Yan Ri snorted angrily: "Whether you deserve it or not, you will know when you die!" After finishing speaking, he and Yan Lun suddenly turned into two cold lights and appeared on both sides of the declaration of war, and the two cold lights suddenly turned into twenty feet. The long sword glow, the fierce sword aura declares war from top to bottom, which is a domineering sword slash!

Two saber qi slashed from top to bottom, Xuan Zhan smiled coldly, and with a swipe of the sword, the blue flying sword suddenly turned into nine fan-shaped barriers, covering Xuan Zhan's body

"Boom!!!" The majestic power that was almost comparable to the mid-stage of the whirlpool was resisted by Xuan Zhan, and the golden carp stepped on it, and instantly appeared on top of the two of them. With a cold smile, his right hand suddenly swiped out A sword formula that has not been used before, he shouted angrily in his heart: Xu Jian—Moon Wheel Slash!

The blue flying sword suddenly burst into moon-white light, the moonlight all over the body soared, and in an instant, it suddenly turned into a crescent sword aura, and this crescent sword aura seemed to be able to travel through time and space, swish swish... After spinning for a while, declaring war and citing the formula, the white moon suddenly fled towards the burning sun.

Yan Ri and Yan Lun looked at each other in astonishment. Just now, the declaration of war appeared above their heads strangely, and he didn't realize it immediately. And this moon wheel, with sharp sword energy and strange and varied sword intentions, his mind unexpectedly It is impossible to grasp the location where the moon will appear at the next moment.Yan Ri was immersed in his mind, and his hands followed his heart, and the cold light sword fluttered in a burst, covering the surrounding area with a drop of water.

Xuan Zhan smiled indifferently, and saw Yan Lun next to him seeing his junior brother in danger, he immediately struck east and west, the precious sword turned into a cold light, and slashed towards Xuan Zhan.

Xuan Zhan made a wrong step, and suddenly appeared beside Yan Lun, his left hand suddenly turned into a black light, and hit Yan Lun's head fiercely.Yan Lun was stunned for a moment, all cultivators compete with magic weapons, the sudden close combat made him a little at a loss, but hundreds of years of experience made him dodge subconsciously.

With a cold smile, Yan Lun could hardly think about it, and the right leg of Xuan Zhan suddenly swept towards Yan Lun's waist.

"Boom!" Yan Lun's waist seemed to be hit hard by an iron rod. The severe blow made him fall back a hundred meters, and the pain from his waist made his face shudder.Xuan Zhan's right hand was still controlling the moon wheel, and suddenly, like a sawtooth, it spun and split Yan Ri's body-protecting sword from below.

Bursts of tearing sparks appeared around Yanri.

Xuan Zhan smiled faintly: "This tortoise's shell is quite strong!" As soon as he finished speaking, he saw a cold light flying out from the water-tight blade light with a "ding".

"Declaration of war! This old man can't get around you!" Yan Ri roared suddenly, Xuan Zhan smiled softly, and the tiny cold light that flew out turned out to be fragments of Yan Ri's treasured sword!Although the magic weapon used by Yan Ri is also an intermediate-level magic weapon, the blue flying sword used to declare war is even better. Under the long-term attack of the moon, he even shattered a little bit of his treasure knife. Unfortunately, his magic weapon did not Practice with blood sacrifice, otherwise, the mind will be damaged!

With a roar from Yan Ri, the initial stage of Xuanlun's cultivation suddenly increased, and when it was almost at the middle stage of Xuanlun, the cold light sword suddenly collided violently against the moon wheel.

"Boom!!!" The space with a radius of hundreds of feet suddenly trembled.

"Brother!" Yan Ri roared, and Yan Lun, who was injured at the waist, had a cold look in his eyes. Regardless of the injury, he manipulated the sword and turned it into a black light and flew over. , Yan Ri's treasured sword also trembled crazily, only to hear the two suddenly roar:

"Two-wheel scorching sun breaks!"

The two treasured swords were flying in the air, and suddenly collided with each other. Through a strange connection, the hilts of the swords were joined together, and they flew wildly above the sky. His treasured sword burst out with radiance, rushing towards the declaration of war!

The declaration of war suddenly waited solemnly, this pose has reached the mid-stage of the whirlwind, so I must stand up for it!The sword formula is introduced again, and another strange formula is played: virtual sword—true spin strike!

The blue flying sword suddenly spun in the air, and in an instant it grew into a tornado connecting the sky and the earth, with a length of nearly [-] feet long. The white light wheel pierced past.

A series of rapid and ear-piercing sharp collisions resounded through the sky, and the vitality of the world was disturbed by the three of them, and even the tip of the sword was thinned!

"Ding ding ding ding ding..."

"Boom!!!" The two violent moves suddenly exploded, and the affected area was nearly a thousand feet in radius, and the ground thousands of meters below was also pitted and incomplete!

A hint of caution flashed in Xuan Zhan's heart - he could no longer entangle with these two people, he had to fight quickly!What the two of them used just now should be the so-called combined knife technique!Unexpectedly, the power is directed at the middle stage of the whirlpool!If you delay it for a long time, you will definitely not be able to afford it! ! !

The vortex of true essence in the dantian under the abdomen rotated at a faster speed than before, and the thundering true essence flowed wildly and surgingly in the body. With a light right hand of Xuan Zhan, the blue flying sword swirled in the air. Beside him, the blue sword body was in a trance. It seemed that Feijian couldn't support it after being subjected to the move just now!

Cangxin Jue first floor and second floor!the third floor!Boom! ! !There was a sudden thunderclap in the sky, the thunder in the body resounded in every ear, and the sword formula came out suddenly, the third form of the Cangxin sword formula - the Cangxin sword shattered mountains and rivers!

Boundless sword aura suddenly rose out of nowhere, and thousands of sword auras filled the surroundings. Different from the domineering sword aura, the sword aura was more aggressive, more arrogant and domineering. !

Under the influence of Lei Yuan, the blue flying sword instantly turned into a dark blue thunderbolt, and with a click, it turned into a long thunder dragon, roaring and rushing towards the two of them!

"Two rounds of fire breaking!" The two roared, and boundless flames burst out of the combination of long knives, and the surrounding temperature immediately rose sharply. The domineering coercion filled this space, confronting the coercion of declaring war!

The long knives combined by Thunderbolt and Fire Wheel suddenly collided.

"Boom..." The long knife was wiped out in an instant under the thunder, and then it did not change its direction, and it slashed towards the two senior brothers. The speed of thunder was unparalleled in the world, and the two were in horror. Immediately.

"Crack!!!" The two of them were struck by the thunderbolt, and with the miserable roar in their mouths, their bodies trembled violently. In an instant... two scorched figures with blood spitting out of their mouths appeared at the moment where the war was declared. in front of you.

A trace of coldness flashed in Xuan Zhan's eyes, taking advantage of his illness to die!The Lei Yuan that had been consumed by nearly half of his body was thundering, and the third form was suddenly launched again!

Yan Ri and Yan Lun looked at the thunderbolt that was about to appear again in fear, and the feeling of death suddenly came to their hearts.

"Crack!" Thunderbolt appeared again!

Yan Ri bumped into Yan Lun suddenly, and shouted angrily: "Senior brother, go!" After finishing speaking, his body rushed forward, manipulating the dilapidated sword, facing the dark blue thunder with a suicidal impact!

"Junior Brother!!!" Yan Lun's eyes were blemished, and he roared suddenly. The sudden appearance of Lei Yuan made him feel a thousand fears in his heart. Apart from hatred, there was also a trace of jealousy in his eyes when he looked at Xuan Zhan, his red eyes Staring at the thunderbolt that appeared at that moment, he suddenly turned around and shot towards the sky. He knew that his junior brother Yan Ri would not survive, but he couldn't let his junior brother die in vain!He must escape to Xuyun Liubo Mountain and tell the head of the matter!But this hatred... Boundless hatred flashed across Yan Lun's eyes!

"Declaration of war! In my lifetime, I will let you die without a place to bury you!"

The thunderbolt gradually disappeared, and the sun had already been chopped into dust... Xuan Zhan looked at Yan Lun who was running away, and snorted coldly, a wave of weakness suddenly came from his body. The true energy in his body has been exhausted. Seeing that Yan Lun is about to escape, he suddenly felt a surge of energy in his heart. As soon as the formula was released, Chuan Tianshuo suddenly appeared in front of him...

Whoosh... Xuan Zhan suddenly turned into a cyan streamer, chasing and killing Yan Lun.

Yan Lun felt the breath behind him, and the feeling of death welled up in his heart again. He turned his head and looked at the declaration of war who was chasing him in fear, a trace of fear appeared in his eyes, run away!must escape!If you don't escape, you will die! ! !

Whoosh...whoosh...one black and one blue, two beams of light flew in the sky at an astonishing speed!

With his injury, I see how long he will persist!Xuan Zhan let out a cold snort, the thunderbolt half a day ago had already caused serious injuries in Yan Lun's body, but now he suppressed his injuries and ran away desperately, there is a high possibility that the injuries would rebound, at that time, he would run away even if he wanted to not drop!

This chase and escape means that three hours have passed. When declaring war, the production and consumption of the true energy in the body should be maintained in a state of equality, so as to avoid any accidents. However, Yan Lun, who is a thousand meters away, has not Still unabated!

Xuan Zhan was taken aback for a moment, then chuckled, and took out a elixir from the ring. This elixir was called Buqi Wan, and it was a common elixir in the cultivation world to replenish the true energy in the body. Yaoyitu seldom pays attention to it, and unexpectedly gradually forgot about it, but... on the Moli star where the vitality of the world is thin, pills... are really rare!Putting the elixir into the mouth, the elixir immediately turns into a stream of clear water and enters the body, merging into the true energy of the meridians...

After a few breaths, Xuan Zhan's eyes flashed sharply, and the true energy in his body was already fully enriched. This Qi Bu Qi Pill is really effective!With both hands together, a dark blue thunder tunnel suddenly appeared in the palm of the hand, and with a bang, it turned into a dark blue thunder and disappeared on the spot.

Hundreds of meters in front of Yan Lun suddenly appeared a deep blue thunder, he let out a strange cry, stopped flying instantly, looked at the gradually appearing declaration of war in shock, and said bitterly: "Thunder... Thunder Dun!" After finishing speaking, his eyes flickered After a moment of dead silence, my heart was filled with a sense of despair. Unexpectedly, a younger generation who had been restraining his heart would chase and kill him, and his heart was full of death...

Xuan Zhan stood tens of meters in front of Yan Lun, the blue flying sword slowly gliding around, looked at Yan Lun indifferently and said softly: "That's all!"

But that's all!Yan Lun felt desolate in his heart, yes, but that's it... As a person in the realm of the whirl wheel, although he is not the top existence, he is also a type of person who walks sideways. Unexpectedly, he fell here, together with his junior brother , fell under the hands of the same person! ! !

At this moment, Xuan Zhan's body shook slightly, and the cruising flying sword suddenly burst into blue light under the guidance of the sword art. He slowly turned his body, looked at the void in front of him and said softly: "You four can come out!"

Yan Lun was taken aback for a moment, then suddenly looked forward in surprise and said, "Second Senior Brother!"

I saw a sudden fluctuation in the space ahead, and four figures slowly appeared...

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