Reverse Taoist Records

Chapter 321 The Pride Sect

Within the territory of Tianyuan Kingdom, there is a huge mountain range that stretches for thousands of miles. The trees on the mountains are lush, the birds are singing, and the scenery of the mountains is majestic and majestic. On that high place, clouds and mists are shrouded all the year round, like a fairy tale paradise!According to legend, there are immortals and gods in the mountains, and some people have seen countless brilliance falling from the sky in the mountains and disappearing in the mountains!

The tales of gods, gods and ghosts have created countless legends of gods and ghosts, and have become a topic that people in the world talk about after dinner!

The mountains are called "Lanxi Cangshan!"

Today, there was a huge tremor suddenly in the mountains, but seeing the top of the mountains, two streamers of light flew out instantly, fighting against the vast sky!

Countless streamers flew out from the mountains in an instant, hiding dozens of miles away from these two streamers!

"God Bless, you should hurry up and admit defeat, I am determined to win this year's Black Jade Club champion!" A loud and voiceless voice roared, but it was one of the two intertwined lights!

"Hey...Luo Tiangang, you and I are both in the middle stage of not falling, why should I admit defeat!" A proud voice came out from another streamer!

"Hmph!" Luo Tiangang's streamer snorted coldly, and in a flash, he slashed out a hundred-foot sword aura in the air!

Tianyou smiled coldly, stood up tall, and instantly headed forward!

"Boom!" An earth-shattering fluctuation instantly came out from the center of the collision between the two!

The people watching around, watching the fight between the two, feel depressed for a while!Among the crowd, several calm-breathing monks watched the battle between the two indifferently, with a look of envy flashing from time to time. One of them, a calm-breathing woman with a clear face, sighed and said, "God bless you with me!" It's only been more than 50 years since the two of Tiangang started, but their cultivation base is stronger than mine, and the few of us... oh..."

These people are actually the seven of the nine swords of arrogance - Fang Qingya, Gu Fei, Xu Zhong, Chen Dian, Ding Dalong, Xu Jing, and Yang Hua!

70 years have passed, and the older generation of the Pride Sect has all retired, but no one underestimates the Pride Sect. After 70 years, the current strength of the Pride Sect is simply not comparable to what it used to be!In the world of comprehension once, a cultivator at the whirlpool stage was enough to run rampant in the realm of comprehension, but at this moment... a monk at the whirlwind stage would not dare to provoke the proud sect at all!

Moreover, from the previous two Black Jade Clubs to this one, the top twenty monks of the younger generation have all become disciples of the Pride Sect!This kind of monopoly is something no sect dares to provoke!In terms of strength, just the few monks in the Nine Swords of Pride are all above the late stage of the whirl wheel, Fang Qingya and Gu Fei have advanced to the non-falling stage, and the others are either in the late stage or in the perfect state!

Moreover, there are several young Keqing elders who are resident in the Pride Sect, such as Diaoyu, Xu Shifei, Qiu Jiyun, Cheng Zhizhong, Zhan Tianpeng, etc. There are also rumors that there is a vast sea independent of the mainland of the cultivation world above that overseas. Bai Duanliu, the young young master of the Kongming Sect, is also the elder Keqing of the Pride Sect!And 70 years ago, Duxiu's Hanxin Mingqi Realm, which was above the cultivation realm, has merged with the Proud Qi Sect!Today's Pride Sect is so strong that it can even look down on any sect!

What is even more frustrating is that the Pride Sect took in two disciples 50 years ago, and in just 50 years, they have entered the admirable stage of never falling from the stage of digging the origin!These two disciples are Chen Tianyou and Luo Tiangang who are competing for the championship of the Moyu Club!

There are even rumors that in a certain mysterious place within the Pride School, there is an existence more terrifying than the Unfallen Ancestor!What is the realm above the non-falling stage?No one in the cultivation world can say it, but some people occasionally recorded from the ancient books that said that above the non-falling stage, it is the original body stage that can transform into a clone...

"Boom!" The two collided viciously at the high altitude, and a huge turbulence spread crazily from the sky, shaking the vitality of the world with a radius of hundreds of miles surging up!

Under everyone's surprised eyes, the two sword lights separated instantly, shuttled between the sky and the earth, and then suddenly turned into hundreds of feet long, with thousands of paths, and collided crazily!

"Hey, the cultivation qualifications of these two people are even comparable to the suzerain!" Yang Hua said quietly, with a bitter smile. He has cultivated for nearly 400 years, and entered the late stage of the spiral wheel, which is already very good for the cultivation world. But in the eyes of Chen Tianyou and Luo Tiangang, it was nothing more than that. He suddenly thought of a person. He waited for a few people, and the gap with that person was getting bigger and bigger. Now, he stood in front of that person , already like a child...

Fang Qingya smiled lightly, nodded slowly and said: "That's true, but they have their own way, and we also have our own destiny, so, Junior Brother Yang, don't be upset about this!"

Xu Jing looked out of the sky with a pair of full eyes, sighed and said softly: "The suzerain has been away for 70 years, and I don't know when he will return!"

A smile flashed across Xu Zhong's straightforward face, and he said softly: "The suzerain said before he left that he would return within a hundred years!"

"There are also senior brother Tianxiong and Bi Ling, Di Hui and Di Kuang, I don't know what's going on with them now!" Gu Fei sighed!

Thinking of this, several people suddenly smiled wryly and shook their heads!After the suzerain declared war and left, the elder Mo Changfeng acted on behalf of the suzerain for a period of time. Entering the stage of steady growth, under the management of several people, no major accidents or disputes occurred!

Today's Moyu Society can be said to be in name only. Almost every time there is a competition for the top fifty, half of the disciples are from the Pride Sect. All of these are the magical little space left before the declaration of war!

The fight between the two in the air became more and more intense, making people more and more astonished. In other words, the contestants were quite controversial about these two people. Although they were young, they did not fall into the advanced stage, and they did not know how to cultivate. In the past, the Black Jade Club had fought to the death of one or two young monks of the vortex stage, but now, not only the vortex stage can be seen everywhere, but there are also two non-falling stage monks in this session of the Moyu guild. !How does this make those players in the pulse-gathering stage and heart-holding stage compete for it? !Just give up and go back...

The former three sects of Xuyun Liubo Mountain, Qingshu Three-Star Pavilion, and Demon Sect have completely disappeared, followed by the proud sect that dominates the Mingxin cold air world, and then the True Jade Illusory Heart Sect, although it is the first and the second, but the gap between the two is so big, it's a world of difference!The next ones are all small sects, it would be nice to have one or two vortexes!

A powerful wave suddenly came from the sky, and Chen Tianyou and Luo Tiangang collided with the strongest force. Under the needlepoint pointed at the wheat, both of them were injured at the same time, and a trace of blood flowed out from the corner of their mouths!

"God Bless, you don't want to stay in the palace well. You have to be a monk to work here. If you don't enjoy the beautiful things in the world, you have to have the heart of Taoism!" Luo Tiangang wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and smiled lightly. In a flash, his figure suddenly collapsed above Chen Tianyou!

"Hmph!" Chen Tianyou smiled coldly, pointing his sword towards the sky, a majestic sword intent suddenly emerged from his body, and slammed fiercely at Luo Tiangang, and then said wildly: "I have one of mine, Although I don't know what the relationship between the two of us is, why there is a mysterious telepathy, but relying on this telepathy, we don't know when the two of us will fight, I think, you just admit defeat!"

"Don't even think about it!" Luo Tiangang sneered coldly, his figure flashed suddenly, dodging this majestic sword intent, and the magic formula rose wildly, his divine consciousness came out from his body in shock, and hit Chen Tianyou!

"Boom!" The majestic aura rose again!

After the two spat out a mouthful of blood, they laughed wildly at each other!

At this moment, several streams of light suddenly shot from the sky, and under the eyes of everyone, these streams of light are getting closer and closer!

"How about this, you and I will compete to see who can knock them down first, and whoever knocks them down first will win!" Chen Tianyou suddenly laughed wildly!

Luo Tiangang smiled faintly, stood proudly in the void, his figure flickered, and shot towards the sky in an instant: "Okay, as you said!"

"Damn it!" Chen Tianyou cursed, and immediately chased after him!

Two majestic auras moved brazenly, hitting several streaks of light in the distance!

Fang Qingya waited for a few people to look into the distance along their route, and said in a low voice, "Who is that person in the distance?"

"I don't know, let's go and have a look quickly, don't accidentally injure me!" So Fei waited for a few people to look at each other, then his figure flashed, and he chased after them!

"Let's go and have a look too!" Thousands of people around were stunned and quickly chased after him!

Luo Tiangang and Chen Tianyou rushed towards those streamers with unparalleled aura, and countless monks followed behind them!

"Everyone, I'm sorry, we brothers and sisters are going to beat you down!" Chen Tianyou suddenly said wildly!

"Hey, brother, the monks of your sect are very enthusiastic, so many people welcome us!" A loud voice laughed, "No, they are going to beat us...***!"

While speaking, a stream of light suddenly appeared in front of everyone, his figure flashed, and suddenly surpassed the distance of everyone, he stretched out his right hand and slapped it fiercely!

"Hum!" A hurricane that made the world look ashamed came out in an instant. Under this hurricane, any cultivation level seemed to be a laughing stock!

"What..." Chen Tianyou and Luo Tiangang's expressions suddenly became terrified. Before they could hide in time, they were swept up by the hurricane in an instant, and smashed into the mountains fiercely!

"Boom..." The two suddenly turned into a stream of light and smashed into the mountain wall!

"Who?" Thousands of cultivators were stunned for a moment. This hurricane blasted two imperishable cultivators into the mountains with a force they had never heard before. This man's cultivation base... How powerful it is!

"Haha...haha, two youngsters dare to act arrogantly in front of me, Ni Qianxuan, brother, the cultivator in your hometown is really too low!" An arrogant voice suddenly came out of the murderer's mouth!

Everyone suddenly stopped in the void, looking at the culprit with dull faces...

At this moment, a white-haired monk, accompanied by a woman wearing a white veil with a charming and enchanting face, slowly flew to the culprit, looked at the many monks in front of him, and smiled lightly...

Fang Qingya and the other monks of the Pride Sect looked at the face of this white-haired monk, and were stunned for a moment!

"Qing Ya, Gu Fei, Xu Zhong, Chen Dian, Ding Dalong, Yang Hua, Xu Jing!" the white-haired monk stood proudly with his hands behind his back and said softly,

"I still don't pay my respects to Benzong!"

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