Above the Pride Sect, there are brightly lit lanterns and festoons, everyone's faces are brimming with festive expressions, and they walk vigorously!

In the Pride Sect, countless disciples from the Outer Sect kept talking and laughing back and forth, and when they saw the disciples of the Pride Sect, they all clasped their fists and greeted each other, expressing their friendliness!

This... is the effect of strength!

20 years ago, the Proud Qi Sect relied on the method of declaring war, and on the first day after succeeding to the suzerain, they used the overwhelming power of Mount Tai to destroy the three previous sects, and then let the Zhenyu Huanxinzong submit to them, forming a two-strong battle with the Mingxin Hanqi Realm Potential!This method is the only one seen in the world...

Since then, under the control of Xuan Zhan, the Pride Sect not only has not shown signs of weakening, but has even faintly become the leader of the cultivation sect in charge of the world!

20 years later, Tianxiong, the former young patriarch of the Proud Qi Sect, suddenly reported that he and a casual hermit named Chen Yun were getting married in a few days. The disciples of the Proud Qi Sect distributed wedding invitations in the realm of self-cultivation, inviting monks from all over the world to come. Watch the ceremony!

With the invitation to declare war, Qianshan Wanyue must immediately prepare a big gift and rush to the Pride Sect!Accompanying, could it be an outstanding disciple in the sect, because he has a chance at this wedding!

Since three days ago, groups of monks and disciples from all over the world began to appear in the Pride Sect!

Mo Shaofeng arranged for Gu Fei and Chen Dian of the Eight Swords of Arrogance to receive the guests, and arranged for other disciples to pick them up, arrange guest rooms in turn, and arrange for the disciples to be responsible for the gifts sent by each faction. It can be said to be very busy...

The three elders, You Qingyun, Xu Chang'an, and Liu Chen, were in charge of all the matters before and after the wedding. The fairy fruit and wine for the banquet, as well as all kinds of utensils, were all available. The tables of the Eight Immortals are full!

During the three days, these orthodox monks started laughing and joking with their own thoughts, and some enemies were extremely popular when they met, but because of the pride of the proud sect, they were not easy to attack!

Some cultivators looked at the disciple of the bright heart and cold air realm, and wanted to go up to strike up a conversation, but were frightened away by his cold face...

There are some hermits who practice casually, but they come to this proud sect with the intention of watching the excitement...


Chenyun looked at the old hunchback Zhuxi with a wry smile and said: "Old hunchback, although I can't explain this matter to you, I still want to tell you. The love between my disciple and Tianxiong was caused by me. After you leave, you..."

Zhuxi shook his head with emotion and said: "There is no need to explain this matter, the two of them love each other, and they have the right to declare war in the middle, and now the declaration of war is not only the suzerain of the proud sect, but also a great master who will never fall, There's even that spirit weapon close by... hey..."

Chen Yu said with a mysterious expression: "I don't know, where did Sect Master Xuan get this spirit weapon, it is rumored that the spirit weapon has disappeared for thousands of years!"

Zhuxi said indifferently: "This child has a mysterious origin, as if he was born out of nowhere, he has stepped from the stage of restraint to the stage of non-fall in decades, his cultivation level is so talented that we are afraid, it is better not to talk about this person!"

"Your disciple?" Chen Yun asked, changing the subject.

Zhuxi shook his head helplessly: "I didn't find it. I thought he would return to the hermitage, but I couldn't find him after I went back. This kid really makes me, a master, worry..."

"Everyone has his own life!" Chen Yun said with a helpless smile.


At night, on top of the Thousand Stacked Peaks...

A group of young people all gathered here, and there were countless bottles and cans on the ground, and the smell of alcohol was constantly swaying!

Eight swords of arrogance, Diaoyu, Xu Shifei and other six people, Dihui and Dikuang!But Bi Ling stayed in the boudoir and was not allowed to come out before getting married...

Sixteen people are laughing and laughing, crying and laughing, fighting and tossing non-stop!

"Brother, I'm so happy for you, haha... let's drink!" Gu Fei laughed loudly, and then filled his stomach with a can of wine!

"Drink! We won't go home if we don't get drunk today! Haha..." Diaoyu laughed proudly.

Tianxiong's face was flushed and he poured strong wine into his mouth!

Di Kuang took a sip of wine, and slightly cast the corners of his eyes at the three women in the distance. Fang Qingya, Di Hui, and Xu Jing happened to be smiling and whispering together, and let out a shallow laugh from time to time!

Dikuang smiled wryly, picked up a jar of wine and laughed wildly: "Brothers, it's my good fortune that Dikuang met you and became confidantes. I'll do it first!" He took the wine jar and drank like crazy!

Everyone was excited to see it, let out a long roar, grabbed the wine jar and drank like crazy!

The thirteen men picked up the wine jars together and drank with pride!

The three girls looked at them after hearing the reputation, and suddenly they were stunned. Xu Jing muttered: "What are they going to do! Do they want to drink themselves to death?"

Di Hui chuckled lightly and said, "Only in this way can we show our heroic qualities!"

Looking at the arrogant Tianxiong, Fang Qingya was in a daze for a while, and a smile appeared on the corner of her mouth!

Earth Maniac finished drinking first, stretched out his right hand, and a small sword appeared in his hand, with a light shake, a one-foot sword glow shot out instantly, grabbing the sword, Earth Maniac shouted loudly: "Everyone knows me! The 'true swordsmanship' is well known in the comprehension world!"

"Haha..." Everyone laughed, all hands shook, and thirteen flying swords suddenly appeared, and after standing in line, Tianxiong roared: "Start!"

An aura suddenly erupted from the bodies of the three people, and the entire elegant residence was surrounded by the aura of these whirling wheel masters. Thirteen long swords were drawn in the air, "Shua..." The sword light was sharp, The sword energy is vertical and horizontal, and the thirteen long swords come out in unison, neatly as one!

Diaoyu let out a long cry: "Cultivation, life is like ants, people have no shadow!"

Everyone followed, the swords in their hands turned sharply like a storm, and they all said together: "My heart is like the heart of heaven, my fate is made of heaven, my movement is like the wind, my heart chases the sky, and the years are long in the Tao!"

Fang Qingya and the three girls watched them dance swords and sing while drunk, their eyes couldn't help but a little haze flashed in their eyes. Listening to the "True Cultivation Sword Song" that every cultivator knows, they couldn't help but feel excited. Followed by silently reading...

"Cultivate the truth, practice the form, drive away the turbidity of the mind and pay attention to the cyanide!"

"Thousands of thoughts, follow the heart of the sky, cultivate your life, cultivate your body, cultivate your alchemy!"


"Ah!!!" The thirteen people suddenly burst into a hissing roar at the end, and Gu Fei burst into tears after his roar. Di Kuang looked at Gu Fei who was crying bitterly, and seemed to see Di Hui's cold and beautiful face in a haze. The orchid-like figure, the heart can't help but twitch...

Diaoyu looked at the black night sky, and couldn't help being stunned... Thirteen people, because of various encounters, all had various sad and sad expressions...

"They..." Fang Qingya looked at them and couldn't help being silent for a while.

Dihui glanced at them lightly, and said softly: "It's good to let them vent!"

Xu Jing looked at them silently, and said in a low voice: "Actually, they need to vent..."

More than a dozen people hissed and roared with their own concerns, as if they wanted to vent all the cruel feelings they faced because of cultivation...

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