Reverse Taoist Records

Chapter 112 Heart of Pride

"Actually, at the beginning, I didn't know why the masters suddenly started fighting! But the masters started fighting, of course we have to help our masters, so... hehe, we started fighting with them! "Xu Shifei looked at Diaoyu, Bai Duanliu and other five young friends beside him with a smile.

"I didn't know what happened at the time. I only knew that the master told me to beat me harder!" Zhan Tianpeng looked at Cheng Zhizhong with a wry smile and said, "You know, the relationship between your master and my master I didn't know what happened when I was young, and my relationship has not been very good! So... I can only hit you!"

Tianxiong looked at them amusedly and said with a smile: "You don't know, when you and the senior left, our hearts were chilly!"

Bi Ling said coquettishly: "That's not true, I thought you were all ruthless people, and you left because you were afraid of those three sects!"

Bai Duanliu said lightly: "Master's orders must not be violated!"

"And then, what happened to you?" Xu Jing asked curiously.

"Then..." Diao Yu burst out laughing when he saw the crowd, "Then, under the leadership of our master, we somehow gathered together at the easternmost edge of Cangshan Mountain in Lanxi!"

"At that time, we learned that this is all a play, one for..." When Qiu Jiyun said this, he paused for a moment, and then looked at Tianxiong and other eight monks in embarrassment!

So Fei took a deep breath, and said softly: "My master must have something to hide, otherwise, he would definitely not betray our Pride Sect. I must speak to the suzerain about this matter!"

"Hey, the confinement of 'Pofan Peak' underground for 50 years, is Elder Tie's punishment too heavy?He had already admitted his mistake at the last minute! "Fang Qingya said in a daze.

This group of young people kept discussing the original topic on the small stronghold on the back mountain of Qiandie Peak. At this time, it has been a month since the big battle!

Outside the window... It's snowing heavily!In the middle of the night, the Proud Sect seemed extraordinarily peaceful, only the heavy snow falling, dotted with the Lanxi Cangshan Mountain...

At this moment, they already know why the six masters went back and forth, this is the strategy between the suzerain declared war and them!Using dark lines to smuggle information is a trick!

Di Kuang and Di Hui returned to the sect to carry out more advanced cultivation...

Tianxiong sighed, looked at the heavy snow outside the window, raised the wine jar in his hand and took a sip of wine, and said softly: "I believe the Suzerain must know the details, and there must be a reason for him to be punished like this!", in fact , He still didn't say anything in his heart, the crime of betraying his teacher is the most important thing. Although Tie Shaoteng finally admitted his mistake, the facts are the facts. If Tie Shaoteng was not killed, it was an extrajudicial favor... …

Everyone sighed in unison...

Recently...too many things have happened. Killing the remaining disciples of the three major sects allowed this group of young people to grow up rapidly. The number of people... thousands!It can be said that the young people in this room at this moment have their hands covered with blood!

And act more decisively and hatefully!

This gathering is the first gathering in a month...

The name of the Pride Sect, with them as the blade, is already bloody, compared with yesterday's Pride Sect, the gap is too big!

"Sect Master Xuan's action, is it good or bad?" Zhan Tianpeng said suddenly!

As soon as the words came out, everyone's expressions changed slightly, and they were all silent... After a long time, Xu Jing suddenly began to cry. Hearing Xu Jing's crying, Fang Qingya, who was a girl, immediately came to her side, Hugging her into his arms, a face that had been haggard due to the war for nearly a month was also dripping with tears...

In the whole room, apart from the crying of the two girls, there was only the sound of the silent breathing of the other men!

" don't know!" Xu Jing cried, "I hardly dare to close my eyes, as long as I close my eyes, I can hear the wailing sounds of those people, I... I dare not sleep, woo..."

Tianxiong stood up in an uproar, went outside the window, hesitantly looked at the heavy snow outside the window

... Jinyang Peak Hall

Xuan Zhan gently flipped through a pamphlet in his hand. What was recorded in this pamphlet was exactly the method of cultivating the blood of Chaos Zhan!

"Planting a dream?" Xuan Zhan thought as he watched and pondered: planting the killing scene in the dream of the parasite?There are many ways to increase the human senses. The first is to expand the experience, because the senses will be numb. If it is maintained at a certain level, it will produce a feeling of numbness!The scenes of bloody battles and even the wailing and screams of the dead were constantly mixed in, making the parasite's dreams chaotic, and following the inertia, new and more cruel dreams were constantly born...

"This training method is really cruel!" Xuan Zhan frowned slightly!

Now that he is the suzerain of the Proud Qi Sect, he needs to be stationed in Jinyang Peak to show his status as the suzerain!Maybe it's because I'm used to the environment of the Tanxin Pavilion, and came here suddenly, and I'm not used to it!

And Tanxin Pavilion has been set as a forbidden area by him, and no one is allowed to go there!

Little Panda lay beside him and fell asleep soundly. On Little Panda's body, a little blood-red man comfortably grabbed Little Panda's hair and fell asleep as well!

After putting the booklets together, Xuan Zhan thought about it carefully. This booklet only recorded the method of cultivation, but did not write about how to disappear the blood of Chaos Zhan. But according to the method of cultivation in this book, Declaring war is the key to it!

"Implant countless tragic scenes of war into the dream of the parasite by means of records! And then continuously inject new scenes in a certain period of time! Does that mean... other scenes can also be injected?" Xuanzang murmured after thinking. He muttered to himself, "No, if this is possible, then this cultivation will be very simple..."

Suddenly, a flash of inspiration flashed in Xuan Zhan's head, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth. The so-called "species" are related to the structure of the human brain. The human brain is extremely complex, and it is inextricably linked with each other everywhere!After opening the booklet and reading it again and again, the declared war figure flashed away from here!

The next moment, it appeared on the periphery of the Tanxin Pavilion. With the movement of the magic formula, a gap was instantly opened in the purple-gold barrier...

When he came to the ice jade cold crystal bed, Su Lin meditated quietly, absorbing the pure and condensed vitality of this small world...

Xuan Zhan smiled and said softly, "Su Lin!"

Su Lin woke up slowly, was slightly startled when he saw Xuan Zhan, and immediately got up and said: "Suzerain!" Now the days of the succession ceremony have long passed, so Su Lin also changed his name to Xuan Zhan as the suzerain!

Xuan Zhan nodded and said with a smile: "Su Lin, the crisis of the Pride Sect has passed, and no one has died!"

Su Lin looked overjoyed and said: "Really... Su Lin, Su Lin thank you suzerain!" After speaking, he wanted to kneel down, but was slightly stopped by Xuan Zhan.

Xuan Zhan walked to Linglong's side, looked at the smile on the corner of Linglong's mouth with a slight smile, and said softly: "Su Lin, do you know that Linglong is now in the beautiful dream that she created!"

Su Lin was slightly taken aback, then nodded slowly.

Putting his hand lightly on top of her head, Xuan Zhan gently closed his eyes, and his mind instantly entered Linglong's brain. According to the recording method of Luan Zhan's blood, he found a nerve in an instant, and then suddenly went in...Suddenly Xuan Zhan frowned With a wrinkle, my mind actually passed through this nerve and appeared in another place!

Xuan Zhan slowly opened his eyes, looked at Linglong in a daze, smiled wryly and said to himself: "Don't fall, Yuanshen!", yes, he didn't have Yuanshen, so he couldn't enter Linglong's dream!

Su Lin looked at Xuan Zhan in confusion and asked curiously: "Sovereign, what happened?"

Xuan Zhan smiled softly: "It's nothing, Su Lin, take good care of Linglong!" After speaking, his body flashed and flew out of the small world!

After watching Xuan Zhan leave, Su Lin looked at the sleeping Linglong, a trace of determination shot out from his eyes, and he sat cross-legged...


"Never fall!" Xuan Zhan said to himself with emotion for a while, "Only when you advance to the non-fall stage can you cultivate the primordial spirit and enter Linglong's dream!"

Looking inside the body, the three reverse vortex wheels are slowly reversing the vortex, and roaring, Zijin Lei Yuan continuously enters the three vortex wheels, and then exits from the other side, circulating all over the body!

Among the three dantians, apart from Lei Yuan, who was constantly circulating all over the body, the upper dantian showed a golden light, which was the god of energy and spirit!And the qi in the middle dantian presents a purple-gold color, which is the place where the surging thunder energy in the whole body is concentrated most; Yuan……

The meridians of the body are as wide and strong as a torrential river, enduring the constant impact of the surging thunder yuan!

Essence, energy, and spirit are already in the Mahayana stage, and the three colors of energy, energy, and spirit are constantly expanding!When the three of spirit, energy, and spirit are united, they will naturally enter the stage of non-fall. The three in his body at the moment are clearly separated, without any intersection, which shows that he still has a long way to go before that stage of non-fall!

And how long this part of the road will take, he doesn't know, because at this moment, the three of them can't be united by relying on cultivation, but by chance. When the chance comes, the realm will naturally enter the stage of no fall!

He took out a ring casually, looked at the ring respectfully, and slowly sank into it...

boom! ! !

The next moment, the declaration of war has already appeared in a void...

"Haha..." Master Yu burst into a hearty laugh, looked at Xuan Zhan who came in and said with a smile, "My dear disciple, are you finally willing to come and see me as a teacher?"

The respectful Jishou declared war and said: "I have seen the master!"

Master Yu smiled slightly on his chubby face, then sighed and said, "I know why you don't come to see Master more often. You are afraid that Teacher will disappear if you come too often, right?"

Xuan Zhan nodded solemnly and said: "The apprentice is unworthy, but there is indeed such a difficulty!"

Master Yu looked at Xuan Zhan with pity, and said with a consoling smile: "You are already in the realm of consummation, and you are worthy of being my disciple. Your talent, looking at the entire cultivation world, who dares to match! Hahahaha..."

Xuan Zhan smiled lightly, and said softly: "Master, is there a way to increase the unity of the three of spirit, energy, and spirit?"

Master Yu smiled casually, and said lightly: "Opportunity, when the opportunity arrives, they will naturally become one!"

"But..." Xuan Zhan was dumbfounded for a while...

"Essence, energy, and spirit are the foundation of a monk. Don't take that shortcut. Three in one, the primordial spirit is born. The primordial spirit is the source of life beyond the fall stage. As long as the primordial spirit is not destroyed, the vitality will continue!" Yuren said with a smile. , the body sitting cross-legged in emptiness watched the declaration of war.

"The primordial spirit is immortal, and the vitality continues?" Xuan Zhan said in surprise.

"Exactly, some monks, because the realm does not rise during the non-falling period, the primordial spirit withers and life is cut off. A hundred years of hard work is in vain!" Yu Zhenren said softly, "A teacher is a person who died early, and only this trace remains. Powerful spiritual consciousness, but after this trace of spiritual consciousness disappears, it will also be completely annihilated in the cultivation world, with both body and spirit destroyed!"

Speaking of this, Master Yu paused slightly, and said softly: "I believe that with your current cultivation base, although you have not yet entered the non-falling stage, it is definitely not comparable to the ordinary non-falling stage, right? "

Xuan Zhan was taken aback for a moment, and Ji Shouzun said: "Master, it is true, and this disciple has become the suzerain of the Pride Sect!"

Master Yu was taken aback for a moment, and then laughed loudly: "Okay disciple, it's not easy to become a monk of the Pride Sect!" At this point, Master Yu suddenly frowned, looked at Xuan Zhan and said softly, "You Don’t you want to unite your spirit, energy, and spirit? Now there is a chance, and this chance...does not hinder the future path of cultivation!"

There was a hint of joy when the war was declared, and he said in surprise: "I also ask the master to give me some pointers!"

"Do you... know the origin of the Proud Qi Sect?" Master Yu looked at Xuan Zhan meaningfully, and said softly.

Xuan Zhan frowned slightly, and said slowly: "If Tu'er asked me this question a few years ago, Tu'er would definitely not know, but at this already know..."

Master Yu said with a consoling smile: "Then I won't say much, I will teach you a method now, you can absorb the arrogance of the disciples of the Pride Sect, so you can expect nothing!"

Xuan Zhan smiled bitterly and said, "Master, forgive me for not being able to do this!"

Master Yu frowned slightly, and said lightly: "It's just a group of ants, do you need it?"

Xuan Zhan shook his head helplessly and said, "Master, ants are still stealing their lives!"

"This arrogant heart is a rare tonic in the world!" Master Yu shook his head regretfully, "If the old man's body is still alive, he will definitely suck them up without saying a word, and... even if you are a disciple, don't you Suck, there are people who want to suck!" At this point, Master Yu's face changed slightly, and he immediately smiled wryly, "How did I forget this thing, disciple, how far has this arrogance grown? Thinking about my arrogant heart before my death, it was the lowest level of 'great heart' stage, I don't know if it has grown after a hundred years..."

Xuan Zhan's mood sank slightly, and he said softly: "It's still in the realm of 'Hao Xin'!"

Master Yu slowly nodded and said: "This Molixing's lack of vitality hinders their arrogance from growing, and their development after a hundred years is still at the level of Haoxin, which makes sense!"

Xuan Zhan asked Master Yu Zhenren softly: "Master, is the fate of the Proud Qi Sect really like this?"

Master Yu shook his head indifferently and said: "This proud person is something that everyone wants in the universe. It can be said that this proud person is equivalent to the super tonic, a great tonic that has no side effects for monks! The monks of this school were raised by that old guy, but they didn't know that there was a leaky fish in Molixing, hehe..."

Listening to Master Yu's words, Xuan Zhan's mind kept sinking: People from the Pride Sect are actually compared to...things in the universe!

"It's a pity, apprentice, you actually developed friendship with them, this is a disaster!" Master Yu said helplessly.

Xuan Zhan smiled and said: "Master, everyone has his own life!"

Master Yu glanced at him lightly, and said softly: "Don't worry, as long as you can step out of this Moli star, your elder brother can find you, and let him protect you when the time comes, hmph...even if that old guy can how!"

"My senior brother?" Xuan Zhan asked curiously, he actually had a senior senior...

"Well, including you, the old man has three apprentices in this life. Your senior brother is called 'Wan Qingkui', who is the elder of Piaomiao Jianxintian, and the second senior brother is named 'Luo Tiangang', who is Piaomiao Jianxintian's elder." Your lord!" Jade Master smiled faintly.

"Honorable Master?" Xuan Zhan asked in surprise, the so-called Venerable Master is equivalent to the master of a sect. Unexpectedly, his elder brother turned out to be the master of a sect!

Master Yu nodded and said, "Your elder brother likes to travel to the world of cultivation, and as long as your disciple's token appears in the universe, it will be sensed by that bastard immediately!"

After Xuan Zhan heard it, he smiled and said, "Master, does my senior brother bother you?"

"Huh, huh? Bother?" Zhenren Yu was taken aback for a moment, and then angrily snorted, "It's not just about worrying, that bastard is stronger than me as a teacher, and he didn't take me as a teacher at all. !"

"..." Xuan Zhan was dumbfounded for a while, the elder brother was actually stronger than the master...

After saying this, Master Yu sighed slowly, looked at Xuan Zhan complicatedly, and said: "Actually, he is just unforgiving in his mouth, but he respects me more in his heart!"

"Your second senior brother Luo Tiangang is a lord, so his personality is a bit strict and feudal. He has a sullen face all day long, as if others owe him something, but I respect him very much for being a teacher!" said the old god Yuren. .

"Oh..." Xuan Zhan nodded in understanding.

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