Reverse Taoist Records

Chapter 337 The Mysterious Dragon Egg About to Hatch

In the inner world presented to the two little guys, the vitality of heaven and earth is lush and lush, and countless luxuriant vegetation grows in it, most of which belong to rare species. Transplanted from the small world that man left to him!

Although the vitality of the world in his body is not as strong as that of Master's small world, the circulation speed and coverage area of ​​the vitality here are much larger than that of the small world!

That small world has an area of ​​at most thousands of square kilometers, and the world inside his body has grown to nearly 25 square kilometers! (Well, this area is almost half the area of ​​Henan Province)

Even though the level of vitality is one level lower, it wins in the two advantages of coverage and regenerative power!

Xuan Zhan took the two little guys in a flash, and flew to the ground in an instant!

"That's...that's..." Panda was stunned for a moment, and Xuebao and Xuebao stared blankly at the tree in the center of the small world, which was tens of thousands of meters high, and the main stem was nearly [-] meters thick. , the whole body is full of vigorous supertrees, "What a big tree!"

The dots of light fell into the ground when the branches were shaking, and then disappeared in a flash, full of splendor!

The sun is high in the sky, and the heaven and earth are full of vitality!This place immediately made the two little guys fall in love with it...

At this moment, the egg in Panda's hand suddenly trembled crazily. At the same time, the strong vitality of the surrounding world suddenly changed from tranquility to madness, and then ruthlessly poured into the egg!

Xuan Zhan brought them quickly to a place ten kilometers away from the Jiuhuang Sacred Tree, swiped his right hand, and saw a white light break into the ground instantly, "Boom!", a large pool with a width of 50 meters appeared instantly!Then, with a flick of the ring, the warm milk essence flowed out of the void, and then filled the big pit. In just a few minutes, the 50-meter-wide big pool was filled immediately!

The warm milk essence liquid contains vitality dozens of times stronger than the surrounding heaven and earth vitality, but it cannot be absorbed by the sky because it is extremely condensed. Xuan Zhan smiled indifferently, took the trembling dragon egg, and threw it into the warm milk essence liquid among!

"Om..." A streak of black light suddenly shot out from the pool!

"Little master, my son told me it's so happy..." Panda pointed to his heart and looked at the master in a daze and said...

A trace of wonder flashed across Xuan Zhan's face. Although the little guy got along with this dragon egg day and night, he had a telepathic connection with it before he was born. This was beyond his expectation!It should be noted that although he can feel the hearts and positions of the two little guys at this moment, he cannot communicate with each other!

Then, Xuan Zhan waved his hands, and 21 spirit stones suddenly appeared out of thin air, including twenty intermediate spirit stones and one high-level spirit stone!

Under the deliberate control of Xuan Zhan, 21 spirit stones immediately surrounded the pond, and then formed a gathering spirit array!When the formation was formed, the vitality of heaven and earth with a radius of tens of square kilometers suddenly rushed into the pool of warm milk and essence...

With the passage of time, the range of vitality required by this egg has been increasing. Originally, dozens of square kilometers were enough, but now it has expanded to a radius of one hundred square kilometers, and then two hundred, three hundred...

But at this moment, the area suddenly expanded to thousands of square kilometers!

"Boom..." The spirit-gathering array around the pool suddenly shattered, and Xuan Zhan gave a wry smile. I don't know how many times the spirit-gathering array was shattered. With a wave of his hand, 21 spirit stones flew out again. This time, use What he got was twenty high-level spirit stones, one super spirit stone!The level of absorbing and supplying the vitality of heaven and earth by the spirit gathering array is completely higher than a level!

"Om..." A wave suddenly spread out from the pool, spreading tens of thousands of kilometers in a mighty direction!

At this moment, the Jiuhuang Divine Tree seemed to be a little interested in this little guy, and the bits and pieces that fell from the tree while shaking all floated into the warm milk essence liquid!

With the help of the Dove Emperor Sacred Tree, as well as the assistance of the Warming Essence Essence Liquid and the Spirit Gathering Formation, the vitality of the heavens and the earth with a radius of thousands of kilometers became crazy. !

Seeing the continuous decrease of warm milk essence liquid, Xuan Zhan suddenly felt a heartache in his heart. It is a great chance for ordinary people to get a small bottle of this warm milk essence liquid. Although he has so much, what he wasted today, But even he was terrified when he saw it. After these few hours, half of the warm milk liquid had disappeared...

At this moment, when the Dove Emperor Sacred Tree suddenly swayed gently, that hot ball of light in the void suddenly broke through the air and shot down a white beam of light as thick as a thigh, and then fiercely shot into the warm milk liquid, A breath full of tyranny and madness suddenly stirred up the pool!

Xuan Zhan looked at the beam of light with some doubts. In the world inside his body, if we say that the biggest unstable factor is the blazing sun in the sky, this sun is the one he passively created from the Nine Desolation War. It was absorbed by the tripod, and then remained stable in the upper dantian. Later, when the original body advanced to the Chen Xu period, that tyrannical and fierce aura actually settled in the sky above the small world. It turned into the sun in the void, and Emperor Jiu The sacred tree turned into the eye of the world on the ground. While competing with each other, the two are also making up for each other, forming a special cycle!

And today, the two actually worked together to help a mysterious dragon egg. He didn't know why, but now it seemed that these two mysterious energies took care of the little guy who was about to be born...

The vitality regeneration cycle of the inner world is stimulated by the faster and faster absorption speed and amount of the mysterious dragon eggs, and the wider and wider range, countless biological vegetation begins to rattle, the stream flows swiftly, and the tiny structures in the mountains Started to exercise, and the roaring Lei Yuan in Xuan Zhan's body was flowing through the middle vortex wheel faster and faster. From the perspective of the outside world, at this moment, Xuan Zhan was covered in black thunderbolts...

The spirit-gathering formations shattered one after another, the warm milk essence slowly decreased, and the vitality of heaven and earth was constantly being regenerated and consumed...

The life power of the starlight of the Dove Emperor Sacred Tree no longer supplied the dragon eggs, and then fell into the earth, nourishing the world, and the beam of light from the sun in the sky has been withdrawn...

At this moment, a crisp "crack..." suddenly resounded between the sky and the earth.

Little Panda suddenly looked at the pool with joy and shouted: "I heard it, little master, Panda heard it, haha...haha..."

Xue Bao stared curiously at the pool with a pair of bewitching eyes, and happily said with his arms around the right arm that declared war: "Xue Bao heard that too, what will be born? Could it be another Panda?"

"Of course!" Panda said Hanhan, a flash of pride couldn't help but flash in his eyes, "Who made it my son!"

Declare war with a slight smile...

Suddenly, like a sleepy beast slowly waking up, the whole world gave birth to a drowsy roar: "Aw... Aw..."

"What..." Xuan Zhan, Xue Bao, and Panda were stunned for a moment, and then said: "Could it be... is it really a dragon?"

"Oh..." The voice suddenly increased!

"Boom...boom..." The sound of cracking eggshells intensified instantly!

"Boom..." The ground with a radius of thousands of kilometers suddenly trembled crazily, shaking violently like an earthquake!

A trace of anxiety gradually flashed across Xuan Zhan's eyes, and Xue Bao said blankly: "Panda, the scene where your son was born is too big!"

"Hey...hey..." Panda smiled awkwardly, touching his head with his paws and said, "Panda doesn't know either..."

At this moment, the remaining warm milk essence suddenly shrank crazily. Under Xuan Zhan's dazed eyes, within a few breaths, there was no trace of the warm milk essence left...

Panda hurriedly jumped off Xuan Zhan's shoulders, ran to the edge of the pool with his little butt bouncing, looked into the pool with the awning in his hand, Xuan Zhan also came with Xue Bao, and three pairs of eyes looked at the pool curiously.

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