"There...is a place full of blood disasters!" Ni Ganxuan said silently, "I have been fighting since I was born and stepped into the cultivation world!"

"Planet An Rhodium is a place of killing. Ordinary students on that planet are checked one by one by the disciples of the great cultivation sect to see if they have the qualifications for cultivation. If they are talented, they will be accepted into the sect. If you don’t have talent, let it fend for itself!”

"I was born in a wealthy family. In that family, I was the key to the family's survival on the planet An Rhodium. As long as I don't perish, the family will always be prosperous on the planet An Rhodium! I was recommended Enter an ordinary small sect of cultivation, and then step by step...through countless battles, reach the step of the Tianxin stage!" Ni Ganxuan looked at the empty cave indifferently, and said lightly.

"Well..." Xuan Zhan glanced at him indifferently, and said slowly, "Each of us has our own fetters, and your fetters are your family. I believe that you have come to this point because you care about your family. Prosperity!"

Ni Ganxuan gave a wry smile, recalling the nightmarish road of cultivation for thousands of years, but his heart couldn't help trembling!

Xuan Zhan was taken aback for a moment, looked at the looming light on Ni Qianxuan, and suddenly shouted angrily: "Stick to your mind, stick to Yuan Yi!"

These words were mixed with the surging power of the Purple Gold Thunder Yuan declaring war, and it exploded in Ni Ganxuan's ears like the thunder of the Nine Heavens. Minutes later, Ni Ganxuan's eyes became clear again...

As soon as Xuan Zhan moved, countless streamers flew out of his storage ring, and then lined up in front of Ni Ganxuan, and said lightly: "Do you think these materials are enough?"

Ni Ganxuan looked at the materials in front of him in astonishment, his eyes suddenly shot joyous light, and said in surprise: "Wuye Meteorite, Laiyuan Tianjing, Jihe Flower Purifying Water... Oh my god, declare war, you... Who are you? You said you came from a small and lonely planet, but why do you have so many geniuses and treasures?"

Xuan Zhan smiled lightly, and said softly: "If there is a chance, I will tell you about myself, but now you just need to take these things away!"

"No..." Ni Ganxuan shook his head with a wry smile, took a deep look at Xuan Zhan and said, "To put it bluntly, our relationship is just a casual acquaintance, and now it seems to be a casual acquaintance of mine. ,and……"

"Besides, if I didn't have Little Panda by my side and the ability to command thousands of monsters at will, you probably would have snatched the treasure, right!" Xuan Zhan smiled and said softly.

"Yes!" Ni Ganxuan met Xuan Zhan's gaze, and said bluntly, "I, Ni Ganxuan, am not an honest gentleman, and in this cultivation world, it is not up to an honest gentleman to speak, but... I am not a villain either. I can’t stop talking, what I think, what I do, as long as it is mine, I will admit it!”

"You're right!" Ni Ganxuan took a deep look at Xuanzhan and continued, "If you were naked, I would definitely kill you and take your storage ring, and, I believe In your storage ring, there are many, many genius treasures!"

Xuan Zhan nodded noncommittally, and with a wave of his hand, the Nine Desolation War Cauldron fell into the cave with a bang, and said lightly: "You should do your own thing while you have time!" Sit down, close your eyes and start to practice, but Ni Ganxuan is in a daze!

Ni Ganxuan looked at the large amount of materials all over the floor with a complicated expression. Every piece of these materials flowed into the cultivation world would lead to a big battle, but...the war was declared and thrown to him like a mustard!

He joked in the world of comprehension, relying on his own intelligence and strength, step by step to get to where he is now, he is well aware of the hardships involved, and even more aware of the hard-won of geniuses and treasures, while his expression was struggling, Ni Ganxuan suddenly Gritting his teeth, he said, "Forget it, just treat me as Ni Ganxuan who owes you a huge favor to declare war!"

Afterwards, with a movement of Niganxuan's method, he slowly controlled the genius and land treasures in front of him, and entered the Nine Desolation War Cauldron one by one!

Feeling the changes in Ni Ganxuan, Xuan Zhan wiped a smile on the corner of his mouth...

"Aww..." The Dark Mist Poisonous Dragon Flood roared out tens of thousands of kilometers away, staring indifferently at the eighteen monks in front of it with a pair of huge bloody eyes!

However, the eighteen monks were each wearing colorful dazzling body armor, and each of them knew at a glance that it was a rare and precious magic weapon of flying swords!

"Is this the Dark Mist Poisonous Dragon Flood Dragon?" A Leng Jun young monk at the front of the 18 people said with a sneer, "Everyone, set up the formation!"

"Eldest brother, we..." one of the monks suddenly said, "Our trip is only to hunt down and kill A Luo Chan, there is no need to mess with the overlord of Boshan Star, right?"

"That's right, big brother, this Dark Mist Poisonous Dragon Flood is a level nine monster. With 18 of us, we can at most stimulate the mid-stage cultivation of Tianxin, but it's not as good as this Dark Mist Poisonous Dragon..."

A trace of disdain flashed in the dark mist poisonous dragon's eyes. It has survived for tens of thousands of years, and it has experienced more than hundreds of millions of battles. Eighteen monks who are like ants say such big words, which almost makes it laugh. big teeth!

"This Dark Mist Poisonous Dragon Flood is full of treasures, as long as we can knock off one of its scales, it will be a worthwhile battle!" The senior brother said with a sneer, and as soon as the tactic was released, a hazy blue light suddenly shot out from the body, screaming loudly. One voice said: "Qinghe Dangyue Tianshu strikes the formation!"

"Yes!" Seeing that the senior brother had made up his mind to fight, the remaining seventeen monks all shouted angrily, and the magic formula was issued instantly, but in the ocean, eighteen sword lights suddenly flashed wildly, and there was a loud bang. Arranged into a miraculous formation!

"Om..." A surge of Tianxin's early stage cultivation was crazily shaking in this area!

"Wow..." The body of the [-]-kilometer-long dragon suddenly shook, and its huge tail swept up madly, smashing towards the location of the eighteen monks!

Eighteen monks roared, each controlling their magic weapons and shouted angrily: "Tianshu sword array, against the star river, clear river and moon, guided by God!"

"Boom!" The bodies of the eighteen cultivators shook suddenly, and a surge of mighty sword intent merged into one in an instant, and ruthlessly slammed into the tail of the Dark Mist Poisonous Dragon Flood Dragon!

"Aww..." The collision of the dragon's tail and the sword qi instantly disturbed the surrounding sea area, and thousands of kilometers around it became turbulent crazily!

"Boom..." The turbulence in the entire sea area continued to rise and fall, and the faces of the eighteen monks suddenly turned rosy. The power from the upload made their hearts twitch with excitement!

"The sword goes to the middle star, the foot steps on the Qijue, the universe is reversed, and all ways are destroyed!" The elder brother in the middle roared, and the bodies of the 18 people suddenly walked up again, and the natal magic weapon controlled frantically shuttled between them, with a bang, The eighteen flying sword magic weapons grew to five hundred feet in an instant, and then surrounded them, stabbing fiercely at the body of the Poisonous Dragon Flood!

"Wow..." A tyrannical roar suddenly roared from the mouth of the poisonous dragon flood dragon. The sound seemed to come from the abyss of hell. Unable to bear it, let go!

"Boom..." Poison Dragon Flood and eighteen giant magic weapons collided together!

A pain suddenly filled the body of the Dark Mist Poisonous Dragon Jiao, and a shriek screamed with him. The next moment, the Poisonous Dragon Jiao suddenly opened its bloody mouth, and spewed out a foul-smelling black energy, aiming at 18 people. Ruthlessly rushed over!

"Hide!" The senior brother yelled sharply, his body flashed instantly, and at the same time, seventeen streaks of light suddenly flew in all directions...

"Aww..." The Dark Mist Poisonous Dragon Flood roared again, and its huge body ruthlessly rolled over to the eighteen monks around it!

Suddenly, jets of jet-black streamers shot out from the body of the Dark Mist Poisonous Dragon Flood Dragon, and countless huge scales flew out of its body, cutting and viciously cutting towards the eighteen monks!

"Ding ding ding ding..." The eighteen monks suddenly panicked and controlled the magic weapon to defend around their bodies!

"This guy..." A monk turned pale for a while, "This guy is so powerful..."

"Qinghe swings the moon and hangs upside down in the silver sky!" The elder brother roared, and after flying the scales cut around him, the magic formula instantly went crazy, but he saw streams of light suddenly flashing magnificently from the flying sword he controlled...

"Cha!" The seventeen cultivators yelled loudly following the senior brother, controlling the magic weapon to burst into streams of light, instantly transforming into countless streams of flying swords!

The next moment, groups of flying swords like a river of stars filled the surroundings, and groups of flying swords flew wildly in a radius of hundreds of kilometers. Jiao smashed it hard!


While the eighteen monks were fighting desperately with the Dark Mist Poisonous Dragon Flood Dragon, a gray figure quietly appeared outside the cave where the war was declared...

The kind face is like a living Buddha who helps the world, and the face like a spring breeze exudes a peaceful light!The body of this gray figure is a bit bloated, but the face makes people look at it, and they have a good impression, but seeing this person looking at the cave, there is an eager look in his eyes, and he said excitedly: "Unexpectedly, I Luo Chan also had such a great opportunity to find the cave left by a senior expert in the cultivation world!"

Speaking of this, the fat monk named A Luochan suddenly raised his head and laughed wildly: "Hahahaha... Qinghe Dangyue Eighteenth Son, thank you for dragging me to that bastard, don't worry, as long as I get the inside Things, send you to hell immediately!"

It turned out that this person was the true Arrow Chan who was hated by countless monks in the comprehension world, Arrow Chan from the Pomoda Keman Star Abyss!And the eighteen monks who fought against the Dark Fog Poisonous Dragon Flood are the eighteen sons of Qinghe Dangyue from Tianjushang Xingyuan!

"Who are you?" A mighty voice suddenly echoed in this piece of sea!

"Who?" A Luochan was startled, looked around suddenly and shouted, then suddenly his eyebrows became harmonious, and he straightened his slightly bloated body and said calmly: "This real person walked here, but he discovered what was left by this predecessor. The cave, I thought it was a cave without an owner, but I didn't expect that there were already people, hey..."

"Really..." the voice said with a smile, "Aro Chan, do you really think so?"

A Luochan was startled, looked around and said softly: "I didn't expect you to know the old man's name!"

"Didn't you just say it yourself!" the voice said with a "hehe" smile.

"Hehe... Which fellow Taoist is it, please show up!" A Luochan chuckled, looked around curiously and said, "This real person is called A Luochan, and I like to make friends with heroes from all over the world!"

"Hehe, me..." the voice laughed, "I'm right in front of you!" As soon as the voice fell, a blue figure suddenly shot out from the cave, quietly appearing at a distance of [-] meters from Aluochan, Then he looked at A Luochan with a smile!

"Friends Daoist!" A Luochan looked at the young man in the blue armor with a kind smile and said with a smile, "Dare to ask Youzun's name?"

"Niganxuan!" the voice said lightly.

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