Reverse Taoist Records

Chapter 323 Small World

Xuan Zhan and other people instantly appeared in the sky above the location of Tanxin Pavilion on Qingsong Peak, looking down at the artificially excavated, thousand-meter-wide platform cliff between the mountain walls below!

Around the cliff of this platform, a layer of dense fluctuations covers it. From the sky, it seems that there is an elegant courtyard in the haze!

In this enchantment is the location of the Tanxin Pavilion!

Before he left, he deliberately put away the purple-gold god-thunder enchantment guarding the courtyard, and replaced it with a set of arrays with rebounding and defensive properties!

As soon as the Art of Declaring War was moved, he stared coldly at the array below, and suddenly stretched his hands, only to see a crack break open from the dense fluctuation in an instant. Sandalwood Pavilion!

Accompanied by the new and old generation of monks from the Proud Qi Sect, Xuan Zhan came to the gate of Tanxin Pavilion casually, touched the little Panda on his shoulder, thought for a while and said softly: "Let's go in together!"

"Respect the patriarch's decree!" The older generation of monks headed by Xuan Hen and Liao Lang, Seven Swords of the Pride Sect, Luo Tiangang, Chen Tianyou, and a group of young guest monks, together with Gu Ye, Ni Ganxuan, Chu Xinghen and Peacock!Declare the war and walk into the Tanxin Pavilion with the blood treasure at your side!

The entrance of the small world was still still in the hall, and Xuan Zhan stepped in casually. As soon as he entered the small world, the strong heaven and earth vitality immediately made him breathe a sigh of relief!In the 70 years of traveling the universe, he has seen the richness of the heaven and earth vitality in countless places, among which the Zilian Thousand Calamity Dao is second to none. Compare!

From this, it can be seen how precious this world left by his master Master Yu is!

And when the three of Ni Ganxuan, Chu Xinghen and Gu Ye entered this world, they immediately felt terrified of the vitality of the surrounding world!

"Who dares to trespass on this space!" A mighty aura suddenly shot straight from afar, shouting proudly and madly!At the same time, more than a dozen strands of blue streamer rushed over!

Hearing this sentence, Luo Tiangang and Chen Tianyou's eyes flashed a hint of timidity, while the other young monks laughed bitterly at each other with shame on their faces!

Xuan Zhan smiled, looked at Elder Liuchen beside him and said softly: "Elder Liuchen, there are disciples like this, how do you feel?"

"Haha...haha..." Elder Liuchen suddenly looked up to the sky and laughed!

Xuan Zhan's figure flashed, and suddenly rose across the sky, and the space between his hands was suddenly fixed, and a pair of deep and cold eyes looked at the dozen or so people in front of him faintly!

"Su Lin, long time no see!" Xuan Zhan said indifferently!

The streamer in front suddenly shouted: "What?" In the next moment, the void floated 50 meters in front of Xuan Zhan, and it was Liuchen's apprentice Su Lin!And a dozen or so disciples practicing in this small world!

70 years have passed, and Su Lin's face has become more and more serious and sharp, but at this moment, those indifferent eyes flashed a series of inconceivable eyes, staring blankly at the face in front of him with fluttering white hair and a dusty breath, like a breeze from the sky The eerie and handsome monk in white suddenly knelt down on one knee and said, "Disciple Su Lin, welcome the suzerain!"

"Disciples welcome the suzerain!" The faces of the dozen or so monks behind were suddenly ecstatic, and then knelt down with Su Lin!

Xuan Zhan waved his right hand, and a surge of force instantly helped several people up. Looking at Su Lin at this moment, he said softly, "Su Lin, it's been 70 years. You... are very good, exceeding my expectations!"

Su Lin straightened his face slightly, bowed and said, "Su Lin always remembers the suzerain's teachings, guards by Linglong's side day and night, strengthens his own cultivation, and dare not slack off in the slightest!" Suddenly, Su Lin's face showed a hint of ecstasy Looking at Xuan Zhan in front of him, he asked in a trembling voice: "Sovereign... You came back from this trip, could it be... Could it be..."

Xuan Zhan nodded casually, and said softly: "As you think!" After finishing speaking, his figure flashed, and he shot towards the distance suddenly!

"Let's go!" Xuan Hen and Liao Lang waved their hands, leading a group of people to chase after Xuan Zhan!

Declare war and fall in the void, but in front of you is a small building in the middle of a lake, made of lush bamboo forests, and the lake is sparkling!By the lakeside of Xiaozhu, there is a white jade-like cold bed, which is the rare treasure of the cultivation world - the ice jade cold crystal bed!On the bed, lay a lovely girl with a ruddy complexion, a smile on the corner of her mouth, a cute and tender face, and a white neon dress!

This girl seemed to be sleeping, dreaming sweet dreams in her sleep!

Xuan Zhan walked up to the girl with a complex expression, stretched out his left hand to slightly touch the girl's cold cheek, then squatted down lightly, held her little hand, and said softly: "Linglong... Uncle Xuan is back, hehe... ...I don't know what happened to you in your dream..."

Declaring war on An Ning and talking to Linglong, behind him, a group of monks looked at the girl on the cold bed with complicated expressions!

A hundred years have passed, and the girl on the cold bed has fallen into a dream for a hundred years!However, what happened in the past hundred years has a lot to do with what happened to this girl!There is no girl's sudden slumber, and it is even said that today's Pride Sect may not be that powerful!Without this girl, it is still unknown whether the suzerain of the Pride Sect has declared war!Without this girl's deep sleep, there would be no declaring war and traveling the universe for 70 years... Without this girl's deep sleep, there would be no one hundred years of Su Lin's lonely guardianship...

All the causal relationships seem to be inextricably linked with this girl!

Su Lin excitedly came behind Xuan Zhan, then stood silently by the bedside of Bingyu Hanjing, looking at Linglong's face dimly...

Under the eyes of everyone, Xuan Zhan stretched out his right hand, and an ebony box appeared in front of everyone, Xuan Zhan opened the box cautiously, and a rush of soaring medicinal power instantly filled the small building in the middle of the lake!

"This... is this the mysterious pill that saved Linglong?" Liao Lang, Xuan Hen and others exclaimed in a low voice, "It's so powerful!"

"The potency of this medicine is indeed strong enough, there is no pill in my Proud Qi Sect that can compare to one percent of this mysterious pill!" Tianshangge said with emotion, "Is the outside world of self-cultivation really so powerful? "

Peacock looked at Xuan Zhan curiously, and suddenly asked Chu Xinghen beside him in a daze, "Brother Chu, what does Xuan Zhan have to do with that girl?"

Chu Xinghen said with emotion: "That girl is Brother Xuan's niece, named Linglong. As for why she fell into a coma, I don't know, but Brother Xuan went to the trade fair to look for the Floating God Leaf Grass and the three young masters who fought angrily. Your lord, then go to the Holy Spirit Immortal Heart Abyss, and ask Senior Pill Sage to help refine the elixir, but it's all because of the girl in front of you!"

Peacock's eyes flashed a hint of playfulness, and he looked curiously at the extremely innocent Linglong, and said with a soft smile, "Linglong, Linglong... giggle, it's interesting!"

Xuan Zhan gently stuffed the Xingshen Pill into Linglong's mouth. This Xingshen Pill was really miraculous. It melted in the mouth and turned into a mass of strong medicinal power, which began to flow into Linglong's limbs and bones, and then 70.00% of the medicinal power went towards Brains come together!

"Om..." A gentle turbulence slowly came out from Linglong's body, and under the turmoil of a whole body, Linglong's body slowly rose into the void!

Everyone looked at Linglong who was beginning to change indifferently, and felt a little nervous: I don't know how effective this refreshing pill is, whether it can heal Linglong's "drunk dream porch"!

Su Lin didn't dare to relax for a moment and stared at Linglong's body. After the waves of turbulence spread gently, half an hour had already passed!

Suddenly, a white light shot out from Linglong's body, the second, the third, the fourth...

"Boom..." Linglong's body instantly became a luminous body emitting bright white light. Under the radiance, the entire small space was immediately illuminated like daytime!

Two hours later, the white light outside Linglong's body began to weaken...weakened...Three hours later, Linglong's body had become normal, and then slowly fell onto the white jade cold crystal bed...

Xuan Zhan stood by the bed with his hands behind his back, motionless, his eyes fixed on Linglong's body...

Accompanied by everyone, the station of declaring war lasted a whole day, and his figure was like a stubborn rock, not moving a single bit, not even blinking his eyes!

A day later, Xuan Zhan's eyes suddenly lit up, and Su Lin suddenly exclaimed with joy:

"Sovereign, Linglong's finger moved just now!"

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