(Ni Ganxuan, please join the group when you see this, and create a brand for you)

"Niganxuan..." Wu Kun murmured blankly.

"Senior..." Several monks looked at Wu Kun in a daze and whispered.

Why don't they understand Wu Kun's feelings at this moment, when they just heard that this Yexiu named Ni Qianxuan also came to Bo Xingxing, the expressions they showed were several times more exaggerated than Wu Kun's!

"Us, can we leave?" the monk asked obsequiously.

"Oh?" Wu Kun suddenly regained his sanity, looked at the five monks in the original body stage, then seemed to think of something, and then asked, "Is there anything else?"

After the monk thought about it carefully, he bowed and said: "There is one more thing. It is rumored that the reason why Ni Ganxuan came to win the flash star was not to kill the white-haired monk. The monks who chased here..."

"What!" Wu Kun hadn't had time to digest the news that Ni Qianxuan had appeared in Bo Shanxing, and was immediately stunned by the news revealed by the monk!

"Yes... yes..." The cultivator swallowed slightly, and said respectfully, "It seems that the person behind chasing and killing him has the shadow of the Seven Hundred Cosmos Sea..."

Wu Kun's brain was a little overwhelmed. After thinking for a long time, he sighed a long time, looked at the five monks at the Yuanti stage opposite him, waved his hands and said, "Let's go!"

The faces of the five monks suddenly brightened. In front of the monks of Chen Xuqi, they... can be said to be no different from ants. They can wipe out the five of them with a wave of their hands. They carefully answered the questions of the monks of Chen Xuqi, I thought that if I didn't die, I would have to peel off the skin, but I didn't expect that they would be let go so easily!

Wu Kun looked cold, looked at the five monks ruthlessly and said indifferently: "Why, don't you want to leave?" To be honest, he didn't care about these five little ants, even if he killed them, it would be nothing Things, but at this moment... On this turbulent Boshan star, it is better to be careful...

"No...no..." The five monks immediately shook their heads nervously, then bowed and said: "Since the senior has nothing to do, the five of us will leave!" As soon as the words were finished, the five of them rushed like lightning. shoot away...

Wu Kun smiled coldly, and looked at the backs of the five people leaving, but his heart was still immersed in the news he had just received!

He has also heard about the vicious name of A Luochan in the world of comprehension. It is rumored that this person is an elder in the Pomoda Keman Star Abyss.This A Luo Chan's magic skill is second, but his kind face and wolf heart are the most important. It is rumored that this person has strange methods, one moment he has a compassionate face, and the next moment he may commit murder, murder and rob!And the skill of disguise is so hard to guard against!He is the suzerain of a small sect of self-cultivation, but he is so courageous that he dare not provoke A Luochan!

As for Ni Qianxuan, an idle wild cultivator... Wu Kun gave a wry smile!Perhaps, being born in this era is the tragedy of any monk!The cultivation base and status they have obtained through thousands of years of hard work are not as good as this Niganxuan after only a thousand years of practice!

Ni Qianxuan is a person with amazing talents in cultivation, and he was born in the silver knife star field of the thousands of star fields in the distant universe class star area. , Just don't fall, you can fight against the monks of Yuan body stage without defeat!In the next 700 years, he crossed the two major obstacles of cultivation, Yuanti and Chenxu, and stepped into the Tianxin period!

Today, he has completely stood in the early days of Tianxin, becoming the top master in the cultivation world!

It is rumored that although this son is a young junior, his ruthless methods have shocked countless seniors in the cultivation world!A heavenly pen magic weapon swept away countless monks!

The world of comprehension lists countless young talents for tens of thousands of years. Except for the monks in the mysterious Misty Sword Heart Heaven, this Ni Qianxuan's talent can firmly stand among the top [-] for tens of thousands of years!

The top [-] seem to have a large number of people, but in the eight major star regions of the universe, there are tens of thousands of star regions in each star region, and there are hundreds of millions of cultivation planets in each star region. The ranking is already very scary!

"However, how could he be hunted down by monks from the Seven Hundred Cosmos Sea?" Wu Kun pondered in his heart. After a long time, he suddenly woke up and gave a wry smile. Between things, I... have no right to understand at all!Tianxin period... Tianxin period, in his lifetime, it is still unknown whether he can enter, let alone a powerful monk who has firmly established himself in the early days of Tianxin!

The area of ​​Boshan Star is almost 300 billion square kilometers (do you know the concept of this number? For example, the area of ​​the earth is 5.1 million square kilometers). On this huge planet, even the Tianxin period The cultivator can never shake the entire Bo Shining Star!

The outer layer of Yaoyaobo Shining Star's atmosphere, in the cosmic space!

In this empty space, where no sound can be transmitted, a battle is ushered in!

Dozens of monks from Chenxu's late stage stood coldly in this silent space!Facing them tens of kilometers away, a monk exuding a bright blue streamer stood indifferently. This monk's complexion was not more than [-] years old, and his face was as firm as a knife. The body-protecting treasure armor with bright colors and streamers stands in the void, but it exudes a shocking fighting spirit!

In front of dozens of monks in the late Chenxu period, there was an old man standing proudly. This old man had gray hair, a long beard, and a look of immortality. He stood with his hands behind his back, but He looked coldly at the young monk on the opposite side, then his eyes burst into purple light, his whole body trembled, and a majestic voice resounded in everyone's ears: "Ni Ganxuan, don't you know how to repent? , defected from the Silver Knife Starfield, and escaped here, what a pity, even if you escape to the ends of the earth, you will not escape the palm of this old man!"

It turned out that the resolute young monk on the opposite side was the extremely talented monk that Wu Kun knew - Ni Qianxuan!

"Huh, what a defection!" Ni Ganxuan looked coldly at the monk Chen Xuqi who was tens of kilometers away, then his eyes turned cold, and he ignored the old man in front of him. Although his lips did not speak, there was a voice of panic, But it immediately passed into the hearts of everyone on the opposite side!

"Headed by the Silver Knife Starfield, the controllers of your 81 'Xingjian Cultivation Alliance' are using the slogan of acting on behalf of the sky, setting up the galaxy as a game, and using monks as pawns to play cross-border games around the Silverknife Starfield There are tens of hundreds of star fields, I don't bother to care about this kind of behavior, but...you shouldn't use me as a pawn in the game!" Ni Ganxuan said coldly.

The old man sneered and said slowly: "I study the Cultivation Alliance, inherit the Taoism of the heavens, and select talented people, Ni Ganxuan, you should be proud of yourself, as one of the pawns, you have a good chance to win in the future." After ascension, enter the orthodox sect of the heavens!"

"Bah!" Ni Ganxuan spat coldly at the void, and said with a sneer, "Why should I be blackmailed by you as a monk all over the body! Liao Jie, you have practiced for thousands of years in vain, and you are willing to give up! Degenerate into a running dog of Xingjian!"

"This old man is the inspection envoy of Xing Jian, who controls the life and death of countless monks. How can you understand such great power!" The old man named Liao Jie suddenly became angry when he heard Ni Ganxuan's words.

"No matter how powerful you are, you are nothing more than a lackey of those 81 masters of the universe sea!" Ni Ganxuan looked at Liaojie who was tens of kilometers away with disdain, and smiled coldly.

Liao Jie's face suddenly turned red, and then he glared at Ni Qianxuan and said coldly: "Ni Ganxuan, the great cultivation base of 81 controllers is beyond your comprehension by a little cultivator of the Tianxin period! Stop talking nonsense , go or not go? Don't force the old man and his subordinates to do it!"

With a wave of Ni Ganxuan, a silver-white slender writing brush quietly appeared in front of him. He looked at Liao Jie coldly and said, "Liao Jie, you have been chasing here from the Silver Knife Starfield all the way. In two years, the answer should have been known, hehe... 81 Master of the Cosmic Sea, sounds strangely powerful, don't you dare to challenge the three gods and seven dao 49 yuan?"

Hearing these words, Liao Jie was so anxious that he went crazy!During the hunt two years ago, the controller of 81 said: Ni Ganxuan is very likely to be the only one in 1 years who can break through the chess game alone!Therefore, the controller of the 81 Cosmos Sea attaches great importance to Ni Qianxuan himself, and if it is possible to accept him as a disciple, he is more likely to be rewarded by the senior celestial immortal!For this reward, the controller of 81 Cosmos Sea should win Niganxuan at all costs!

One thousand years to achieve the Tianxin stage, this kind of peerless talent, it is difficult to find one in ten thousand years!It should be known that if the Tianxin stage goes up, you will be a monk in the transcending tribulation stage in the Xiaoyao Cultivation Realm...

Liao Jie said viciously: "Under this ruthless avenue, Ni Ganxuan, you have to know something good and bad!"

"Hahahaha..." Ni Ganxuan burst into a burst of wild laughter, and then looked at Liao Jie with disdain, "I, Ni Ganxuan, know a lot of things, but... I just don't know what is good or bad!"

Afterwards, Ni Ganxuan's Fajue moved suddenly, and the silver-white writing brush swimming beside him suddenly shuttled through the void, and a silver-white trajectory suddenly cut through the universe, and it instantly grew to the size of a thousand feet. It became longer for a while, and ruthlessly entangled dozens of monks in the distance!

"Be careful with his Tianque pen!" Liaojie roared, and moved with him, traveling through the universe in an instant, dodging the hair on the tip of the pen. It grew to a thousand feet, and then Liaojie moved his hands, shot a cold light, and slammed into the bronze bell fiercely!

"Om..." A mighty ripple suddenly came out from within the bronze bell, and then hit Ni Ganxuan fiercely!

All the monks in the Chen Xu period already knew the power of Tianque's pen, and they all turned into streamers to avoid the entangled fine hairs on the pen tip. With a loud shout, dozens of magic weapons of different shapes immediately grew in size under control, and then He slammed against Ni Ganxuan fiercely!

"This level of cultivation dares to speak out in front of me!" Ni Ganxuan said disdainfully, seeing the incoming ripples and dozens of streamers of magic weapons, he waved his right hand, but saw the silvery-white streamers suddenly disappear from the sky Shot out of the pen, it instantly turned into hundreds of thousands!Then it was divided into dozens of strands and ruthlessly blasted at the incoming magic weapon!

The next moment, Ni Ganxuan trembled all over, and dozens of huge spiritual consciousness suddenly came out of his body, and ruthlessly blasted towards those monks in the Chen Xu period!

In the universe, the great power displayed by the monks of the Tianxin period is definitely not what Chen Xuqi can imagine. In front of the two monks of the early days of Tianxin, Ni Ganxuan and Liaojie, the universe in this area suddenly becomes turbulent. Immediately Several Chen Xuqi monks were killed!

A white spot that seemed to swell suddenly appeared in the middle of the confrontation between the two sides!The next moment, a dazzling white light suddenly burst out, covering an area of ​​hundreds of thousands of square kilometers!

A great battle erupted in the starry sky of the universe outside of Boshan Star!

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