Reverse Taoist Records

Chapter 175 Skyrim Pursuit

Xuan Zhan stood coldly above the head of the Dark Fog Poisonous Dragon Flood, his eyes cast a ray of light backwards, within the range of his eyes, he could not see any monks coming to chase him down, but... the fear of Chu Wudao , but made him feel anxious all the time!

"Aww..." Above the vast sky, the dark mist poisonous dragon screamed, and its [-]-kilometer-long body seemed to overwhelm the river, flying crazily in the air, and beside it, seven monsters accompanied it, looking at it from time to time. Above the head of the Dark Mist Poisonous Dragon Jiao, bursts of obedience shot out from the eyes!

Until now, Xuan Zhan still doesn't understand why these thousands of monsters obey his orders!He believed in himself, apart from his dazzling talent for cultivation, he didn't have any special qualities!However, precisely because of this, he couldn't figure out why!

"Little master, are we ready to leave here?" Xue Bao on Panda's head asked happily!

Xuan Zhan nodded coldly and said softly: "This place is already a place of right and wrong!"

Yun Wuying said leisurely: "Boshan Star has appeared in the ancient times, and it has gone through countless years, but its existence is the truth, and their existence is definitely inconceivable!"

Ni Ganxuan sat cross-legged on top of the Dark Mist Poison Dragon Flood's head and looked around, he nodded with a smile and said, "Brother Xuan, they seem to listen to you very much, why is that?"

Xuan Zhan shook his head silently, then said confusedly: "Panda once said that I am the Emperor of Ten Thousand Monsters, but...but I don't know why!"

As soon as these words came out, the two fell silent. After a long time, Yun Wuying asked curiously, "Is Panda a spirit beast?"

Xuan Zhan patted Panda's head, smiled softly and said, "Panda used to be my master's pet, and then he followed me!"

Yun Wuying was stunned for a moment, then cupped his fists and said, "Where is Master Ling now? There has been no news of him in the cultivation world for nearly ten thousand years!"

Ni Ganxuan asked curiously: "Brother Xuan, who is your master?"

Yun Wuying smiled coldly, looked at Ni Ganxuan and said, "Boy, Brother Xuan's master, it's better that you don't know much about him. He is a man of heaven in the cultivation world!"

Xuan Zhan smiled casually, touched the ring of spiritual consciousness on his finger, and said softly: "Master is a strange person, he is indifferent in the world of cultivation, hey..."

"Aww..." The Dark Mist Poisonous Dragon Flood roared, and then Panda said honestly: "Little master, this big guy said he wants to take you to a place!"

Xuan Zhan was taken aback for a moment, thought for a while, and said solemnly: "Okay!"

As soon as these words came out, the eight and ninth-level monsters suddenly roared and howled, and the huge body of the Dark Mist Poisonous Dragon Flood suddenly rolled over, and then flew towards another place!

A trace of doubt flashed in Yun Wuying's mind, and he looked at the direction ahead and said cautiously: "Brother Xuan, you..."

Ni Ganxuan also frowned at the same time, monsters are ferocious, they are ferocious beasts, where there may be a more powerful crisis!

"They said they would take you to find their companion place!" Panda said blankly.

"Accompanying land?" Yun Wuying was slightly taken aback, and said in confusion, "There doesn't seem to be such a place on Boshan Star!"

Xuan Zhan said lightly: "Maybe that place is called so by the monsters."

Yun Wuying said again: "There is a mysterious place above Boshan Star, which is extremely desolate, but what is surprising is that the countless strange monsters on Boshan Star were born in that place. I don't know what is the mysterious place. At this place, countless monks want to find out, but they are blocked by various powerful monsters and cannot enter!"

At this moment, Xuan Zhan suddenly felt a warning sign, his body trembled slightly, and he quickly looked behind him...

"Boom!!!" A palpitating powerful force suddenly appeared 20 kilometers away behind the eight monsters!

In just a few breaths, he was close to tens of thousands of kilometers!

Xuan Zhan turned his head suddenly, and said solemnly: "Everyone, Chu Wudao has appeared!"

"What?" Yun Wuying and Ni Ganxuan suddenly turned their heads to look behind them, but they didn't find anything unusual!

"Impossible, we didn't find out, brother Xuan, how did you find out?" Ni Qianxuan asked curiously, you know, both of him, Ni Ganxuan and Yun Wuying, are powerful existences in the Tianxin period, but the declaration of war, but Just a monk in the late stage of the original body!

"Trust me!" Xuan Zhan looked behind him coldly and said softly, then slapped the body of the Dark Mist Poisonous Dragon Flood and said softly: "Use your fastest speed to reach the place you want me to go, there is a powerful person chasing after me!" Kill us!"

"Brutal!!!" The five-color sky-eyed eagle suddenly screamed, and the Houtianhuo demon phoenix also screamed shrillly!

The eight monsters suddenly became crazy, and boundless tyrannical aura surged from them, and their speed doubled in an instant!

"Boom!!!" The Dark Fog Poisonous Dragon Flood threw off its body and flew forward crazily. Its huge body brought forth the sound of countless air fluctuations and roars, flying crazily above the nine heavens like a dragon in the abyss!

In the eyes of the declaration of war, the powerful monk who was already within 20 kilometers suddenly increased in speed, directly surpassing the speed of the eight monsters, and flew towards them arrogantly!

Feeling this aura, Xuan Zhan felt astonished... Although the speed of the cultivator behind him was not as fast as his senior brother Wan Qingkui, it was the only one he had ever seen in his life!

Half an hour later, the faces of Ni Ganxuan and Yun Wuying suddenly changed drastically, and Yun Wuying said angrily, "The person behind him is... the late stage of crossing the tribulation!"

"Late stage of crossing the catastrophe..." Xuan Zhan and Ni Ganxuan suddenly fell silent!

Yun Wuying smiled wryly and said: "It seems that the person who came is Chu Wudao!

A trace of indifference flashed across Xuan Zhan's eyes, and he said coldly: "What about the later stage of the tribulation, and what about Chu Wudao!" Looking at the Dark Mist Poisonous Dragon Flood in front of him, he said coldly: "Dark Mist Poisonous Dragon Flood, now I want to Graft a secret method and send it to you, you, hold on to me!"

"Aww..." The Dark Mist Poisonous Dragon Jiao turned his head and looked behind him, roaring angrily.

In the eyes of Yun Wuying and Ni Ganxuan, the two-handed art of declaring war moved instantly, but suddenly there were lightning flashes and thunder in the sky!

"Purple Gold Lightning..." The two looked at each other blankly...

"Crack!" The clouds were full of thunder, and the unparalleled heaven and earth lightning shook wildly, "Boom..." It's like the god of thunder in the abyss!

At this moment, bursts of purple-gold divine thunders suddenly shot out from the sky, "Crack..." Countless purple-gold divine thunders surged up, split out from the clouds, and then viciously bombarded the Dark Mist Poisonous Dragon Flood!

"Boom!" After a thunder blast, a pair of huge thunder-sounding electric wings of hundreds of kilometers suddenly appeared on both sides of the body of the Dark Mist Poisonous Dragon Flood Dragon!

"Aww..." The Dark Mist Poisonous Dragon Flood Dragon suddenly let out a shrill scream!

The Dark Mist Poisonous Dragon Flood has a body with a dark physique, and the Purple Gold Divine Thunder is the nemesis of all filthy forces in the world. It can be said that the divine thunder triggered by the declaration of war is madly destroying the Dark Mist Poisonous Dragon's body!

Then, Xuan Zhan took a breath, smiled coldly, and the Fa Jue swayed wildly!

"Boom..." In the clouds, after declaring war and triggering the divine thunder of heaven and earth, it became turbulent again, and the more powerful purple-gold divine thunder struck out again, and then struck the seven monsters around one by one!

Eight pairs of Leiyin and Electric Wings make their debut!

The eight roars suddenly shook the turmoil, and the Zijin Shenlei frantically tore their bodies, and among the eight monsters, only the one-knee Leiyinbi Bird and the Xiaoyuexulei Beast had two big nines. The super monster beast, facing the mighty Zijin Shenlei let out a joyful roar, the other six monsters are stubbornly resisting the tearing of the soul caused by the Zijin Shenlei in their bodies. Power!

The Fa Jue moved again, and the eight pairs of Thunder Wings flapped instantly!

"Boom..." There was a burst of thunder and anger, and the bodies of the eight monsters shot away immediately, flying crazily at a speed twice as fast as before!

"Oh?" Chu Wudao's expression moved, feeling the breath tens of thousands of kilometers ahead, a trace of surprise flashed in his eyes, "The speed of these eight beasts has suddenly increased so much!" The tactic rose in an instant, but seeing countless halos suddenly appearing around his body, and then enveloping his body, the speed increased suddenly!

"Boom!!!" A tyrannical wave hit the surroundings fiercely!

In an instant... the two sides approached as close as ten thousand miles!

Xuan Zhan showed a haggard look, controlling such a powerful Lei Yuan, even if he is at the late stage of the original body, and his cultivation is stronger than countless monks in the Chen Xu period, he can't support such a huge surging Lei Yuan!With a slight movement of the Fa Jue, the body armor on his body suddenly gave out strands of ray of light, protecting his mind...

"Roar..." The eight monsters roared in unison, and the speed of the wings on their backs slowly weakened under their feelings!

"Little master, hold on, we're almost there!" Panda passed on the words of the monster!

"Humph!" Xuan Zhan let out a muffled roar, his face paled immediately, and the magic formula came up again, "Boom..." The boundless purple-gold divine thunder suddenly fell from the sky, and then divided into eight parts, and ruthlessly bombarded the shoulders of the eight monsters!

"Ru..." The five-color sky-eyed eagle and the sky-fire demon phoenix suddenly screamed loudly, and a pillar of fire exuding fiery temperature and a ball of five-color light blasted fiercely behind them!

"Huh!" Suddenly there was a sound of panic behind him, followed by a muffled sound, Chu Wudao ruthlessly blasted the two forces into the air!

The next moment, Chu Wudao's body suddenly appeared less than a thousand kilometers away!

"You actually want to escape from the old man's pursuit, you beasts, leave it to the old man!" Chu Wudao yelled lightly, and his voice spread within thousands of miles!Then, a giant suddenly fell from the sky!

At this moment, the huge body of the storm blue-striped demon tortoise suddenly shrank, leaving only the outer shell in the void, and then the entire turtle shell turned black and spun wildly with a bang, but saw a huge tornado with a diameter of 150 kilometers Suddenly it was spun up by the turtle shell!

"Aww..." The one-knee Lei Yinbi bird raised his head and hissed, a huge blue lightning suddenly shot out from his mouth, and then hit the giant hard!

At the same time, the huge tornado of the storm blue-striped demon turtle was completed at the same time, and it was on top of the giant with a bang!

"Whoosh..." The overwhelming giant was immediately held back by two forces!

"Hmph!" Chu Wudao roared angrily, and grabbed it with his hand, the whole giant suddenly burst into white light, and it was covered again with a bang!

"Let's go!" Xuan Zhan let out a roar, and the magic formula suddenly went wild. Countless purple and gold lightning bolts fell from the sky, divided into dozens of huge lightning bolts, and nearly half of them landed on the bodies of the eight monsters, supplementing the needs of the thunder and lightning wings. Purple Gold Lightning!But the other half pulled the giant into the air with a bang!

"Pfft..." Xuan Zhan suddenly spat out blood!The strength of the divine consciousness above the giant almost broke his body. Only then did he know that the strength of the strong in the transcending tribulation period is definitely not something he can resist. , Just like ants!

"Boom!" The eight monsters roared and fled through the air!Thousands of miles away in the blink of an eye...

"Huh!" Chu Wudao yelled angrily, and shot his body suddenly, chasing after the eight monsters. With a casual movement, a brilliance suddenly burst out from his hand, but seeing the magic formula instantly rose, the brilliance rose to a distance of a hundred kilometers with a bang. huge!

This is a flying sword magic weapon, covered in white, under the control of Chu Wudao, the huge magic weapon rises at a high speed, and flies over everyone's heads in an instant!

"Chop!" Chu Wudao yelled lightly, and the huge flying sword fell down with a bang!

"Boom!" The body of the storm blue-striped demon tortoise suddenly withstood the slash of the giant sword, and countless sparks flew up...

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