most afraid of being unstable, and if they are careless, they will be lost forever!

Holding Panda in his arms and leaving this place, he didn't dare to use his true energy at all.

In the province of Ningyun Guohualang, there is a high mountain named "Tianqiu Mountain".Through the misty clouds, there seems to be a palace like a fairyland, and there are faint figures of people in the palace.

"'s not good, Sect Leader, something is wrong!" Suddenly, a boy in a blue Taoist robe rushed to the main hall, shouting loudly as he ran.

The gate of the main hall suddenly opened, and a middle-aged monk in a moon white Taoist robe sat cross-legged in the center, with his eyes slightly closed, and said slowly, "Meditation, what is the hurry?"

Jingxin Xiaodao's face was pale, and he fell to his knees with a puff, sweating coldly and said: "Master, Elder Pofengzi's jade token, it's's broken!"

Hearing this, the middle-aged monk suddenly said, "Boom!", the momentum of his body suddenly rose, and a wave of anger suddenly flooded the entire mountain, and everyone in the palace was shocked.

It turns out that this place is the important sect where the Qingshu Sanxing Pavilion is located!And its leader is Po Yunzi, a generation of super masters in Molixing's cultivation world!

Po Yunzi restrained his whole body, opened his eyes, a cold breath filled the surroundings, looked coldly at Jing Xin who was kneeling, and said angrily: "How about the jade cards of the other elders?"

Jingxin was sweating profusely, and tremblingly said: "Other...the other elder jade cards have no accidents."

"Go down!" Po Yunzi stood up and said lightly.

Poyunzi looked at the path of Jingxin leaving tremblingly, walked to the door and looked in the direction of the [-] mountains, and said coldly: "Hmph! Pofengzi passed away, I, Qingshu Sanxing Pavilion, have not set foot in the world of cultivation for hundreds of years , Is it possible that Yu Wei is gone! This matter, after the elders come back, we have to tell the ancestors to see how he decides."

After a day of rushing, the declaration of war has penetrated deep into the rear of the [-] mountains. There are many snakes, insects, rats, ants, and strange beasts, but in terms of the declaration of war in the state of restraint at this moment, they are like ants under his feet, let him run rampant !

When he came to a natural cave, Xuan Zhan thought about it for a while: It seems that he has to learn the technique of disguise. During the day, that Pofengzi can spot me, and the companions around him must have spotted me too. Fengzi's death will definitely make them think of me. There is a lot of entanglement involved. If one is not careful, he will be hunted down and hunted down. For the vast Ningyun Kingdom, cultivators can meet thousands of miles away in a blink of an eye!

The vitality of the world here is thin, the vegetation is sluggish, and there are only those bare mountains, but it is a good place to live in seclusion!

The declaration of war made Little Panda spit out the entrance of the small world, and set up a simple fading array outside to prevent wild beasts from coming here.

After entering the small world, Xuan Zhan looked at the ordinary little bamboo with joy, and then carefully transplanted it to the side of the warm milk essence, this is the place with the most vitality in the whole small world, the growth of the small bamboo will be controlled The vitality and nourishment of warm milk essence!Grow faster.

"Little master, what's so strange about this bamboo? It's not as good as our bamboos, and it doesn't look very tasty." Panda said in a daze.

Xuan Zhan said with a smile: "You don't know that, this bamboo is one of the five sacred trees in the cultivation world 'Earth Vault Boundary Breaking Bamboo'! After this bamboo matures, it contains the three attributes of wood, earth and gold, and it is extremely pure, which is even rarer. What’s more, you can ignore any sealing barriers in the cultivation world! The vitality of our small world leaked out because the leaves of the bamboo swayed in the wind and accidentally broke into the small world, causing the vitality here to leak out!”

Panda touched his head in a daze, then shook his head and said, "I don't understand...but, after it matures, is it delicious?"

Xuan Zhan almost fell down suddenly, and laughed at Panda: "This bamboo is not for you to eat! One of the five sacred trees in the cultivation world, is it for eating? After it matures, forge it into a magic weapon. Comparing to the immortal weapon! It is so powerful that it is not impossible to sweep the cultivation world! But, how can such a precious ground-poor boundary-breaking bamboo grow in such a place where the vitality of the world is thin?"

According to the master's jade slips, the five sacred trees in the realm of cultivation, the Golden Escape Wood to ward off evil spirits, can overcome any filthy power in the world.Withered Rong Na Ling tree, full of life force, can live and die human flesh and bones, and can also allow the primordial spirit and three souls and six souls of cultivators to enter it for nourishment!And this Earth Dome Breaking Boundary Bamboo ranks third in power, but it is a name in the cultivation world that everyone wants to use. It is no less precious than the other two kinds of sacred trees!The fourth place is the Yuxin Qitianmu. This wood is harder than Jinjing, and it is extremely heavy. The fifth is the Chilling Demon Tree. It is said that this tree can transform into thousands of illusions, and has its own spiritual wisdom. The world moves at will!The appearance of each kind of sacred tree is a turbulent cultivation battle!

Xuan Zhan shook his head, came to the small building in the middle of the lake, and began to learn the disguise technique, and Little Panda was also forced to learn this spell.

The exercises left by Yu Zhenzi are all first-class and top-notch exercises in the cultivation world. He doesn't like the slightly weaker ones. The disguise techniques that he can keep are of course not ordinary ones.To put it bluntly, this spell is also a way to use the power of true energy. It can move the skin of the whole body, change the appearance, and even the bones can be changed.

A month later, Xuan Zhan looked at himself in the mirror and was satisfied for a while. He had black hair, sword eyebrows and star eyes, and was 1.8 meters tall. Panda, on the other hand, turned into a little brown bear covered in gray fur, far less cute than the original.

In addition to this disguise technique, I also learned a concealment technique, which is more effective than ordinary concealment techniques. In addition to being able to hide one's own cultivation at will, it can even make the whole body breathless. The end is a good way to hide!

"Teacher, let me ask you, what is Tao?" In the space of the ring, the chubby body of Master Yu was suspended in the air, and his voice burst out.In front of him, Xuan Zhan sat cross-legged in the void silently, thinking for a while.

Xuan Zhan listened to Yu Zhenren's torture, thought for a while, and replied: "Taoist, the law of the heaven and earth! The so-called Tao follows the natural way, which is to follow the heaven and the earth! All laws are ever-changing, and they are not separated from their origin. The spirit of all things, From nature!"

Master Yu looked at Xuan Zhan appreciatively: "And the Tao of my cultivator is also this kind of Tao?"

Xuan Zhan frowned, and then replied sonorously: "The way of cultivation is the way against the heavens. All laws are natural, and I am the way! The way is me, and I am the way! Walk against the sky and escape the shackles of this world , not to be imprisoned by the Three Realms and Five Elements, and not to enter the reincarnation of this world!"

Master Yu then asked again: "Since it is against the sky, why do I, a cultivator, have to go up to the heavenly heart!"

Xuan Zhan was taken aback for a moment, and then replied: "We cultivators are doing the act of stealing the power of the sky, Master, speaking of it, we cultivators are thieves in the ordinary world. To steal something, of course you have to find out the situation first, and then take action!"

Master Yu looked at Xuan Zhan silently, sighed and said: "The way of comprehension is commonly known as the three thousand ways, but there are thousands of ways, such as the way of love, which can be divided into the way of unfeeling, the way of ruthlessness, and the way of forgetting love." And the way of sentient beings! The bloody way is divided into the way of Shura, the way of killing, the way of killing, and the way of slaughter, etc., as well as the way of painting, calligraphy, and even the way of transforming animals. The so-called three thousand ways are just imaginary numbers That's all, apprentice, what kind of way is the way you practice?"

Xuan Zhan was taken aback for a moment, the way I cultivated... What kind of way is the way I cultivated?

"I have been a teacher for tens of thousands of years, unwilling to accept the laws of the world, and always want to break away from the Dao of the heavens and the earth in order to be truly free. Therefore, everything I cultivate is to use my own strength to resist the Dao of the heavens and the earth, which is great freedom. The way! Although the apprentice has inherited the master, but this way, you have to walk by yourself!"

Zhen Yu sighed in his mouth, and said leisurely: "Once you enter the Tao, there is no way to turn back! Therefore, all my practitioners are tenacious and decisive!"

There was a moment of silence in Xuan Zhan's heart: Once you enter the Tao, there is no way back!

"Teacher, do you know something about your own situation?" Yu Zhenzi changed his words and turned to the declaration of war itself.

Xuan Zhan was puzzled for a while, and said, "Master, please advise!"

"For my teacher, there is a seal inside your Niwan, which seals a piece of your memory!"

Xuan Zhan was stunned for a moment: I... I have a memory sealed by others!

"Furthermore, the sealing method is extremely advanced, and there is nothing I can do as a teacher. There is no way to solve it. Perhaps, when the opportunity comes, this seal will naturally be released..."

Xuan Zhan felt confused at the moment, he was sealed without knowing anything, and, with the power of the master, there was no way to solve it. What kind of person is Master Yu Zhenren? The cultivation world can be said to be the top masters, and masters in the Mahayana period should also treat each other with courtesy.But this method of sealing makes the master helpless... Who is this person?Except before, he had never even had contact with a cultivator...

The mind came out of the ring, and the head of declaring war has been blank...

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