Reverse Taoist Records

Chapter 36 Taisho Temple

The two of them went west all the way, the closer Xuanzhan was to Ningyun, the more timid they felt in their hearts, like a wanderer returning home, urgent, yet timid...

Two days later, he and Tianxiong stood at an altitude of a thousand meters above the Tiehe Plateau in the east of Ningyun, looked at the vast land below, and let out a sigh of relief after declaring war. There are too many memories, but in his heart, his hometown, the place where he was raised!

"The wanderer returns home and loves the past, the homesickness, the people, the day and night... hey!" Xuan Zhan sighed softly. At this moment, he is no longer stepping on the original shuttle. The shuttle has cracks due to the war, so he chooses casually He picked up a sword, this sword is golden in color, its attribute is gold, and its nature is extremely sharp and sharp. It can be said that an ordinary magic weapon will be destroyed in one encounter, and its flying speed is several times faster than that of Shuttle!The name of this sword is "Cheng Jin", and its rank is... a high-level treasure! , this level of magic weapon is already a legendary magic weapon on the Moli star. It is really unbearable to use this level of magic weapon to declare war. If the last battle was not because of the broken blue flying sword , he will not be so seriously injured that he almost died... Thinking of this, a beautiful and beautiful woman quietly flooded into his mind...

Tianxiong's face showed a trace of strangeness: "Brother, something is wrong, this Ningyun Kingdom belongs to the sphere of influence of Qingshu Sanxing Pavilion, but now, it seems too calm and weird, and we came too smoothly ..."

Before the declaration of war, he had been immersed in the feeling of returning home, and hadn't thought of this, but now Tianxiong raised his brows and frowned. They didn't see any monks along the way, and they didn't see Dihui Any trace left behind!Xuan Zhan gently patted Little Panda's head on his shoulder, thought for a while and suddenly said: "Presumably...they already have something that they don't need to come to us, and at the same time...will let us take the initiative to find them Methods!"

Tianxiong's eyes flashed wildly: "Dihui and Linglong!"

"That's right!" Xuan Zhan nodded softly, "I think they have caught Dihui and Linglong at this moment!" His tone was relaxed and indifferent, as if this matter had nothing to do with him!

"Boom!" The originally clear sky above the sky suddenly thundered violently!Tianxiong was stunned for a moment, seeing the sudden changes in the world, his heart was filled with waves of shock. He knew that brother Xuan could resonate with thunder and lightning, and even possessed the mysterious and unpredictable power of thunder in his body, but... what? At that time, his emotions actually resonated with the world?He has never seen this kind of supernatural power before, presumably Brother Xuan's face is calm, but his heart is already full of anger...

"Do they dare? Di Hui is a disciple of Ming Xin Han Qi Realm, if my aunt finds out about this, she will definitely be furious!" Tianxiong frowned.

"Just invite but not capture, let alone hurt. Although Dihui is almost ready to compete with the monks in the late stage of the mind, but this time the dispatcher is already a master of the whirl wheel, and Linglong let her use the mouse! Hmph..." Flying slowly while declaring war, he analyzed, "I think, if your aunt finds out, the most she can do is to teach them a lesson, but... this will make us passive!"

Tianxiong's expression changed for a while, and he suddenly said: "They are all my orthodox monks, how could they make such a shameful threat?"

Xuan Zhan glanced at him indifferently, and said slowly: "You have been in the world of self-cultivation for hundreds of years, haven't you seen this clearly? That Wuyuan, Tianyue, don't they claim to be righteous!" After a pause, he took another deep look at Tianxiong, and continued, "There is also the old demon Miehun we met a few years ago, and his apprentice Li Xiuchen!"

Tianxiong smiled wryly, the completely baseless remnants in his heart were completely shattered by the declaration of war: "Brother, I understand everything you said, but... hey, for the present plan, we have to take one step at a time!"

"Let's go to Dazheng Temple!" Xuan Zhan smiled lightly, and as soon as his sword art came out, the new magic weapon took on the shape of a golden sword and suddenly became golden light, turning into a stream of light in the sky.

Looking at the Ningyun land below in this vast sky, Xuan Zhan felt a sigh of relief. When he was murdered and became blind, he was begging for a living in the Ningyun country. In this super empire of 700 million square kilometers, he walked almost every major city in every province, and left his footprints there!

But now it has only been five years at most, but he has come to this empire that gave birth to him and raised him, but also made him experience countless bleak things, with a different attitude!

"This is my home, even if I hate it, it is still my home! Even after tens of thousands of years, a hundred vicissitudes have passed, this is still my home..." Xuan Zhan thought silently while standing on the golden sword , the clothes are fluttering, and the three thousand silver threads are moving with the wind, but there is an overwhelming beauty of blue splendor flowing out!

Lunhua Province, Fenglin County, Dazheng Temple!

In the past, Dazheng Temple kept burning incense, pilgrims flocked in an endless stream, and there were countless people kneeling and praying, but today, although the gate of the temple is open, it is different from the past. , all under the leadership of the current abbot of Dazheng Temple—Master Mingguang, came to the gate of the temple, clasped his hands together and looked towards the spacious avenue in front of the temple, on both sides of the eminent monks, hundreds of warrior monks stood at the side, clasped their hands together, presenting a silent and indifferent expression color!

About half a quarter of an hour later, thousands of court soldiers wearing golden armor, straddling steeds, and holding sharp weapons suddenly appeared on the avenue in front of them!Within the area protected by these officers and men, countless eunuchs and court maids and maidservants, either holding dragon chariots or driving luxurious and sturdy dragon chariots, slowly marched towards Dazheng Temple.

Among them were three dragon chariots, protected by these officers and men, there was a burst of laughter and noise from inside one dragon chariot, and the voice of Qiao Xiaoqianxi's low-pitched conversation came from one dragon chariot, and the one in the middle A dragon chariot was silent, as if there was no one there. After a long time, a light but majestic and majestic voice suddenly came from it: "Little Dongzi, you said to me before, tomorrow is the next day!" Master Xiang still doesn't see me this time?"

As soon as the words fell, a eunuch in his forties, with a white face and a delicate pink face, who was waiting outside, bowed his head and said: "Return to the emperor, Master Mingguang said this, and Xiao Dongzi didn't listen to it personally." Master Mingxiang said."

The person resting here turned out to be the current emperor of Ningyun Kingdom, a generation of Mingjun——Emperor Chenzheng!

Emperor Chenzheng sighed in disappointment and said slowly: "Forget it, you go and tell the little elder brothers and little princesses in front of you. After you arrive at the temple, don't make noise and disturb the monks in the temple!"

"Your majesty, don't worry, this servant knows that this time the emperor brought them here to offer incense, they must have been very happy, so they forgot the previous promise!" The little Dongzi lowered his eyebrows at the window of the dragon carriage and said.

Then he trotted to the dragon carriage in front, lay down on the window and said in a low voice: "Oh, my little ancestors, you should keep your voice down, the emperor is angry, how did you promise the emperor before!"

"Giggle... Eunuch Dong, the fourth elder brother is so annoying, tickling Wan'er's itch, giggling... Si elder brother, please stop!" There was a rush of laughter like a clear oriole from inside the car.

"Wan'er, if I want you to make fun of my brother, if I want you to make fun of my brother, my elder brother just memorized Chapter 4 of "Linyi Zhi" wrongly, so you just make fun of me like this!" the fourth elder brother said angrily.

"Hehe... good brother, Wan'er was wrong, Wan'er stopped laughing, Huang Ama is already angry!"

"Fourth brother, stop arguing, if Huang Ama is really angry, she will never take us out to play again!" Another childish elder brother said crisply.

"Sister Wan'er, you should stop laughing a little bit, it's not just once or twice that the fourth brother memorized the wrong article!"

Hearing the noise coming from inside, Eunuch Dong sweated profusely, quickly looked at the handsome soldier on a horse beside him and said: "Brother, you should help the little one to persuade them ah.

That Ying Ting soldier laughed, and said to the car: "Shut up, you little guys, Huang Ama is angry, it's not easy to get along with, you guys are waiting to be punished for copying articles!"

As soon as the words came out, there was a sudden silence in the car. After waiting for a while, only Gege said quietly: "Brother, is Huang Ama angry? Xiner doesn't want to be punished for copying!"

The elder brother secretly smiled, and then said seriously: "Although he is not angry, it is not far away!"

As soon as the words were said, there was complete silence in the car... Eunuch Dong gave the elder brother a thumbs up, then bowed, and hurried back to the window of the car in the middle...

In the last car, the voices of several mature women came faintly: "In the past few years, the emperor came to Dazheng Temple alone, and he only brought us here in the past two years. I don't know what he thought!"

"It is rumored that there is a divine monk in Dazheng Temple, named Master Mingxiang, who is a strange person in the world. Unfortunately, I don't know why, and he hasn't been down the mountain for nearly 20 years! Every time the emperor pays a visit, he has no chance to see him!" A woman whispered Said.

"Hey, this old monk is really arrogant. The emperor is the ninth-five-year-old, and his height is extremely high. He has been turned away repeatedly. He really doesn't know what is good or bad!"

"Hush... Sister, keep your voice down. It is said that this is related to a secret in the world. I heard from my elder brother that when the emperor was young, he was a prince. He liked to walk around in the world. It is used by the court, but..."

"But what, sister?"

"Miss Rong, please continue talking, Yan'er wants to hear the story of Huang Ama when she was young!"

"Hey, I heard this from other sources. I don't know if it's true or not. After all, it happened more than ten years ago. It is said that 20 years ago, there was a scholar named Xuan Zhan who came to Beijing to take the exam. This scholar entered my city of Yujing. When rushing for the exam, he encountered a disaster and became blind. Later, the eunuch in the examination room thought that this talented scholar was blind because he had no silver taels, so he turned him away! This blind man later wandered around the world, and even committed some earth-shattering events. The name of the most talented man in the world!"

"Later, the scholar who declared war accidentally met the emperor who was walking around the rivers and lakes in a restaurant, but the emperor used an alias at that time, so the scholar didn't know the real identity of the emperor. The two talked about world affairs at the wine table. Later, the emperor was shocked by his talent and wanted to recruit him into the palace as an official, but the scholar didn't agree, but gave the emperor a three-year contract, saying that if he could meet the emperor somewhere within three years, Let's go with the emperor, if we don't meet each other, it means that the two of you don't have the fate of being a monarch and minister!"

"For three years, the emperor waited for that place, but he didn't get it! Then it was spread that this scholar married a witch from an evil sect in the Jianghu, and killed many people in the Jianghu. Finally, the person who declared war His wife died, and he seemed to die in a foreign land! At that time, beside Xuan Zhan, there was the Master of Mingxiang who protected the couple! But because there were so many revengers, they still could not protect the Xuan Zhan couple, so From then on, Master Mingxiang faced the wall in the back mountain of Dazheng Temple and repented all his life!"

"It is rumored that Master Ming Xiang was already a god monk 20 years ago, and 20 years later, I think his Dharma is even more boundless, so the emperor often wants to see him once and listen to the Dharma in person, but he can't!"

"Oh, so that's what happened. This declaration of war is a genius. Not only does it impress the emperor, but it also makes the Great Monk Mingxiang to protect him!"

"However, it was later rumored that the declaration of war did not die. Twelve years later, it appeared in a place called Qinghu in Tai'an Province in the west. That place was the place where the emperor met! After the success, not only the eyesight will be restored, but also the martial arts will be superb, and there will be a bloody storm in the rivers and lakes! But whether this is true or not, my sister, I don’t know!"

"Then, there was another gossip that the emperor left the palace in person to look for the declaration of war, but he did not enter the palace with the emperor, but gave him some laws for governing the country... Afterwards, the declaration of war was life or death, my sister, I really can't decide Got it!"

"It turns out that our emperor still has such things, and we have never heard him mention them!"

"Shhhhhh... my sister said this in a low voice. This matter has always been the emperor's heart disease. When he thinks of this matter, he has no choice but to get angry! Sister, I also learned from other places that this talent for declaring war is really a thing of the past." Amazingly talented, it's a pity...the eunuch was so stupid and incompetent that he turned him away, hey..."

"Hey, that's the case with the declaration of war, and the same with Master Ming Xiang. Could it be that... these high-minded people with thousands of hills and valleys in their hearts have such weird tempers?"

"Who says it's not... Poor our emperor is always working hard for this Ningyun world. Hey, this river and mountain is the emperor's river and mountain, but the emperor is not the emperor of this river and mountain!"


When we were [-] meters away from the entrance of Dazheng Temple, the frontmost general of thousands of soldiers suddenly raised his hand to signal the team to stop. Thousands of soldiers stopped walking with a "boom!"

"Your Majesty, Dazheng Temple has arrived!" Xiaodongzi said softly from the window.

"En!" Chen Zhengdi's faint voice came from inside, and then an eunuch rushed over immediately, squatted down, the dragon carriage door curtain was opened, and a middle-aged man with a burly figure and a calm and majestic expression left When he came out, he saw that the middle-aged man was wearing a yellow brocade dragon robe, and his magnificent aura quietly dissipated. This was Emperor Chen Zheng.

Emperor Chenzheng opened the curtain, swept the surroundings with a pair of proud eyes, then stepped on the eunuch's back and stood on the ground. The two dragon chariots at the front and the back had stools for him to get off, but it was a group of warblers Yingyanyan's harem concubine, concubine, beauties, several princesses, and a few little guys, Argo Gege!

"Amitabha!" Master Mingguang, who was standing at the gate of Dazheng Temple, yelled out a Buddha's name, and then led all the monks to pick him up and said, "Your Majesty's visit to our temple will really make our temple flourish!"

"Haha..." Emperor Chenzheng smiled heartily, and scolded Master Mingguang, "You old monk, how many times have I been here over the years, you can't change the lines of the next one, it's always like this, it's not new, you guys A monk also needs to be flexible!"

"Hehe, seeing mountains is mountains, seeing water is water, Your Majesty, I say that emptiness is emptiness, and sex is sex, whether it is connected or not, it depends on one's heart!" Master Mingguang smiled faintly.

Emperor Chenzheng raised his head and laughed again, then looked at Master Mingguang, put his hands behind his back and said, "Master Mingguang, what is the difference between your mountains and waters and the thousands of rivers and mountains under my feet?"

Master Mingguang clasped his hands together and said with a light smile: "Your Majesty's rivers and mountains are related to the world's common people and the country, and my old monk, my mountains and waters are the movement or immobility of my heart! I am a humble mountain and river. Your Majesty's rivers and mountains are the only ones that can move and not move." It’s really being tied down by all these mortal beings!”

"Haha...haha..." Emperor Chen Zheng raised his head and laughed.

"Your Majesty, please!" Master Mingguang stretched out his hand to the temple and bowed.

Emperor Chenzheng stepped forward, and walked towards the monastery vigorously under his feet, and said as he walked, "Is Master Mingxiang still at Xinmo Cliff?"

Master Ming Guang accompanied Emperor Chenzheng, took a step behind, and replied: "Yes, Your Majesty, Junior Brother Ming Xiang has been in Xinmoya for 17 years!"

"17 years... Has it been 17 years?" Emperor Chenzheng paused for a while, then walked forward again and said silently, "Has he ever been here?"

Master Mingguang was taken aback for a moment, and then he knew who His Majesty was referring to, and immediately replied: "Your Majesty, Mr. Xuan will come once in the future. Mr. Xuan is a strange person in the world, his whereabouts are unpredictable, and he must be someone with a great opportunity!"

Emperor Chenzheng's footsteps stopped suddenly, and he looked at Master Mingguang calmly and said slowly: "I will give half of my country to him, and I just ask him to come and share the country with me. it a great opportunity!"

"Amitabha!" Master Mingguang uttered the Buddha's name, then shook his head silently and said, "Compared to him, His Majesty's rivers and mountains are just a small chance!"

"Hmph!" Emperor Chenzheng snorted coldly, "My country is one of the five great empires, and the power is in my hands, and everyone in the world will kneel and worship it. This kind of opportunity can only be regarded as a trace in your mouth. Master, I don't know you What kind of chance is it referring to?"

Master Mingguang closed his eyes for a while, then opened his eyes, his eyes were as clear as water, and said leisurely: "Xianyuan!"

When Emperor Chen Zheng heard these two words, he paused lightly, and then walked towards the Buddhist hall without making a sound.

"Huang Ama seems to be angry, what did the great monk say?" A well-behaved and cute little Gege, about seven or eight years old, secretly said.

"Hush... Keep your voice down!" A little elder brother who was around twelve or thirteen years old whispered.

Following the guidance of the monks of the temple, the members of the brigade slowly entered the Dazheng Temple, returned to their positions, and guarded the surroundings.

Half an hour later, a commander of soldiers guarding the gate of the monastery suddenly yelled:

"Enemy attack!"

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