Reverse Taoist Records

Chapter 28 Night Chapter

Under Xuan Zhan's slightly distracted gaze, a blush flashed across Leng Mei's cheeks. She was as lonely as an iceberg snow lotus. Fangze didn't know what to do, and now she was stared at by a man in a daze, but she didn't get angry. If this matter was told, it would probably scare the hearts of monks all over the world... But it really happened at this moment!

With a flick of Leng Meiyu's finger, a scent of fragrant wind slowly wafted out, which made Xuan Zhan wake up immediately, and then saw a green leaf floating down from his head.Xuan Zhan caught the green leaf and smiled lightly, but there was a strange illusion in his heart, as if... Rouge was beside him!

"Tell me about you and this little girl!" Leng Mei Youyou said, her body floated gently in the wind, she came to Xuan Zhan's side, and then... slowly sat beside Xuan Zhan!

A feeling of shock suddenly surged out of the declaration of war, who is Leng Mei?He is the top master of Mo Lixing, a super master who is about to enter the realm of immortality!There are very few people on the continent who can stand shoulder to shoulder with him!But at this moment... she actually condescended to sit beside Xuan Zhan, and she was still on the grass!

"Why?" Xuan Zhan said in a trance, "Palace Master Leng, you are a fairy who is looked up to by cultivators, and I... just an ordinary monk in this vast sentient beings, why bother to lower your status to..." After finishing speaking , looked at her and then at herself...

A trace of imperceptible disappointment flashed in Leng Mei's eyes, and he said slowly: "Does this Gong have to act as if you are superior, so that you feel normal?"

Xuan Zhan smiled wryly, moved his body slightly to one side, and said softly: "I, Xuan Zhan, was originally an ordinary person in Ningyun Kingdom. In the middle, Cumin wandered and begged for a living. I was kicked out of the examination room because I didn’t have any money to bribe the officials, and because I was...blind!” Having said this, he smiled wryly, and looked at the Leng Mei beside him. .

"You don't know, both of my parents died when I was young, and I was able to study and write because of the help of the neighbors in my hometown! Back then, I aspired to be an official, so as to live up to the kindness of my neighbors in nurturing me! Palace Master Can you think of the feeling of desolation in the heart of a down-and-out scholar who made an official career his ambition, suddenly lost his eyesight, and was kicked out of the examination room?"

Leng Mei shook her head silently: "I don't know, and I can't even imagine it."

Xuan Zhan shook his head slightly, then he was stunned: I... what's wrong with me?This Leng Mei is not from the same world as me, how could I tell the things that have been buried in my heart for many years?At this moment, he suddenly heard Leng Mei say lightly: "But, I know you are very bitter..."

With just one sentence, there was a rippling in Xuan Zhan's heart. He suddenly enjoyed this feeling, the feeling of being interpreted, seen through, and understood. I never felt it again...

"That feeling... I don't need to talk about it!" Xuan Zhan said silently, "Later, I walked all the way, and my body was covered with cuts and bruises. One day, when it rained heavily, I was rescued by Linglong's mother, Murong Lianxue. He sent me money and medicine at the time, so that I could continue my life! We met by chance in the rivers and lakes, not even casual acquaintances! However, for me to declare war, this kindness is a life-saving kindness. Always filled me with gratitude, and even then, it was... my hope of living!"

Leng Mei nodded understandingly: "So, after you find out that this little girl is your benefactor today, even if you offend Wu Yuan, you still want to take her away?"

Xuan Zhan smiled coldly: "I am a cultivator with a decisive heart, and the cruelty in him is even more cruel than that in the ordinary world. He is always robbing treasures and killing his life! Although Wu Yuan looks like a tall man with a straight head like a tendon, but The agility and cunning of the mind is second to none, hmph! The little girl is always in crisis by his side, and she is always trembling all day long! This person... I will never forgive him!"

Leng Mei smiled faintly, and said again: "And then? After you left Murong Lianxue, where did you go?"

Xuan Zhan smiled but didn't answer, looked at Linglong who was still sleeping beside him, a trace of tenderness flashed in his eyes: "This girl has suffered so much, from now on, as long as I am still alive, I will never let her Suffer a little grievance and hurt!"

Is that... Leng Mei felt a little hesitant, and even a little jealous, watching the gentle declaration of war in her eyes, if... if Rouge is still alive, I believe that you will do the same at this moment, and even do better!

"In the future... there is nothing to say in the future, but the story of me wandering in the rivers and lakes and meeting my wife Yan Zhi, I don't think you are interested in hearing it!" Xuan Zhan shook his head and said casually.

Leng Mei pouted her rosy lips secretly, revealing a hint of dissatisfaction with her little daughter's family, and then said softly, "Is it because you don't want to say it, or do you not want me to know?"

Xuan Zhan was taken aback for a moment, and then said helplessly: "Palace Master Leng, why are you so interested in my private affairs? Everyone has their own story. I told my own story, so you should tell yours too!"

When Leng Mei heard what Xuan Zhan said, she was startled for a while, slowly looked at the blue lake, and said indifferently: "Xuan Zhan, do you know that there is a kind of person in this world whose life trajectory has been fixed since birth?"

Declaring war was a bit confusing, and then said: "There are such people, but I believe that as long as he breaks through the shackles, he can still live the life he wants, and he doesn't need to live for the missions and tasks imposed on him! "

A trace of hatred flashed across Leng Mei's eyes: "You don't understand, you know too little! I'm not like you. I can freely let the sky be high and the earth far away, and do whatever I want! My birth was originally a kind of sadness. A fate of practicing hard for giving! In fact... I envy you that you can have your own freedom! Even if this freedom is full of difficulties and helplessness..."

Xuan Zhan was somewhat incomprehensible, and then she heard Leng Mei say: "I have never had any good or bad memories, even though I, the palace lord, this world of bright heart and cold air, was given by others, the mission of my birth is ..." Suddenly, Leng Mei's face flushed, and with a "poof", she spit out a mouthful of rich blood red blood, then her whole body went limp, and she leaned against Xuan Zhan's side.

Shocked by the declaration of war, he quickly caught Leng Mei, only to feel a cold soft touch, which shocked him suddenly, gently helped Leng Mei, leaned on his shoulder, and said suspiciously: "Master Leng, you ...What's going on here? Could it be that he was injured somewhere?" Even though he said that, he didn't really believe it in his heart. On the Moli star, the only person who could hurt Lengmei was probably the one who lived on the deep mountain and the old cliff. An immortal cultivator who cultivated hard in the middle of the day, but... where did this injury come from?

Leng Mei shook her head silently, leaning against Xuan Zhan's side, only feeling a kind of emotion that she had never encountered quietly growing in her heart, this is... a sense of security, a sense of dependence that has never been cared for... Yu Gently wiped the sticky blood from the corner of his mouth with his hand, and said with a wry smile: "It's nothing, it's just an old illness from the time of cultivation, it will be fine after a short rest!" Then he closed his eyes slightly, and leaned lightly on the shoulder of Xuan Zhan...

Xuan Zhan smiled wryly, looked at Linglong and Lengmei on both sides, then touched the little brown bear on his shoulder...

Suddenly there was the sound of a koi diving into the blue lake, which was extremely loud in this silent night. Xuan Zhan looked at the bright moon like a disc in the sky, and his eyes gradually became lost!

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