Reverse Taoist Records

Chapter 171 Yun Wuying's Actions

Above the vast sea, Qinghe Dangyue slowly flies around the mysterious young monk.

"So, it's because of this treasure that more masters have appeared in this Bo Shining Star?" The young monk said indifferently, looking at the sea below.

"Yes!" Qing Jian waited by his side and said in a low voice, "Master, you are the latest one. Before you, not only the inspector of the Yinjian Cultivation Alliance came here, but also Bomoda Keman. The monks from Xingyuan are also here!"

"Hmm..." The young monk responded lightly.

"Master..." Qing Jian said in a respectful voice, "A while ago, one of those barbarians, a monk named A Luo Chan, almost took away Junior Sister Qinglian's vitality, but fortunately, he was discovered by several other juniors!"

When the young man heard this, he turned his head and glanced slightly at the female disciple behind him. When Qinglian saw her master turned to look at him, she immediately lowered her head.

The young man shook his head slowly, then looked into the distance again and said indifferently: "Although you are not my children like Nan'er, I have never favored anyone in my treatment of you, Qinglian, this matter is a teacher's meeting." Make the decision for you!"

"Thank you, master!" Qing Lian immediately said respectfully upon hearing this.

Qing Jian looked ahead, and immediately said in a low voice: "Master, the front is the parade range of the Dark Mist Poisonous Dragon Flood Dragon!"

The young man nodded noncommittally, and then the void stopped, and said lightly: "I have already felt that that little bug is fighting with dozens of monks, treasure? Hmph, how can there be such a barbaric place left by the predecessors?" The cave, a bunch of idiots!"

The eighteen sons of Qinghe Dangyue were stunned for a moment, but the young man continued: "You are 5000 young, and you have traveled here as a teacher. It was the same as it is now. I have experienced here for nearly a hundred years before leaving. It can be said that I know every place here, except for the habitats of the eight ninth-level monsters and some mysterious places, I have been to all other places! However, it is said that the five-color sky eye 3000 years ago The eagle actually fell, I don’t know how far the descendant has grown, if it is possible, I will capture it this time and use it as my beast of transportation!”

The power of a ninth-level monster, in this person's mouth, seems so ordinary!

Qinghe Dangyue Shibazi nodded slowly, as if what the young man said was very ordinary.

At this moment, streamers of light suddenly flew from outside the sky, and then surpassed Qinghe Dangyue Shibazi from several kilometers away, and flew towards the location of the dark mist poisonous dragon dragon!

"Eh?" There was a slight voice of doubt among the group of people!

"Sovereign, is there any question?" A monk immediately looked at the monk who made a doubtful voice, and asked respectfully.

The monk who made the voice of doubt was the thousand-faced fox——Yun Wuying, who was identified by Liao Jie, the patrol envoy nearly two months ago!At the same time, he is also the master of the Jinghe Xinzong of a minor cultivator!

But seeing Yun Wuying's rapid flight, he slowly pondered for a moment, and after a few breaths, Yun Wuying's eyes burst out with a hint of horror, and he wanted to look back at the group of monks who just passed by, but However, a bean-sized cold sweat fell quietly from his forehead, and his neck was almost numb when he turned his head casually!

After flying thousands of kilometers, Yun Wuying suddenly let out a wild breath, sweating profusely, looked at his disciples who were confused, and said, "Have you seen the group of monks we overtook just now? "

"I see!" The disciple under the door nodded in confusion, and asked again, "Sect Master, what happened?"

Yun Wuying looked at his disciples and said coldly, "Don't provoke them, especially the young man among them, don't provoke them!"

"Yes!" Seeing that his suzerain actually gave such an order, he immediately nodded solemnly in agreement!

After a while, a disciple quietly asked, "Sect Master, who are those people?"

"They..." Yun Wuying lowered his head and hesitated for a while and said slowly, "They are the eighteen sons of Qinghe Dangyue from Tianjushang Xingyuan!"

"Oh!" Everyone suddenly realized, "But, there were 19 people just now!"

"I'm talking about the extra monk, the young man surrounded by those eighteen people!" Yun Wuying said in a low voice, "Don't provoke them!"

"What is the identity of that person?" A disciple asked curiously.

"You just need to know that his name is Chu Wudao!" Yun Wuying replied lightly, "It's better for you not to know the identity of this person!"

Seeing the suzerain so dignified over and over again, a group of disciples under the sect immediately knew that the identity of this person was definitely not what they had imagined, and they immediately kept this person in their hearts!

"Chu Wudao... Chu Wudao!" Yun Wuying kept repeating the name in her heart, "You actually appeared in such a small scene, could it be... for this treasure? Unbelievable! Hehe... Although Pomoda There are also people from Keman Xingyuan, but none of them can match Chu Wudao's cultivation, and the Xingjian Cultivation Alliance... It seems that this time, people will die again! Should the real person withdraw from this dispute? Although the more chaotic Under the circumstances, it is easier to fish in troubled waters, but... the appearance of Chu Wudao immediately caused countless unstable factors in this matter!"

"How can I be more secure?" Yun Wuying's heart suddenly changed, he still couldn't let go of this great chaotic situation...

An hour later, Yun Wuying quietly appeared at a place under the sea with his disciples, took out more than a dozen spells as if heartbroken, and slapped each of the dozens of disciples around him, but in a flash of light, The figures of these disciples slowly moved, and then they took out a spell and slapped themselves!

"Sovereign, what is the use of these spells?" the disciple asked curiously.

Yun Wuying smiled proudly: "This is the invisibility spell carved by the sect himself, hehe... No one will find it under the tribulation!"

"What!!!" The dozen or so disciples were stunned for a moment, and then looked at the charm on their bodies in shock, "Under the tribulation, no one found out..."

"Just this talisman is hard to find!" Yun Wuying said in pain!

Everyone was speechless. After a long time, a disciple pondered and said: "Sovereign, in this chaos, there should be no old monsters from the tribulation period!"

Yun Wuying glared at such a disciple and said, "What do you know! Protect these spells for me. Each spell can only be used ten times. Selling you a hundred times is not worth the value of one spell!"

"Yes..." All the disciples immediately fell silent!

After completing the talisman, Yun Wuying quietly led his disciples forward. The farther he went, the stronger the turmoil in the world became, and Yun Wuying didn't stop until figures appeared in front of him!

The disciples below looked at the scene in a daze for a while, but when they looked around, the entire sea area was a mess that had been destroyed for thousands of kilometers, and countless dilapidated seabed mountains were as dwarf as mounds of dirt at this moment!All kinds of huge corpse stones are all over the ground!

"This... this dragon has such a big body!" A disciple stared blankly at the Dark Mist Poison Dragon Flood who was fighting with dozens of Tianxinqi!

In the eyes of such a disciple, the body of this dark mist poisonous dragon flood dragon can be said to be invisible at a glance!He knew that this was because his cultivation base was not high enough, and his field of vision was not broad enough because of his cultivation base!One hundred kilometers is not too far in the eyes of Chen Xuqi, but it is still very strenuous to see it below Chen Xuqi!

"Aww!!!" The dark mist poisonous dragon roared, and with its huge bloody mouth, it suddenly burst out, spit out a jet of black poisonous gas, and spat fiercely at dozens of Tianxin stage masters tens of kilometers away!At the same time, dozens of black lights suddenly shot out from the scales on his body!

"Hide!" Dozens of monks in the Tianxin period roared, and immediately turned into dozens of streamers and rushed towards the surroundings, but dozens of black scales instantly shot into their attack range!

"Ding, ding, ding..." Countless piercing metallic voices resounded immediately!

"Ah..." A cultivator in the Tianxin period wailed, his eyes staring in horror at the black scales that pierced his body from the back and then exposed one side from his chest!

"Elder!" The low-level monks watching the battle roared angrily!

The Dark Mist Poison Dragon Flood looked at this cultivator at the Tianxin Stage, and opened his mouth to inhale!The cultivator in the Tianxin period was stunned, and was instantly sucked into the mouth of the Dark Mist Poisonous Dragon Flood Dragon. Then he bit his silver teeth, and with a bang, he crushed him, and then swallowed the power of the primordial spirit that was about to escape!

"Roar!!!" The Dark Mist Poisonous Dragon Flood Dragon raised its head and roared as if it had replenished the power it had consumed just now. The next moment, its tail swept wildly, and it immediately swept away hundreds of kilometers of turmoil!

"This... this flood dragon is so powerful!" the disciple beside Yun Wuying said in a daze.

"Hmph, nine-level monsters, they can kill them if they say they can! Although it is said that they have the power to fight in a battle, but want to kill the Poison Dragon Flood Dragon, these dozens of monks in the early stage of Tianxin and the early stage of Tianxin, Not enough to do it!" Yun Wuying said with a sneer, and after looking at the surrounding situation, his body moved quietly, "Come with me, let's go in!"

"Gulu..." A monk cried with a pale face, "Sovereign, let's go, there are not many masters here, and we are only monks in the original body stage, you let us kill monsters of level five and level six? Yes, but this is a level nine monster..."

"Idiot!" Yun Wuying scolded angrily, looked at his disciples and said, "Is my spell just for show, you have to believe me!"

"I believe you..." All the disciples muttered in their hearts, looked at the charms on their bodies, gritted their teeth, and immediately followed!

As if they hadn't noticed more than a dozen of them, Yun Wuying and others successfully passed through the surrounding monks who were guarding them!

"Sovereign, what are we going to do next?" A disciple asked through sound transmission.

After successfully passing through the siege outside, everyone's confidence immediately rose. At such a short distance, they were supposed to have been discovered by the monks of the Tianxin period, but looking at this moment, none of them could find their team, so they looked at them. This spell of my heart began to generate confidence!

"Have you seen the cave there? Didn't you see it? You bastard, you can't see the cave that is only a few hundred kilometers away, and you have cultivated it to the beast!" Yun Wuying said angrily through sound transmission, blowing his beard and staring.

"There is a huge cave a few hundred kilometers away. Our destination is there. Follow me, be careful and don't make any noise!" Yun Wuying urged as he walked, "Although this spell won't let people find us The figure, but the voice is real!"

"Yes, yes!" A dozen or so disciples watched the battle with fear and moved slowly following Yun Wuying's body!

Although it is moving slowly, the distance of hundreds of kilometers is also advancing in leaps and bounds!Half an hour later, Yun Wuying and a group of people finally came to the cave!

"Treasure!" Yun Wuying stared at the cave with a pair of eyes, like a miser seeing money!

"Treasure, treasure..." Everyone looked at the cave in a daze. They didn't expect that the treasure came so easily and smoothly!

"Tell me, does our suzerain often do this kind of thing?" A disciple said to the people around him via sound transmission.

"I think it's true!" Another disciple immediately replied, "Didn't the person from the Xingjian Cultivation Alliance say that our suzerain is a thousand-faced fox? Could it be that the suzerain is really that thief?"

"If the suzerain is really a thousand-faced fox, then don't he have many treasures?"

"Hey... We have guarded a mobile treasure house for thousands of years, and we haven't found anything!"

"Hush...don't let the suzerain know that we found out his identity. After everyone goes back, they will find all kinds of excuses to ask for treasure materials for him! Otherwise, it will be a pity..."

"That's right, it's time to refine my treasure armor again, this time I have to refine it!"

"It's time for me to change my magic weapon. As a dignified cultivator in the original body stage, I actually hold a magic weapon. I have to get a fairy weapon, a spiritual weapon!"

"Pfft... I really haven't heard of anyone in the cultivation world who has a fairy weapon. I don't even know if there is a quasi-celestial weapon. Spiritual weapon... It's possible. I want to get a spiritual weapon, even if it's a low-level spiritual weapon. The equipment is also good!"

"Everyone, go!" Yun Wuying said suddenly through voice transmission.


But ten minutes later, Yun Wuying led a group of monks to the deepest part of the cave!

"Hush..." Yun Wuying raised his finger suddenly, and said via voice transmission.

Everyone stopped immediately, and then secretly pricked up their ears. At this time, several voices came from the hole!

"Brother Xuan, the situation outside is getting more and more chaotic. I don't know if the Dark Mist Poisonous Dragon Flood can hold out until the arrival of the others!" A seemingly dignified voice said slowly.

"Little master, let Panda go out and kill them!" A naive and honest voice appeared at the same time!

There was a sound of "slap!", as if a slap hit something!

"Ouch..." The simple and honest voice called out suddenly.

"Don't move and kill!" At this moment, a voice as calm as a cloud slowly appeared in everyone's ears!

Yun Wuying was curious for a while, the last voice was so flat, could it be that the situation outside made this person so absent-minded?

Also, in this place where the treasure is hidden, three monks unexpectedly appeared!Where is the treasure?

Yun Wuying gave a signal to the disciples around him to stop, and then moved slowly, but after a dozen or so breaths, several figures slowly appeared in Yun Wuying's eyes!

"White-haired monk?" Yun Wuying was startled, his footsteps stopped abruptly, and an extremely slight sound suddenly came out!

He is actually here, isn't this the white-haired monk who makes countless monks look for him to kill?Why is he here?treasure?What is this pet?Who is the other monk?There is actually a cultivation base of the Tianxin stage!But... a cultivator at the Tianxin stage actually called this cultivator at the Yuanti stage a brother...

"It's not good, there was a sound..." Yun Wuying thought in his heart, but, he believed in his spell, it was absolutely impossible for a small monk of the original body stage and a monk of the Tianxin stage to find himself!

Ni Ganxuan frowned slightly, looked around for a while, then his eyes sank, and Mo Dashen's consciousness instantly swept away. After a long time, Ni Ganxuan shook his head coldly, looked at Xuan Zhan and said: "No one !"

Xuan Zhan smiled lightly, looked around, and then lightly patted Panda on the shoulder. At this moment, Xue Bao's voice came from Xuan Zhan's sleeve: "Little master, when are we going to leave here? Xue Bao is so annoying. It’s so boring not being able to go out and play!”

Xuan Zhan looked at his cuff and said softly, "Hold on for a few more days!"

"Oh..." Xue Bao replied in annoyance, and then turned into a bloody light and appeared on the other shoulder that declared war!

"An alien beast!" Yun Wuying was startled suddenly, it turned out to be an alien beast!

Xuan Zhan's expression moved, and Fu looked around again, pondered for a moment, and smiled coldly, a purple-gold lightning flashed through the void in his eyes!

"Crack!" The heaven and earth structure instantly appeared in Xuan Zhan's eyes!

There was a smile on the corner of his mouth, and he glanced at Ni Qianxuan, the tactic moved slightly, and the Demon Slaughtering Sword instantly surrounded Xuan Zhan!At the same time, Ni Qianxuan's method was launched in an instant!

Yun Wuying stared blankly at the sword: Smash the devil and kill the sky...

A purple-gold divine thunder suddenly rose from the void, and blasted towards Yun Wuying's location with a "crack!" with a loud bang!

At the same time, the Niganxuan technique was completed in an instant, and a fiery fire dragon mixed with unparalleled fiery power crazily shot towards Yun Wuying's place!

This moment came too suddenly!Sudden but one-twentieth of a breath...

The next moment, Yun Wuying was hit straight by Zijin Shenlei and Fire Dragon!

"Boom..." Yun Wuying's body was violently blasted into the rock wall!

There was a surge of blood in Yun Wuying's body, and he smiled wryly: Damn it, he was discovered!

The next moment, Yun Wuying floated up as if the wind and clouds were calm, tore off the charm on his body and put it away, and stood up slowly. The two forces just now were so strong that even he was in the middle of Tianxin, he couldn't bear it. !Fortunately, I have a body armor...

"Who are you?" Xuan Zhan looked at Yun Wuying who appeared indifferently, and slowly stroked Little Panda's head with his right hand!

At the same time, Ni Ganxuan looked Yun Wuying up and down coldly and smiled coldly. He knew that Xuan Zhan had a supernatural ability, that is, he could see through any illusory things in the world!No matter what, under the power of his eyes, nothing can escape!Speaking of it, the abnormality of this ability can be said to be against the sky, and it makes him even more envious!

"Old man Yun Wuying!" Yun Wuying looked at Xuan Zhan and Ni Ganxuan coldly, "I didn't expect you, a white-haired monk, to hide here!"

Xuan Zhan smiled, the formula moved slowly, and the Demon Slaughtering Sword gently wrapped around his body, exuding a dazzling brilliance: "So what can you do if you know it? Seek revenge?"

Looking at the Demon Slaying Sword, a frenzy flashed in Yun Wuying's eyes, and then he calmed down instantly as if enlightened, and said with a wry smile: "Fortunately, the old man's disciples did not enmity with you!"

"Hahahaha..." Ni Ganxuan laughed wildly, "Brother Xuan, this guy... this guy is here to hunt for treasure!"

Xuan Zhan was taken aback for a moment, then gave a wry smile, and said helplessly: "The world is really maddened! How many monks have lost their sanity due to the three words of greed, anger, and ignorance!"

Yun Wuying was taken aback for a moment, then smiled wryly: "Even if there is a treasure, I don't dare to covet it!"

Ni Ganxuan was slightly taken aback, looked at Yun Wuying curiously and asked, "Why?"

"Sword of Destroying Demons and Killing Heaven!" Yun Wuying smiled wryly, "I still recognize this sword!"

Xuan Zhan frowned slightly, then smiled wryly!

Ni Ganxuan was a little confused, and then looked at the magic weapon controlled by Xuan Zhan and said: "This sword is very good, but I don't admit that Brother Xuan can make the heart of grabbing the treasure go away with only one sword. !"

"You don't know?" Yun Wuying was taken aback suddenly, looking at Ni Ganxuan like a monster.

"Know what?" Ni Ganxuan's expression changed, he had been friends with Xuan Zhan for several years, and knew some of Xuan Zhan's past, but, looking at Yun Wuying at this moment, it seemed that he had missed something by mistake!

Xuan Zhan looked at Yun Wuying indifferently and said, "It's fine if you know, don't let others know!"

Yun Wuying was slightly taken aback, then shook his head helplessly, looked at Ni Ganxuan and said, "Since he won't let me speak, then I dare not go against his request!"

Ni Ganxuan was stunned for a moment... A monk named Yun Wuying was able to make this monk named Yun Wuying so obedient just by meeting him once and relying on a magic weapon!

Looking at Xuan Zhan curiously, Ni Qianxuan smiled wryly and said: "It seems that Brother Xuan's identity has made Ni somewhat confused!"

Because of a demon-slaying sword, the three of them immediately dissipated their fighting. Yun Wuying then asked the disciples who were waiting behind him to appear. After introducing each other and explaining the situation outside, they looked at the current situation. Declare war and Niganxuan!

He had also heard the name of Niganxuan before, and he knew this son's unrivaled talent, but after only a thousand years, he advanced to the Tianxin stage!The rumors were indeed true, because of the brilliance of this child, countless monks felt discouraged, including him Yun Wuying!

As for the name of declaring war, although he had never heard of it, he had seen the power of the Demon Slaying Sword once by chance!

At that time, the stars were destroyed, and the universe was dark... The name of Jade Master has since become an unsurpassable mountain in my heart!

"This declaration of war is actually a cultivator from Piaomiao Jianxintian, um...befriend, we must befriend!" Yun Wuying calculated in his heart for a while, "Piaomiao Jianxintian, monk with white hair... Hehe, that guy Chu Wudao is still If you want to snatch the treasures here, one of the 49 abysses, how can you compare with the monks of Piaomiao Jianxintian!!!”

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