At this moment, the blood-colored villain in Xuan Zhan's hand yawned, a misty red light slowly appeared all over his body, and then he lay on the palm of Xuan Zhan's hand... to sleep!

Ye Yong was taken aback for a moment, and looked at Xuan Zhan fiercely: "What is this thing?"

"You don't know?" Xuan Zhan smiled, "It was created by you!"

The two demon sect patriarchs looked at both sides gloomyly for a moment, and Yejiu said coldly, "How do you say that?"

Not only did they not understand the sentence of declaring war, but even the immortal monks and countless whirlpool monks around them didn't understand what it meant!

"He was a fusion of the two monks who challenged me at the beginning, and he was finally defeated by me, and then I took him away, haha..." Xuan Zhan smiled softly, looked at the two of them casually, withdrew his right hand, and moved The villain is in his cuff.

"No wonder..." Everyone suddenly realized.

Yanzhen and Poyunzi, who were seriously injured on one side, looked at each other bitterly, and sighed in their hearts, could it be... the sky is going to kill me... I really drank and pecked...

"The chat is over!" Xuan Zhan's eyes suddenly turned cold, and the thunder and lightning wings on his shoulders boomed and instantly increased dozens of times. With a light flap, the sound of thunder followed, "Don't you two want a fair fight? ?”

The two glanced at each other heavily, their figures shook, and the cultivation base of the Immortal Master suddenly surged crazily...

Suddenly, several brilliant streamers of light pierced through the chests of the two of them with a bang!

The faces of the two of them suddenly became stunned...

Xuan Zhan frowned for an instant, and looked at the eight immortal seniors around him, including Xuan Hen, Liao Lang, Luo Ye, and Ao Tong...

"Huh!" Xuan Hen controlled the sword light to flash, and the surrounding immortal monks suddenly wiped out the bodies of the two of them in an instant!Before the primordial spirits of the two men reacted and escaped, the power of Taoist spiritual weapons had already wiped out their bodies and spirits...

"You..." Xuan Zhan frowned and looked at the implacable monk who killed Ye Yong and Ye Jiu without saying a word!

"Sovereign, since you can kill him in a simpler way, there is no need to fight them openly for the sake of the so-called dignity!" Xuan Hen said lightly, "A person who is a prisoner should have the consciousness of being a prisoner!"

Xuan Zhan looked coldly at the immortal monks around him, but saw that their expressions were indifferent, as if they were the people they killed just now, like ants...

Declaring war seemed to be enlightened, turned around indifferently, and said softly: "Kill them all!"

"Boom!" As soon as the voice of the declaration of war fell, the eight non-falling monks suddenly surged with magic formulas, and the power of Taoism's true essence surged up...

Feeling the sound of the explosion behind him, as well as the screams of Yan Zhen, Po Yunzi, and the monks of the Demon Gate, Xuan Zhan's mind suddenly fell silent!

"Declaration of war, you will definitely be retaliated, you will definitely..." After Poyunzi roared this sentence, his body and spirit were completely destroyed...

"Hehe..." Xuan Zhan heard Po Yunzi's words with his eyes closed, and smiled lightly...

The sound of the explosion slowly disappeared within a dozen or so breaths, and the eight immortal monks slowly flew behind Xuanzhan, followed by seven elders including Tianshangge and Mo Shaofeng, and then the Seven Swords of Pride And Diaoyu and other young monks!

"It's over!" Xuan Zhan gently opened his eyes and looked at all the monks on the Jinyang Peak of the Proud Qi Sect below!

"It's over..." Tianshangge said to himself in a daze, and then smiled bitterly. He thought that the Pride Sect was about to usher in a battle to annihilate the sect, but...he looked at all the disciples of the Pride Sect, and there was no one there. Die in this so-called war!Looking at the back figure in front of me, my mind was in a trance for a while, there was no plan... It was no plan!It turns out... the new suzerain has already calculated everything into it!

"...It's over!" Qi Qijian looked blankly at the vast land, suddenly... like a dream!

The countless monks below stared blankly at the group of people in the sky, and all the monks standing there were the monks of the whirlwind stage!And those people are all members of the Pride Sect!The three sects of the cultivation world... just disappeared in the cultivation world!

"It's over...we won?" the proud disciple below said to himself blankly, yes, the life-and-death battle was as expected...that's's over!

"Boom!" A group of people in the sky suddenly burst out with terrifying pressure that made everyone's minds feel like they were being crushed fiercely!

Looking down, Xuan Zhan gently brushed a strand of hair on his shoulders, and said calmly: "The three sects of the Demon Sect, Xuyun Liubo Mountain, and Qingshu Three-star Pavilion, from today onwards, from the six sects of the cultivation world... !"

The minds of the people were severely crushed by the declaration of war, and they were removed... From today, there are only three sects in the cultivation world! !

Immortal Changshan was behind them, listening to these words in a daze, but his heart was full of terror. At this moment... the power of the Pride Sect was so huge that he was terrified!Eight non-falling stage monks, more than 20 whirling wheel stage masters... There has never been a case of this kind of battle in nearly two thousand years! ! !

True Jade Illusory Heart Sect... Where should I go?

"Disciples of the Proud Qi Sect listen to the order!" Xuan Zhan looked down and said softly!

"The disciple is here!" Hearing the words of the declaration of war, the disciple of the Proud Qi Sect below roared with incomparable pride in his heart!

"When you meet the remnants of the three sects, kill them without mercy!" Xuan Zhan said calmly!

Kill them all! ! !Countless monks suddenly felt a sense of fear, especially Master Changshan behind him, when he heard the words of declaring war, he even felt a trembling illusion in his heart!Although his cultivation base is among the highest among these monks, but... but under the power of their spiritual weapons, does he have a chance to live in the world safely...

"Respect the decree of the sect master!" Ao Qi Sect disciple suddenly roared and howled, the voice slowly echoed between the heaven and the earth...

Xuan Zhan looked down coldly, a look of disdain for the world spontaneously emerged from his body, and he smiled freely with his hands behind his back!

The sky has changed... Tian Shangge looked at the turbulent wind and cloud, and the snow-covered sky, and had an illusion in the haze. The sky and the earth seemed to be slowly changing because of the existence of the declaration of war!The three major sects were destroyed, and the proud family dominated!Is this result what he wants?Tianshangge silently looked at the back of Xuan Zhan who looked at the world with contempt!With every gesture, the clouds and rain will be turned upside down, and on the first day of succession, he will dominate the Molixing cultivation world...

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