Xuan Zhan stood casually in the small world, and looked at the dumbfounded nine people with a faint smile!

Several people were shocked to feel the strong heaven and earth energy in the small world, and the bursts of surging energy ruthlessly impacted their Dao Xin, which had been cultivating for hundreds of years and nearly a thousand years!

"This... this..." Patriarch Liao Lang and Xuan Hen looked at each other, feeling the vitality of heaven and earth that was dozens of times more abundant and pure than outside, speechless for a long time!

The Seven Great Elders looked at the declaration of war with even more horrified expressions!

"This world is the treasure left for me by my master. There are countless treasures of geniuses and treasures in this world. Their value is unimaginable. Even if it is placed outside the cultivation world, countless people will fight for it. !” Xuan Zhan said lightly!

"Hey... suzerain, you can shine such a treasure in front of us, we..." Tian Shangge looked at Xuan Zhan with complicated eyes.

Everyone immediately felt a little bad, what is the meaning of Xuan Zhan presenting such a treasure to them at this moment?

Xuan Zhan smiled, turned and walked inside: "You all come with me!"

Everyone immediately followed the pace of declaring war and walked inside.

After arriving at the small building in the middle of the lake, everyone suddenly saw a figure sitting cross-legged. In front of this figure, there was a big cold jade bed, and on the big bed lay a cute and cute girl with a sleeping look on her face!

"Su Lin!" Everyone shouted in surprise.

Su Lin's expression moved, he immediately opened his eyes, and suddenly froze...

"Master...Master..." Su Lin yelled in a daze, and suddenly stood up and walked quickly in front of everyone, knelt on the ground and shouted, "Master!"

"Su Lin!" Old Liuchen looked at Su Lin with tears in his arms, immediately helped him up, and said with emotion, "Su Lin, as a teacher... I finally saw you as a teacher. It has been 50 years, hehe, 50 years ah……"

Su Lin wept and knelt in front of Elder Liuchen and said, "Master, forgive me for being unworthy!"

Liu Chen slowly helped him up, carefully looked at his beloved disciple again and again, and said with a sigh: "Good! Good! Haha...Nowadays, even if you are a teacher, you can't see your cultivation level. Ah good!"

Everyone looked at Su Lin with emotion. Everyone knew the reason why Su Lin was here. Although he was trapped by his own oath and could not leave this place, he was blessed by misfortune and could rely on the endless vitality of heaven and earth in this small world, day and night. Cultivation, the level of cultivation will naturally rise with the tide!

Su Lin immediately leaned over to the others and said in a respectful voice: "Su Lin pays respects to the suzerain, two patriarchs, and elders!"

"Don't be too polite!" Everyone said with a smile.

Xuan Zhan said indifferently: "From today onwards, this small world is open to the core disciples of my Proud Qi Sect. Every ten years, they can come in and practice for one year, but..."

Everyone immediately looked at the declaration of war respectfully!

"All disciples who can enter the small world must be loyal to my Pride Sect, and no one is allowed to reveal the secret, otherwise... Kill without mercy!" Xuan Zhan looked at everyone and said softly.

"Respect the patriarch's decree!" Everyone said slowly.They knew about the relationship between them, and if something leaked out, the Pride Sect would definitely suffer from the annihilation of the sect!

Xuan Zhan sighed and said: "This sect can't see the future, tell you this small world, whether it is good or bad! I hope you can grasp the importance of the middle, if because of this small world, I am proud of you. Suffering from the annihilation of the sect, this sect... this sect is the sinner of the proud sect!"

Xuan Hen immediately said in a respectful voice: "Sovereign, you must not say that! If you can tell us about this world, you must believe us. Since we promised the suzerain not to reveal it, whoever dares to do it in our lifetime Such a rebellious thing must be the sinner of my proud Qi sect, and it is not too much to let his body and spirit be destroyed!"

Everyone nodded slowly...

Xuan Zhan smiled, looked at the crowd again, and said softly: "This sect will leave Molixing soon to find a cure for Linglong. I don't know how long this trip will take, so before leaving, I will tell you all these things!"

Everyone suddenly realized, and they were full of emotions. Because of Linglong, the suzerain had to leave Molixing to find an antidote. I hope... I hope that after Linglong wakes up, she can understand the painstaking efforts of the suzerain!

"For this trip, I will leave with my senior brother Wan Qingkui. According to my senior brother, he will leave with the three brothers Tianxiong, Dihui, Dikuang and Demo this time!"

Everyone was stunned, Wan Qingkui hadn't appeared for too long, and his whereabouts were mysterious. They only knew that Wan Qingkui's appearance was related to the great change in Molixing's sky a few years ago, but what exactly happened? But they don't know, and they don't dare to know. It should be known that this Wan Qingkui makes everyone unable to see the depth, and his cultivation is so high that they can't imagine it. Tianxiong and the other six are together!

"There is one more thing. Eldest brother appointed a disciple in the royal family of Ningyun Kingdom. On the day of this disciple's birth, colorful auspicious auspiciousness descended from the sky. He must not be an ordinary person! After 20 years, you go to pick up this person and bring him back to life." He has been taught by his disciples carefully, and he is waiting for my senior brother to pick him up!" Xuan Zhan said solemnly, but in fact, he still had something to say in his mind, perhaps, the new apprentice of senior senior brother has something to do with Tianxiong and other six people!But what is involved in it is beyond what he can imagine. The mystery of these six people makes him feel like a miracle!

Tianshangge frowned and said: "Sovereign, Tianxiong and Senior Wan left, then... what about Bi Ling?" The two were separated not long after they got married. This kind of thing really made this young couple feel bad. !As Tianxiong's father, he has been in the Pride School all his life, but he doesn't mind this matter!

Xuan Zhan pondered for a moment and said: "The road to cultivation is vast, and no one can say for sure what opportunity I have. I'll go back and ask my elder brother to see if he can take Bi Ling away with me!"

Tianshangge was overjoyed, and immediately said respectfully: "Thank you, suzerain!"

For several days in a row, Xuan Zhan told them some things about the small world, which ones are worth seeing and which ones are not, and told them one by one, so that they would keep them in mind. After leaving the small world under the watchful eye of Su Lin, middle!

...in the main hall of Jinyang Peak!

Wan Qingkui is holding a white disk in his hand. The disk is divided into upper and lower layers. At this moment, his right hand gently rotates the upper layer, and suddenly a pattern shoots out above the disk. Xuan Zhan beside him takes a closer look. , the pattern is dotted with stars, which are divided into regions one by one!

"Is this the starry sky?" Xuan Zhan asked curiously!

Wan Qingkui smiled lightly and said: "This is just the starry sky thousands of light years around Moli star!" After finishing speaking, he pointed to a place in the center of the star map and said, "Look, junior brother, we are in the position of Moli star That's it, I used confinement methods to isolate Molixing before, so although Molixing is displayed on the astrolabe at this moment, what is really presented in front of the monks is nothingness!"

Xuan Zhan nodded, but saw Wan Qingkui gently turn the disk, and saw the range displayed on the star map gradually expand!

Then, turning in the opposite direction, it gradually shrank again!

Wan Qingkui moved his right hand technique, but saw a "buzz" on the astrolabe, and suddenly a white light burst out, and the whole pattern suddenly changed, and what appeared in front of Xuan Zhan seemed to be a giant map of the starry sky!

But seeing above the starry sky, tens of thousands of starfields are constantly flashing, and the starry sky is so big that Xuan Zhan was immediately stunned...

After a long time, Xuan Zhan took a breath, looked at the star map with a complicated smile and said: "I think, even if I spend my whole life, I can't go around this place all over again!"

Wan Qingkui nodded lightly and said: "This is the place we monks have discovered. The universe is so big that we, as ordinary monks, can hardly imagine it! But..." He paused slightly, and then said mysteriously: "Wait for you After your cultivation reaches a certain level... you will know that the world of cultivation is so small that you can hold it in one hand!"

Xuan Zhan was stunned for a moment: "One hand is holding...", although the four words, it makes Xuan Zhan feel extremely heavy!

Wan Qingkui smiled mysteriously, then put the astrolabe in Xuanzhan's hand and said: "This astrolabe is my portable astrolabe, and the star fields recorded in it are much more comprehensive than the old guy's astrolabe. The astrolabe is for you!"

Xuan Zhan was stunned, and immediately refused: "Brother, your astrolabe is recorded all your life, and the younger brother only needs to have the astrolabe of the master!"

Wan Qingkui said disdainfully: "You just take it, the star field recorded in the old guy's astrolabe is not as good as mine, don't worry, senior brother, I still have a few spares!"

Only then did Xuan Zhan take over. The astrolabe is the eyes of monks walking in the universe. Without the guidance of the astrolabe, getting lost is a frequent occurrence!Moreover, this astrolabe can be large or small, as large as hundreds of pieces, so people can stay in it and fly with confidence!It's as small as a palm at the moment!

Wan Qingkui is a stronger existence than Yurenren. How can the astrolabe used be an ordinary thing? It can be said that the material used in the astrolabe itself is the treasure of the cultivation world, and its flying speed is even faster. It's unimaginably fast!

Drifting among the stars in the universe, encountering turbulent time and space at every turn, encountering cosmic behemoths, there are many crises, which are beyond the imagination of the current declaration of war, not to mention, people's hearts are unpredictable!

In a month, Wan Qingkui declared all the common sense in the universe to declare war, and let him keep it in his heart!

The two were just about to leave!

Standing on the Jinyangfeng Square, the merged tens of thousands of proud monks quietly looked at the nine people in the middle of the square!

Declare war, Wan Qingkui, Tianxiong, Dihui and six people plus a Bi Ling!

"Sovereign, you must be safe on this road!" Xuan Hen said with a sigh!

Wan Qingkui watched the surrounding situation with cold eyes. To him, these proud monks are nothing but the primordial spirit and true essence nourishment that anyone can rob in the universe!

Xuan Zhan smiled, looked at everyone present, and said softly: "I, a monk of the Pride Sect, how can I look like this mother-in-law, shut up!"

A murmur of murmurs on the square disappeared immediately!

"This trip, I have been away for a maximum of a hundred years. During the hundred years, I will return. During this period, you must obey the arrangements of the elders and do not cause chaos! However, if anyone provokes my disciples of the Proud Qi Sect, it will be ten times more difficult. Give it back!"

Countless Proud Qizong monks immediately shouted loudly: "Respect the decree of the sect master!"

Xuan Zhan nodded lightly, looked at the young men with gloomy faces and said softly, "Qing Ya, as their second senior sister, you should get along well with Bing Ruo and other sisters, and don't mess with yourself!"

Fang Qingya glanced at Xuan Zhan complicatedly, and said softly: "Respect the will of the patriarch!" Tianxiong, who looked serious, rolled his eyes slightly, feeling bitterness in his heart...

Leaving, always with sorrow!

Wan Qingkui said indifferently: "Enough, let's go!"

Xuan Zhan looked at Tianxiong and the others and nodded lightly, his figure flashed, and he slowly rose into the sky...

(Moli's story is over!)

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