It's night, Fangfu!

Because of the reluctance of Fang's parents, several people decided to stay here overnight and set off early the next morning.However, when Fang's parents knew that their daughter could join the Immortal School to practice Immortal Arts, they wished they could take out the best things in the family and let these cultivators who had risen to the status of Immortals in their hearts taste them!However, in the face of those so-called delicacies from mountains and seas, Xuan Zhan and Tianxiong stopped eating after eating casually. As for Mie Hun Laomo... he didn't even bother to look at it, so he went directly to the guest room to rest. Eat more.

After late at night, Xuan Zhan stood alone in a small pavilion in Fangfu, with little Panda who accompanied him in a daze on his shoulder.Looking at the faintly fluorescent crescent moon in the sky, as if seeing his wife Rouzhi's stunning beauty, she groaned to him enchantingly, "Hee hee...Sanggong, tell me, what should be the name of our child?" ;

"Sanggong, our hometown the scenery beautiful?";

"Sir, when we arrive at Qinghu Lake, we will live in seclusion there, not asking about worldly affairs, not getting involved in karma, how about..."

Xuan Zhan wiped the storage ring on his left hand, and an emerald green eight-hole flute appeared in his hand. He calmly put it on his mouth and began to play it. The sound was long and melodious, like the moon in the clouds, or chanting in the rain...

While declaring war, there was an intoxicating smile on his face. Although he had already changed his appearance, it still couldn't hide the vicissitudes and uncoordinated injuries in the peerless handsome eyes. This left alone desolate figure, whispering alone...

"Msister, you go on a horse! Those famous sects are about to catch up, I will resist it first..."

The sound of the flute suddenly changed, and it was filled with a sense of heartbreak, which made people feel sad...

"Yan Zhi, as a husband, I am afraid that we will not be able to grow old together with you in this life!" Xuan Zhan confided in Yan Zhi's ear about the past scene.

As soon as the sound of the flute turned, it seemed as if there was an indomitable despair, pouring out the inner unwillingness to the world...

"Ah... why, why did you come back again! Yan Zhi, you shouldn't come back!!!"

Desperate helplessness, slowly flowing in the sound of the flute, echoing desolately...

"I hate it! I hate this day's injustice! Don't you want this Jade Guanyin? Take it!!!" In the memory, Xuan Zhan was holding Yan Zhi's body, with two lines of blood and tears in his eyes, in front of the righteous people, "Crack!", smashing the Jade Guanyin in his hand...

The sound of the flute turned sharply, like the sound of death...

Xuan Zhan slowly put down the flute in his hand, two lines of clear tears flowed from his eyes, dripping to the ground.

Rouge, rouge, although my husband has avenged you, but... the heart of my husband is still empty, and I still hate the sky, the earth, and the common people... The way of heaven is unfair! ! !

Heartbroken, Xuan Zhan turned around and cupped his fists and said, "Senior, haven't you rested yet?"

Miehun old devil stood in front of Xuan Zhan and slowly shook his head, and said flatly: "Young man, I didn't expect that you are also a man of temperament!"

Xuan Zhan smiled lightly and said, "Heaven is merciless, but human beings are merciful!"

"Hahahaha..." Miehun old devil laughed loudly, "I am quite pleasing to my eyes at the moment, you young man. The old man came here to ask just one thing. When we were fighting in the sky during the day, in the end you blocked the old man with the bone nail. What is that emerald green protective barrier?"

Xuan Zhan was taken aback for a moment, and suddenly remembered the black light that the soul-destroying old devil shot at him in the end, and then he was blocked without realizing it!Feeling weird in his heart, he raised his hands and clasped his fists and said, "The junior didn't notice anything at the time, but at that time I only saw a black light from the senior, but how it was blocked, the junior didn't notice at all!"

The Miehun old devil said strangely: "The old man saw it. It is obviously a protective barrier. It must be some kind of magic weapon on your body that can emit a protective barrier to protect and resist!" Then he shook his head silently, "Although at that time The old man was seriously injured, and the blood refining magic weapon was cut by you, but that ray of black light cannot be easily blocked, but... I am too lazy to ask, if you don't tell me, the old man will not force you! But you still understand the truth of the crime of being pregnant, I hope you will be more careful in the future!"

Xuan Zhan smiled proudly and said, "Senior Xie, for reminding the younger generation to go back to rest, senior is free to do so." After speaking, he turned around and walked towards the guest room.Miehun Laomo looked at his back, smiled faintly, looked at the little brown bear on Xuanzhan's shoulder, felt strange in his heart, then turned and left.

After returning to the guest room, Xuan Zhan sat in the room for a while, reached into his arms and took out the jade pendant that he had even forgotten.This jade pendant was given to him by Ling Bo before he left, but he never studied it deeply. He only knew that this jade pendant can keep a little clarity in his heart when performing martial arts, so that people will not go crazy, but other specific functions, But he couldn't find it out, so he hung it on his chest, and almost forgot about it!Just now when Miehun Laomo mentioned it, he immediately felt that something was wrong, so he took it out and wanted to explore it carefully.

This jade pendant is milky white and round, with two Nine Heavens Divine Dragons engraved on the front, circling around, and in the middle of the two dragons is a drop of blood jade as bright red as blood. On the back of the jade pendant, there are complex and dazzling patterns.Looking at the jade pendant carefully, Xuan Zhan frowned for a while. He really couldn't see any difference. He held the jade pendant and immersed himself in it...

"Roar..." Suddenly, a heart-pounding roar of an angry dragon rang out in his heart. As soon as this roar came out, Xuan Zhan's mind was immediately ejected, and cold sweat broke out all over his body.what?Xuan Zhan thought tremblingly, but he didn't expect that as soon as he entered his mind, he would be beaten out by the roar...

This jade pendant is not simple!

Xuan Zhan was stunned to think that it was far from simple, with his current cultivation base, his mind couldn't even get in!Unable to understand, the declaration of war can only be attributed to his low cultivation base, which has not reached the cultivation base possessed by exploration.Then he hung the jade pendant around his neck again, and began to meditate and perform exercises.

In the early morning of the next day, several people set off for Mingxin Chilling Qi Realm under Fang Zhu'er's parents seeing him off.

I saw that Miehun old devil didn't use any magic weapon, flying with his hands behind his back in the air, looking like a fairy, and above a black streamer behind him, Li Xiuchen and Fang Zhuer were sitting, looking around with curiosity.

Xuan Zhan and Tianxiong, each with a flying sword, guarded the two sides, and the three streamers of light shuttled rapidly under the bright and clear sky, passing through layers of clouds and mist, turning over rivers and green hills...

Along the way, Fang Zhuer became more mischievous and cute, laughing and joking with Li Xiuchen from time to time, causing Miehun Laomo to sigh for a while, and said straightly: "A cultivator should cultivate his body and mind, and don't disturb his mind!" Every time Li Xiuchen heard These words made her blush, but she couldn't help being lingering with the person she loves. After all, after a while, the two of them will have their own things...

Several hours later, several people left the border of Huayue Kingdom and entered Tianyou Kingdom. In this high sky, they did not delay for a moment.For the declaration of war at this moment, the real energy in the body is gushing out, enough to fly intermittently, let alone Tianxiong and Miehun old devil...

Leaving Tianyou Kingdom, entering Kaiyue Kingdom...

Mingxin Hanqi Realm is a relatively different cultivation sect above Molixing. Although it does not show high-end strength, it has produced a lot of young and handsome, and in the sect, there are all women of the same color!This sect acts low-key, but has a cold style, and the exercises they practice are all feminine and cold.The suzerain is cold and charming. It is rumored that he is a cold-hearted person who protects his weaknesses. He has extremely strict requirements on his disciples, and he himself is even more serious!However, these are not the most talked about.

Leng Mei, who has practiced for hundreds of years, is already considered a super master on Moli Star. In the late stage of Xuanlun, it is said that in a few years, she will step into the ranks of the few who are not falling on Moli Star!Moreover, when this woman was young, she had a peerless appearance. I don't know how many cultivators poured blood on her, but in the end she was still cumin.His town school's unique skill, Han Yu Ning Dan's heart method, is also a super skill in the realm of comprehension in the mainland of China, which is rarely passed on to outsiders!

As for the Elton Empire, which is located in the extreme north of Mingxinhanqi Realm, although this empire is not one of the five great empires, it has a sturdy folk style and is good at horseback riding and archery on the grassland. It can be said that every child is born on the back of a horse. Grow up!It is also a country capable of conquering and fighting well. If it weren't for the bitter cold and sparsely populated here, maybe the Elton Empire would have a place among the five great empires!

After traveling day and night for nearly half a month, they finally came to the Elton Empire. The old demon of Miehun propped up a wind barrier around them to resist the cold. After half a day, they came to Ming Dynasty The location of the Chilling Qi Realm - at the foot of Tianchu Mountain.

Li Xiuchen grabbed Fang Zhu'er's hand, wrapped her in the padded coat and said sadly: "Zhu'er, you must practice hard in the mountains. We set a deadline of 50 years. After 50 years, I will come to Tianchu Mountain to visit you." you!"

Fang Zhuer nodded with a taut face, not letting her tears fall, parting is bitter... parting is the most painful...

Tianxiong sighed, this is the range of Mingxin Hanqi Realm, and if you go further inside, people will probably find the whereabouts of Miehun Laomo and Li Xiuchen. See you!So, I am ready to say goodbye here.

"Seniors, please take good care of Zhu'er, thank you Xiuchen for being here!" Li Xiuchen thumped and knelt down facing Xuan Zhan Tianxiong.

"Hmph! A worthless thing!" Mie Hun Laomo swung his right hand and lifted Li Xiuchen up again, hating him for not fighting.

Xuan Zhanjun smiled faintly and said: "After my brother and I sent Miss Fang in, we were going to go back to the Pride School. If we want to take care of it, I'd better ask my brother to help."

Tianxiong laughed and said: "Brother Li, don't be like this. A man stands up to the sky, kneels to the sky and kneels to his parents, but don't kneel to other people! This is busy, I will help you!"

Miehun old devil snorted coldly and said: "You two juniors, I will leave this girl to you, and I will take this unworthy apprentice away now! Lengmei that woman, hey... let's go, I won't mess with you!" she!"

After finishing speaking, before a few people could react, they rolled their right hand and disappeared into the nine heavens together with Li Xiuchen.

Tianxiong looked at the place where the Miehun old demon disappeared, and then at the towering Tianchu iceberg, he laughed and said: "Brother, Miss Fang, you have to walk to enter Tianchu Mountain, we probably have to walk for a while distance."

Xuan Zhan frowned and said, "Your so arrogant!"

Tianxiong smiled, patted him on the shoulder, then turned around and walked towards Tianchu Mountain... A voice came from afar: "This is strength!"

Xuan Zhan nodded silently, this is indeed strength!Then enter Tianchu Mountain with Fang Zhuer...

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