Reverse Taoist Records

Chapter 141 The Peony Fairy

Accompanied by all the girls, Xuan Zhan slowly circulated the power of Lei Yuan in his body along the way, coupled with the healing elixir he took just now, the injured viscera in his body are healing!

Along the way, Xuan Zhan found a few powerful monks fighting in the sky. He just entered the real cultivation world, and he still felt very uncomfortable with this scene!

It is true that when stepping on these planets, the richness and purity of the vitality of the heavens and the earth have been raised several grades, and the cultivation base of the monks has been raised several grades. , in this huge universe, he is just as insignificant as an ant!Even the monks in the realm of the original body are only middle class!

Only after walking out of Molixing did he realize the vastness and grandeur of this universe!Here, it is treasure level at every turn, and the legendary spirit weapon occasionally appears here!

Xuan Zhan took a deep breath, the so-called cruelty on Moli Star was vividly portrayed here, and it was more than several times better!It can be seen that each of these monks who are fighting is above the original body stage, and occasionally there is even a Chenxu-level master!The awe-inspiring aura that erupts covers an area of ​​nearly a thousand kilometers at every turn!

And the so-called mortal world lives in panic all day long, lingering on its last breath, and every time it sees a stream of light in the sky, countless mortals pay homage and worship, with envy...

"Preserve the way to practice, follow the way for a living, choose the way to cultivate subconsciously, betray the way and kill!" Xuan Zhan thought silently in his heart.

Five streamers of light dragged out a tail wing that was thousands of feet long, and disappeared into the sky in an instant...

"Xuan Shaoxia, what kind of pet is that on your shoulder? Our sisters have never seen it before. It seems very common!" Shu Xiao asked curiously.

The other four girls cast curious gazes at the same time, Feng Xiao giggled and said, "I also have a three-tailed civet, but I didn't bring it with me when I went out this time, or else, I'll show you what a spirit beast is!"

A smile appeared on the corner of Xuan Zhan's mouth, and he patted the little Panda who was stunned on his shoulder and said softly: "It's called Panda, not a spirit beast!"

"It's not a spirit beast, nor a strange beast, and it doesn't seem to be the frightening monster in the legend. Is it just an ordinary little bear?" Hua Xiao Jiaohan asked.

"Alien beast?" Xuan Zhan savored this word, and instantly thought of this alien beast. The so-called alien beast is just a strange creature from heaven and earth that produced intelligence under strange circumstances, just like the blood treasure sleeping in his sleeve. What kind of supernatural powers the strange beast has is beyond anyone's imagination. It may be like an ant for life, or it may grow into a powerful existence!

The most distasteful beast in the world of comprehension is the ancient golden spirit beast that was born in ancient times, conforming to the way of heaven and earth, and defying all laws of heaven and earth. It is said that when this beast was born, the universe Wanfa rose up in turmoil, and it can be called a tyrant of heaven and earth!And the demise of this strange beast was rumored to be that several immortals from the fairy world descended into the universe and killed it!

However... this matter is extremely far away from now, and it is described in the jade slips passed down to him by his master. In turmoil, countless beasts neighed...

He didn't say much about Little Panda's origin, he just told the girls that they are ordinary beasts!

However, Little Panda's lethality is not insignificant. The cute appearance alone made the five girls very fond of it. Dangerous in general...

"Hehe...Little Panda, be good, my sister will give you delicious food!" Feng Xiao teased Little Panda with his face closed, his eyes closed, and he was clutching the skirt of the declaration of war!

"Okay, okay, girl Feng, stop making trouble, we are here!" Qin Xiao said softly with a gentle smile.

Xuan Zhan looked around, but saw a misty fairy mountain in the clouds suddenly appeared in the clouds, bursts of light lingered around, countless fairy birds and spirit birds neighed in it, the vitality of the world suddenly became abundant, and it was a fairy mansion!

"This place is assigned to the 'Holy Spirit Immortal Heart Abyss' where Dan Sheng lives. Senior Dan Sheng is the Supreme Elder of Holy Spirit Immortal Heart Abyss. He has an extremely high status in the faction, and senior Dan Sheng is also famous in the cultivation world. Hehe, the method of alchemy is unpredictable and profound. Everyone is rushing to send countless geniuses and treasures to get the elixir that the senior alchemist personally refined! However, it is said that the senior alchemy has already entered the late stage of crossing the catastrophe, at most one hundred years later. You will cross the catastrophe, and then step into the fairyland..." Qin Xiao slowly introduced for the declaration of war!

"As for Senior Dan Sheng's direct disciple, Sister Shaoyao, she has mastered the three flavors of alchemy techniques of Senior Dan Sheng, and has reached the point of proficiency. Everyone respectfully calls her 'Medicine Fairy'!" Feng Xiao continued, "We The Wulingcao we were looking for this time was found at the request of Sister Shaoyao. She said, if we find Wulingcao, each of us will be rewarded with a 'Zhuyan Pill'. A lot of time for a young face!"

Xuan Zhan had doubts in his mind. As far as he knew, this Wuling herb had various properties, and its growing environment was mostly in the dark place, and only a few kinds of strange medicines would use this Wuling grass. What to do with this Wulingcao?

But after a while, everyone appeared outside the gate of the floating fairy mountain, but when they saw the gate of the mountain, three monks in the whirl wheel period in white costumes stood comfortably. When they saw the six of them, they immediately looked nervous. After the woman's true face, she relaxed again, clasped her fists and said, "Five fairy sisters, Uncle Medicine Master has been waiting for a long time, she just urged us brothers and sisters, telling us to notify you five as soon as we see you." !"

Qin Xiao and the girls chuckled, their bodies shook slightly, and a soft breath came out instantly, and then slowly drifted over the entire fairy mountain!

After a few breaths, Xuan Zhan's eyes suddenly shot out a ray of light, and he looked at the fairy mountain!

A bright colored string flew out from the fairy mountain in an instant, and then flew towards the mountain gate!

"Welcome to Uncle Pharmacist!" Several disciples of the mountain gate watched the colorful train falling from the sky, a trace of respect and admiration flashed in their eyes, and then they bowed down.

The fifth girl also laughed coquettishly: "Sister Yao, we are here!"

But I saw a woman with an elegant temperament and bursts of fairy-like breath appearing in front of everyone with a smile on her face. The woman's face is round, as white as suet, with white teeth and bright eyes!An ethereal cyan dress sets off her graceful figure!It is the dream partner that countless young heroes in the comprehension world are chasing after -- Fairy Shaoyao!

"Who is this?" Shao Yao looked curiously at Xuan Zhan Kui and asked.

"He..." Hua Xiao said softly, "He called Xuan Zhan, and he helped us get the Wulingcao!"

The girls chuckled, Hua Xiao just introduced Xuan Zhan's name, but didn't say that he was a disciple of Piaomiao Jianxintian, his heart must be different...

All the girls smiled, but it was pleasing to the eyes for a while, and the three disciples guarding the mountain beside them were stunned for a while!

Qin Xiao smiled gently, and said softly: "Sister Shaoyao, sister Hua is right, we got Wulingcao to come back to see you safely, and we did get help from Shaoxia Xuan!"

Xuan Zhan glanced at Fairy Shaoyao indifferently, but felt a burst of emotion in his heart. These six women stood together, each with their own characteristics, but they were colorful, as if flowers were in full bloom, and bursts of elegant body fragrance wafted around, making people smell it A burst of euphoria!

Gently clasped his fists and said: "I declare war, I have met Yao Xianzi!"

Fairy Shaoyao felt strange for a moment. Her five younger sisters were all monks at the Yuanti stage, but she won the Wulingcao that made her anxious, but she had no time to think about it. Said: "Young Xia Lao Xuan, I will repay you later!"

Then he turned around, looked at the five girls and said, "Sisters, where is the Wulingcao?"

As soon as Feng Xiao touched the storage ring on her hand, a herb with green light emitting from its whole body and leaves in the shape of Wuling appeared in the palm of her hand!

Fairy Shaoyao immediately took the Wulingcao carefully, looked at it carefully, and said pleasantly, "That's right, it turned out to be a 400-year-old Wulingcao, sisters, thank you!"

The girls giggled, Hua Xiao giggled and said, "Sister Yao, don't forget Zhuyan Pill!"

Fairy Shaoyao smiled lightly: "Don't worry, sister, you are indispensable. After a while, you will come back to the sect with me. I didn't bring Zhuyan Dan when I came out this time!"

"Okay!" Feng Xiao said with a tender smile, "It is rumored that the scenery of the stars in Xianxinyuan of the Holy Spirit is extremely beautiful and glorious, and my sister has never seen it before!"

Fairy Shaoyao smiled softly, looked at Shaoyao and said, "Isn't your home's scenery more beautiful? The starry scenery of our gate is in front of your home, and you have to bow down!"

The girls laughed softly, Feng Xiaofu said again: "Sister Shaoyao, I have something else, I want your help!"

Fairy Shaoyao asked curiously: "What is it?"

Qin Xiao glanced at the disciple guarding the mountain and said softly: "This matter has something to do with Xuan Shaoxia, let's talk about it after we enter the mountain!"

Fairy Shaoyao froze for a moment, then turned around and glanced at Xuan Zhan who stood calmly, but her heart became more and more weird, and she said softly: "In this case, let's talk after we enter the mountain, come and bring Xuan Shaoxia into the guest room, don't neglect it! "

"Yes!" A mountain guard disciple immediately replied respectfully.

A trace of worry flashed across the hearts of the girls, but they didn't know where the worry came from!

"Sisters, follow me to the place where I live and rest for two days. With this Wulingcao, I have gathered all the materials and I am ready to start alchemy!" Shao Yao looked at the Wulingcao in her hand and said softly, then turned to face the mountain go.

Hua Xiao came to Xuan Zhan, smiled wryly and said: "Xuan Shaoxia, don't blame Sister Shaoyao, we will definitely ask you about your matter!"

Xuan Zhan smiled lightly, and said softly: "I am just a small unfallen monk, and Fairy Shaoyao is a monk in the realm of Yuan Body Perfection. It is not easy for her to look at me twice, so go!"

Feng Xiao also said at the same time: "Declaration of war, don't worry, this matter is on me!"

"Leave it on me!" Hua Xiao looked at Feng Xiao and objected tenderly.

"This is my business, what does it have to do with you?" Feng Xiao glared at Hua Xiao and said, "Sister Hua, you should follow Sister Qin into the mountains!"

Xuan Zhan looked at the two girls helplessly, and said to the guard disciple who was looking at him in a daze, "Let's go!"

The guarding disciple's eyes returned slightly, a hint of envy flashed in his eyes, and then he respectfully said: "Senior, come with me!" Although he has seen many non-fallen cultivators, and knows that this is actually nothing more than that, but, He is just a small, frail whirlwind cultivator. Compared with the person in front of him, he is a world apart. Therefore, this etiquette is still necessary!

After the disciples guarding the mountain entered the mountain, Xuan Zhan separated from the girls and checked into the guest room in the fairy mountain alone!

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