Reverse Taoist Records

Chapter 342 The act of declaring war

"Little master, you are so unfair!" Xuebao's voice suddenly sounded from the side!

Panda embraced the trembling Changsheng, standing in the middle of the crowd in a daze, his eyes were full of innocence, Xuan Zhan turned a blind eye to Panda's expression, looked at Xuebao indifferently and said indifferently: "Why is it not fair!"

"Little Panda loves his son dearly. Besides, master, why did you punish Panda alone? How should you explain the matter of bullying Changsheng by the disciples of the Proud Qi Sect?" At this moment, she was also afraid of declaring war on her, but in her heart, she faintly felt that she had to do this, otherwise, it would be unfair to Panda!

Xuan Zhan shook his head indifferently, looked at the five disciples who fainted in the field, and a group of monks around him, waved his hand and said, "All disciples disperse immediately!"

The disciples of the Proud Qi Sect looked at each other left and right, although they really wanted to know how the suzerain handled this matter, but they had no choice but to leave this place!

After everyone left, Xuan Zhan glanced at the Seven Swords of Pride, then came to Panda, squatted down slowly, with a gentle smile on the corner of his mouth, patted Panda on the head and said with a smile: "I am your master." , how can you let this little guy suffer the consequences alone! The emperor broke the law, and he is also guilty of the same crime as the common people!"

Seven Swords of Pride was stunned for a moment...

Xuan Zhan looked at Chang Sheng who was still lying in his arms with pain on his face, a trace of pity flashed in his eyes, he took out a healing elixir and put it into its mouth!

Xue Bao cautiously came behind Xuan Zhan, ripped off his master's clothes, and said in a low voice with uneasy expression: "Master..."

Xuan Zhan turned to look at Xue Bao, his face was completely cold, as if he was very angry...

Seeing Xuan Zhan's expression, Xue Bao's face suddenly changed drastically, and then a layer of water mist suddenly appeared in his eyes, and under fear in his heart, he immediately grabbed Xuan Zhan's arm and choked up, saying: "Master...Master, don't throw blood away!" Bao left, Xuebao didn't dare anymore, and I won't refute you anymore, please don't drive me away..."

When Xuan Zhan heard Xue Bao's words, he couldn't laugh or cry. He was just pretending, but he didn't expect to scare Xue Bao to tears!Shaking his head with a wry smile, he wiped the tears from Xuebao's eyes with his sleeves, patted her on the shoulder and said with a smile, "Little girl, don't cry, I'm not angry with you, just to scare you!"

"Wow... woo..." Hearing Xuan Zhan's words, Xue Bao immediately let go of his throat and burst into tears, then suddenly hugged Xuan Zhan's chest tightly, and cried out with sobs: " you good or bad? !You are so bad... woo woo... Scared Xue Bao to death..."

Xue Baosuo threw himself into Xuan Zhan's arms, facing the naive Panda, although Xue Bao's crying sounded in everyone's ears, but what Panda saw... was Xue Bao winking at him with a smile, There was a crying tone in his mouth...

"What's going on?" Panda looked at Xue Bao who was crying but smiling, and said in a daze, wiping his head with one paw, "Are you crying or laughing?"

"Uh..." Xuebao suddenly became angry for a while, then choked up, and came out of Xuan Zhan's arms, wiping the tears from the corners of his eyes, his face was enchantingly shy and rosy...

Xuan Zhan looked at the Seven Swords of Pride, his body flashed with Xuebao and Panda, and disappeared in the same place in an instant: "You guys come to the main hall square!"

The seven looked at each other anxiously, smiled wryly at each other, and then flew towards Jinyang Peak!

When they came to the square, the seven people saw Xuan Zhan holding the clan name stele on his back and looking directly at the sky. Beside him, Xuebao and Panda accompanied him...

Xuan Zhan stared at the word Pride Sect with hazy eyes, and said in a low voice: "Qing Ya, how long has this sect succeeded?"

Fang Qingya made some calculations in her heart, and said softly and softly, "Back to the suzerain, it's been 160 years..."

"That's right, it's been 160 years!" Xuan Zhan patted the body of the stele and sighed, "Too many things have happened in 170 years... 200 years, huh... 200 years...", said Here, Xuan Zhan shook his head with a wry smile...

Qi Qijian looked at the people around him suspiciously, none of them knew what the 200 years meant. Fang Qingya pondered for a moment, then suddenly realized, and said in a low voice, "The suzerain is already [-] years old!"

"So that's how it is..." The six people around them suddenly recalled, looking at the man with his back to the seven of them in front of them, they didn't know what to feel in their hearts, in short, there were mixed feelings...

"For 160 years, this sect has a clear conscience!" Xuan Zhan looked at the stele with a smile and said, "It can be regarded as being able to face the ancestors of the proud sect, but the Tianzhu tactic I passed on to you more than ten years ago , I don’t know if it’s right or wrong...” Speaking of this, Xuan Zhan thought bitterly in his heart: “Eliminating your arrogance demon seed, but it also cut off your arrogance and self-cultivation, which has led to a big change in the minds of the current disciples.” , this merit and demerit... but how to judge?

"Heavenly Punishment Jue..." Aoqi Qijian thought silently in their hearts. Until now, they have not been able to explain the specific effect of this exercise. They just know that after practicing this exercise until now, they feel their Dao heart More and more mellow, more and more peaceful personality, more and more enjoy Qingxiu!The arrogance that was soaring to the sky at the beginning has now been completely transformed into a mellow heart that is as good as water!If it is good, it is that they have some understanding of the truth of the world, and their entry speed is slightly accelerated...

Tianzhu Tianzhu, what exactly is Tianzhu... The proud seven swords thought inwardly!

But a sense of crisis flashed in Fang Qingya's heart. Looking at the man in front of her, she suddenly felt a sense of emotion. This man is called a strange man. He took over the Pride Sect for 160 years, and it took only four or fifty years to make him The Proud Qi Sect ranks among the only peak sects in Molixing!Be the only one, no second!

Then use the rest of the time to let the sect recuperate and consolidate its position. Even though I have been drifting outside for more than 70 years, but before leaving, I arranged everything properly and left without any omission...

In the past 30 years since I came back, although I have not made great achievements, it is because the Pride Sect is already a high-ranking sect, just like the eyes of the fairy world to the mortal world!

Declaring war has made the proud sect who now has the comprehension world overlooking the Moli star!His skill, even the founder of the school, is hard to match...

"But, I'm an outsider after all..." Xuan Zhan said lightly!

Everyone's face suddenly changed!

What is the meaning of declaring war? He said that he was an outsider. This made Qi Qijian think deeply!

"Sect Master, what do you mean?" Fang Qingya asked in a hurry!

Xuan Zhan smiled lightly, and said softly: "It's nothing, I'm just expressing my emotions casually!"

Fang Qingya said in a delicate voice with a solemn expression: "Sovereign, have you considered the feelings of the few of us in your words? In the countless years you have been on the throne, the merits and demerits of our Proud Qi Sect disciples and all the monks in the cultivation world can see for themselves. In my eyes! To put it bluntly, your achievements, even the Founding Patriarch, cannot compare!"

Xuan Zhan smiled indifferently, but the other party Qingya's words were noncommittal, but his eyes looked at Fang Qingya, and indeed began to change into another meaning, and then said with a smile: "Qingya, you are very good!"

Fang Qingya's cheeks suddenly blushed a little!

Xuan Zhan looked at the scope of the Proud Qi Sect, and his body shook suddenly. At this moment, billowing black clouds suddenly gathered above the sky, and the blue sky thundered crazily!

"Boom..." Under the thunderbolt, the sky of the Proud Sect began to darken, and countless gusts of wind blew up in a blink of an eye!

Standing below the declaration of war, the Seven Swords of Pride knew that all these changes were made by the suzerain, but what was the reason?

"Bang!" A dark blue thunder slashed fiercely into Xuan Zhan's body. The next moment, Xuan Zhan's face slowly became indifferent. He stretched out his right hand and said in a low voice, "Come out for this sect!"

As soon as the words fell, Xuan Zhan's body suddenly trembled violently, and several dark blue thunderbolts struck down one after another!

"Om..." Xuan Zhan's whole body suddenly trembled with a strong wave. The next moment, a bright white light slowly emerged from Xuan Zhan's palm. This white light seemed to be being ruthlessly stripped from his body by Xuan Zhan, but this white light kept resisting. Peel off with a declaration of war!

"Hmph!" Xuan Zhan suddenly snorted coldly, "You bastard, hurry up and come out!"

The Seven Swords of Pride suddenly froze. When the Seven Swords of Pride, headed by Fang Qingya, saw this thing, their faces suddenly changed wildly. The next second, the seven of them knelt on the ground fiercely on one knee, and cried out in grief : "Sovereign, don't!"

"Om..." Waves of fluctuations spewed out from Xuan Zhan's body crazily, and the white light in his palm seemed unable to resist Xuan Zhan, and emerged from his body bit by bit...

At this moment, a dozen streams of light suddenly flew from the sky, and Xuan Hen's voice came from it:

"Sect Master, stop quickly, and please listen to the old man!"

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