Reverse Taoist Records

Chapter 34 Leng Mei and Panda

"Boom boom boom..." There was a boundless shock in the sky, and a white shadow suddenly landed from the explosion to the land...

Declaring war for a while confused: spin spin!The sky and the earth are spinning, spinning in front of my eyes, what's going on?Haha... Could it be that I am going to die after all?That dream, the dream where I was about to embark on a search for rouge, quietly approached me!

The declaration of war landed in the sky, blood gushed out of the mouth, and suddenly stretched out his hands as if to feel for something... But in the end, he couldn't touch anything...

The brain is dizzy and the body is tired. Is this the feeling of death?Why is there no fear in my heart at all, and even a little longing!Rouge, my husband finally came to accompany you!Are you happy... for my husband, I can go to you, and we can live a peaceful life from now on, hehe...

A white shadow suddenly shot directly from the sky, this shadow fell straight down, and seemed to be spinning randomly in the air.Xuan Zhan's ears suddenly thought of the celestial music of qin and flute, the celestial music was very clear and melodious, very free and easy... His eyes opened slightly, and he seemed to see Rouge beside him Pan Qiao smiled charmingly holding a piano and played lightly, with a pair of charming eyes that amazed the world, Meibo looked at him with a wandering look, and Xuan Zhan saw the dreamy smile on the corner of his mouth that made the world pale. Dazzling...

"Yanzhi... Yanzhi, you are here too, are you here to pick me up as your husband, hehe...hehe..." Xuan Zhan grinned softly, stretched out his right hand lightly, and Yan Zhi smiled softly and took Xuan Zhan's hands...

"He's finally dead, hahahaha..." The second senior brother who was standing in disarray in Linkong and a few people around him smiled miserably, and said bitterly, this nightmare that restrains the heart, arises in an instant, and also perishes in an instant, he believes, as long as you sleep well Once I wake up, this nightmare of heart restraint can be eliminated from the bottom of my heart, and from now on I will still be under the whirlpool...all are ants!

When the few people were in a daze, they saw a white fairy like a fairy painting suddenly descending from the sky. The veil around the fairy fluttered with the wind, and flew towards Xuan Zhan like a nine-day goddess...

Whoosh... The fairy quickly flew straight to the declared war on the ground, and she sized up the monks in Xuyun Liubo Mountain with a pair of cold eyes, just one glance... Yan Lun and the others felt cold, and their eyes suddenly filled with blood. A wave of fear...

The woman flew to Xuan Zhan's side in an instant, looked at him in a bleak state, a trace of tenderness flashed in her eyes, lightly caught the falling Xuan Zhan, smiled softly, stroked Xuan Zhan's face and said softly: "Let you be brave! I am covered in wounds, and my life is in danger!"

Xuan Zhan opened his eyes slightly, and a cold voice called from the bottom of his heart, making him open his eyes again, and when he saw the woman's face, he smiled miserably: "Rouge..."

The woman chuckled and stopped making a sound, her figure spun and fell with the wind, Xuan Zhan looked at "Rouge" blankly, her eyes were completely covered by nostalgia!Between the four eyes facing each other, silence is better than sound...

It only took a moment to land on a piece of grass. The woman gently placed Xuan Zhan on the soft grass, and took out a white and jade-like elixir, and put it into his mouth. The entrance of the elixir instantly turned into a The cold and clear current disperses into the limbs, nourishes the tendons, and relaxes the internal organs... The declaration of war is slowly immersed in it, and the remaining trace of true energy slowly flows in the body...

The four people on the Xuyun Liubo Mountain in the sky did not dare to move. Even though they were thousands of meters above the sky, they still felt the cold light on their backs and dared not move lightly, as if there was a supreme monk standing coldly in front of them. Staring at them like...

About a quarter of an hour later, Xuan Zhan slowly opened his eyes, moved his head slightly to look at the cold and enchanting woman, and said weakly: "Why did you appear, no wonder I mistook you for Rouge, hehe..."

Leng Mei flicked the veil on her body, looked at the messy Xuan Zhan and smiled lightly, then looked at the sky and said softly: "Rouge is dead, but you are still so attached to her, this is her blessing!"

"Cough cough..." Xuan Zhan coughed twice, his face flushed red, then he looked at Leng Mei, and said slowly: "You know Yan Zhi, you must know Yan Zhi! You look so similar, and your voice is even more It reveals the meaning of knowing her, you... what is your relationship with Rouge?"

A flash of surprise flashed in Leng Mei's eyes, and then she said lightly: "You are overthinking!"

Xuan Zhan gave a wry smile, and lay down on the grass easily again. With Leng Mei here, he was not worried about his own safety at all, and then said: "Then, Palace Master Leng, I am just a heart-restraining monk, how can I be a monk?" For the grace of protecting you with you?"

Leng Mei's originally plain eyes turned cold suddenly, she flung the veil off her body, turned her back to him and said coldly: "Are you worthy?"

Hearing this sentence, Xuan Zhan's body shook slightly. He still remembered that night when he leaned on his shoulder coldly and silently for the whole night. That night he thought he had a little understanding of this high-ranking palace master of Mingxin and Hanqi Realm !I thought I understood a little about this fairy who looks down on all beings on the Moli star, like standing on an altar!However, just three words... the feeling in my heart was completely shattered!

Xuan Zhan said indifferently: "Yes, Xuan Zhan is a lowly monk. Master Leng, you are tall and tall. The poor boy is about to die, so you reward me with a little life!"

"It's good that you know!" Leng Mei said lightly, after she finished speaking, she fell silent again, and a trace of extremely incompatible atmosphere fluctuated between the two of them.

An extremely complicated look flashed across Xuan Zhan's face, he silently looked at Leng Mei's cold and enchanting face, and sighed in his heart: What's wrong with me?

At this moment, Leng Mei suddenly raised her head to look at the sky, a trace of surprise flashed, and said silently: "What is it?"

"What?" Xuan Zhan asked curiously, as she looked towards the sky, there... there was nothing.

"A huge earth element force is approaching crazily, which old guy will be born?" Leng Mei said indifferently, but the second sentence was asking herself.

"Earth elemental force..." Xuan Zhan was a little dazed, looking at the sky.After a few breaths, a khaki light suddenly appeared in the distant sky, Xuan Zhan's body shook, and a trace of happiness appeared on his face.

In an instant, the area with a radius of nearly [-] kilometers was suddenly covered by the crazy and surging earth element force. The earth element force was as thick as a mountain, and the eyes of Yan Lun, the second senior brother and the other four flashed a look of horror, and the whole body was even more shocked. The hairs stood on end after being excited, trembling with fear!

A roar suddenly exploded in everyone's ears: "Little master, Panda is here, you have to hold on!"

"Panda?" Leng Mei's body trembled suddenly, "Isn't Panda the name of your little bear pet?"

"Yes, it's it. I'm its little master. The two of us are connected, and we can feel it whenever there is a crisis. This feeling is amazing. I don't know when it happened!" A trace of warmth flashed across Xuan Zhan's face. Said.

Leng Mei shook her head silently and said: "Unexpectedly, even I would miss it sometimes..."

"Boom!" In just a split second, a monster nearly thirty feet tall appeared in front of Yan Lun. The monster was covered in black and white shiny fur, with a ferocious and angry face. With a frightening killing intent, he suddenly turned into a yellow streak and rushed towards Yan Lun and the others: "You four, let Panda die!!!"

"What?" The second senior brother roared in fear, and the magic formula was shot out suddenly, and the seemingly incomparable long knife slammed into the monster that suddenly appeared, but it was all blocked by the hard fur, as if it was tickling. generally.

"Roar!!!" Panda roared angrily, and slapped the second senior brother with a slap. The second senior brother was completely stunned, and the slap was so fast that he couldn't dodge it. When he realized it, the mountain-like slap was already on his body.

"Boom!!!" The second senior brother was immediately bombarded hard and fell to the ground.At the same time, Panda's other slap was not idle, and he slapped the three of them like a hammer...

Leng Mei looked at Panda's attack, a flash of surprise flashed in her eyes, and then said lightly: "It seems that I should go!" As soon as Shi Yi finished speaking, the white shadow instantly turned into a white light and disappeared in front of Xuan Zhan.

Xuan Zhan smiled wryly, this Palace Master Leng can leave as she says, and she can't even guess what she wants to do!It's really... a woman's heart, a sea needle!

The second senior brother had already been completely smashed into the ground, and he didn't know whether he was dead or alive, but...if he could still survive under Panda's slap, it can only be said that his life was so hard that even God would sigh with emotion!

"Junior Brother Yanming, run away!" Yan Lun roared, and bursts of majestic saber light shot at Panda. He didn't know why this monster would attack him and the others, but a face declaring war flashed in the corner of his eyes, and it must be with Panda. This person can't get away with it, the woman who appeared just now has a high level of cultivation, she must have saved Xuan Zhan!And Qingshu Sanxing Pavilion said that there is a spirit beast that has not cultivated the Yuan Dan beside Xuanzhan, and I didn't see it during the war before, but the one that appeared now is probably his spirit beast. It's a's a pity that I waited for others Because of the terrible news of the great war, the second senior brother was beaten so hard that he didn't know his life or death, and he probably would end up like this. But at this moment, because he didn't participate in the battle just now, he didn't have too much consumption, so he could only resist for a while and win over others. Escape, as long as there is only one person who can escape, this life and death enmity, someone in the sect will definitely come forward!

Indeed, because Yan Lun hadn't had a big fight before, his true energy had recovered a lot. Although it was still difficult to resist Panda's slap, it was still possible to hold on for a while!

A trace of hatred flashed in Yanming's eyes, he looked at Yanlun and another fellow disciple, and suddenly turned around and ran away under the pain...

"I want to escape!" Panda roared, turning into a yellow light, flashing towards Yanming in an instant.Yan Lun snorted angrily, and a burst of fiery red flames ignited all over his body. The red flames made the surrounding temperature uncomfortably hot. Yan Lun who turned into anger suddenly slammed into Panda. His speed was as fast as Panda's. !

Looking at the flames blocking Panda, Yanming felt a sense of desolation in his heart, burning the swirl wheel to forcibly increase his skill!Even after that, it's just one death!Thinking of this, he strengthened his determination to run away. With the help of Yan Lun, he instantly flew out of the battle circle and fled to the sky...

"Hehe...hehe..." Looking at Yanming who was running away, Yan Lun was full of joy, Panda roared angrily, and slapped Yan Lun to the ground with an angry "Boom!" With an angry shout, boundless flames burned towards Panda, and it was a violent collision. The cultivator who had been promoted to almost the middle stage of the whirl wheel made the monk's face full of death will!

Panda looked at Yanming who was fleeing unwillingly, then raised his head and roared. In extreme anger, he slapped the red fire, and a burning smell appeared in Panda's palm, and that The ball of fire seemed to hit the iron plate, fainted and fell to the ground fiercely.

Seeing the burn mark on his palm, Panda grinned for a while, then the yellow light flashed away, and a little Panda appeared. The little Panda looked down for a while, and then flew towards the position where the war was declared.

"Little master, Panda is late, woohoo..." As soon as Panda landed on the ground, watching the declaration of war with his eyes closed and healed quietly, his furry face began to cry with tears, and his two little paws faced each other to declare war. His body was scratching wildly, "That stinky woman, why didn't she save you, woo woo...Little master, you died so badly, how can I explain to the old master after you leave, woo woo... Panda is not alive anymore!!!"

"Bang Dang!" With a sound, Xuan Zhan's hand suddenly hit Panda on the head, and said lightly: "Little guy, I hope I die!"

"Huh!" Little Panda suddenly covered Mao Mao's head in a daze, staring blankly at Xuan Zhan: "Cheating a corpse?"

Xuan Zhan's face suddenly turned red, and Panda coughed violently, rolled his eyes away, and then closed them again to slowly heal his wounds.

"Oh... so the little master is still alive!" Little Panda suddenly realized, his two black eyes immediately narrowed into a slit, and he smiled happily, "Hehe...hehe...the little master is still alive, hehe ..."

"Little master, Panda's palm was burned, it hurts so much, and she lost a lot of hair..."

"Little master, Panda felt uncomfortable from being bumped just now..."

"Little master, Panda's butt was burned just now..."

"little Master……"

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