Reverse Taoist Records

Chapter 302 The Chaotic Old Monster

Jieyun slowly dissipated, and then he was sitting cross-legged, declaring war calmly with his eyes closed!

"Whoosh..." A white shadow shot out from the void in an instant, and then stayed beside Xuan Zhan. The white shadow burst out with a breath of disdain in an instant in panic, and then looked at the man in the void. A bunch of old monsters!

The group of old monsters saw that the robbery cloud had disappeared, and immediately rushed to the place where the robbery was crossed. Looking around, they saw a man in fluttering white clothes standing beside the person who was helping the lonely leaf to cross the robbery. The scornful aura is like a strange world, and everyone is so shocked that they dare not take a step forward!

The monk Jue Huan Sanqing looked at the man in white, his eyes were startled, and they all roared, "Fengxie!", especially that Yougu, whose crutch was trembling when she grabbed her, wishing to go forward and kill him immediately. Wind evil!

"Feng Xie?" The old monster beside him was shocked when he heard the name!

Who is Feng Xie?He is a demon clan, and even a demon fox known by countless old monsters in the cultivation world!It is rumored that hundreds of years ago, this Fengxie killed the Juehuan Sanqing Taoist monk in a panic by himself, and finally, with the help of Zilian Qianjie Taoist monk, Fengxie was injured and fled. , Feng Xie is dead!

But when they saw this man, everyone knew that the rumors were rumors after all, and the Yaozu was a powerful group in the prehistoric era.After all, this Feng Xie is considered one of the contemporary powerhouses!

Feng Xie smiled indifferently, and looked at the monks, knowing that his appearance at this moment must be the target of public criticism!But...he couldn't choose, just because the old demon who devoured had already made a killing intent!

"Old Devil Anger, if you dare to take a step forward, believe it or not, I will kill you immediately!" Feng Xie Yao Yi Jianmei looked at the black-robed old man in the crowd contentedly, and said calmly!

Jian Ping, who was among the crowd, paused for a moment, then suddenly looked at the gloomy old Mo Chen, and said leisurely, "Old Mo Chen, don't you want to kill this declaring war?"

Seeing that the person who spoke turned out to be a Rank [-] Loose Immortal, the old devil's heart suddenly trembled. Looking at Jian Pingbei, his eyes seemed to be obstructed, and he said angrily in his heart: Who is this declaration of war? Is it just a monk of Piaomiao Jianxintian?

Then he said gloomyly: " could it be? This is the first time I have met this declaration of war. I have never seen him before. If I kill him, a little cultivator in the Tianxin stage, I am afraid that my hands will be dirty!"

Jian Ping smiled leisurely on his sad and old face, looked at the vicissitudes of the people around him and said: "I don't care whether you want to kill this declaration of war, but what I want to tell you now is that I, Jiyu Xinyu Cracking Fengzun, will protect this declaration of war , whoever dares to kill him will be a rival to this bad old man like me!"

When everyone heard this sentence, they felt quite full of flavors in their hearts!The cultivators of Lie Lang's Burial Heart Way are especially obvious. They wish to kill the declared war immediately, but they are very impatient when they hear Jian Ping's sad words!

Lang Tianwei, the old patriarch of Lie Lang's Buried Heart Dao, suddenly said proudly: "Old Jian, this declaration of war killed my grandson of Lang Tianwei, my young Taoist master of Lie Lang Buried Xin Dao, are you trying to cover up this person?" A thief?"

At this moment, the cultivator of the five yin and blood evil ways suddenly shouted coldly: "Old Jian, this declaration of war also killed a spirit snake of my five yin and blood evil ways. If that spirit snake is cultivated, it may turn into Flood Dragon, which can be called a supreme spirit beast, was killed by this declaration of war, and I, Wuyin Blood Demon Dao, must seek justice for this matter!"

Jian Ping laughed sadly, and said lightly: "The death of Lang Tianwei's grandson is your business, and the safety of this declaration of war is my business. Lang Tianwei, if you refuse to accept it, I will fight you all with my old bones." Let's play with the wave of the heart! As for that beast of your five yin and blood evil ways, hmph, you dare to declare war!"

As soon as these words came out, the angry Lang Tianwei and the five-yin and blood-blooded man blew their beards and stared, not knowing how to answer the words!

The old devil of Anger looked at Lang Tianwei as if he had realized something, and suddenly made some calculations in his heart, his eyes stared at the formation below Xuanxing, and the magic formula suddenly came up, but he saw that the formula that he typed out had no effect at all , his face suddenly changed, and he instantly projected into the void!

"Old Devil Anger!" A group of monks from Havoc Nulian saw that Old Demon Anger wanted to pass through the power of confinement to enter Xuanxing, and suddenly roared in a cold voice, "You dare to enter Xuanxing!"

"I..." The old devil of anger stopped outside the power of the void for a moment, looked at the red enchantment, and his face flashed a bit of unwillingness, "let me in, I'm just going to catch my species!"

"No matter what you want to do, you have to wait until after the game is over!" the cultivator of the catastrophic wrathful lotus shouted wildly, "otherwise, don't blame me for being ruthless!"

The old demon's expression changed again and again, but finally he sighed. He knew that even if he was a rank five scattered demon, he couldn't resist the powerful formation created by the monk's joint formula of the catastrophic wrath lotus!Even though most of the monks were in the Tianxin period, he didn't dare to take any action!

The cataclysmic furious lotus can activate the strongest formation of the Purple Lotus Thousand Calamity Dao - the purple light formation of the world's myriad calamities. This formation is definitely not a vegetarian!He is a five-turn dispersing demon, and he can't stop it just because he can stop it in this kind of formation!

At this moment, a figure cut through the void in an instant, and the old demon who swallowed it fixed his eyes, and suddenly shouted: "Gu Ye, stop for the old man!"

Gu Ye glanced indifferently at the old devil of anger, snorted coldly but didn't stop, went through the barrier of imprisonment and shot directly at the place where the war was declared!

After coming to Xuanzhan's side, Gu Ye suddenly roared, and a surging aura burst out from his body. As soon as these old monsters felt this momentum, they suddenly shouted: "Mahayana period, this Guye has entered the Mahayana period! !"

"It's the Mahayana period, and all the arrogance in my body has disappeared!" An old man said coldly, "He is no longer a species cultivated by the old devil, but a real monk through and through!"

Everyone looked at Gu Ye in horror, feeling the aura of Gu Ye, and suddenly shouted: "Really, his acquired arrogance demon has disappeared!"

Far from disappearing!Gu Ye smiled coldly, now he can be said to have been completely reborn, he could not help but entered the Mahayana period, his arrogance was exhausted, even his body became countless times stronger than before!

"Mahayana period..." Gu Ye sighed deeply, feeling the changes in his whole body, at this moment, he is much stronger than when he was fighting Xuan Zhan just now!It filled him with self-confidence. If he had another fight with the declaration of war, he could easily win!

But... his Gu Ye will not become blind because of this new power!

Standing beside Xuan Zhan, looking at the people around him, he said calmly:

"I, Gu Ye, withdraw from this battle!"

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