Reverse Taoist Records

Chapter 152 Teasing the Monster Beast

In the second battle, he roared proudly and stood there calmly. At this moment, his cultivation has not only fully recovered, but even surpassed a big step compared to before!

Then he looked at the four of them, his eyes turned slightly cold, and he said softly, "Little Yueya, thank you!"

As soon as these words came out, the faces of the three people in Zhongdao changed slightly. This person only thanked Xiao Yueya, but he did not thank the three of them, especially Zhongdao. Let him step into the consummation of the whirl wheel!

"You're welcome, big brother!" Little Yueya seemed not to feel the sudden tension in the atmosphere, she narrowed her eyes and smiled coquettishly!

Looking at the dried tears of Little Crescent Moon, a warm current suddenly rose in the heart of the second battle. Under the slightly cold expressions of the three of them, they slowly knelt down and wiped her cute little face with their hands. Fa Jue moved slightly, I saw a ball of cool liquid slowly floating on the little girl's face!

The second battle gently controlled a trickle of water, slowly washing away the little girl's tears, and smiled...

This smile immediately stunned the three people around, and also made Little Yueya blushed slightly, and murmured: "Big brother, you smile so beautifully!"

The three people in Zhongdao sighed, they could see that the love for Little Crescent Moon in the second battle came from the heart, and then they thought freely in their hearts: Forget it, for the sake of Little Crescent Moon, let’s bypass this second battle for the time being. Let's fight!

The second battle slowly wiped the face of little Yueya, with a very serious look in his eyes, every place was wiped very carefully, and then he said softly: "This is the first time big brother has laughed!"

Little Yueya asked curiously, "Why is this the first time? Hasn't Big Brother never laughed before?"

"No, never!" The second battle smiled slightly, then stood up and looked at them and said in a cold voice: "Three seniors, you must have a purpose in this trip, but please say it, the second battle will repay you, I will definitely help you to the end!"

Zhong Dao said coldly: "You don't need the little brother's help, the three of us brothers and sisters can get it by ourselves!"

In the second battle, he shook his head lightly and said: "You guys are definitely not as familiar with Bo Xingxing as I am! There are many dangers here, although I can't see through your cultivation, but guessing, it is definitely above Chen Xu!"

The faces of the three changed slightly...

Then the second battle turned around and looked at the vast ocean and said calmly: "In this place, I have experienced countless life and death situations, entangled with eighth-level and seventh-level monsters countless times, and even encountered nine-level monsters a few times. Are you... familiar with me?"

The expressions of the three of them suddenly changed, Zhongdao snorted angrily and said, "Young man, don't even look at the person you lie to, don't be ignorant of the heights of heaven and earth!"

Jumu also said in a cold voice: "With your little vortex cycle, let alone a seventh-level monster, even a random sixth-level monster, you will definitely not be able to escape! Young man, the trouble comes from your mouth!"

Zhan Zhan glanced at the three of them indifferently, then turned his eyes, looked at the somewhat confused little Yueya and said softly: "Little Yueya, tell brother, what do you want?"

Little Yueya pouted and said, "The three uncles came here to find some 'Bingxin Jade Whale Stone' to refine a magic weapon for Little Yueya!"

"Ice Heart Jade Whale Stone?" The second battle pondered for a moment, then said softly, "Is it the heart stone formed by the sapphire bloodthirsty whale absorbing the vitality of heaven and earth and condensing it in its body?"

The three looked at the second battle in surprise and asked curiously, "Do you know where it is?"

The second war said lightly: "Not only did I know where it was, but I even stole it!"

The faces of the three of them were stunned for a moment!

No. 3 monk said in a daze: "You... what are you talking about... stealing the jade whale stone..."

"Impossible!" Zhong Dao said with a cold snort, "How can you resist an eighth-level monster!"

The second battle looked at the three of them coldly, and said softly: "Believe it or not!" Then he turned his eyes slightly, looked at Xiao Yueya and said, "Little Yueya, the Bingxin Jade Whale Stone is not with brother, because I have no storage ring, so I hid my things in a secret place!"

Little Yueya suddenly realized: "Brother, do you really have that thing?"

The second battle smiled, nodded solemnly and said: "It's true, I won't lie to you!"

Little Yueya immediately smiled happily and said, "Brother, can you give it to Little Yueya?"

"Okay, my things, you can do whatever you want!" The second war nodded with a soft smile, then looked at the three people in the middle of the road who were stunned: "If you believe me, come with me!"

"Big Brother, Little Yueya believes in you. If you give it to Little Yueya, the three uncles won't have to look for it, and they can rest!" Little Yueya Xiyi said.

Hearing Xiao Yueya's words, the three in Zhongdao smiled wryly, and then said lightly: "In this case, the three of us brothers will not give in, so we will accompany you for a walk!"

The second battle nodded lightly, his hands clasped together in an instant, and he drew out a formula, only to see the vitality of the world suddenly surge up, and a series of ice crystals appeared on the shoulders of the second battle. After being dazed, a icy wing flying brightly under the sun appeared on his shoulders!

"Brother will take you!" The second battle looked at Xiao Yueya and smiled.

"No!" Zhongdao snorted coldly, immediately shielded Little Crescent Moon behind his back, and watched the second battle indifferently.

With a flash, little Yueya appeared next to Second Zhan, looked at the three uncles and smiled and said, "I want Brother Second Zhan to take me!"

The second battle gently picked up the little girl, and said softly: "Hold on to brother, my speed is very fast!"

The three watched the second battle angrily, but they were helpless against Little Yueya's stubbornness...

"Okay, grab it, brother, let's go!" Little Yueya smiled coquettishly, and threw herself tightly into the arms of Second Zhan.

The second war glanced coldly at the three people who were a little embarrassed, hugged Little Crescent Moon, and his figure flashed...

"Boom!!!" A cold and violent storm suddenly rose from the ground. Under the stunned three people in Zhongdao, a white light was like lightning, and it spanned dozens of times in less than a tenth of a breath. Kilometers away!

"This... this speed..." Zhongdao's face changed drastically as he felt the position of the second battle, his face flickered suddenly!

"The speed of this little guy is unbelievable!" The No.3 man in green shirt stared blankly at the white light that had completely disappeared into the sky!

The man Jumu hurriedly said: "Don't be in a daze, let's catch up!"


"Boom!!!" Like the sound of thunder, the second battle was flying crazily and at high speed over the ocean. Above his chest, the little girl closed her eyes tightly, feeling the fierce cold wind, sobbing tenderly Said: "Big brother, it's too fast, the wind is so strong..."

In the second battle, he smiled, and the formulas were together instantly, but suddenly there was a buzzing around the two of them...a icy barrier was formed, which resisted the oncoming gust of wind in front of them!

The little girl took a deep breath, then looked around and shouted happily: "Big brother, you are so amazing, this speed is really fast, hehe... The three uncles did not chase after him, hehe... Big brother, come on!"

The second battle smiled faintly, and the ice wings above his shoulders suddenly fanned wildly!

"Boom!!!" Like a thunder, a burst of icy air burst out from behind the second battle, and the speed suddenly increased by half!

"Good! Good!" The little girl laughed coquettishly, "Brother is so fast..."

"Aha... the little crescent moon is flying!!!"


The second battle looked at the happy little Yueya, and said softly, "How about we go for a stroll in the sea?"

"Go to the sea?" Little Crescent Moon looked at the second battle curiously.

There was a long howl in the second battle, and the body flashed and shot downwards instantly, bursting into the ocean!

With a sound of "Boom!", tens of feet high waves erupted instantly on the calm sea surface...


"They, they entered the sea, and that kid actually brought the little crescent into the sea!" Jumu yelled angrily, and Zhongdao snorted coldly. He threw himself into the ocean in an instant: "There are dangers in the bottom of the sea, and that kid is During the whirlwind period, we must protect the two of them!"

The two smiled wryly, Chen Xuqi, a master, was reduced to the point of being a bodyguard, and then instantly entered the ocean, chasing after the second battle!


"Hehe..." The little girl was dazzled as she looked at the scenery in the sea!

A fifth-level monster suddenly appeared in the feeling of the second battle, smiled slightly, looked at the little girl and said: "Little girl, I will take you to play a fun game!"

"What game?" Little Crescent Moon looked at the second battle curiously and asked.

The second battle looked at the distance and smiled coldly, the speed in the sea suddenly increased, and suddenly appeared beside the fifth-level monster with a bang!


"What is that guy going to do!" Nakamichi roared angrily, "That's a fifth-level monster, he dared to provoke a fifth-level monster in a small whirl cycle!"

"Let's go and save him!" Jumu and the man beside him hurriedly said.

With a flash, the three of them frantically chased towards the direction of the second battle!


The speed of the second battle was so fast, with Xuanlun's complete cultivation and full strength at this moment, even an eighth-level monster would never want to catch up!It appeared behind this fifth-level monster in a split second. Before it could react, it kicked its butt with all its strength with its right foot, and kicked it hard with a bang!

"Aww..." The fifth-level monster suddenly roared, and severe pain hit his whole body in an instant!

"Brother, run!" Little Yueya laughed and shouted loudly.

Don't need little crescent moon's reminder, the next moment the second battle has already been cultivated, and it instantly turns into a white light in the ocean, and shuttles away to the surface of the sea!

This fifth-level monster roared angrily, and frantically chased and killed it for the second battle...


The three people in the back looked stunned for a moment, and the middle way smiled bitterly: "It turns out that this guy is teasing that monster. Hurry up, everyone, this kid's speed is really too fast, the speed of the little whirl wheel cultivator has surpassed ours." I am also amazed!"

The three of them smiled wryly and continued to chase after them. Although the speed of the second battle was fast, under the full strength of the three of them, they were slowly approaching!


"Ou Ye!" Little Yueya looked at her head protruding from the sea behind her, looked helplessly at their fifth-level monster, and giggled...

It appeared hundreds of kilometers away in an instant, and entered the sea again in the second battle. Along the way, any low-level monsters encountered would be kicked violently, and then frantically fled...

Little Yueya hid in the arms of the second battle and shouted happily. When she met a monster, she said, "Big brother, kick it!"

"Big brother, run!"

"Help, big brother, cluck... run, run!" Little Yueya called out loudly.

"Aw..." Countless low-level monsters roared angrily, chasing after them frantically to the second battle!

In the second battle, he looked at the group of monsters behind him with disdain. These twenty or so low-level monsters seemed to belong to the lowest class in his experience!Want to catch up with him, next life...

"Boom!!!" In the second battle, the speed exploded crazily, and he continued to go up and down the sea. In order to make the little girl happier, he even kicked some monsters twice!

"Brother, let's run!" The little girl exclaimed, clutching the lapel of the second battle tightly and calling out tenderly.


"Hey..." Zhongdao and the two juniors smiled helplessly, "Let's follow them, as long as the little girl is happy, let them do whatever they want, didn't Master Yunzun tell us before we left, as long as there is no danger , just play around with the little girl!"

The three shook their heads helplessly, and continued to chase them...

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