"Whoosh..." Little Panda frantically walked through the bushes, and the Zilian Thousand Calamity Dao monk behind him followed closely behind it among the majestic mountains!

"Hurry up, hurry up! Quickly..." Blood Treasure stomped on top of Panda's head, and called softly, "Stupid Panda, if you don't hurry up, we will be caught by them!" !"

Panda gritted her teeth fiercely, looked at a forest in front of her, suddenly shot violently with her hind legs, entered the forest in an instant, and disappeared in a blink of an eye!

"Junior brother, go and have a look!" A monk suddenly shouted!

The monk cautiously entered the bushes, looked left and right, and immediately shouted: "No, it disappeared again!"


Under the darkness of night, little Panda stuck his head out from the bushes, looked at the building in front of him, and saw three large characters on the building constantly flashing with brilliance: "Treasure Pavilion!"

This building is about 50 meters high and has three floors. Outside the building, a layer of rippling waves guards the surface!In front of the building, several disciples are strictly guarding it, and around the building, dozens of disciples are patrolling back and forth!

Little Panda turned his head and looked around. After thinking for a while, he asked in a low voice: "Xue Bao, when we came here a year ago, where did we enter?"

Xue Bao poked his head out from Panda's head, looked left and right, red light flickered in his small eyes, and said softly, "Stupid Panda, you forgot the entrance in only one year! On the right side, I don’t know if the hole you made last year is still there, go and have a look!”

Panda scratched his head, immediately spread his calves and ran to the right, but after a few breaths, Panda came to a patch of weeds, blinked his eyes and looked at this piece of dry grass. The weeds suddenly revealed a hole no more than fifty centimeters wide!

"Hehe...hehe..." Looking at the opening of the hole, Panda narrowed his eyes and laughed foolishly, and then slammed into it...

This hole leads to the first floor of the Treasure Building. A year ago, after the two little guys came to the Treasure Building for the first time, they were unable to enter because of the large guarding formation outside. Come up with another way - punch a hole!

The cautious Zilian Thousand Tribulations Taoist monk guarded the Treasure Building tightly, but only one place was missed - the underground...

The two little guys walked through the cave with ease, but a few minutes later, in the corner of the hall of the Treasure Building, a floor tile suddenly protruded slightly upwards. After a while, it seemed that there was something under the floor tile. It was like pushing, slowly moving up, and then moving sideways!

A pair of vigilant eyes quietly appeared, and then looked around, and then "whoosh!", immediately jumped out!

"Everything is safe!" Panda whispered secretly!

"Shut up, don't talk, and keep your voice down!" Xue Bao said angrily into Panda's ear!

When Panda heard this, he immediately covered his mouth and looked around!

The Treasure Building occupies a huge area, and there are countless categories in it. The two little guys walked quietly on the first floor, looking left and right, dazzled for a while!

"There's nothing good on the first floor, let's go up!" Xue Bao scratched Panda's head and whispered in its ear.

Panda nodded, shook her furry buttocks, and started running!After a while, I found a staircase and climbed over it immediately!

After arriving on the second floor, the two little guys frantically searched again!

The things in the second floor are a whole class higher than the first floor, and all of them are treasure-level and corresponding items. After the two little guys looked at it, they sighed again, and then continued to go. Climb!

After arriving at the third floor, the two little guys' eyes were suddenly dazzled by the things that caught their eyes, but they saw that in the third floor, there were pieces of magic weapons at the level of spiritual weapons, and treasures of heaven, material and earth at the level of treasures. , and a variety of exotic items!

Little Panda laughed heartily, and immediately rushed towards a magic weapon. After playing around and touching it, he sighed depressed and said, "Next time I see the little master, I must ask him to give me one too." Storage rings, there are so many things, but only one or two can be taken away, wah wah wah... I can't be reconciled, I can't be reconciled!"

Xuebao also sighed and said: "Hey, who said otherwise! Well, let's look for it quickly, and take whatever is good. I think it should be no problem if we take three or four pieces! Hey, no, Panda quickly Go down, there should be a storage ring on the first floor downstairs!"

Little Panda was stunned for a moment, and ecstasy flashed in his eyes. With a leap of his limbs, he ran wildly down the stairs, shouting as he ran, "Xue Bao, you are so smart!"


An hour later, two little heads sneaked out of the hole in the bushes outside the Treasure Building. After looking around to make sure it was safe, they rushed wildly!

On Panda's claws, three storage rings are shining brightly!

"I got it, I got it all, Kaka... Kaka..." Panda laughed cheerfully while running!

When I came to the familiar lake, I immediately plunged into it!

Half an hour later, the two little guys came out of the water again, looked around and ran away!

"Xue Bao, where are we going this time?" Panda asked curiously, and then rushed into the teleportation array!

Xuebao sat on Panda's head, supported his little head and said blankly: "I remember the last time I saw a valley, what is it called Baochi, um, it seems to be called Tianyu Baochi, there is a word for treasure."

As soon as he heard the word Bao, Panda's eyes suddenly flashed countless lights, and he shouted happily: "Hehe...you show the way, let's go!"

An hour later, Panda's body pierced through the void, so fast that it was like a gust of wind. Behind him, a long team of monks chased after him reluctantly!

"Block it!" All the monks looked at the mysterious guy in front and roared angrily!

"Damn it, if the young master hadn't ordered him to be captured alive and not hurt him, we would have killed this guy long ago!" A monk stared at the little guy in front of him and shouted angrily!

Under the barriers of countless monks, the capture team is getting bigger and bigger...

In a blink of an eye, there were hundreds of people chasing after Panda, yelling frantically and threatening him!

"What to do, what to do, blood treasure, woo woo... I'm about to be caught up!" Panda ran wildly, shouting in horror!

"It's almost there!" Xuebao looked at the huge team behind him, "Turn left and enter the teleportation formation!"

"Swoosh..." Panda immediately dodged to the left, entered the teleportation array, and teleported to another place in an instant!

Xue Bao hurriedly pointed to the front and said, "Run to that waterfall!", Panda looked forward, and saw a few miles away, a waterfall flowing rapidly, and hurried over!

As soon as he ran hundreds of meters away, the teleportation array behind him flashed brilliantly, and countless monks rushed out of the teleportation array...

On this road, quite a few female monks appeared. Seeing Panda running wildly, and the huge team of his fellow disciples behind him, they were immediately pissed off and screamed!

Regardless of the surrounding situation, Panda firmly followed the path pointed by Xue Bao and ran forward!

A few minutes later, Xuebao pointed to the front and shouted: "Did you see that? There is a huge monument over there with the words Tianyubaochi written on it. Let's go in!"

Panda looked up, and there was a small valley in front of him. Beside the valley, there were four large characters - Tianyu Baochi!

"Swoosh..." Panda rushed into the valley immediately...

When the huge group of monks saw that Panda had entered the Heavenly Bath Pond, they immediately stopped in their tracks, and their faces turned ugly!

"Brother, that guy...that guy entered the place where female disciples take a bath..." A disciple said with an ugly expression.

"We... what shall we do? Do we want to go in?" a disciple said secretly.

"Brother, the Young Master said that we must catch this guy. If we don't go in, we won't be able to catch him!" A disciple said eagerly!

Hundreds of monks stood in front of the valley, and there was a chatter between ears!


"Not going in?"

...this is a puzzle!

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